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Summer Activities | EnchantedLearning.com - Over 35,000 Web Pages What's New at Enchanted Learning Mid August 2005
Activities Related to the US Constitution Do activities related to the US Constitution, including quizzes, graphic organizers, worksheets, and other printables. August 20, 2005 |
Constitution Quiz #4 - Bill of Rights Read about the Bill of Rights, then answer the questions. Or go to the answers. August 20, 2005 |
German Calendar 2006 (European-Style Layout) A printable German calendar for 2006 with sets of words to color for each month of the year. (European-style layout - Monday-Sunday). August 20, 2005 |
Constitution Quiz #1 - History of the US Constitution Read the passage about the history of the US Constitution, then answer the questions. Or go to the answers. August 19, 2005 |
Constitution Quiz #2 - US Constitution: Separation of Power - Read the passage about the separation of power as outlined in the US Constitution, then answer the questions. Or go to the answers. August 19, 2005 |
Constitution Quiz #3 - Structure of the US Constitution Read the passage about the structure of the US Constitution, then answer the questions. Or go to the answers. August 19, 2005 |
Timeline of the US Constitution Scan a timeline of important events in the history of the US Constitution. August 18, 2005 |
US Constitution: Glossary Read the definitions of terms related to the US Constitution. August 18, 2005 |
German Calendar 2006 (US-Style Layout) A printable German calendar for 2006 with sets of words to color for each month of the year. (US-style layout - Sunday-Saturday). August 18, 2005 |
Match Spanish Words and Pictures Match Spanish vocabulary words to their pictures for many themed topics, including clothing, food, school items, tools, and vehicles. August 17, 2005 |
Match French Words and Pictures Match French vocabulary words to their pictures for many themed topics, including clothing, food, school items, tools, and vehicles. August 17, 2005 |
Classroom Bill of Rights Write a Classroom Bill of Rights that lists students' rights (and responsibilities). August 17, 2005 |
The US Constitution Printable Book A short, printable book on the history and continuing importance of the US Constitution. For fluent readers. August 16, 2005 |
Wörter auf Deutsch (Words in German) A word book in which the student writes words in German and illustrates them. This printable book can be used to make a book of the words a student knows, a picture dictionary, or a theme book (on, for example, animals, household items, shapes, colors, numbers, etc.). August 16, 2005 |
Match German Words and Pictures Match German vocabulary words to their pictures for many themed topics, including clothing, food, school items, tools, and vehicles. August 16, 2005 |
US Constitution - Cloze Worksheet Print and do a fill-in-the-blanks activity on the US Constitution. Or go to the answers. August 15, 2005 |
Forest Animals A short, printable book about forest animals - for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, and color, with animal names to write. The pages are: bear, deer, raccoon, squirrel, fox, woodpecker, owl, snake, frog, worm, ant. August 15, 2005 |
Animales del Bosque (Forest Animals) A short, printable book about forest animals in Spanish - for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, and color, with animal names to write. The pages are: oso/bear, ciervo/deer, mapache/raccoon, ardilla/squirrel, zorro/fox, pájaro carpintero/woodpecker, búho/owl, serpiente/snake, rana/frog, gusano/worm, hormiga/ant. August 15, 2005 |
Tiere im Wald (Forest Animals) A short, printable book about forest animals in German - for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, and color, with animal names to write. The pages are: Bär/bear, Hirsch/deer, Waschbär/raccoon, Eichhörnchen/squirrel, Fuchs/fox, Specht/woodpecker, Eule/owl, Schlange/snake, Frosch/frog, Wurm/worm, Ameise/ant. August 15, 2005 |
