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What is your Favorite Dinosaur?
Early June 2001

What is your favorite dinosaur and why?

THE TALLY: Click on underlined favorites for more information on that dinosaur.
Abelisaurus 2
Acanthopholis 1
Achillobator 1
Acrocanthosaurus 13
Adasaurus 2
Afrovenator 2
Alamosaurus 11
Albertosaurus (=Gorgosaurus) 18
Alectrosaurus 1
Alioramus 2
Allosaurus 153
Altispinax 1
Alvarezsaurus 2
Alxasaurus 5
Amargasaurus 6
Amphicoelias 3
Amygdalodon 2
Anatosaurus 4
Anatotitan 5
Anchiceratops 1
Anchisaurus 1
Ankylosaurus 187
Apatosaurus (= Brontosaurus) 333
Aragosaurus 1
Argentinosaurus 5
Arkansaurus 1
Atlascopcosaurus 1
Austrosaurus 1
Avipes 1
Avipes 1
Azendohsaurus 1
Bactrosaurus 1
Bambiraptor 4
Barosaurus 8
Baryonyx 24
Becklespinax 1
Blikanasaurus 1
Brachiosaurus 227
Brachyceratops 1
Byronosaurus 1
Camarasaurus 2
Camptosaurus 4
Carcharodontosaurus 17
Carnotaurus 22
Cedarosaurus 1
Centrosaurus 3
Ceratosaurus 14
Chasmosaurus 8
Charonosaurus 2
Chilantaisaurus 1
Chirostenotes 3
Coelophysis 24
Coelurosaurs 1
Coelurus 2
Compsognathus 73
Corythosaurus 18
Cryolophosaurus 6
Daspletosaurus 3
Deinocherius 4
Deinonychus 155
Deltadromeus 3
Dicraeosaurus 1
Dilophosaurus 43
Diplodocus 112
Dromaeosaurus 7
Dryosaurus 3
Dryptosaurus 6
Duckbills (Hadrosaurs) 30
Edmontosaurus (=Anatosaurus) 8
Edmarka 1
Einiosaurus 1
Elaphrosaurus 3
Eoraptor 6
Epanterias 1
Eubrontes 1
Euhelopus 2
Euoplocephalus 9
Euoparkeria 1
Eustreptospondylus 5
Fabrosaurus 3
Gallimimus 22
Gasosaurus 2
Gastonia 2
Giganotosaurus 85
Giraffatitan 2
Gorgosaurus 2
Grallator 2
Gryposaurus 5
Hadrosaurus 3
Haplocanthosaurus 1
Herrerasaurus 5
Heterodontosaurus 3
Homalocephale 4
Hylaeosaurus 1
Hypacrosaurus 1
Hypselosaurus 2
Hypsilophodon 9
Iguanodon 66
Indosuchus 1
Irritator 4
Janenschia 1
Jaxartosaurus 1
Jiangjunmiaosaurus 1
Jiangjunmiaosaurus Jobaria 8
Kakuru 2
Kentrosaurus 8
Koparion 3
Lambeosaurus 7
Leallynasaura 9
Leptoceratops 1
Lesothosaurus 2
Liliensternus 2
Long-neck 109
Lufengosaurus 1
Maiasaura 51
Majungatholus 2
Malawisaurus 2
Maleevosaurus 1
Massospondylus 1
Mamenchisaurus 5
Megaraptor 55
Metriacanthosaurus 2
Micropachycephalosaurus 3
Microceratops 2
Microcoelus 1
Micropachycephalosaurus 1
Microraptor 3
Microcrodontosaurus 1
Microvenator 4
Minmi 12
Monoclonius 3
Monolophosaurus = Jiangjunmiaosaurus 3
Montanoceratops 1
Mussaurus 2
Muttaburrasaurus 9
Mymoorapelta 1
Nanosaurus 1
Nanotyrannus 2
Nipponosaurus 1
Noasaurus 1
Nodosaurus 1
Notoceratops 3
Nqwebasaurus 1
Opisthocoelicaudia 1
Ornithocheirus 2
Ornitholestes 5
Ornithomimus 17
Orodromeus 1
Othnielia 2
Ouranosaurus 8
Oviraptor 22
Ozraptor 2
Pachycephalosaurus 56
Pachyrhinosaurus 26
Palaeoscincus 3
Paralititan 1
Parasaurolophus 105
Parrosaurus 1
Pelecanimimus 2
Pentaceratops 10
Piatnitzkysaurus 1
Plateosaurus 12
Pleurocoelus 1
Podokesaurus 1
Poekilopleuron 1
Polacanthus 5
Polyonyax 1
Procompsognathus 3
Protoavis 2
Protoceratops 36
Psittacosaurus 5
Quaesitosaurus 1
"raptors" (= Dromaeosaurids =Deinonychosaurs) 206
Rhoetosaurus 1
Rileyasuchus 1
Rioarribasaurus 2
Riojasaurus 1
Saltasaurus 6
Sauroposeidon 2
Seismosaurus 15
Shunosaurus 3
Sinornithosaurus 14
Spinosaurus 28
Staurikosaurus 3
Stegoceras 3
Stegosaurus 402
Stenonychosaurus 1
Struthiomimus 3
Stygimoloch 4
Styracosaurus 27
Suchomimus 8
Supersaurus 27
Tanius 1
Tarbosaurus 7
Tenontosaurus 1
Therizinosaurus 5
Thescelosaurus 1
Titanosaurus 1
Torosaurus 9
Torvosaurus 1
Trachodon 14
Triceratops 661
Trimucrodon 1
Troödon (=Stenonychosaurus) 59
Tsintaosaurus 2
Tuojiangosaurus 1
Tyrannosaurus rex 4,373
Ultrasauros 28
Unenlagia 2
Utahraptor 145
Variraptor 4
Velociraptor 828
Vulcanodon 1
Wannanosaurus 1
Wuerhosaurus 3
Xenotarsosaurus 1
Xiaosaurus 1
Yandusaurus 1
Yangchuanosaurus 5
Zanclodon 4
Zapsalis 2
Zatomus 1
Zephyrosaurus 2
Zuniceratops 3
Zigongosaurus 6

