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Our subscribers' grade-level estimate for this page: 1st - 2nd |
Go to an Emotions Theme Page |
EnchantedLearning.com People, Occupations, Jobs, and Community Crafts, a Game, and Printouts to Color |
Click Here for K-3 Themes |
People and Occupation Words in English A picture dictionary page on people and occupation words in English. |
People and Occupation Words in French A picture dictionary page on people and occupation words in French. |
People and Occupation Words in German A picture dictionary page on people and occupation words in German. |
People and Occupation Words in Italian A picture dictionary page on people and occupation words in Italian. |
People and Occupation Words in Spanish A picture dictionary page on people and occupation words in Spanish. |
People and Occupation Words in Swedish A picture dictionary page on people and occupation words in Swedish. |
OCCUPATIONS COLLAGE Make a great collage by cutting out pictures of workers from magazines and gluing them to poster board. |
BOX TOWN Make an entire town using old boxes and cartons, paper, crayons, tape, and glue. |
FIRE TRUCK Make a fire truck from a cardboard box. |
FIRE TRUCK SNACKS Make tiny fire truck treats from graham crackers. |
Interactive Online Activities:
ONLINE TRUCK GAME Make amazing trucks online (including a fire engine, ambulance, garbage truck, and others) by clicking your mouse. |
VEHICLE ONLINE COLORING PAGES Color vehicle pages online, including an ambulance and fire trucks. |
Books to Print:
Community Helpers A Printable Activity Book A short, printable book about community helpers. This activity book has the students connect-the-dots, color by number, solve a maze, fill in the missing letters, matching, finish the drawing, unscramble the words, do a wordsearch, and a solve a word path puzzle. |
Firefighting Addition A Printable Activity Book A short, printable book about addition. This activity book asks the student to solve simple addition problems stated in terms of firefighting words, including firetrucks, firefighters, axes, helmets, dogs, hoses, hydrants, boots, and fires put out. |
How Much Fire Gear? Printable Activity Book A short, printable book about the numbers from 1 to 10 for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, objects to color, and a short phrase to copy. The pages ask, How many firefighters, fire trucks, helmets, hoses, coats, gloves, hydrants, boots, axes, and dogs. |
Drawing and Coloring Worksheets to Print:
Draw Four Occupations Draw four occupations. Below each one, write a word describing it. |
Draw and Compare People Draw two people and then answer simple questions comparing them, for example, "Which person could run faster?" |
Vehicle Coloring Pages/ Coloring Book Print out vehicle coloring pages or make an entire vehicle coloring book. |
Face: Follow the Instructions Draw and color the face according to simple directions, such as, "Color the face the same color as your skin." |
Faces: Follow the Instructions Draw and color the faces according to simple directions, such as, "Draw a red hat on the crying person." Or go to the answers. |
Symmetrical Face Pictures: Finish the Drawing Worksheet Finish each of the four drawings around the line of symmetry. The face pictures are happy, sad, surprised, and angry. Or go to the answers |
Symmetrical Happy Face Picture: Finish the Drawing Worksheet Finish the drawing of the happy face around the line of symmetry. Or go to the answer page. |
Draw Four People Draw four people. Below each person, write that person's name. |
Draw Four Family Members Draw four members of your family. Below each person, write that person's name or relationship to you. |
Draw Four Faces Draw four faces. Below each face, write how that person feels. |
Sorting: Color and Count the Faces Color and then count the happy, sad, and surprised faces, and the heads with long and short hair. Go to the answers. |
![]() Family: Illustrated Acrostic Poem |
![]() Father: Illustrated Acrostic Poem |
Write a Friends Acrostic Poem Write a poem about friends. Start each line with a letter from the word "friends." |
![]() Friends: Illustrated Acrostic Poem |
![]() Mother: Illustrated Acrostic Poem |
![]() Nicest People: Triple Draw and Write |
![]() People You Admire: Triple Draw and Write |
![]() Jobs: Triple Draw and Write |
Spelling Worksheets to Print:
Find Eight Community Helpers Find eight community helpers. Sample answers: teacher, librarian, doctor, dentist, nurse, mail carrier, bus driver, paramedic. |
Community Helpers: Word Hunt Worksheet How many words can you make using the letters from "Community Helpers"? Sample answers: mint, cent, corn, ... Go to worksheet with 30 blanks or a worksheet with 50 blanks. |
Job Word Pieces Puzzle In this puzzle, combine pairs of word segments to make job-related spelling words. Words: electrician, engineer, firefighter, dentist, doctor, lawyer, librarian, nurse, plumber, programmer, scientist, teacher. Or go to the answers. |
People Word Pieces Puzzle In this puzzle, combine pairs of word segments to make people-related spelling words. Words: adult, babies, children, community, family, friends, infant, neighbors, people, relatives, sister, toddler. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Syllables: Job Words Match the syllables to make 10 job words. The words are teacher, umpire, dentist, lawyer, pilot, soldier, doctor, actress, police, sailor. Or go to the answers. |
