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Food Groups Book
Food Groups Book
Content Type
Printable Book
File Type
5 pages
Available to Members Only
This is a short, printable book about food and nutrition for fluent readers. There are pages on: nutrition, food groups, the food pyramid, grains, vegetables, fruits, milk products, meat/nuts/beans, healthy choices/daily exercise, and favorite foods.
~ Content:
- Read about the major nutrients in food. Sample Answers: carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamins.
- Read about the food pyramid. Name the five main food groups. Answers: grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, meats and beans.
- Read about grains. Write four grain foods. Sample Answers: pasta, cereal, waffles, grits.
- Read about vegetables. Write four vegetables. Sample Answers: red pepper, kale, lettuce, cauliflower.
- Read about fruits. Write four fruits. Sample Answers: orange, peach, pear, plum.
- Read about milk foods. Write four milk foods. Sample Answers: cottage cheese, cream, Swiss cheese, sour cream.
- Read about meats/beans/nuts. Write four foods from this group. Sample Answers: steak, turkey, cashews, sunflower seeds.
- Read about healthy diet choices, moderation, and the importance of daily exercises. Write your four favorite physical activities.
- What are your two favorite foods in each food group?
For the Teacher:
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