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"Lambe's Lizard"
Lambeosaurus was a crested, duck-billed dinosaur. Its forward-leaning, hollow, bony crest was as big or bigger than the rest of its skull and may have been used to produce sounds, enhance its sense of smell, and/or used in courtship displays. Lambeosaurus' nostrils went up through the crest. Its snout was narrow and ended in a beak that was wide and blunt. Males may have had larger crests than females. Lambeosaurus had pebbly-textured skin and may have had webbed fingers. Its sight and hearing were keen, but it had no natural defenses.
Lambeosaurus grew to be about 30-50 feet long (9-15 m), weighing 5.6 tons. It is the largest-known duck-bill dinosaur.
Lambeosaurus belonged to:
- Kingdom Animalia (animals)
- Phylum Chordata (having a hollow nerve chord ending in a brain)
- Class Archosauria (diapsids with socket-set teeth, etc.)
- Order Ornithischia - bird-hipped dinosaurs
- Suborder Ornithopoda
- Infraorder Iguanodontia - having spiked thumbs
- Superfamily Hadrosauroidea - duck-billed dinosaurs
- Family Lambeosaurinae - hollow-crested duckbills
- Genus Lambeosaurus
- Species L. lambei (type species: Parks, 1923)
Lambeosaurus lived during the Cretaceous period, about 83 to 65 million years ago, at the end of the Mesozoic, the Age of Reptiles. A huge, mass extinction killed the dinosaurs 65 million years ago Among the contemporaries of Lambeosaurus in the late Cretaceous (in North America) were Albertosaurus, Nanotyrannus, Parasaurolophus, Corythosaurus, Euoplocephalus, Kritosaurus, T. rex, Triceratops, and Pachyrhinosaurus.
Lambeosaurus was a herding animal that may have migrated from shorelines to higher ground to reproduce.
Lambeosaurus was an herbivore, eating pine needles, the leaves of flowering trees, and twigs.
Lambeosaurus was an ornithopod, whose intelligence (as measured by its relative brain to body weight, or EQ) was midway among the dinosaurs.
 A Hadrosaur footprint. |
Lambeosaurus walked and ran on two legs, and was a relatively fast dinosaur. It probably went on all fours to forage for plants.
Lambeosaurus was named by Dr. William A. Parks in 1923 to honor Lawrence Lambe, an early Canadian fossil hunter. Many fossils have been found in North America, including Montana (USA), Baja California (Mexico), and Alberta (Canada). It was the first duck-billed dinosaur found in North America. Fossilized skin and hand-prints have been found.
A Lambeosaurus Printout
A Lambeosaurus word hunt activity - For second and third graders.
A Lambeosaurus brief fact sheet, or go to a printable version.
Lambeosaurus fossil at at the Royal Tyrrell Museum, Canada.
Information Sheets About Dinosaurs (and Other Prehistoric Creatures) |
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How to write a great dinosaur report.
For dinosaur printouts, click here.For brief dinosaur fact sheets, click here.
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