Sabortooth Tiger because i like tigers and most tigers today are

endangered in the wild
from kelly s, age 11, sydney, nova scotia, canada; June 15, 2001

Bunnys. cas they got all them teeth butt no tooth brush and sharp teeth 2
from Pop 56, age 6666666666, neptune, Someone stepped on my toe, TOE; June 15, 2001

Daniel there is no evidence that allosaurus was blue. You probably just saw it dipicted this way on a video game like dino crisis2. But this one is still going to allosaurus because it's also my favorite dinosaur.
from Sean.S, age 13, i won't tell, ?, U.S.A; June 15, 2001

This "dramatic" speech is 2 give t rex more votes. It only has 4,000 or somthin like that. Not very mutch huh? Keep voteing t rex we almost got 5,ooo last time i checked. I really dont like that little punk.My favorite dino is Sytarsus.BUT dis vote is 4 trex,trex,trex,trex,trex,rex,rex and T-REX................................................................. TO BE CONTINUID (not a guarentee)
from the 2d tyranosaur president (BRENDAN F., age unknown, ??????????????????????????????, y, rthy; June 14, 2001

from aaron m., age 8, ?, ?, nz; June 14, 2001

T.REX-T.REXES are tall and good hunters!!
from Mony G, age ??, ??, ??, ??; June 14, 2001

Long Neck-Beacause the are vegetarians,and so am I.And they are also pretty huge.And cool looking.
from Elisa G., age 10, Arizona, Tucson, ?; June 14, 2001