Put 10 Community Helpers in Alphabetical Order - Worksheet Put 10 community helpers in alphabetical order. The words are: bus driver, dentist, doctor, firefighter, garbage man, librarian, mail carrier, nurse, police officer, teacher. Go to the answers. |
Put 10 Firefighting Words in Alphabetical Order - Worksheet Put 10 firefighting words in alphabetical order. The words are: air tank, ax, boots, engine, gloves, helmet, hose, ladder, truck, water. Go to the answers. |
Put 10 Post Office Words in Alphabetical Order - Worksheet Put 10 post office words in alphabetical order. The words are: air mail, box, delivery, envelope, letter, mail, package, postage, stamp, truck. Go to the answers. |
![]() Make Compound Words: Jobs and Occupations Printable Worksheet Put two words together to make compound words. Or go to the answers. Or go to a pdf of the worksheet and answers (subscribers only). |
Match the Components of People-Related Compound Words Draw a line from the word of the left to the word on the right that make a people-related compound word. Words: schoolteacher, stepfather, dogcatcher, stockbroker, dressmaker, grandma, cowboy, housekeeper, outsider, humankind. Or go to the answers. Or go to a pdf of the worksheet and answers. |
People and Occupation Abbreviations Write the abbreviations for people, occupations, titles, and rank. Or go to the answers. |
WHEELS: A CALENDAR TO PRINT Trucks, trains, and other vehicles for the entire year. |
Match the Job Anagrams Draw a line from each occupation-related word to its anagram. Words: baker/brake, farmer/framer, nurse/runes, builder/rebuild, marine/airmen, teacher/cheater, worker/rework, pilots/spoilt, gardener/garnered, salesman/nameless. Or go to the answers. |
Job Anagrams Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes an occupation-related anagram for each word. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral People Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #1 Solve the people-word anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Job Word Ladder Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student changes one word into another, one letter at a time. At each step along the way, change only one letter to make a new word. At the end, you have the final, related word. In this puzzle, morph the word work to jobs. Or go to the answers. |
Write Job Words by Category Write 5 occupation words for each category. The categories include: Medical Jobs, Scientific Jobs, Transportation Jobs, Educational Jobs, Military Jobs, Food-Related Jobs, Artistic Jobs, and Miscellaneous Jobs. Or go to sample answers. |
Write Job-Related Verbs by Category Write 5 occupation words for each category. The categories include: Driver-Related Verbs, Teacher-Related Verbs, Doctor-Related Verbs, Athlete-Related Verbs, Farmer-Related Verbs, Soldier-Related Verbs, Performer-Related Verbs, Chef-Related Verbs. Or go to sample answers. |
Find a Job Name for Each Letter See if you can think of and write down the name of an occupation that starts with each letter of the alphabet. Or go to a sample answer page. |
Find a Word for a Group of People for Each Letter See if you can think of and write down a word for a group of people that starts with each letter of the alphabet. Or go to a sample answer page. |
![]() Word of the Day Worksheets These worksheets on elementary vocabulary have the student do an in-depth examination of a word that the teacher supplies. The student defines the word, uses the word in a sentence, identifies which part of speech it is, draws a picture that exemplifies the word, determines how many syllables it has, finds rhyming words, supplies synonyms and antonyms, etc. Pick a job-related word for a fun spelling activity. |
People-Related Anagrams:
An anagram is a word or phrase that is made by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. For example, note is an anagram of tone.
amigo imago |
aunt tuna |
being begin binge |
chum much |
corps crops |
coteries esoteric |
crony corny |
dame made |
damsel medals |
fiancée fancies |
fiancés faience |
frat raft |
friend finder |
gal lag |
grandma grandam |
grannie earning nearing |
hordes horsed shored |
kids skid |
kin ink |
kinship pinkish |
ladies ideals sailed |
ma am |
mate meat tame team |
mates meats steam tames teams |
mister merits miters timers |
mothers smother thermos |
nation anoint |
oafs sofa |
pal alp lap |
pals alps laps slap |
parent entrap |
parents entraps pastern |
parties pastier piaster pirates traipse |
patron tarpon |
posse poses poses |
relation oriental |
relatives versatile |
selves vessel |
senior nosier |
she he's |
sister resist |
son nos |
spouse opuses |
squad quads |
team mate meat tame |
teams mates meats steam tames |
teenager generate |
tribe biter |
unions unison |
wives views |
People-Related Anagram Activities:
Match the People Anagrams Draw a line from each people-related word to its anagram. Words: sister/resist, parent/entrap, tribe/biter, kids/skid, selves/vessel, kin/ink, pal/lap, ladies/ideals, friend/finder, damsel/medals. Or go to the answers. |
People Anagram Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a people-related anagram for each word. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral People Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #1 Solve the people-word anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Job-Related Anagrams:
An anagram is a word or phrase that is made by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. For example, note is an anagram of tone.