Match German Clothes Words and Pictures #1 Match 10 German clothing words to their pictures. The words are: Socke/sock, Handschuh/glove, Hemd/shirt, Eausthandschuh/mitten, Shorts/shorts, Hose/pants, Jacke/jacket, Sandalen/sandals, Rock/skirt, Schuh/shoe. Or go to the answers. August 15, 2005 |
Match German Clothes Words and Pictures #2 Match 10 German clothing words to their pictures. The words are: Schal/scarf, Hut/hat, Weste/vest, Kleid/dress, Uhr/watch, Gürtel/belt, Reißverschluss/zipper, Knopf/button, Steifel/boots, Schlittschuh/ice skates. Or go to the answers. August 15, 2005 |
US Constitution Read about the US Constitution, including who wrote it, when it was written, and what it contains. August 14, 2005 |
Animaux de la Forêt (Forest Animals) A short, printable book about forest animals in French - for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, and color, with animal names to write. The pages are: our/bear, cerf/deer, raton laveur/raccoon, écureil/squirrel, renard/fox, pic/woodpecker, chouette/owl, serpent/snake, grenouille/frog, ver/worm, fourmi/ant. August 14, 2005 |
All About Me A Printable Activity Book - Revised Version A short, printable book about a child -- for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, simple activities to do, objects to color, and short phrases to write (like "My favorite color is ___."). The new pages have the students write their address and phone number. August 14, 2005 |
Match German Vehicle Words and Pictures Match 10 German vegetable words to their pictures. The words are: Flugzeug/airplane, Auto/car, Fahrrad/bicycle, Zug/train, Einrad/unicycle, Leiterwagen/wagon, Boot/boat, Lastwagen/truck, Autobus/bus, Kleinbus/minivan. Or go to the answers. August 14, 2005 |
Match German Fruit Words and Pictures Match 10 German fruit words to their pictures. The words are: Banane/banana, Traube/grape, Apfel/apple, Zitrone/lemon, Erdbeere/strawberry, Ananas/pineapple, Kirschen/cherries, Wassermelone/watermelon, Apfelsine/orange, Birne/pear. Or go to the answers. August 14, 2005 |
Match German Vegetable Words and Pictures Match 10 German vegetable words to their pictures. The words are: Erbse/peas, Kopfsalat/lettuce, Pilz/mushroom, Karotte/carrot, Kartoffel/potato, Zwiebel/onion, Sellerie/celery, Tomate/tomato, Mais/corn. Or go to the answers. August 14, 2005 |
Classroom Constitution Write a short set of rules on how your classroom should be run, including how to form a group that makes rules, how to form a group to enforce the rules, and how to choose a leader (and what the leader's powers will be). Also include how to ratify your constitution (how to get it accepted). August 13, 2005 |
Match German School Words and Pictures Match 10 German school words to their pictures. The words are: Schere/scissors, Uhr/clock, Globus/globe, Hefter/stapler, Kuli/pen, Buntstift/crayon, Bleistift/pencil, Buch/book, Lineal/ruler, Papier/paper. Or go to the answers. August 13, 2005 |
Match French School Words and Pictures Match 10 French school words to their pictures. The words are: ciseaux/scissors, horloge/clock, globe/globe, agrafeuse/stapler, stylo/pen, craie grasse/crayon, crayon/pencil, livre/book, règle/ruler, papier/paper. Or go to the answers. August 13, 2005 |
Match German Tool Words and Pictures Match 10 German tool words to their pictures. The words are: Hammer/hammer, Zange/pliers, Säge/saw, Nagel/nail, Schrauben/screw, Schraubenzieher/screwdriver, Drillbohrer/drill, Schraubenschlússel/wrench, Harke/rake, Axt/ax. Or go to the answers. August 13, 2005 |
Match Spanish Tool Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish tools to their pictures. The words are: martillo/hammer, pliers/alicates, serrucho/saw, clavo/nail, tornillo/screw, destornillador/screwdriver, taladro/drill, llave de boaca/wrench, rastrillo/rake, hacha/ax. Or go to the answers. August 13, 2005 |
