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You might also like: | Words that Start With the Letter C Book, A Printable Book | Words That Start With C: A Printable Book | "C" Words Early Reader Book | F: Early Reader Books | Today's featured page: Green |
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Crafts | EnchantedLearning.com Printable Books for Early to Fluent Readers |
K-3 Theme Pages |
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Words That Start With C A Printable Activity Book A short, printable book about simple words that start with C -- for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, objects to color, and short phrases to copy (like "Cake starts with c."). The words include: cake, camel, can, car, card, carrot, castle, cat, cent, circle, cone, corn, cow, cube, cup, and cut. |
Words That Start With the Letter C A Printable Activity Book A tiny, printable book about simple words that start with C -- for early readers and writers. The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in. The words are: cat, car, cake, cow, coat, corn, and "What else starts with c? |
C Words A Printable Activity Book A short, printable book about simple words that start with C -- for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, objects to color, and short phrases to copy (like "Cat starts with c."). The words include: car, cat, cow, coat, chicken, corn, chair, circle, cake, clock, camel, and carrot. |
C Words: Connect-the-Dots A Printable Activity Book A short, printable book about simple words that start with C -- for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, connect-the-dots to do, objects to color, and short phrases to copy (like "I can draw a..."). The words include: cat, car, cow, corn, cake, carrot, can, circle, and cup. |
Camping Fun A short book about camping to print for early readers - the book is shaped like a tent. The book has pages for the student to cut out, camping gear to color, and a sentence to copy. The camping words include tent, campfire, flashlight, sleeping bag, backpack, hiking boots, compass, water bottle, and a blank page to fill in a camping word you can think of. |
Camping Words Mini Book A Printable Writing Book A tiny, printable book about simple words related to camping -- for early readers and writers. The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in. The words are: compass, backpack, canoe, tent, campfire, and flashlight, plus "Can you think of another camping word?" |
Camping Words A short book about camping to print for early readers - the book is shaped like a tent. The book has pages for the student to cut out, camping gear to color, and words to copy. The camping words include tent, campfire, flashlight, sleeping bag, backpack, hiking boots, compass, water bottle, and canoe. |
Das Camping Camping Words in German A short book about camping words in German to print for early readers - the book is shaped like a tent. The book has pages for the student to cut out, camping gear to color, and German words to copy. The camping words include Zelt/tent, Lagerfeuer/campfire, Taschenlampe/flashlight, Schlafsack/sleeping bag, Rucksack/backpack, Wanderschuhe/hiking boots, Kompass/compass, Wasserflasche/water bottle, and Kanu/canoe. |
El Camping Camping Words in Spanish A short book about camping words in Spanish to print for early readers - the book is shaped like a tent. The book has pages for the student to cut out, camping gear to color, and Spanish words to copy. The camping words include tienda de campaña/tent, fogata/campfire, linterna/flashlight, saco de dormir/sleeping bag, mochila/backpack, botas de trekking/hiking boots, brújula/compass, cantimplora/water bottle, and piragua/canoe. |
Le Camping Camping Words in French A short book about camping words in French to print for early readers - the book is shaped like a tent. The book has pages for the student to cut out, camping gear to color, and French words to copy. The camping words include tente/tent, feu de camp/campfire, lampe torche/flashlight, sac de couchage/sleeping bag, sac à dos/backpack, chaussures de marche/hiking boots, bassole/compass, bouteille d'eau/water bottle, and canoë/canoe. |
Canadian Animals Printable Book for Early Readers A short, printable book about Canadian animal early readers. The book has pages on the moose, cougar, loon, Canada goose, muskrat, Arctic Fox, Arctic hare, caribou, polar bear, and beaver. |
Car Travel Activity Book Children can use this activity book on their next long car trip. |
La Casa The House in Spanish A simple book about a house-related words in Spanish to print for early readers. The book has house-shaped pages for the student to cut out and words to copy. The words are: puerta (door), ventana (window), piso (floor), pared (wall), techo (ceiling), escalera (stairs), chimenea (fireplace), cuarto (room), and casa (house). |
Words That Start With Ch A Printable Activity Book A short, printable book about simple words that start with Ch -- for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, objects to color, and short phrases to copy (like "Chain starts with ch."). The words include: chain, chair, change, check, checkers, cheek, cheese, cheetah, cherry, chick, chicken, child, chimney, chimp, chin, and chipmunk. |
Chanukah Dreidel Activity Book Printable Book A short activity book about dreidels to print for early readers, with pages for the student to color and short phrases to copy. The activities are: match the Hebrew letters, do a maze, color by number, connect the dots, and match the dreidels. |
Cesar Chavez A Printable Activity Book for Fluent Readers A short, printable book about the great Hispanic-American labor leader, Cesar Estrada Chavez, who used nonviolent methods to improve the lives of migrant farm workers. |