Brontosaurus :-)
from Jen D, age 6, Columbus, OH, USA; June 14, 2001

Triceratops--Because they didn't let anybody pick on them and get away with it.
from Chris B., age 20, Westerville, Oh, USA; June 14, 2001

Lipleurodon---even though it's not really a dinosaur. It is the coolest thing to live in the ocean in the past 200 million years!!!
from Leslie B, age 20, Columbus, OH, USA; June 14, 2001

Tyranosaurus Rex. Because he is the greatest dinosaur and he is one of the toughest dinosaurs that lived. He has big teeth and can run kind of fast.
from Darren L., age 7, Huntington, W.V, USA; June 14, 2001

The chimpmonk because they are cute and fuzzy
from doom will fall apon your head!!!!!!!!!, age 473, Pluto, ouch my spine, I'll never tell!!; June 14, 2001

Velociraptor, in reallity, wasn't the 6 foot ultimate predator from "Jurassic Park". But within a year of the movies release a large predatory dinosaur was found, in Utah, that would surpass the ideas of Spielberg and Crichton.

With a height of 6-7 feet, a length of 18-20 feet, a high intelligence, and 1 foot(12 inch) claw. Utahraptor gets my vote for being the ultimate preditor.
from ?, age ?, ?, ?, ?; June 14, 2001

T.rex! Its cool!
from ?, age ?, ?, ?, ?; June 13, 2001

I say,t-rex would defeat giganotosaurus.The raptors killed but they ate so little,t-rex ate flesh all clean.T-rex is scary.There is evidence that some raptors locked in combat and was even crushed by protoceratops.T-rex is the king and is staying that way.Giganotosaurus would be second king.
from Donovan c., age 11, ?, singapore, ?; June 13, 2001

Tyrannasaurus learnig about it or wathching a movie about it it just makes me think wow
from Christopher K., age 8, Vancuver, bc, Canada; June 13, 2001

Brontausaurus is my favrite dinousor because if I hade
one I would not drouwned if bade
things are in the water.

from Martin E., age 6, Hillard, Ohio, Amarica; June 13, 2001

T-REX:because it kills its pry good andit is COOL.
from Evan f., age 8, Bellingham,Washington, bellingham, washington, u.s.a.; June 13, 2001

from ?, age ?, ?, ?, ?; June 13, 2001

Excuse me, but T.Rex was BIGGER than Giganotosaurus. In any case, any T.Rex was smarter, faster and bit harder than any Giganotosaurus much bigger than it, so bigger or not (which T.Rex is actually bigger), T.Rex would massacare Giganotosaurus.
from T.Rex rules!, age ?, ?, ?, ?; June 13, 2001

Giginatosaurus because it is green and it is my favourite colour.
from Steffan M, age 8, Ammanford, Carmathenshire, wales; June 13, 2001

Allosaurus because he's blue like my favorite colour.
from Daniel M, age 8, Ammanford, Carmarthenshire, uk; June 13, 2001

Stegasaures because they may look small and pathetic but, they have protection all over their body. So they dom't have one of the biggest brains I still like them.
from Cody B., age 15, Jacksonville, Florida, N.A.; June 12, 2001

My favorite dinosaur is the Giganotasaurus. I like it because it is the largest known meat-eater, and could kick the crap out of a T-rex
from Shane S., age 13, Mt.Olive, North Carolina, United States; June 12, 2001

Dilophosaurus, because they are very cool,and I like their crest, too.
from Max, age 10, Newburyport, Mass., USA; June 12, 2001

from caprice s, age 12, layton, utah, us; June 12, 2001

My favorite dinosoure is a T-Rex.I like maet just likethem
from alex zeman, age 8, ny, new york, amarica; June 12, 2001

tryseratops because it is the besti like when he walks.
from ?, age ?, ?, ?, ?; June 11, 2001

from ?, age ?, ?, ?, ?; June 12, 2001

brontosaurs- because it's a cool name.
from madeline, age 6, horsham, pa, usa; June 11, 2001

Q: I have found some inacurit information in your dinosaur wed site. A veloceraptor dose not stand 3 feet tall it stands 5-6 feet tall so if you would pleas chang that it would be gratly appreciated.
from ?, lancaster, Ohio, U.S.A; June 8, 2001
A: No, Velociraptor was about 6 feet long from the snout to the end of the tail, but was not nearly that tall (even though it pictured that big in the Jurassic Park movie).

