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Match Spanish Beach Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish beach words to their pictures. The words are: sol/sun, castillo de playa/sandcastle, sombrilla/beach umbrella, toalla de playa/beach towel, lentes obscuros/sunglasses, paleta/popsicle, crema protectora/sun block, pelota de playa/beachball, concha marina/seashell sombrero para el sol/sun hat. Or go to the answers. |
Buildings in Spanish and English A Matching Printout Match buildings in Spanish and English. Phrases: Where is (the)...?/¿Dónde está...? , airport/el aeropuerto, bank/el banco, church/la iglesia , grocery store/la tienda de comestibles, hospital/el hospital, hotel/el hotel, library/la biblioteca, movie theater/el cine, museum/el museo, park/el parque, police station/la comisaría, post office/la oficina de correos, restaurant/el restaurante, school/la escuela, theater/el teatro, train station/la estación de ferrocarril. Answers |
Match Spanish Calendar Words to English Words Match 23 Spanish calendar words to English Words. The words are: the four seasons, the twelve months, and the seven days of the week. Or go to the answers. |
Cleaning Phrases in Spanish and English A Matching Printout Match cleaning-related phrases in Spanish and English. Phrases: to cook/cocinar, to make the bed/hacer la cama, to wash laundry/lavar la ropa, to wash the dishes/lavar los platos, to mop the floor/fregar el suelo, to vacuum/pasar la aspiradora, to sweep the floor/barrer el suelo, to do the shopping/hacer la compra, to take out the garbage/sacar la basura, to mow the lawn/cortar el césped. Answers |
Match Spanish Clothes Words and Pictures #1 Match 10 Spanish clothing words to their pictures. The words are: calcetin/sock, guante/glove, camisa/shirt, mitón/mitten, pantalones cortos/shorts, pantalones/pants, chaqueta/jacket, sandalias/sandals, falda/skirt, zapatillas de deporte/sneakers. Or go to the answers. |
Match Spanish Clothes Words and Pictures #2 Match 10 Spanish clothing words to their pictures. The words are: bufanda/scarf, sombrero/hat, vest/chaleco, vestido/dress, reloj/watch, cinturón/belt, cierre/zipper, botón/button, botas/boots, patin de hielo/ice skates. Or go to the answers. |
Color Matching Quiz: Spanish/English Test your knowledge of the colors in Spanish and English using this printout. Go to the answers. |
Directions in Spanish and English A Matching Printout Match directions in Spanish and English. Phrases: north/norte, south/sur, east/este, west/oeste, up/arriba, down/abajo, left/a la izquierda, right/a la derecha, straight ahead/todo seguido, next to/junto a, in front of/enfrente de, in back of/detrás de, near/cerca, far/lejos. Answers |
Match Spanish Fall Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish fall words to their pictures. The words are: hoja/leaf, rastrillo/rake, espantapéjaros/scarecrow, cuervo/crow, manzana/apple, araña/spider, maiz/corn, calabaza/pumpkin, heno/hay, nube/cloud. Or go to the answers. |
Match Spanish Fruit Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish fruit words to their pictures. The words are: plátano/banana, uvas/grapes, manzana/apple, limón/lemon, fresa/strawberry, piña/pineapple, cereza/cherries, sandía/watermelon, naranja/orange, pera/pear. Or go to the answers. |
Match Spanish Furniture Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish furniture words to their pictures. The words are: la cama/bed, la mesa/table, el sillón/armchair, la cómoda/dresser, la banca/bench, la mesa de centro/coffee table, el sofá/sofa, el escritorio/desk, el librero/bookshelf, la silla/chair. Or go to the answers. |
Greetings in Spanish and English A Matching Printout Match greetings in Spanish and English. Phrases: Hello/Hola, Good day/Buenos días, Good afternoon/Buenas tardes, Good evening/Buenas noches, Good-bye/Adiós, How are you? (singular, informal)/¿Cómo estás?, How's it going?/¿Qué tal?, I'm well./Estoy bien., I'm very well./Estoy muy bien., See you later./Hasta luego. Answers |
Match Spanish Halloween Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish Halloween words to their pictures. The words are: la telaraña/spider web, el fantasma/ghost, el murciélago/ghost, el cráneo/skull, el gato/cat, el bruja/witch, los caramelos/candy, araña/spider, calabaza/pumpkin, el esqueleto/skeleton. Or go to the answers. |