Chinese Animals Printable Book for Early Readers A short, printable book about Chinese animal early readers. The book has pages on the Giant panda, red panda, leopard, tiger, yak, stork, sun bear, and golden monkey. |
Chinese Counting Book A Printable Activity Book for Early Readers A short, printable activity book on the Chinese numbers from 1 to 12. |
![]() Chinese New Year Tiny Picture Dictionary A short, printable picture dictionary of the animals of the Chinese New Year -- for early readers. The student cuts out the pages, staples them together, then writes each word in the tiny book. The words are: dog, dragon, goat, horse, monkey, ox, pig, rabbit, rat, rooster, snake, tiger. |
Chinese New Year Words Mini Book A Printable Writing Book A tiny, printable book about simple words related to Chinese New Year -- for early readers and writers. The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in. The words are: dragon, China, moon, envelope, lantern, fireworks, and "Can you think of another Chinese New Year word?" |
Chinese New Year A Printable Activity Book for Early Readers A short, printable activity book on the Chinese New Year for beginning readers, with pages on Chinese New Year, the Chinese Zodiac, lucky money envelopes, the dragon, and a map of China. |
Chinese New Year A Printable Activity Book for Fluent Readers A short, printable activity book on the Chinese New Year for fluent readers, with pages on New Year traditions, the Chinese Zodiac, the phases of the moon, and a map of China. |
![]() Chinese New Year Cut-and-Paste Picture Dictionary A short, printable picture dictionary for Chinese New Year -- for early readers. Color, cut and paste the pictures in the right places. Then write the words under the pictures. Cut out each page and staple them together (in the right order) to make a tiny book. The words are: dog, dragon, goat, horse, monkey, ox, pig, rabbit, rat, rooster, snake, tiger. |
Christmas Counting Book Printable Book A short, printable book about the numbers with a Christmas theme (for early readers), with pages for the student to color, items to count, and short phrases to copy. |
Christmas Counting Book (with numbers) Printable Book A short, printable book about the numbers with a Christmas theme (for early readers), with pages for the student to color, items to count, and short phrases to copy. |
Christmas I See... Printable Book A short book about Christmas to print for early readers, with pages for the student to color and short phrases to copy. The pages are: I see a star, angel, tree, reindeer, stocking, Santa Claus, candy cane, holly, and gift. |
Christmas Letters Printable Book A short book about the letters in the word Christmas to print for early readers, with pages for the student to color and short phrases to copy. The pages are on carolers, holly, reindeer, icicles, Santa Claus, tree, mittens, angel, and star. |
Christmas Tree Activity Book Printable Book A short activity book about Christmas trees to print for early readers, with pages for the student to color and short phrases to copy. The activities are: decorate a tree, do a maze, color by number, connect the dots, and match the trees. |
Cicada Book A short book about the life cycle of the cicada to print (for early readers). |
Circle the Pronouns A Printable Activity Book A short, printable book about pronouns for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, pronouns to find and circle, and a short phrase to copy. The prepositions include: I, it, he, him, she, her, you, me, we, us, they, and them. |
El Circo Circus Words in Spanish A short, printable book about the circus in Spanish - for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, write Spanish words in, and color. The pages are: caballo (horse), payaso (clown), malabarista (juggler), tigre (tiger), elefante (elephant), foca (seal), acróbata (acrobat), león (lion), and funámbulo (tightrope walker). |
Il Circo Circus Words in Italian A short, printable book about the circus in Italian - for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, write Italian words in, and color. The pages are: cavallo (horse), pagliaccio (clown), giocoliere (juggler), tigre (tiger), elefante (elephant), foca (seal), saltimbanco (acrobat), leone (lion), and funanbolo (tightrope walker). |
At The Circus A short, printable fill-in-the-blanks book about the circus - for young readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, fill-in-the-blanks, and color. The pages are: horse, clown, strong man, tiger, elephant, seal, acrobat, lion, and tightrope walker. |
Le Cirque Circus Words in French A short, printable book about the circus in French - for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, write Spanish words in, and color. The pages are: cheval (horse), clown (clown), jongleur (juggler), tigre (tiger), éléphante (elephant), phoque (seal), acrobate (acrobat), lion (lion), and funambule (tightrope walker). |
The Circus A short, printable book with sentences about the circus - for young readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, and color. The pages are: horse, clown, strong man, tiger, elephant, seal, acrobat, lion, and tightrope walker. |
Circus Words A short, printable book about the circus - for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, write words in, and color. The pages are: horse, clown, juggler, tiger, elephant, seal, acrobat, lion, and tightrope walker. |
Words That Start With Cl A Printable Activity Book A short, printable book about simple words that start with Cl -- for early readers. The book has pages for the student to assemble, objects to color, and short phrases to copy (like "Clam starts with cl."). The words include: clam, clap, clarinet, claw, clay, cliff, clock, clothes, cloud, clown, and club. |