See what I mean? Velociraptor fans like Velociraptor for all the wrong reasons. If Velociraptor fans were really true dinosaur fans, they would accept the truth about their dinsoaur and stop writing about how they hunted in packs and ran up to 70 miles per hour.

This vote is for T-Rex
from A fan, age ?, ?, ?, ?; June 11, 2001

That's the problem with Velociraptor: Everybody likes them from the wrong reasons. Theyt like Velociraptor becaus ehtey think it was a deadly 6-foot tall dinosaur that hunted in packs. They can't seperate fiction from reality. In real life, Velociraptor couldn't even take on a prepaired adult human. Velociraptor was only 3 to 4 feet all. No thanks to Jurassic Park, many people like a dinosaur that dosen't even exist, and they think its Velociraptor. Heck, we don't even have any evidence Velociraptor hunted in packs at all!

T-Rex is a different story, people have been liking T-Rex since it was found. They like it for the FACTS they know about it. If you tell a Velociraptor fan his dinosaur was only 3 feet tall, he'll go into deninal. But a T-Rex fan accepts his dinosaur as an animal, not a movie monster and he has good reasons to liek his dinosuar. These are the true dinosaur fans. Most Velociraptor fans are mainly movie fans, not true dinosaur fans.

This vote is for T-Rex
from A fan, age ?, ?, ?, ?; June 11, 2001

t.rex, I like the way it hunts
from T.Rex, age ?, ?, ?, ?; June 10, 2001

Velicoraptor cause he is speedy
from LoganL, age 8, Caneyville, Kentucky, USA; June 10, 2001

The Veloceraptor is my favorite dinosaur. I have been into dinosaurs for as long as I can remember, and from the moment I saw the Velociraptor I fell in love with it. The main attraction to the Veloceraptor for me is the way in which it hunts and the tool it uses to kill its prey, namely the 6 inch toe claw. I think that after Jurassic Park's portrail of the two Veloceraptors hunting Muldoon everyone must have come to like them.
from Matthew P, age 16, Liverpool, Merseyside, England; June 10, 2001

Deinonychus - it's intelligent, uses teamwork to achieve its aim and is very co-ordinated.
from Hannah LS, age 11, Crediton, ?, England; June 10, 2001

velociraptor: because they are so fast, smart, and the big claw on the velociraptors second toe.
from Joshua H., age 10, san diego, calafornia, united states; June 10, 2001

t.rex is da man
from man, age ?, ?, ?, ?; June 10, 2001

Homer is so out man! Listen to da bart man! Tyrannosaurus is da king! And da bartman said so!
from Bart Simpson, age ?, Spingfield, Eat my shorts, USA; June 10, 2001

MY fanorite dinosour is Deinonychus . I like it because it has a huge claw .
from Hannah B., age 8, Hemet, California, U.S.A.; June 9, 2001

My favorite dinosaur is Brontosaurus, it's tallest dinosaur I know of. Another reason I like the dinosaur, Brontosaurus is that it's is gentle.
from Janice T., age 9, Houston, TX, USA; June 9, 2001

My favorite dinosaur is the Parasaurolophus because we think that it's crest was used to make cool honking noises, and there have only been 3 specimens ever found!!!
from Robyn T., age 19, Delia, Alberta, Canada; June 9, 2001

diplducus and because I did a report on it.
from dfht t, age 10, dtrhyn, ?, ytujtd k dcgtyk; June 9, 2001

T-rex because...DO'H...I mean velociraptor.