Holidays in Spanish and English A Matching Printout Match holidays in Spanish and English. Phrases: April Fool's Day/el día de los Inocentes, birthday/el cumpleaños, Christmas/la Navidad, Christmas Eve/la Nochebuena, Columbus Day/día de la Raza, día de la Hispanidad, Day of the Dead/Día de los Muertos, Mexican Independence Day/el Grito, Easter/la Pascua, Epiphany/Epifanía, Father's Day/el día del Padre, Halloween/La Noche de Brujas, Independence Day/día de la Independencia, Mother's Day/el día de la Madre, New Year's Day/el Año Nuevo, New Year's Eve/la Nochevieja, Thanksgiving/el día de Acción de Gracias, Valentine's Day, el día de San Valentín, wedding/la boda, wedding anniversary/el aniversario de bodas. Answers |
Number Quizzes Number Matching Quiz Printouts: Spanish Test your knowledge of the numbers 0-100 in Spanish using these printouts. |
Match Spanish Punctuation Marks Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish punctuation marks to their pictures. The words are: punto/period, coma/comma, signo de admiración/exclamation point, signo de interrogación/question mark, apóstrofo/apostrophe, comillas/quotation marks, guión/hyphen, paréntesis/parenthesis, dos puntos/colon, punto y coma/semicolon. Or go to the answers. |
Match Spanish School Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish school words to their pictures. The words are: tijeras/scissors, reloj/clock, globo/globe, engrapadora/stapler, bolígrafo/pen, crayón/crayon, lápiz/pencil, libro/book, regla/ruler, papel/paper. Or go to the answers. |
Match Spanish Sewing Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish sewing words to their pictures. The words are: alfiler/needle, aguja/pin, dedal/thimble, tijeras/scissors, hilo/thread, máquina de coser/sewing machine, cinta métrica/tape measure, alfiletero/pin cushion, botón/button, cremallera/zipper. Or go to the answers. |
Match Spanish Shape Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish shape words to their pictures. The words are: el circulo/circle, la estrella/star, el cuadrado/square, el triángulo/triangle, el corazón/heart, el óvalo/oval, el rectángulo/rectangle, el cono/cone, el cubo/cube, la pirámide. Or go to the answers. |
Match Spanish Spring Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish spring words to their pictures. The words are: el huevo/egg, la mariposa/butterfly, el paraguas/umbrella, la pelota de béisbol/baseball, la rana/frog, la abeja/bee, el conejo/rabbit, el pájaro/bird, la lluvia/rain, el arco iris/rainbow. Or go to the answers. |
Match Spanish Summer Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish summer words to their pictures. The words are: el girasol/sunflower, la crema protectora/sunscreen, la sandía/watermelon, el son/sun, el helado/ice cream, las sandalias/sandals, las grafas de sol/sunglasses, los shorts/shorts, la rosa/rose. Or go to the answers. |
Match Spanish Thanksgiving Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish Thanksgiving words to their pictures. The words are: la empanada/pie, el guajolote/turkey, el sombrero/hat, la calabaza/pumpkin, el maiz/corn, el cornucopia/cornucopia, el arándano rojo/cranberry, el ñame/sweet potato, el panecillo/roll, la manzana/apple. Or go to the answers. |
Titles in Spanish and English A Matching Printout Match greetings in Spanish and English. Phrases: señor/Sr./Mr., señora/Sra./Mrs., señorita/Srta./Miss, don/D./Sir, doña/Da./Lady, doctor/Dr./Doctor (male), doctora/Dra./Doctor (female), profesor/Prof./Professor (male), profesora/Profa./Professor (female). Answers |
Match Spanish Tool Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish tools to their pictures. The words are: martillo/hammer, alicates/pliers, serrucho/saw, clavo/nail, tornillo/screw, destornillador/screwdriver, taladro/drill, llave de boaca/wrench, rastrillo/rake, hacha/ax. Or go to the answers. |
Match Spanish Vegetable Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish vegetable words to their pictures. The words are: guisantes/peas, lechuga/lettuce, champiñón/mushroom, zanahoria/carrot, papa/potato, cebolla/onion, apio/celery, tomate/tomato, maíz/corn. Or go to the answers. |
Match Spanish Vehicle Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish vegetable words to their pictures. The words are: avión/airplane, automóvil/car, bicicleta/bicycle, tren/train, uniciclo/unicycle, carretón/wagon, barco/boat, camión/truck, autobús/bus, miniván/minivan. Or go to the answers. |
Match Spanish Winter Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish winter words to their pictures. The words are: esquis/skis, carámbano/icicle, copo de nieve/snowflake, patin/ice skate, nieve/snow, muñeco de nieve/snowman, árbol imperecedero/evergreen tree, bufanda/scarf, guantes/gloves, trineo/sled. Or go to the answers. |
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