Match French Tool Words and Pictures Match 10 French tool words to their pictures. The words are: marteau/hammer, pinces/pliers, scie/saw, clou/nail, vis/screw, tournevis/screwdriver, perceuse/drill, clef/wrench, râteau/rake, hache/ax. Or go to the answers. August 13, 2005 |
Three Branches of the US Government - Graphic Organizers In these printable graphic organizer worksheets, the student fills in the three branches of the US government as outlined in the US Constitution. Older students can add facts about the three branches and the duties and responsibilites of each. August 12, 2005 |
Match French Clothes Words and Pictures #1 Match 10 French clothing words to their pictures. The words are: chaussette/sock, gant/glove, chemise/shirt, moufle/mitten, culottes courtes/shorts, pantalon/pants, veste/jacket, sandale/sandals, jupe/skirt, tennis/sneakers. Or go to the answers. August 12, 2005 |
Match French Clothes Words and Pictures #2 Match 10 French clothing words to their pictures. The words are: écharpe/scarf, chapeau/hat, gilet/vest, robe/dress, montre/watch, ceinture/belt, fermeture éclair/zipper, bouton/button, bottes/boots, patins/ice skates. Or go to the answers. August 12, 2005 |
Match French Fruit Words and Pictures Match 10 French fruit words to their pictures. The words are: banane/banana, raisins/grapes, pomme/apple, citron/lemon, fraise/strawberry, ananas/pineapple, cerise/cherries, pastèque/watermelon, orange/orange, poire/pear. Or go to the answers. August 12, 2005 |
Match French Vegetable Words and Pictures Match 10 French vegetable words to their pictures. The words are: pois/peas, laitue/lettuce, champignon/mushroom, carotte/carrot, pomme de terre/potato, oignin/onion, céleri/celery, tomate/tomato, maïs/corn. Or go to the answers. August 12, 2005 |
Match French Vehicle Words and Pictures Match 10 French vegetable words to their pictures. The words are: avion/airplane, voiture/car, bicyclette/bicycle, train/train, monocycle/unicycle, chariot/wagon, bateau/boat, camion/truck, autobus/bus, minibus/minivan. Or go to the answers. August 12, 2005 |
Match Vegetable Words and Pictures Match 10 vegetable words to their pictures. The words are vegetables, peas, lettuce, mushroom, carrot, potato, onion, celery, tomato, corn. Or go to the answers. August 11, 2005 |
Match Spanish Vegetable Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish vegetable words to their pictures. The words are: guisantes/peas, lechuga/lettuce, champiñón/mushroom, zanahoria/carrot, papa/potato, cebolla/onion, apio/celery, tomate/tomato, maíz/corn. Or go to the answers. August 11, 2005 |
Match Spanish Vehicle Words and Pictures Match 10 Spanish vegetable words to their pictures. The words are: avión/airplane, automóvil/car, bicicleta/bicycle, tren/train, uniciclo/unicycle, carretón/wagon, barco/boat, camión/truck, autobús/bus, miniván/minivan. Or go to the answers. August 11, 2005 |
Match Spanish Clothes Words and Pictures #1 Match 10 Spanish clothing vocabulary words to their pictures. The words are: calcetin/sock, guante/glove, camisa/shirt, mitón/mitten, pantalones cortos/shorts, pantalones/pants, chaqueta/jacket, sandalias/sandals, falda/skirt, zapatillas de deporte/sneakers. Or go to the answers. August 11, 2005 |
Match Spanish Clothes Words and Pictures #2 Match 10 Spanish clothing vocabulary words to their pictures. The words are: bufanda/scarf, sombrero/hat, vest/chaleco, vestido/dress, reloj/watch, cinturón/belt, cierre/zipper, botón/button, botas/boots, patin de hielo/ice skates. Or go to the answers. August 11, 2005 |
Match Fruit Words and Pictures Match 10 fruits to their pictures. The fruit are banana, grapes, apple, lemon, strawberry, pineapple, cherries, watermelon, orange, and pear. Or go to the answers. August 11, 2005 |
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