actors costar castor |
actress casters recasts |
aide idea |
artist strait traits |
baker brake break |
builder rebuild |
butlers bluster subtler |
cobbler clobber |
comics cosmic |
coroner crooner |
critic citric |
dancer craned |
deans sedan |
dentist stinted |
designer redesign resigned |
developer redevelop |
director creditor |
diver drive |
economist emoticons |
educator outraced |
editor rioted |
extra taxer |
farmer framer |
forester reforest |
gardener garnered |
general enlarge gleaner |
guides guised |
hatter threat |
horseman menorahs |
horsewomen homeowners |
importers misreport |
interpreter reinterpret |
leader dealer |
legislator allegorist |
lineman melanin |
magnate magenta |
maid amid |
marine airmen remain |
marines remains seminar |
mason moans |
mayor moray |
minister interims |
models seldom |
mountaineer enumeration |
muralist altruism |
nurse runes |
Olympian palimony |
organist roasting |
painter pertain repaint |
painters pantries pertains repaints |
parent entrap |
parson aprons |
pilots spoilt |
pirates parties pastier piaster traipse |
porter report |
potters protest spotter |
priest esprit stripe tripes |
prince pincer |
printer reprint |
producer procured |
publisher republish |
ranger garner |
rider direr drier |
salesman lameness nameless |
senator treason |
servant taverns |
singer reigns resign signer |
sleuth hustle |
soldier solider |
star arts rats tars tsar |
student stunted |
teacher cheater |
teller retell |
tiler liter litre relit |
tilers lister liters litres relist |
trainer retrain terrain |
trader darter retard tarred |
traders darters retards starred |
tsar arts rats star tars |
tutor trout |
umpire impure |
ushers Rhesus rushes |
vets vest |
waiters wariest |
welder lewder |
warden wander warned |
worker rework |
Job and Occupation Anagram Activities:
Job Anagrams Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes an occupation-related anagram for each word. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Job Anagrams Draw a line from each occupation-related word to its anagram. Words: baker/brake, farmer/framer, nurse/runes, builder/rebuild, marine/airmen, teacher/cheater, worker/rework, pilots/spoilt, gardener/garnered, salesman/nameless. Or go to the answers. |
Writing Worksheets to Print:
Essay Topic: What I Want To Do When I Grow Up Write a page on what you want to do when you grow up. What career do you want and what do you want to accomplish? |
Essay Topic: If I Were a Teacher Write a page on what you would do if you were a teacher for a day. What subjects would you teach and how would you teach them? |
Essay Topic: If I Were the President Write a page on what you'd do if you were the President. How would you change the world? |
Essay Topic: If I Were a Grown-Up Write about what you'd do if you were a grown-up for one day. What exactly would would you like to do and why would you do it? |
Essay Topic: New Student Questions If there was a new student in class and you could only ask that person three questions to get to know them, what would you ask them? |
Three Words Describing Yourself Essay Topic If you had to describe yourself using only three words, what would words would you use and why? |
Occupation: Draw and Write Worksheet Draw a picture of an occupation and write about it. Write about what a person with this job does and why it is important. |
What I Want to Be When I Grow Up: Draw and Write Worksheet Draw a picture of what you want to be when you grow up. Write about what you would like to do when you are older and why you want to do that. |
Jobs: Write a Question for Each Answer In this worksheet, the student is given a series of short answers using occupation-related words. For each answer, the student writes a short question. |
![]() Family: Illustrated Acrostic Poem |
![]() Father: Illustrated Acrostic Poem |
Write a Friends Acrostic Poem Write a poem about friends. Start each line with a letter from the word "friends." |
![]() Friends: Illustrated Acrostic Poem |
![]() Mother: Illustrated Acrostic Poem |
Adjectives Describing A Boy ![]() Write adjectives describing a boy in and around the boy. Or go to a pdf of the worksheet. |
Adjectives Describing A Girl ![]() Write adjectives describing a girl in and around the girl. Or go to a pdf of the worksheet. |
![]() Mock Job Applications On these printable worksheets, the student answers questions on mock job applications. Students can apply for a position as an astronaut, a clown, a snowman, a scarecrow, a veterinarian, and other real and imaginary occupations. |
![]() Veterinarian: Job Application Answer the questions below to apply for this job as an animal doctor. Or go to a pdf of the worksheet. |
Work Bank Printouts:
List of Jobs and Occupations This is a word bank of common jobs and occupations. |
List of Words: Leaders This is a word bank of terms for leaders. |
Job and Occupation Anagrams This is a word bank of anagrams of jobs and occupations. An anagram is a word or phrase that is made by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. For example, actors is an anagram of costar. |
All Themes | Animals | Food | People | Plants | Sports | Time and Calendar | Holidays |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
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