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You might also like: | Violin Coloring Page | Unscramble Musical Instrument Words | Xylophone Coloring Page | Music Calendar 2022 | Recorder Coloring Page | Today's featured page: The Body, Beginning Readers Books |
Our subscribers' grade-level estimate for this page: 3rd - 5th |
EnchantedLearning.com Music and Musical Instruments at Enchanted Learning Information, Crafts, Rhymes, and Printouts |
Click Here for K-3 Themes |
Music and Musical Instruments Crafts:
RATTLE Make a Native American rattle from a twig, yarn, and beads. |
BOX GUITAR Make a guitar using a box, rubber bands, and pencil. |
PAPER PLATE MARACAS Make maracas from two paper plates. |
RAINSTICK Rainsticks are ceremonial musical instruments used to invoke the rain spirits. You can make a simple Rainstick from a cardboard tube and aluminum foil. |
Simple Musical Instrument Coloring Printouts:
Cymbals The cymbals are a percussion instrument. Print out a coloring page on the cymbals. |
Drum The drum is a percussion instrument. Print out a coloring page on the drum. |
Guitar The guitar is a string instrument. Print out a coloring page on the guitar. |
Harp The harp is a string instrument. Print out a coloring page on the harp. |
Maracas The maracas are a percussion instrument. Print out a coloring page on the maracas. |
Recorder A recorder is a small wind instrument. Print out a coloring page on the recorder. |
Tambourine A tambourine is a percussion instrument. Print out a coloring page on the tambourine. |
Triangle The triangle is a percussion instrument. Print out a coloring page on the triangle. |
Trumpet A trumpet is a brass instrument. Print out a coloring page on the trumpet. |
Violin A violin is a string instrument. Print out a coloring page on the violin. |
Xylophone A xylophone is a percussion instrument. Print out a coloring page on the xylophone. |
Music Label Me! Printouts:
Music Theory and Musical Instruments
Music Theory Label Me! Printouts:Clefs, Notes and Rests Label the clefs, notes, and rests. Answers |
C Major Scale Label the notes in the C major scale. Answers |
C Minor Scale Label the notes in the C minor scale on the staff and on a keyboard. Answers |
Dotted Musical Notes and Rests: Printout Draw the dotted musical notes and rests, and their values. Answers |
Musical Keyboard Label the notes on a musical keyboard. Answers |
Musical Notes and Rests Fill in the musical notes and rests and their values. Answers |
Notation Label the musical terms, including the clefs, the parts of a note, time signatures, repeats, accidentals, and so on. Answers |
Notes, etc. Label the notes in the C scale. Answers |
Pentatonic Scale Label the notes in the C pentatonic scale. Answers |
Musical Instruments Label Me! Printouts:
Bassoon Label the parts of a bassoon. Answers |
Bow The bow is used to play many string instruments, including the violin, viola, cello, and double bass. Answers |
Brass Musical Instruments Label the trumpet, trombone, tuba, and French horn. Answers |
Cello Label the parts of a cello, including the tuning pegs, fingerboard, strings, bow, tailspike, F-hole, scroll, etc. Answers |
Clarinet Label the parts of a clarinet, including the reed, mouthpiece, ligature, barrel, upper joint, lower joint, keys, and bell. Answers |
Double Bass Label the parts of a double bass, including the belly, bow, bridge, F-hole, fingerboard, four strings, pegbox, scroll, tail piece, and waist. Answers |
Double French Horn Label the parts of a double French horn, including the mouthpiece, rotary valves, valve levers (keys), tuning slide, B flat thumb valve, pinky rest, and bell. Answers |
Electric Guitar Label the parts of an electric guitar, including the bridge, body, headstock, fingerboard and frets, nut, output jack, tuners, pickups, pickup selector, tremolo arm (whammy bar), tone control, strap pin, and volume control. Answers |
Flute Label the parts of a flute, including the mouth plate, embouchure hole, head joint, body, keys, and foot joint. Answers |
French Horn Label the parts of a French horn, including the mouthpiece, rotary valves, valve levers (keys), tuning slide, thumb rest, pinky rest, and bell. Answers |