Clock: I Wake Up At... A short activity book about telling time to print for early readers. The student draws the hands of a clock and writes the time of many daily activities. |
![]() Clothes Tiny Picture Dictionary A short, printable picture dictionary of clothing -- for early readers. The student cuts out the pages, staples them together, then writes each word in the tiny book. The words are: belt, cap, dress, pants, sandals, shirt, shorts, skirt, sneakers, sock, and write another clothing word. |
![]() Clothes Cut-and-Paste Picture Dictionary A short, printable picture dictionary of clothing -- for early readers. Color, cut and paste the pictures in the right places. Then write the words under the pictures. Cut out each page and staple them together (in the right order) to make a tiny book. The words are: belt, cap, dress, pants, sandals, shirt, shorts, skirt, sneakers, sock, and write another clothing word. |
Clothing Words Mini Book A Printable Writing Book A tiny, printable book about simple words related to clothing -- for early readers and writers. The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in. The words are: shirt, pants, skirt, shorts, socks, shoes, and "Can you think of another clothing word?" |
US Coins A Book With Tabs Read, write, and answer questions about the penny, nickel, dime, and quarter. |
Coins: Counting Coins A Printable Activity Book A short, printable book about coins for early readers. Color and count the pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters, then tally up what they are worth. |
My Color Book On each page, the student draws pictures of (and writes the name of) eight things that are the same color. Twelve pages in the book: Cover, red, pink, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, brown, gray, white. |
![]() Colors Tiny Picture Dictionary A short, printable picture dictionary of colors -- for early readers. The student cuts out the pages, staples them together, then writes each word in the tiny book. The words are: black, blue, brown, gray, green, orange, pink, purple, red, white, and yellow. |
![]() Colors |
Color-by-Number Weather Book A short weather book for early readers with pages to color by number and sentences to copy. Pages include: It is sunny, It is cloudy, It is raining, It is snowing, It is windy, It is foggy, and I see a rainbow. |
Colorful Flowers Printable Book A short, printable book for early readers about the colors and flowers, featuring a yellow daffodil, purple crocus, white lily, red tulip, pink rose, blue bluebells, and a green bud. |
Colors Book A simple-to-make color book that is fun to make and helps teach the colors. |
Colors Shape Book A short, circular book about colors to print for early readers, with pages for the student to color and a short phrase to copy. Pages includes the phrases, "This bat is black," "This apple is red," etc. |
Columbus Activity Book. A short activity book on Christopher Columbus for early readers with connect-the-dots, color the map, do a ship maze, fill in the letters to label the ship, match the sails, finish the Columbus portrait, unscramble the words, do a wordfind puzzle, and do a word path puzzle. |
Columbus Day Word Mini Book A Printable Writing Book A tiny, printable book about simple words related to Columbus Day-- for early readers and writers. The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in. The words are: ship, trip, wave, ship, trip, wave, and "Can you think of another Columbus Day word?" |
Combien? Halloween Items Printable Number Book A short, printable book for early readers in French, with a Halloween theme and the numbers from 1 to 10, with pages for the student to cut out, items to count and color, and a short phrase to copy. The pages are: Je vois ___ araignée, bonbons, squelettes, chats, crânes, sorcières, toiles d'araignée, fantômes, potirons, et chauves-souris. |
Comic Book A great way to make your own comic book. This is a fun book students can make, encouraging writing practice, drawing skills, and creativity |
Community Helpers A Printable Activity Book A short, printable book about community helpers. This activity book has the students connect-the-dots, color by number, solve a maze, fill in the missing letters, matching, finish the drawing, unscramble the words, do a wordsearch, and a solve a word path puzzle. |
Compound Words Learn about compound words and do fill-in-the-blanks, matching and spelling activities. |
The Constitution of the USA A short, printable book on the history and continuing importance of the US Constitution. For fluent readers. |
The Continents A short activity book on the continents to print for early readers. There are pages on each of the seven continents. |
Counting Colorful Balloons Printable Book A simple printable coloring book about colors and counting (from 1-11). On each page, count the number of balloons and color them the right color. |
Counting Colorful Balloons Printable Book #2 A simple printable coloring book about colors and counting (from 12-22). On each page, count the number of balloons and color them the right color. |
![]() Cut-and-Paste Tiny Picture Dictionaries Short, printable picture dictionaries you can make by yourself! Color, cut and paste the pictures in the right places. Then write the words under the pictures. Cut out each page and staple them together (in the right order) to make a tiny book. There are many different dictionaries on a wide variety of topics. |
Crafts | EnchantedLearning.com Printable Books for Early to Fluent Readers |
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