Enchanted Learning's Guest Book: Late October 2002

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October 31, 2002 hello
pippenger, new york, haliwwa, madison

October 29, 2002 This is really awesome! I think I'll have more fun than my students!
Danielle, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

October 29, 2002 Dis is an awsum website! It has realy delectable dinosaurs, yummy to the tummy
Zach, T-town, Bama!!!, OSA

October 27, 2002 This is a very useful page for first and second year spanish students. I am in second year spanish and I don't even know a lot of this stuff.
Dannielle, Brookston, Indiana, USA

October 27, 2002 I love french and english!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
ashley, waldarf, maryland, maryland

October 26, 2002 Hey I really like your site, cuz it really helps me with my learning of french! welpz, thankz!
Kristy g., MN, ?, United states

October 25, 2002 Yall this is 1 great site! Keep up the good work! :D XD ^_^ ;) :o)
D.L. Hicks, El Paso, TX, USA

October 24, 2002 Ometou gozaimasu!!!! Taihen sugoi desu.It was very informative and so substantial. Hope to read more about it.
Wilhelmina Gatmaitan-Borjal, Manila, ?, Philippines

October 24, 2002 This a great Web-Site for much-computer using people. My computer have giant-large Data-Base to store this information. I learned a-lot.
Zwibel Chong, Beijing, ?, China

October 24, 2002 your website has brought me alot of great info thank-you.
Nicole M., milwaukee, ?, united states

October 24, 2002 Awesome website!!! My sister-in-law is Japanese and I will surprise her with what I'm learning here. Thank you so much! Semper Paratus
Tricia, Cleveland, OH, USA

October 23, 2002 This is an awesome site! I just dicoverd it through a Yahoo search! I'm so excited! I am teaching a preschool class right now in my high school and this is giving me many great ideas! Thanks so much! Love the site!
Sarah, Hanover, Pa, USA

October 22, 2002 IT IS RELLY NEAT I LIKE IT!! A LOT

October 22, 2002 I am really happy that i found this website because i like to print out things for my brother to learn from and for me to even learn from. I used this website for my Germany report and England project. I gave this website address to all my friends and my best freind colleen she hasen;t used it yet but i keep telling her about it this website should never shut down because i need it when i become a teacher say here for ever all my friend and i need this website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ang, Millbrook, New York, us

October 22, 2002 I really like this website because it helps me with my projects and has printouts for me to give my brother and sister.
ang, millbrook, ?, united states

October 22, 2002 This is a great web site. I found it quite by accident. It has a lot of information that I will be able to use in my classroom. Will come back real soon to do some more expoloring.
Jennie Horne, Smyrna, Georgia, USA

October 21, 2002 this is the best way for us to learn how to read dicanarys ttttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnkkkkkkkkkkkksssssssssssssssssssss
ashley, shelby, ?, america

October 21, 2002 I work in a day care too .....Day care is hard work... I love the kids and their creative is awesome but some times Its gets boring!!! I am a teacher assitance and some aspects of the job is a great learning experience and sometimes it does not provide a challange for me!!!!!!!! I am so glad I ran into a helpful site.....I am sure!!!! I will take a look at your site carefuly and see if that wil help some!!!!!! The teacher I work with is pretty cool but I am just wondering if it just lacking some ideas..... Anyway, I think teaching is for some people not for eveyone......I do not want to go to college for that Maybe a another field will come my way!!!!
God Bless "Little Explorers" and this Site
In christ Love,
Lynda Ruth Leavy
Lynd Ruth Leavy, Bridgeton, New Jersey, ?

October 21, 2002 your site is so much help when you have a project on a animal or dinosuar, im 11 and i want to be a teacher when i gorw up either a math teacher or a elementry techer. oh and zach mayo i love you!!
jenny, boca, ?, usa

October 21, 2002 yo yo yo luv da syte!
Snuggles, Jasper, AL, Isle of Man

October 20, 2002 I am mother of an autistic kid and a 2 years baby girl. We enjoy your web very..very...much. Thank you..thank you and thank you
tyas utami, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

October 19, 2002 I am an ESL assistant and looking for new ways to keep my elementary school students motivated. I love the wheeled calendar. I also forwarded this to my sister in TN. She volunteers her time assisting ESL students at an elementary school that isn't fortunate enough to have the program our school offers. Thank-you Terri
Terri, Lafayette, IN, United States

October 19, 2002 Good job to you dudes who invented this awesome web.I am pleased to see this.
reenaz sezilinski kursionting, frankurt, ?, germany

October 19, 2002 It is awesome. I wish to all of you the very best.I think this is a extremely cool site and a fun site.It helps us to gain more knowledge I am very proud of those who developed this interesting site.
kelviass homerik suass, melbourne, ?, Australia

October 17, 2002 Your website really helps me with my spanish,for school!
Alexandria, Sedalia, Missouri, North America

October 17, 2002 I am looking for a web site where I can enter a word in Spanish and LISTEN to the correct pronunciation. Any one have any thoughts please email me at a1ienmerf@aol.com
MomOf3, New York, ?, usa

October 17, 2002 Delighted to find this website as I will shortly be working with 3 spanish speaking new arrivals from mexico, who apparently speak no english and are finding it very difficult to settle into school. look forward to making use of the dictionary etc. thank you. (EAL language support teacher)
sue corlett, warrington, cheshire, england

October 17, 2002 I love the jigsaw puzzles, and i loved the Chihuaha. keep up the good work!
Meghan Krisevajenii, Ithaca, Yucatan, Japan

October 16, 2002 Your sight is amazing! I am a teacher of English in a primary school and enjoy teaching while using crafts to demonstrate things in class.I found your site by chance and I was overwhelmed by the vastness,variety and quality of its contents.THANK YOU
Ariadne Skyrianidou, Thessaloniki, ?, Greece

October 16, 2002 I am using this site in order to get payed. I am teaching a 6 year old how to learn math. This really helps. I am a twelve year old and I promised my brother a Christmas present.
Flaka, Chicago, Illinois, United States

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