Guitar Label the parts of a guitar, including the bridge, frets, head, hollow body, neck, pick guard, six strings, soundboard, sound hole, and tuning pegs. Answers |
Harp Label the parts of a harp, including the neck, foot, pedals, strings, etc. Answers |
Percussion Instruments Label the drum, tambourine, cymbals, xylophone, maracas, gong, and triangle in English. Answers |
Recorder Label the parts of a recorder, including the beak (or mouthpiece), double holes, foot joint, head joint, lip (or labium), middle section (or barrel), ramp, tone hole (or finger hole), and window. Answers |
Saxophone Label the parts of a saxophone, including the mouthpiece, ligature, reed, neck, body, keys, bow, and bell. Answers |
String Instruments Label the cello, violin, viola, bow, double bass, banjo, harp, and guitar in English. Answers |
Trombone Label the parts of a trombone. Answers |
Trumpet Label the parts of a trumpet. Answers |
Viola Label the parts of a violin, including the belly, bridge, bow, chin rest, F-hole, fine tuners, fingerboard, four strings, frog, scroll, tail piece, and tuning pegs. Answers |
Violin #1 Label the parts of a violin, including the belly, bridge, bow, chin rest, F-hole, fine tuners, fingerboard, four strings, frog, scroll, tail piece, and tuning pegs. Answers |
Violin #2 Label the parts of a violin, including the belly, bridge, bow, chin rest, F-hole, fine tuners, fingerboard, frog, scroll, tail piece tuning pegs, and the G, D, A, and E strings. Answers |
Woodwind Instruments in English Label the bassoon, clarinet, English horn, flute, oboe, piccolo, and saxophone in English. Answers |
Quizzes: Matching, Find It!, Fill-In Printouts, and Jokes:
Dotted Musical Notes and Rests: Fill In Printout Draw the dotted musical notes and rests and their values. Answers |
Musical Notes and Rests: Fill In Printout Draw the musical notes and rests, and their values. Answers |
Match Musical Notation Match the musical notation to its name. Answers |
Match Musical Notes and Rests Match the musical notes and rests to their names and values. Answers |
Music Find It! Quiz Use the clues to find the music-related words in the Little Explorers Picture Dictionary. |
Music Jokes and Riddles for Kids You can find tons of very corny music jokes and riddles for kids. |
Music Nametag Printable (Black-and-White) Eight music nametags in black-and-white on one printable page. |
Music Nametag Printable (Color) Eight music nametags in color on one printable page. |
Musical Instrument Nametag Printable (Black-and-White) Eight musical instrument nametags in black-and-white on one printable page. The instrument are: recorder, tambourine, zither, and maracas. |
Musical Instrument Nametag Printable (Color) Eight musical instrument nametags in color on one printable page. The instrument are: recorder, tambourine, zither, and maracas. |
Percussion Instrument Nametag Printable (Black-and-White) Eight percussion instrument nametags in black-and-white on one printable page. The instrument are: drum, xylophone, cymbals, and triangle. |
Percussion Instrument Nametag Printable (Color) Eight percussion instrument nametags in color on one printable page. The instrument are: drum, xylophone, cymbals, and triangle. |
![]() Bach Biography Read about Bach. Or go to a printable version |
![]() Bach Quiz Printout Answer questions about Bach. Answers |
Mozart A page about the great composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. |
Mozart Worksheet Printout Read about Mozart's life, color his picture, and answer three questions about him. |
Composers #1 - Letter-Flow Printable Word Puzzle Can you figure out the names of these ten composers? When a line connects two (or more) boxes, those boxes each contain the same letter. Composers: Wolfgang A. Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Johann Sebastian Bach, Johannes Brahms, Claude Debussy, Frederic Chopin, Franz Schubert, Bela Bartok, Igor Stravinsky, Giuseppe Verdi. Or go to the answers. Or go to a pdf file of the puzzle plus the answers. |