I am so smart... I am so smart... S-M-R-T, I mean S-M-A-R-T.

from Homer J. S., age 36, Springfield, I don't know, U.S.A.; June 9, 2001

Utahraptor because it was quick, smart, and and a big claw.
from Eddie F., age 14, Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.A.; June 9, 2001

My fave dino is a t-rex because the way it hunts and roars.
from Adam T., age 9, Witham, Essex, England; June 9, 2001

T.Rex had everything man! He had the smarts, the speed, the toughness, the wit, the power, the toughness and the size. He totally rocks man!
from Tyrannosaurus Rocks, age ?, ?, ?, ?; June 8, 2001

from Megan, age ?, ?, ?, ?; June 8, 2001

Diploticus. Cause he was the biggest dinosaur who ever roamed the earth.
from Daniel B, age 5, Danien, CT, USA; June 8, 2001

My favorite dinosaur is the Tyrannosaurus because he was a good hunter.
from Matthew H., age 8, Mapleton, Utah, USA; June 8, 2001

Our favorite dinosaur is all dinosaur because they are cute and big. we love dinosaurs because we are sudying them!
from Stefanie & Kristin, age 8, norton, massachusetts, u.s.a; June 8, 2001

My favorite dinosaur would the Veloiraptor. Why is because it is a swift hunter.
from Masood.S, age 12, Brampton, Ontario, Canada; June 8, 2001

from Jay B, age 10, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; June 8, 2001

Turtle because i like Turtles!!!!!!!!!!
from Brooke, age 13, Quebec, Quebec, Quebec; June 8, 2001

from Jamie, age ?, ?, ?, ?; June 7, 2001

favorite carnivore:Suchomimus because slender body,related to Baryonyx,crocodile jaws,and its a carnivore.favorite herbivore:Parasaurolophus because the crest,could of had a bright,colourful body,and a duckbill.
from CW, age 10, Bailey, CO, United States of America; June 7, 2001

Stegosaurus-Because it is our class dinosaur.
from Julia P, age 7, Oradell, NJ, USA; June 7, 2001

my favourite dinosaur is the pooalotasauras because it has been
indentified and preserved by someone I know.

from stacey, age 14, oakville, on, canada; June 7, 2001

pachyasephlasaurs, because he looked WeIrEd
from Lee E., age 8, Regina, sask, ?; June 7, 2001

My favorit dinosaur is a T-REX why because it is mean and I
am mean and it ruled the dinosaures.

from Nykea' F, age 9, Seafored, Dolaware, u.s.a.; June 7, 2001

velocirapter,because he was so fast.
from gregory d, age 7, Regina, sask, ?; June 7, 2001

from ROB, age ?, ?, ?, ?; June 7, 2001


from LAU QUAN F., age 8, ?, ?, SINGAPORE; June 6, 2001

The velociraptor because he has sharp teeth
from yair L, age 3, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; June 6, 2001

T-rex had nothin' on this guy.

This vote is for Utahraptor because its high intelligence, speed, power, and its amazing 1-foot-long claw.
from Rob G., age 15, Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.A.; June 6, 2001

t-rex because it's an animal ROAR yeah baby.
from liz m, age 14, alabama, sun shine state, america; June 6, 2001

Tyrannosaurus rocks
from Rocks, age ?, ?, ?, ?; June 6, 2001

Because the color of it

from ?, age ?, ?, ?, ?; June 6, 2001

Monocionius I like him because he is purple I love purple.
from ?, age ?, ?, ?, ?; June 6, 2001

My favorite dinosaur is Dilophosaurus because its crests on its head and because it looks like a dolphin a little.
from Kaitlin, age 8, Cedar Grove, The United States of America, New Jersey; June 6, 2001

Dilophosaurus because The crests on its head.
from Danielle, age 8, Cedar Grove, New Jersey, ?; June 6, 2001

Protoceratops because its cute.
from Sierra, age 8 1/2, Cedar Grove, New Jersey, United States; June 6, 2001

