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You might also like: | Picture Prompts - M | Words that Start With the Letter M Book, A Printable Book | Words That Start With M: A Printable Book | Today's featured page: Green |
Our subscribers' grade-level estimate for this page: 2nd - 3rd |
Crafts | EnchantedLearning.com Printable Books for Early to Fluent Readers |
K-3 Theme Pages |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Words That Start With M A Printable Activity Book A short, printable book about simple words that start with M -- for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, objects to color, and short phrases to copy (like "Man starts with m."). The words include: man, mail, mask, maze, meat, melon, mitten, mom, money, moon, moose, mop, moth, mouse, mouth, and mug. |
Words That Start With the Letter M A Printable Activity Book A tiny, printable book about simple words that start with M -- for early readers and writers. The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in. The words are: man, mask, meat, milk, mom, moon, and "What else starts with m? |
La Maison The House in French A simple book about a house-related words in French to print for early readers. The book has house-shaped pages for the student to cut out and words to copy. The words are: porte (door), fenêtre (window), plancher (floor), mur (wall), plafond (ceiling), escalier (stairs), cheminée (fireplace), et chambre (room). |
Make a Book Make your own book on any topic you like. The printable pages include a title page, table of contents, middle page templates, an index, and the end. |
Make a Silly Sandwich A short, printable book about making a big, silly sandwich for early readers. The pages include: egg salad, peanut butter, jelly, ham, Swiss cheese, tomato, lettuce, mayonnaise, mustard, pickles, and bread. |
![]() Make Your Own Tiny Picture Dictionary A short, printable picture dictionary you can make by yourself! Print the pages, cut them out, staple them together, then write words in the book and draw a picture for each word. |
![]() Nelson Mandela Activity Book A printable 5-page book with activities about Nelson Mandela (for fluent readers). Activities include: Color the picture, label the maps, color the flags, answer the questions, and fill in the timeline of Nelson Mandela's life. Or go to a pdf of the entire 5-page book. |
Mardi Gras Words Mini Book A Printable Writing Book A tiny, printable book about simple words related to Mardi Gras -- for early readers and writers. The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in. The words are: mask, beads, float, king, queen, costume, and "Can you think of another Mardi Gras word?" |
Mars An Early Reader Book An activity book on Mars to print for early readers. The book contains information, pictures to color, and phrases to copy. |
Mars A Book With Tabs An activity book on Mars to print for fluent readers. The book contains information, pictures, and questions to answer on each page. |
Math Books to Print Printable books on math, including numbers and counting, adding, substracting, measurement, fractions, time, and US coins. |
![]() Math Symbols Tiny Picture Dictionary A short, printable picture dictionary of math symbols -- for early readers. The student cuts out the pages, staples them together, then writes each word in the tiny book. The words are: decimal point, divide, equal, greater than, less than, minus, number, percent, plus, times, and write another math symbol. |
![]() Math Symbols |
Me: All About Me A Printable Activity Book A short, printable book about a child -- for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, simple activities to do, objects to color, and short phrases to write (like "My favorite color is ___."). |
ME: A BOOK ABOUT ME Children can write and draw a book about themselves - for fluent readers. |
Me Llamo... A Printable Activity Book A short, printable book about the student (in Spanish). The book has pages for the student to read, questions to answer, and activities to do. Topics include the student's name, age, hair color, eye color, family tree, where I live, birthday, favorite color, right-handed or left-handed, and favorite dessert. |
MEMORY BOOK: SCHOOL MEMORY BOOK This is an end-of-school-year book for students to make. |
MEMORY BOOK: VACATION MEMORY BOOK A child can use this printable book as a daily journal while on vacation. |
Mini Books Tiny, printable books about simple words related to various themes-- for early readers and writers. Each book has 2-3 sheets to print, which make 8-12 tiny book pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in. |
Mi Libro de Palabras en Español (My Word Book in Spanish) A word book in which the student writes words in Spanish and illustrates them. This printable book can be used to make a book of the words a student knows, a picture dictionary, or a theme book (on, for example, animals, household items, shapes, colors, numbers, etc.). |
The Mitten A printable book for early readers about the Ukrainian folktale called "The Mitten." The story is about a mitten that is lost by a young boy. Many animals take refuge in the lost mitten until it breaks! The book has pages on the mole, rabbit, frog, owl, badger, fox, wolf, wild boar, bear, cricket, and mouse. |
![]() The Mitten Tiny Picture Dictionary A short, printable picture dictionary of words from the story, " The Mitten" -- for early readers. The student cuts out the pages, staples them together, then writes each word in the tiny book. The words are: badger, bear, cricket, fox, frog, mole, mouse, owl, rabbit, wild boar, and wolf. |
![]() The Mitten |
