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Animal Printouts |
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Amphibians | Arachnids | Birds | Cats | Dogs | Dinosaurs | Insects | Mammals | Ocean Animals | Invertebrates | Reptiles |
Camouflaged | Endangered | Hibernating | Life Cycles | Migratory | Nocturnal | Poisonous | Underground | Venomous |
Africa | Antarctica | Arctic | Asia | Australia | Europe | North America | South America |
Coral Reef | Desert | Grassland | Pond | Coniferous Forest | Ocean | Temperate Deciduous Forest | Tropical Rainforest | Tundra | More Biomes |
Simple Animal Printouts | Guidelines for Writing a Report on an Animal | Animal Report Graphic Organizers |
Outline maps to use to plot migrations |
Migrating Animal Printouts |
Many animals migrate, traveling to avoid bad weather, to find food, or to reproduce. Some migrators travel short distances, other go thousands of miles. Migrators travel by flying, swimming, walking, hopping, burrowing, or slithering. True migrators make a two-way trip each year from one place to another and back again.
Direction of Migration: Most migrators travel north and south, but some, like the umbrellabird and the earthworm, migrate vertically (up and down). The umbrellabird migrates from high altitude forests to low altitude forests; termites and earthworms travel from near the surface to deep into the soil.
Longest Migrations: The Arctic tern migrates the longest distances of any animal. It flies over 21,750 miles (35,000 km) each year - roughly the circumference of the Earth. The whale that migrates the longest (and the longest-migrating mammal) is the Gray Whale, which migrates about 12,500 miles (20,110 km) each year. The insect that migrates the longest is the desert locust, which travels about 2,800 miles (4500 km). The butterfly that migrates the longest is the Monarch, which migrates up to 2,000 miles, flying from Canada to central Mexico in the fall. The land animal that migrates the longest is the caribou, which travels about 700 miles (1100 km).
African Elephant The African Elephant is the largest land animal. It migrates to find food during the wet and drys seasons. |
American Buffalo The American Buffalo (actually a bison) is the heaviest land animal in North America. It used to migrate across the Great Plains of North America in huge herds. |
American Golden Plover The American Golden Plover is a medium-sized shorebird. |
Arctic Tern A small bird that flies from the Arctic to the Antarctic and back again each year. |
Basking Shark A huge filter feeder and the second largest fish. |
Bat Bats are the only flying mammal. Some bats, like the Red bat, migrate. |
Beluga Whale A small, white, toothed whale that lives mostly in cold, Arctic waters. |
Birds Birds are animals with feathers, two wings, and a bill. Many birds, like the bobolink and the Golden Plover, migrate. |
Blue Shark A sleek, fast-swimming shark with blue skin. |
Bowhead Whale A baleen whale rich in blubber. |
Bull Shark A blunt-nosed, dangerous, gray shark can that live in fresh water rivers and lakes. |
Butterflies and Moths Some butterflies and moths migrate. |
Canada Goose The Canada goose is a large North American bird that honks. |
Caribou Caribou are herbivores that live in Arctic regions. |
Cockatoo Cockatoos are birds with a large, feathery crest and a hooked bill. Some cockatoos, like Carnaby's Cockatoo, migrate. |
Crab A crab is an animal with a shell. Many crabs migrate to reproduce. |
Dogfish Shark A small, very common, relatively harmless shark found worldwide. |
Dolphin A dolphin is a small, toothed whale, a marine mammal. No one knows much about their oceanic migration. |
Earthworm An earthworm is a little animal with a long, soft body and no legs. |
Edmontosaurus Edmontosaurus was large, duck-billed, plant-eating dinosaur that may have migrated in huge herds across North America. |
Eels Information and printouts on these primitive fish that go through metamorphosis. |
Elephant There are two types of elephants, the Indian elephant and the African elephant. |
![]() Frog Frogs are amphibians that migrate back to the pond, marsh, or lake where they hacthed as tadpoles, and lay their own eggs there. |
Fruit Bat Fruit bats are large bats that eat fruits and flowers. |
Hammerhead Shark Large predators with a hammer-shaped head. |
Gnu The gnu is a fast-running, herding, grass-eater from eastern Africa. It is also known as the wildebeest. |
Goose The Canada goose is a large North American bird that honks. |
Gray Whale A baleen whale that is a bottom feeder; it migrates long distances. |
Great White Shark An enormous, ferocious predator found worldwide. |
Greenland Shark A large, slow-swimming shark with glow-in-the-dark eyes. |
Hammerhead Shark Large predators with a hammer-shaped head. |
Hummingbird Hummingbirds are tiny birds that eat flower nectar. |
Humpback Whale A long-flippered baleen whale that sings and frolics in the water. |
Ladybug Tiny flying insects that eat garden pests. Some ladybugs migrate. |
Mako Shark Large predators that are the fastest swimming fish! |
Mallard Duck The Mallard is a common wild duck that is the ancestor of most domestic ducks. |
Manatee Manatees are gentle, slow-swimming, aquatic mammals. |
Narwhal A whale from the Arctic. Males have a long, spiral tooth. |
Narwhal Quiz Printout Answer questions about this toothed whale from the Arctic. Or go to the answers. |
Narwhal (Unlabeled) A toothed whale from the Arctic. The male has a huge, spiral tooth. |
Nightingale A small songbird that sings beautiful, complex songs, often at night. |
Oriole The Baltimore Oriole is a black and orange bird that eats fruit and nectar. It builds a hanging nest. |
Painted Lady Butterfly A very widespread and common butterfly. |
Painted Lady Butterfly Life Cycle The life cycle of this common butterfly. |
Reindeer Reindeer are herbivores that live in Arctic regions. |
Salmon Salmon are fish that live in the sea and spawn in fresh water. |
Sea Turtle Sea turtles are large marine turtles. |
Snakes Snakes are reptiles that have a long, narrow body and no legs. Some snakes migrate. |
Snow Goose Snow Geese are migratory birds from North America. |
Swordfish The swordfish is a large fish with a long, sharp bill. |
Tiger Shark Large predators found worldwide in warm seas. |
Toad Toads are amphibians with poison glands; they usually have bumpy skin. Toads migrate back to the pond, marsh, or lake where they hacthed as tadpoles, and lay their own eggs there. |
Tuna A large, bony fish that migrates thousands of miles across the oceans. |
Umbrellabird A bird with a large tuft of feathers on its head. |
Wildebeest The wildebeest is a fast-running, herding, grass-eater from eastern Africa. Also known as the gnu. |
Zebra Zebras are hoofed mammals that have black and white stripes. |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Amphibians | Arachnids | Birds | Cats | Dogs | Dinosaurs | Fish | Insects | Mammals | Invertebrates | Reptiles |
Camouflaged | Endangered | Hibernating | Life Cycles | Migratory | Nocturnal | Poisonous | Underground | Venomous |
Africa | Antarctica | Arctic | Asia | Australia | Europe | North America | South America |
Coral Reef | Desert | Grassland | Pond | Coniferous Forest | Ocean | Temperate Deciduous Forest | Tropical Rainforest | Tundra | More Biomes |
Simple Animal Printouts | Guidelines for Writing a Report on an Animal | Animal Report Graphic Organizers |
In addition to printing the animals, you can copy a printout (click here for instructions) and paste it into a painting program (like Paint) and color the animal there. (Thanks to Grace P. from Thorngrove School for this great idea.)
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