Composers #2 - Letter-Flow Printable Word Puzzle Can you figure out the names of these ten composers? When a line connects two (or more) boxes, those boxes each contain the same letter. Composers: Franz Joseph Haydn, George Frideric Handel, Franz Liszt, Hector Berlioz, Robert Schumann, Robert Strauss, Peter Tchaikovsky, Gustav Mahler, Antonin Dvorak, Antonio Vivaldi. Or go to the answers. Or go to a pdf file of the puzzle plus the answers. |
Music First Letter Printouts:
The Letter D A printout on the letter D, picturing a drum, duck, dog, and dumptruck. |
The Letter V A printout on the letter V, picturing a violin, vulture, volcano, and a Velociraptor. |
The Letter X A printout on the letter X, picturing a xylophone, X-ray, xenops, and Xiaosaurus. |
Music Printouts:
Print music paper with clefs Printout of music paper with clefs. |
Print music paper without clefs Printout of music paper without clefs. |
Mary Had a Little Lamb Words and Notes The words and notes for "Mary Had a Little Lamb." |
Mary Had a Little Lamb Sheet Music The sheet music (melody only) for "Mary Had a Little Lamb" with notes labeled. |
Musical Instrument Worksheets, etc:
![]() Numbers Tiny Picture Dictionary A short, printable picture dictionary of the numbers from zero to ten -- for early readers. The student cuts out the pages, staples them together, then writes each word in the tiny book. The words are: eight, five, four, nine, one, seven, six, ten, three, two, and zero. |
![]() Musical Instruments A short, printable picture dictionary of instruments -- for early readers. The words are: bell, drum, flute, guitar, harp, keyboard, recorder, trumpet, violin, xylophone, and write another musical instrument. |
![]() What am I? Musical Instruments For each musical instrument, choose the word that best describes it. Or go to the answers. |
Music Calendar A printable calendar with music facts and dates. |
Labeled Keyboard A printable keyboard (two octaves) to print. |
Picture Prompt 'X' Write a story about the picture - X. The picture shows three children with musical instruments (a drum, a guitar and a xylophone) and one child with no instrument. |
Musical Instruments Word Pieces Puzzle In this puzzle, combine pairs of word segments to make musical instrument spelling words. Words: clarinet, cymbals, drum, flute, guitar, oboe, organ, piano, trombone, trumpet, violin, xylophone. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Syllables: Musical Instrument Words Match the syllables to make 10 musical instruments words. The words are banjo, trombone, trumpet, oboe, tuba, cymbals, zither, cello, bassoon. Or go to the answers. |
Find a Music Word for Each Letter See if you can think of and write down a musicical instrument or music word for each letter of the alphabet. Or go to a sample answer page. |
Draw and Compare Musical Instruments Draw two musical instruments and then answer simple questions comparing them, for example, "Which one would be louder?" |
Match Musical Instruments: Words and Pictures Match 10 musical instruments words to their pictures. The words are: drum, trumpet, xylophone, violin, recorder, cymbals, guitar, harp, flute, trombone. Or go to the answers. |
Circle the Correctly-Spelled Musical Instruments Circle the correct spelling of musical instrument words, and then color the picture of the words. The words are drum, trumpet, recorder, violin, xylophone, trombone, cymbals, guitar, flute, harp. |
Musical Instruments Pages, activities, and printouts on many musical instruments. |
Unscramble Musical Instrument Words Unscramble the musical instruments, and then color the pictures of the words. The words are drum, trumpet, recorder, violin, xylophone, trombone, cymbals, guitar, harp, flute. |
Put 10 Musical Instrument Words in Alphabetical Order - Worksheet Put 10 musical instruments in alphabetical order. The words are: oboe, trombone, triangle, cymbals, maracas, organ, kazoo, tuba, piccolo, bass. Go to the answers. |
Put 10 Musical Instrument Words in Alphabetical Order - Worksheet #2 Put 10 musical instruments in alphabetical order. The words are: piano, drum, violin, viola, cello, trumpet, flute, clarinet, guitar, harp. Go to the answers. |