Coelophysis because it is has four fingers unlike other meat-eaters.
from Jonathan, age 7 1/2, Cedar Grove, New Jersey, United States; June 6, 2001

I lone all dino's they rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from breanna b, age 11, melbourne, vic, Australia; June 6, 2001

T.Rex! He's mean!
from Lillian Tay, age 13, ?, ?, ?; June 6, 2001

You know, t-rex was at the t op of the food chain.When he charged,dinosaurs would scatter.T-rex was dangerous,he fought with rivals,killed rivals and sometimes even ate the rival male.Sue the t-rex's jaws was ripped right off by another one.T-rex cleand his teeth and his teeth got strong and could bight trhough bone not to mention powerfull jaws.Even the lousiest and lamest dinosaur could fight the velopciraptor
from Donovan c., age 11, ?, singapore, ?; June 5, 2001

This one is for T.Rex all the way. This fearsome predator was 40 feet long, weighing in at 5 or 6 tons. Who could beat that? And don't talk to me about Giganotosaurus and the other biggies. It appears that T.Rex may have been smarter than those others. Those guys had a smaller braincase, which mwans smaller brain, which means dumber dino.

T.Rex all the way!!!!!!!!!!
from Dragonair, age 13, Dayton, Ohio, USA; June 5, 2001

Velociraptor is faaaaaar better than that big ugly T-rex!!!!!!!!!!!!
from Jonathan G, age 10, Derry, Ulster, Ireland; June 5, 2001

Trentarama because he is so cool
from trent h, age 22, hi, hello, my house; June 5, 2001


This is a vote for T.Rex
from Powerex, age ?, ?, ?, ?; June 5, 2001

The great lizird king T.REX becauase he is a meat eater and he can rip your head off in a instint.
from J.K., age 8, P.M.C., ?, P.M.C.; June 4, 2001

i'll tell you why Tyrannosaurus was better then the lame Velociraptor or the even lamer Deinonychus. he didn't need to hunt in packs to get his prey to lay dead at his feet. he already had the sheer brute and power he needed. the lame Deinonychus and lamer Velociraptor died in the background extinctions. Tyrannosaurus died at the end and i mean the end. he didn't die early like the Velociraptor and the oh so lame Dienonychus. that's why i love Tyrannosaurus more than Velociraptor or Deinonychus. if i ever saw a Tyrannosaurus i would try to put on some kind of camaflouge. then i'd hide behind some bush or something like that for extra camaflouge then i'd take my video camera. then i would video tape the Tyrannosaurus beating up a Triceratops. then i'd go home and watch the tape over and over and over and over. when ever it shows a good veiw of Tyrannosaurus i would hug the TV. my vote for the powerful Tyrannosaurus.
from Kyo, age ?, ?, NJ, USA; June 4, 2001

t rex. Because he was so big and was a meat eater
from jeffrey d, age 8, mt. laurel, nj, usa; June 4, 2001

trex becos he's mean
from Janice, age ?, ?, ?, ?; June 4, 2001

Oh thank you Honkie Tong for your help.Second thought you do have a point.
from Donovan C .(changed initials), age 10, ?, singapore, ?; June 3, 2001

T.Rex is certainly better then Deinonychus or Velociraptor. Why? Because it was the better survivor. T.Rex survived right up to the mass extinction, but Deinonychus and Velociraptor had already folded in and gone extinct in background extictions. SO tell me raptor fans, how deadly and powerful can your dinosaur be when it died in a background extinction? The raptors are not even vaguely powerful at all, their body plan was so lously that they bought it so soon. Raptors are hardly the more-sucessful then T.Rex deadly killers raptor fans make them out to be, for it they were deadly, why didn't they survive right up to the end?????

Apparently, Tyrannosaurus was the superior survivor, and that's because Tyrannosaurus was clearly better.

