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Animal Printouts |
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Amphibians | Arachnids | Birds | Cats | Dogs | Dinosaurs | Insects | Mammals | Ocean Animals | Invertebrates | Reptiles |
Camouflaged | Endangered | Hibernating | Life Cycles | Migratory | Nocturnal | Poisonous | Underground | Venomous |
Africa | Antarctica | Arctic | Asia | Australia | Europe | North America | South America |
Coral Reef | Desert | Grassland | Pond | Coniferous Forest | Ocean | Temperate Deciduous Forest | Tropical Rainforest | Tundra | More Biomes |
Simple Animal Printouts | Guidelines for Writing a Report on an Animal | Animal Report Graphic Organizers |
Venomous animals use a toxin or poison to kill prey or to defend themselves. They deliver the toxin with specialized organs, like stingers, fangs, hollow fangs, a proboscis, or tentacles.
Venomous animals are different from poisonous animals. Poisonous animals (like toads) have a toxin but have no method of delivery; when another animal eats the poisonous animal, the predator may become ill or even die.
Some venom (neurotoxin) attacks the nervous system, causing pain, paralysis, and eventually death by heart or lung failure; cobras, stonefish, black widow spiders, and scorpions use neurotoxins. Other venom (hemotoxin) attacks the circulatory system, causing pain, swelling, and changes in the blood; rattlesnakes, vipers and some spiders use hemotoxins.
Some of the most venomous animals (the ones with the most potent venom) include the yellow-lipped sea krait (a sea snake), box jellyfish, sea wasp jellyfish, blue-ringed octopus, reef stonefish, the inland taipan, and cone shells. Other venomous animals, like Russell's viper (Vipera russelii) kill more people because they are more aggressive and live near people.
Only a few mammals are venomous, including the duckbilled platypus (only males), several species of shrews, and the Solenodon (a small insectivore).
Ant Ants are social insects. Some ants ants may either bite or sting. |
Assassin Bug Assassin bugs are a type of predatory insect. |
Bee Bees are flying, social insects that live in a hive. |
Black Widow Spider A very venomous spider with a distinctive red hourglass marking. |
Blue Ring Octopus A small but very venomous octopus from warm reefs in Australia and nearby regions. |
Centipede Fast-moving venomous predators with many legs. |
Coral Coral is a tiny marine animal that often lives in colonies. Huge colonies of hard corals form coral reefs. |
Cuttlefish Cuttlefish are cephalopods with relatively short legs, a fin along the entire mantle, and an internal cuttlebone. |
Duck-Billed Platypus The Duck-billed Platypus is a primitive mammal from Australia. Go to a platypus guiz or go to the answers. |
Gila Monster A venomous lizard from deserts of southwestern North America. |
Jellyfish Jellyfish are animals that have stinging tentacles. |
King Cobra The King Cobra is the largest venomous snake in the world. It lives in India, southern China, and southeast Asia. |
Komodo Dragon The biggest lizard in the world and a fierce predator. Or go to a printable Komodo dragon read-and-answer quiz or quiz answers. |
Man-of-War The Portuguese man-of-war is a floating colony of animals that has very long, stinging tentacles. It lives in warm ocean waters. |
Octopus Octopi have eight arms and live on the sea floor. |
Rattlesnake Rattlesnakes are venomous snakes that have a rattle at the end of the tail. |
Sea Anemone A predatory animal that looks like a flower and lives on the ocean floor. |
Scorpion A venomous arachnid with a large stinger on its tail. Found worldwide except in Antarctica. |
Sea Urchin A spiny, globular animal that lives on the ocean floor. Some sea urchins have venomous spines. |
Stingray Stingrays are flat fish with a stinger, and no bones (only cartilage). |
Tarantula A tarantula is a large, hairy spider. |
Wasp Wasps are insects with 2 pairs of wings and strong jaws. Many wasps are venomous. |
Yellow Jacket A yellow jacket is a type of social wasp, a flying, stinging insect. |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Amphibians | Arachnids | Birds | Cats | Dogs | Dinosaurs | Fish | Insects | Mammals | Invertebrates | Reptiles |
Camouflaged | Endangered | Hibernating | Life Cycles | Migratory | Nocturnal | Poisonous | Underground | Venomous |
Africa | Antarctica | Arctic | Asia | Australia | Europe | North America | South America |
Coral Reef | Desert | Grassland | Pond | Coniferous Forest | Ocean | Temperate Deciduous Forest | Tropical Rainforest | Tundra | More Biomes |
Simple Animal Printouts | Guidelines for Writing a Report on an Animal | Animal Report Graphic Organizers |
In addition to printing the animals, you can copy a printout (click here for instructions) and paste it into a painting program (like Paint) and color the animal there. (Thanks to Grace P. from Thorngrove School for this great idea.)
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