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A short, printable tab book for fluent readers about former US President George Washington. The book has pages on when his early life, the French & Indian War, the Revolutionary War, the Constitutional Convention, Washington’s Presidency, and his legacy.
Before reading the book, have students fill out a KWHL chart on Washington. The KWHL chart should be used before, during, and after a student reads about Washington. Filling out the KWHL chart prepares a student for reading about a topic, helps in reviewing what has been learned about the material, gives help in obtaining more information, and readies the student to write about what they have learned.
For the Teacher:
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Extra Information
A short, printable tab book for fluent readers about former US President George Washington. The book has pages on when his early life, the French & Indian War, the Revolutionary War, the Constitutional Convention, Washington’s Presidency, and his legacy.
Before reading the book, have students fill out a KWHL chart on Washington. The KWHL chart should be used before, during, and after a student reads about Washington. Filling out the KWHL chart prepares a student for reading about a topic, helps in reviewing what has been learned about the material, gives help in obtaining more information, and readies the student to write about what they have learned.
~ Content:
- Cover page.
- George Washington was born in western Virginia in 1732. Answers: 1. 272 years (in 2004, after his birthday) 2. Virginia
- George Washington led the first battle of the French and Indian War, fighting with the British. The British taxes levied to pay for this war eventually caused the Colonists to revolt against the British. Answers: 1. French and Indian War 2. Martha
- George Washington was the Commander in Chief for the Patriots against the British in the Revolutionary War. Answers: 1. George Washington 2. France
- In 1787, George Washington led the Constitutioinal Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Answers: 1. Articles of Confederation 2. Pennsylvania
- George Washington served two terms as President of the USA, establishing the US government, but he refused a third term. Answers: 1. John Adams 2. ten 3. two
- Washington died in 1799. George Washington has been honored for being the “Father of his Country.” Answers: 1. Mt. Vernon 2. quarter, dollar bill
- Fill in the blanks in this timeline of Washington’s life.
1732 - Washington is born 1754 - French & Indian War begins 1789 - Washington marries Martha Custis 1773 - Boston Tea Party 1776 - Declaration of Independence 1787 - Constitutional Convention 1789 - Washington elected President 1791 - Bill of Rights adopted 1799 - Washington dies