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This is a short, printable book–‘My Name Is…’–about the student (in English). The book has pages for the student to read, questions to answer, and activities to do.
Topics include: my name, age, hair color, eye color, family tree, where I live, birthday, favorite color, right-handed or left-handed, and favorite dessert.
For the Teacher:
There are 2 ways to use this book!
Read it online using the interactive viewer on this page.
Print the PDF to make a short book for young readers. Make sure the pages are in the right order. Staple the pages together at the left of the page, then read the book, and optionally color the pages.
Extra Information
This is a short, printable book–‘My Name Is…’–about the student (in English). The book has pages for the student to read, questions to answer, and activities to do. Topics include: my name, age, hair color, eye color, family tree, where I live, birthday, favorite color, right-handed or left-handed, and favorite dessert.
~ Content:
- Cover page: My name is – My Name Is _. (Draw a self-portrait.)
- How old are you? I am __ years old. (Match the numbers 1-32 in English.)
- What color is your hair? I have __ hair ___. (Color the hair shades.)
- What color are your eyes? I have __ eyes ___. (Colors the eye shades.)
- Here is my family. Do you have sisters and brothers? (Fill out your family tree.)
- Where do you live? I live in__ [city, country]. (Color the world map and mark where you live.)
- When is your birthday? My birthday is___. (Put the months in order.)
- What is your favorite color? My favorite color is ___. (Color the balloons.)
- Are you left- or right-handed? I am __. (Trace your hand.)
- What is your favorite dessert? My favorite dessert is ___. (Match the desserts to the pictures.)