Mon livre de mots en Français (My Word Book in French) A word book in which the student writes words in French and illustrates them. This printable book can be used to make a book of the words a student knows, a picture dictionary, or a theme book (on, for example, animals, household items, shapes, colors, numbers, etc.). |
Mots d'école (School Words in French) A short, printable book about school words in French - for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, write words in, and color. The pages are: crayon/pencil, papier/paper, stylo/pen, globe/globe, ciseaux/scissors, livre/book, crayons/crayons, horloge/clock, sac à dos/backpack. |
![]() Musical Instruments Tiny Picture Dictionary A short, printable picture dictionary of musical instruments -- for early readers. The student cuts out the pages, staples them together, then writes each word in the tiny book. The words are: bell, drum, flute, guitar, harp, keyboard, recorder, trumpet, violin, xylophone, and write another musical instrument. |
![]() Musical Instruments |
My Address Book Print your own address book, then list your friends and family. |
My Color Book On each page, the student draws pictures of (and write the name of) eight things of the same color. Twelve pages in the book: Cover, red, pink, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, brown, gray, white. |
My Dad and I... A short book for early readers with phrases to finish, questions to answers, and pictures to draw. Pages include: a portrait of dad and the child, My Dad and I play ___, My Dad and I eat ___, My Dad and I go to ___, My Dad and I read___, My Dad and I watch ___, My Dad and I like to ___. |
My Father... A short book for early readers with phrases to finish, questions to answers, and pictures to draw. Pages include: my father's portrait, My father likes to__, My father is __ years old, My father's favorite food, My father's favorite sport, My father's favorite color, My father's name is__, I love it when my father__, My father is___. |
My Friends and I ... A short book for early readers with phrases to finish, questions to answers, and pictures to draw. Pages include: My friends (drawing), My friends and I play ___, My friends and I eat ___, My friends and I go to ___, My friends and I watch___, My friends and I like to ___, I like my friends because ___. My friends and I fight about ___. I am a good friend because __. |
My Grandfather... A short book for early readers with phrases to finish, questions to answers, and pictures to draw. Pages include: My grandfather's portrait, I call him ___, My grandfather is my _____'s father. My grandfather's real name is__, My grandfather likes to__, My grandfather lives in___, My grandfather is very good at ___, I like it when my grandfather ___, My grandfather and I like to ___, My grandfather is great because ___. |
My Grandmother... A short book for early readers with phrases to finish, questions to answers, and pictures to draw. Pages include: My grandmother's portrait, I call her ___, My grandmother is my _____'s mother. My grandmother's real name is__, My grandmother likes to__, My grandmother lives in___, My grandfather is very good at ___, I like it when my grandmother ___, My grandmother and I like to ___, My grandmother is great because ___. |
My Heart, A Book About Feelings A Printable Activity Book for Early Readers A short, printable activity book about feelings for early readers, with pages to write and draw about feeling happy, sad, silly, angry, scared, good, bad, and loved. |
My Mom and I... A short book for early readers with phrases to finish, questions to answers, and pictures to draw. Pages include: a portrait of mom and the child, My Mom and I play ___, My Mom and I eat ___, My Mom and I go to ___, My Mom and I read___, My Mom and I watch ___, My Mom and I like to ___. |
My Mother A short book for early readers with phrases to finish, questions to answers, and pictures to draw. Pages include: my mother's portrait, my mother likes to__, my mother is __ years old, my mother's favorite food, my mother's favorite sport, my mother's favorite color, my mother's name is__, I love it when my mother__, my mother is___. |
My Picture Dictionary to Color Two short, printable picture dictionaries - each with 26 pages in PDF format. Each page has pictures of the words; one version has the words listed, the other version has room for the student to write each word. |
My Picture Dictionary to Make A picture dictionary made by young writers. For each letter of the alphabet, the student writes and draws pictures of eight words that start with that letter. Plus an untitled page at the end to use for long or short vowels, blends, or digraphs. |
My School Book A short, printable book about school - for fluent readers. The book has activity pages for the student to do, including filling in the blanks for school transportation, writing times, matching pictures to words, writing school words, doing word unscrambles, solving a wordsearch puzzle, and answering questions. |
My Weather Book A short weather book for early readers with pages to color and sentences to copy. Pages include: It is sunny, It is cloudy, It is raining, It is snowing, It is windy, It is foggy, and I see a rainbow. |
My Word Book A word book in which the student writes and draws pictures of words. This printable book can be used to make a book of the words a student knows, a picture dictionary, or a theme book (on, for example, animals, household items, shapes, colors, numbers, etc.). |
Crafts | EnchantedLearning.com Printable Books for Early to Fluent Readers |
K-3 Theme Pages |
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