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Spanish-English Picture Dictionary | EnchantedLearning.com Spanish Printable Books |
Spanish Activities |
A es Para... A Printable Activity Book A short, printable book about the alphabet. The book has pages for the student to read (in Spanish and English) and sentences in write in Spanish. The words include: avión/airplane, botón/button, carro/car, dinosaurio/dinosaur, elefante/elephant, familia/family, globo/globe, hamaca/hammock, isla/island, jugo/juice, kilogramo/kilogram, lámpara/lamp, madre/mother, noche/night, océano/ocean, pantalones/pants, quintillizo/quintuplets, rata/rat, serpiente/snake, tigre/tiger, unicorno/unicorn, volcán/volcano, wok, xilófono/xylophone, yema/yolk, and zigzag. |
Animales del Bosque (Forest Animals) A short, printable book about forest animals in Spanish - for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, and color, with animal names to write. The pages are: oso/bear, ciervo/deer, mapache/raccoon, ardilla/squirrel, zorro/fox, pájaro carpintero/woodpecker, búho/owl, serpiente/snake, rana/frog, gusano/worm, hormiga/ant. |
Animales y Números/Animals and Numbers A Printable Bilingual Book A short, printable book about animals and the numbers from one to eleven. The book has pages for the student to read (in Spanish and English) and sentences in write in Spanish. For example, "Veo ocho gatos. (I see eight cats.)" |
El Camping Camping Words in Spanish A short book about camping words in Spanish to print for early readers - the book is shaped like a tent. The book has pages for the student to cut out, camping gear to color, and Spanish words to copy. The camping words include tienda de campaña/tent, fogata/campfire, linterna/flashlight, saco de dormir/sleeping bag, mochila/backpack, botas de trekking/hiking boots, brújula/compass, cantimplora/water bottle, and piragua/canoe. |
La Casa The House in Spanish A simple book about a house-related words in Spanish to print for early readers. The book has house-shaped pages for the student to cut out and words to copy. The words are: puerta (door), ventana (window), piso (floor), pared (wall), techo (ceiling), escalera (stairs), chimenea (fireplace), cuarto (room), and casa (house). |
El Circo Circus Words in Spanish A short, printable book about the circus in Spanish - for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, write Spanish words in, and color. The pages are: caballo (horse), payaso (clown), malabarista (juggler), tigre (tiger), elefante (elephant), foca (seal), acróbata (acrobat), león (lion), and funámbulo (tightrope walker). |
Debajo del Mar (Under the Sea) A short, printable book about sea animals in Spanish - for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, and color, with animal names to write. The pages are: fish, shark, ray, lobster, octopus, eel, sea horse, whale, dolphin, jellyfish, and crab. |
Feliz Navidad (Merry Christmas) Printable Book A short, printable Christmas book in Spanish. On each page, there is a simple picture, the word printed in Spanish, and lines on which the student can write the word. |
Animales De La Granja A short, printable book about farm animals in Spanish - for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, and color, with animal names to write. The pages are: cow, pig, horse, sheep, chicken, goat, turkey, donkey, and duck. |
Me Llamo... A Printable Activity Book A short, printable book about the student (in Spanish). The book has pages for the student to read, questions to answer, and activities to do. Topics include the student's name, age, hair color, eye color, family tree, where I live, birthday, favorite color, right-handed or left-handed, and favorite dessert. |
Mi Libro de Palabras en Español (My Word Book in Spanish) A word book in which the student writes words in Spanish and illustrates them. This printable book can be used to make a book of the words a student knows, a picture dictionary, or a theme book (on, for example, animals, household items, shapes, colors, numbers, etc.). |
Palabras de la Escuela (School Words in Spanish) A short, printable book about school words in Spanish - for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, write words in, and color. The pages are: lápiz/pencil, papel/paper, pluma/pen, globo/globe, tijeras/scissors, libro/book, creyones/crayons, reloj/clock, mochilla/backpack. |
Spanish-English Picture Dictionary - PDF Format (site members only) Printable Spanish-English picture dictionary - 27 pages PDF format. Each illustration has the word listed in Spanish and English. (This file can take a while to download, especially if you have a slow connection.) |
Spanish Picture Dictionary - PDF Format (site members only) Printable Spanish picture dictionary - 27 pages PDF format. (This can take a while to download, especially if you have a slow connection.) |
Spanish Picture Dictionary - Writing Practice - PDF Format (site members only) Printable Spanish picture dictionary with room to copy each word - 27 pages PDF format. (This can take a while to download, especially if you have a slow connection.) |
Fill-in-the-Blanks Spanish Picture Dictionary - PDF Format (site members only) Printable Spanish picture dictionary - 27 pages PDF format. Each word has one blank letter for the student to fill in. (This file can take a while to download, especially if you have a slow connection.) |
I Can Write a Spanish Picture Dictionary - PDF Format (site members only) Printable Spanish picture dictionary - you write the Spanish word below each picture - 27 pages PDF format. (This can take a while to download, especially if you have a slow connection.) |
English-Spanish Picture Dictionary - PDF format A printable English-Spanish picture dictionary: 26 pages in PDF format (site members only). |
Spanish Word Book A Printable Activity Book A short, printable activity book in Spanish/English (with tabs), with pages on numbers, telling time, colors, food, people, and animals - plus a quiz. |
Spanish Word Book #2 A Printable Activity Book A short, printable activity book in Spanish/English (with tabs), with pages on clothes, the body, money, vehicles, shapes, and a place setting - plus a quiz. |
Spanish/English Animals Coloring Book Printout A Spanish/English coloring book about animals. |
English/Spanish Animal Opposites Coloring Book A Spanish/English coloring book about opposites, illustrating the concepts with animals. |
English/Spanish Body Coloring Book Printouts A 6-page Spanish/English coloring book about the body. |
English/Spanish Colors Coloring Book Printout A 12-page Spanish/English coloring book about the colors. |
English/Spanish Numbers Coloring Book Printout A 9-page Spanish/English coloring book about the numbers from 0-10. |
English/Spanish Shapes Coloring Book Printouts An English/Spanish coloring book on the shapes. |
Crafts | EnchantedLearning.com Printable Books for Early to Fluent Readers |
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