Put 10 Music Words in Alphabetical Order - Worksheet Put 10 music words in alphabetical order. The words are: sharp, flat, rest, treble, bass, clef, staff, notes, quarter, whole. Go to the answers. |
Missing Letters in Musical Instruments Find the missing letters in musical instrument words, and then color the picture of the word. The words are harp, drum, flute, violin, recorder, xylophone, trumpet, trombone, cymbals. |
Musical Instruments Spelling Word Questions Use the list of musical instruments spelling words to answer simple questions. Words: trumpet, drum, violin, flute, piano, xylophone, maracas, bell, cymbals, triangle, guitar, clarinet. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Music Anagrams Draw a line from each music-related word to its anagram. Words: note/tone, sing/sign, tuba/abut, bugle/bulge, scale/laces, viola/voila, beat/abet, score/cores, tenor/noter, recital/article. Or go to the answers. |
Music Anagram Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a music-related anagram for each word. Or go to the answers |
Musical Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a musical anagram for each word - a picture is provided as a clue for each anagram. Anagrams: bulge/bugle, voila/viola, abut/tuba, altering/triangle, sharp/harps, tone/note, mascara/maracas, re-record/recorder, sign/sing. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Music Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #1 Solve the music anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Music Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #2 Solve the music anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Musical Instrument: Describe It! Worksheet Write the name of a type of musical instrument, then answer questions about how you would describe it. |
Write Music Words by Category Write 5 music words for each category. The categories include: String Instruments, Wind Instruments, Percussion Instruments, Styles of Music, Groups of Musicians, Singing, Musical Notation, and Composers. Or go to sample answers. |
Write Music Words by Category Write 10 music words for each category. The categories include: String Instruments, Wind Instruments, Percussion Instruments, Styles of Music, Groups of Musicians, Singing, Musical Notation, and Composers. Or go to sample answers. |
Write Ten Things About Music A one-page printable worksheet. Write ten things about music (plus one thing you would like to change). |
Music |
Musical Instruments - Letter-Flow Printable Word Puzzle Can you figure out the names of these ten musical instruments? When a line connects two (or more) boxes, those boxes each contain the same letter. Musical instruments: grand piano, electric guitar, castanets, harpsichord, sousaphone, accordion, harmonica, French horn, bongo drum, didgeridoo. Or go to the answers. Or go to a pdf file of the puzzle plus the answers. |
![]() Bell Acrostic Poem Write a poem about a bell. Start each line with a letter from the word "bell." |
Bell: Shape Poem ![]() Write a poem inside the bell. Or go to a pdf of the poem worksheet. |
Bell: Perimeter Poem ![]() Write a poem around the perimeter (outer edges) of the bell. Or go to a pdf of the poem worksheet. |
Work Bank Printouts:
List of Musical Instruments This is a word bank of musial instruments. |
List of Music Theory Words This is a word bank of music theory words. |
Music Word Anagrams This is a word bank of anagrams of music words. An anagram is a word or phrase that is made by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. For example, note is an anagram of tone. |
![]() Word of the Day Worksheets These worksheets on elementary vocabulary have the student do an in-depth examination of a word that the teacher supplies. The student defines the word, uses the word in a sentence, identifies which part of speech it is, draws a picture that exemplifies the word, determines how many syllables it has, finds rhyming words, supplies synonyms and antonyms, etc. Pick a music-related word for a fun spelling activity. |
Musical Anagrams:
An anagram is a word or phrase that is made by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. For example, note is an anagram of tone.