This vote is for T.Rex!
from Jillian T., age 12, ?, ?, ?; June 3, 2001

trex rocks man!
from Lillian T., age 14, ?, ?, ?; June 3, 2001

Tyrannosaurus because he is so cool he could kill a Edmontosaurus in one minute. i was reading past votes and i've seen raptor fans trying to beat numbers in Tyrannosaurus votes. people were saying stuff like Velociraptor could beat a Tyrannosaurus. they had to be kidding and i mean it. how could a 4 foot tall Velociraptor be enough to beat a 20 foot tall Tyrannosaurus. unless they meant the Velociraptor with its pack. well the Tyrannosaurus would still win you know. but 5 pairs of 4 inch sickle claws versus 50 dagger like teeth that were 6 inches long. look at it this way ten slashes of a 4 inch sickle claw barely got through 5 of Tyrannosaurus layers of skin. now that is tough pressure on the little Velociraptors but i guess it was true. this is a vote for the Tyrannoaurus.
from Niyine, age ?, ?, N.J., U.S.A.; June 3, 2001

A.R, before you insult a fellow Singaporean of mine, please be reminded you are floundering on the shallow end of the gene pool, and that's really shallow. (Even shallower then the guy who blew so many holes in a giant catus with his shotgun it fell on him and crushed him dead)

What goes around comes around :)

This is a vote for T.Rex.
from Honkie Tong, age 16, ?, ?, ?; June 3, 2001

Triceratops, becauseit had three huge horn on its face and would try to beat the t-rex and some times won
from chelsea g, age 9, woodville, ontario canada, woodville; June 2, 2001

Says who Anne robinson, you are even feeble than I thought.And what's so weak about my link.Good riddance for a decade.
from Donovan R., age 11, ?, singapore, ?; June 3, 2001

My favorite dinosaur of all is Tyrannosaurus Rex.
And why is it my favorite dinosaur?Will I like how it they hunt like sneaking behind them and when 2 Tyrannosaurus work together.
The mom take care of it's baby well until it's old enough to take care
of it self and there are million of reasons and ideas that Tyrannosaurus Rex.

from Julie R., age 11, Los Angeles, California, United States Of America; June 2, 2001

from W.L, age 8, New York City, New York, U.S.A.; June 2, 2001

Amargasaurus. Because he has a spine to defend himself and he looks fierce.
from Sam K, age 6, Manama, ?, Bahrain; June 2, 2001


Because it is so big and fierce
from James W, age 6, Buckinghamshire, ?, England; June 2, 2001

Baryonyx is my favourite dinosaur,I adore all dinosaurs,
but the reason I like the Baryonyx the best is because he had a
claw as big as a three year olds arm!!Also there has been only one fossil found (and he was a great fisher!!!)

from Dean A, age 11, Sydney, N.S.W, Australia; June 2, 2001

Carnitore- he eats meat and gets his prey with his mouth.
from Sam P., age 5, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America; June 1, 2001

I like the Fruit flavoured pinaple dinosaur because it tastes extremely good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from Anonamous Z, age 94, Chicago, Utah, France; June 1, 2001

My favorite dinosaur is T-Rex because it is a carnovore.
from Caitlin g., age 7, State Collge, P.A, America; June 1, 2001

D. R., you are the weakest link. Goodbye.
from Anne Robinson, age ?, ?, ?, ?; June 1, 2001

My Favorite dinosaur is Megalosaurus because of the amazing research I found out about it.
from Mitchel Sorestad, age 10, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; June 1, 2001

pachycepalosaurus is my favorite dinosaur because they bonk heads
from Nathen Stuckel, age 13, Edmonton, Ablerta, Canada; June 1, 2001

Just a little reminder: Hating Tyrannosaurus does not mean you have to like Velociraptor, and hating Velociraptor does not mean that you have to like Tyrannosaurus. Also, it is possible to like both Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptor at the same time.

This is a vote for Einiosaurus. :)
from Brad, age 14, Woodville, ON, Canada; June 1, 2001

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