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'All About the Flu' Printable Book




'All About the Flu' Printable Book
Content Type
Printable Book
File Type
4 pages
Available to Members Only
This is a printable book about the flu for fluent readers.
The pages include: What is the Flu?, How the Flu Spreads, The Incubation Period, How to Avoid the Flu, Recovery, Glossary, and Questions.
Questions about the flu, answers:
- Influenza
- Two of the following: fever, cough, sore throat, a stuffy or runny nose, muscle pain, and weakness.
- Two of the following: Wash your hands, usean alcohol-based sanitizer, keep your hands away from your mouth/nose/eyes, cover your sneezes with a tissue or your elbow, and don’t go to school if you’re sick.
- In host cells.
- The answer is up to the student.
For the Teacher:
There are 2 ways to use this book!
Read it online using the interactive viewer on this page.
Print the PDF to make a short book for young readers. Make sure the pages are in the right order. Staple the pages together at the left of the page, then read the book, and optionally color the pages.