beat abet beta |
beats abets baste betas beast |
blues lubes |
bugle bulge |
cantor carton |
carol coral |
chorale cholera |
chords schrod |
genre green |
harmonicas marischino |
harps sharp |
horns shorn |
lyre rely |
lyres slyer |
maracas mascara |
march charm |
metronome monotreme |
minuet minute |
note tone |
octave avocet |
opus soup |
organ groan |
pedal paled plead |
pedals lapsed pleads |
percussion supersonic |
phrase seraph |
player parley replay |
players parleys replays sparely |
plays palsy splay |
poco coop |
preludes repulsed |
presto poster |
raga agar |
ragtime migrate |
range anger |
rap par |
recital article |
recorder re-record |
reed deer |
rests tress |
rock cork |
rondo donor |
sang nags |
scale laces |
scat acts cast cats |
score cores |
semitone monetise |
sing sign |
sitars stairs |
ska ask |
snare earns nears saner |
spinet instep |
study dusty |
swing wings |
tab bat |
tabs bats stab |
talent latent |
tenor noter toner |
ties site |
timbre timber |
time emit item mite |
tonal talon |
tone note |
triangle altering |
trio riot |
tuba abut |
unison unions |
viola voila |
Music-Related Anagram Activities:
Musical Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a musical anagram for each word - a picture is provided as a clue for each anagram. Anagrams: bulge/bugle, voila/viola, abut/tuba, altering/triangle, sharp/harps, tone/note, mascara/maracas, re-record/recorder, sign/sing. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Music Anagrams Draw a line from each music-related word to its anagram. Words: note/tone, sing/sign, tuba/abut, bugle/bulge, scale/laces, viola/voila, beat/abet, score/cores, tenor/noter, recital/article. Or go to the answers. |
Music Anagram Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a music-related anagram for each word. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Music Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #1 Solve the music anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Music Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #2 Solve the music anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Musical Instruments to Label (in many languages):
Brass Musical Instruments in English Label the trumpet, trombone, tuba, and French horn in English. Answers |
Brass Musical Instruments in French Label the trumpet, trombone, tuba, and French horn in French. Answers |
Brass Musical Instruments in German Label the trumpet, trombone, tuba, and French horn in German. Answers |
Brass Musical Instruments in Italian Label the trumpet, trombone, tuba, and French horn in Italian. Answers |
Brass Musical Instruments in Spanish Label the trumpet, trombone, tuba, and French horn in Spanish. Answers |
Percussion Instruments in English Label the drum, tambourine, cymbals, xylophone, maracas, gong, and triangle in English. Answers |
Percussion Instruments in French Label the drum, tambourine, cymbals, xylophone, maracas, gong, and triangle in French. Answers |
Percussion Instruments in German Label the drum, tambourine, cymbals, xylophone, maracas, gong, and triangle in German. Answers |
Percussion Instruments in Italian Label the drum, tambourine, cymbals, xylophone, maracas, gong, and triangle in Italian. Answers |
Percussion Instruments in Spanish Label the drum, tambourine, cymbals, xylophone, maracas, gong, and triangle in Spanish. Answers |
String Instruments in English Label the cello, violin, viola, bow, double bass, banjo, harp, and guitar in English. Answers |
String Instruments in French Label the cello, violin, viola, bow, double bass, banjo, harp, and guitar in French. Answers |
String Instruments in German Label the cello, violin, viola, bow, double bass, banjo, harp, and guitar in German. Answers |
String Instruments in Italian Label the cello, violin, viola, bow, double bass, banjo, harp, and guitar in Italian. Answers |
String Instruments in Spanish Label the cello, violin, viola, bow, double bass, banjo, harp, and guitar in Spanish. Answers |
Woodwind Instruments in English Label the bassoon, clarinet, English horn, flute, oboe, piccolo, and saxophone in English. Answers |
Woodwind Instruments in French Label the bassoon, clarinet, English horn, flute, oboe, piccolo, and saxophone in French. Answers |
Woodwind Instruments in German Label the bassoon, clarinet, English horn, flute, oboe, piccolo, and saxophone in German. Answers |
Woodwind Instruments in Italian Label the bassoon, clarinet, English horn, flute, oboe, piccolo, and saxophone in Italian. Answers |
Woodwind Instruments in Spanish Label the bassoon, clarinet, English horn, flute, oboe, piccolo, and saxophone in Spanish. Answers |
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