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Animal Printouts |
![]() Go to Online Animal Coloring Pages |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Amphibians | Arachnids | Birds | Cats | Dogs | Dinosaurs | Fish | Insects | Mammals | Invertebrates | Reptiles |
Camouflaged | Endangered | Hibernating | Life Cycles | Migratory | Nocturnal | Poisonous | Underground | Venomous |
Africa | Antarctica | Arctic | Asia | Australia | Europe | North America | South America |
Coral Reef | Desert | Grassland | Pond | Coniferous Forest | Ocean | Temperate Deciduous Forest | Tropical Rainforest | Tundra | More Biomes |
Simple Animal Printouts | Guidelines for Writing a Report on an Animal | Animal Report Graphic Organizers |
![]() Acrocanthosaurus A huge, spine-backed, meat-eating dinosaur. |
Agouti The agouti is a large, short-tailed rodent from rainforests in the Americas. |
Alamosaurus A huge, long-tailed, long-necked, armored, plant-eating dinosaur. |
Alamosaurus (simple version) A huge, long-tailed, long-necked, armored, plant-eating dinosaur. |
Alaskan Malamute The Alaskan malamute is a powerful sled dog from Alaska. |
Albertosaurus A meat-eating dinosaur, a tyrannosaurid from the late Cretaceous period. |
![]() Alligator Alligators are large, meat-eating reptiles. Go to a simple version (just the image). |
Allosaurus The biggest meat-eating dinosaur from the late Jurassic period. |
American Black Bear A large, black to brown bear. |
American Buffalo The American Buffalo (actually a bison) is the heaviest land animal in North America. |
American Cocker Spaniel A friendly, obedient dog that was originally bred to hunt birds. |
American Crocodile The American crocodile is a rare, meat-eating reptile with a long, tapered snout. |
American Crow The American Crow is a common bird in North America. |
American Flamingo The American Flamingo is a pink bird that eats with its head upside down (from Central America). |
American Golden Plover The American Golden Plover is a medium-sized shorebird. |
American Goldfinch A small seed-eating bird from North America. |
American Mastodon Mastodons were shaggy, tusked herbivores. |
American Paint Horse A colorful, vividly-patterned horse descended from Spanish horses gone wild. |
American Robin The American robin is a widespread songbird with a red-orange chest. |
American Tree Sparrow The American Tree Sparrow is a long-tailed songbird with a red crown. |
Anchisaurus A plant-eating dinosaur, a late prosauropod, from the early Jurassic period. |
Anemone The sea anemone is a predatory animal that looks like a flower and lives on the ocean floor. |
Ankylosaurus A heavily armored plant-eater with a club-like tail and spikes. |
Ankylosaurus (Simple Version) A heavily armored plant-eater with a club-like tail and spikes. |
Ant Ants are social insects that are found worldwide and in almost every environment. |
Anteater Anteaters are mammals with very long snouts from South and Central America. |
![]() Apatosaurus A huge, long-necked, whip-tailed plant-eating dinosaur; it used to be known as Brontosaurus. |
![]() Apatosaurus (Simple version) A huge, long-necked, whip-tailed plant-eating dinosaur; it used to be known as Brontosaurus. |
Arctic Fox This small, white fox lives farther north than any other land animal. |
Arctic Hare This white hare lives in the Arctic and has huge hindfeet. |
Arctic Tern A small bird that flies from the Arctic to the Antarctic and back again each year. |
Arctic Wolf Arctic wolves are carnivores that live in Northern Canada. |
Armadillo The armadillo is a small, burrowing, armored mammal. |
Assassin Bug Assassin bugs are a type of predatory insect. |
Atlantic Puffin Atlantic Puffins are Arctic sea birds. |
Attwater's Prairie Chicken Attwater's Prairie Chicken is a type of grouse that live in coastal grasslands in North America. |
Badger The badger is a nocturnal mammal with a black-and-white striped face. |
Bald Eagle The bald eagle is a large bird of prey. It is the symbol of the USA. |
Baltimore Oriole The Baltimore Oriole is a black and orange bird that eats fruit and nectar. It builds a hanging nest. |
Barosaurus A huge, long-necked, whip-tailed, plant-eating dinosaur from the Jurassic period. |
Beaver The beaver is a large rodent that builds dams and dens. |
Beaver Coloring Printout A large black-and-white printout of the North American beaver. |
Bee Bees are flying, social insects that live in a hive. |
Beluga Whale A small, white, toothed whale that lives mostly in cold, Arctic waters. |
Bighorn Sheep The bighorn sheep is a wild brown sheep from mountains and deserts of North America. |
Bison Bison (also known as the American Buffalo) are the heaviest land animals in North America. |
Black Bear A large, black to brown bear. |
Black-Footed Ferret The Black-Footed Ferret is an endangered type of ferret. |
Black-Tailed Prairie Dog The prairie dog is not a dog; it is a ground squirrel. |
Black Widow Spider A very poisonous spider with a distinctive red hourglass marking. |
Bluebird, Eastern A beautiful songbird from eastern North America. Go to a simple version (just the image). |
Bluebottle Also known as the Portuguese man-of-war, this floating colony of animals has very long, stinging tentacles. It lives in warm ocean waters. |
Blue Heron A large wading bird with distinctive plumage and a long, sharp bill. |
Blue Jay The blue jay is a beautiful, noisy blue bird. |
Blue Morpho Butterfly A brilliant blue butterfly from rainforests of South and Central America. |
Boa Constrictor A large constricting snake from South and Central America. |
Bobcat A fierce, short-tailed wild cat from North America. |
Boston Terrier The Boston Terrier is an intelligent, lively, short-haired dog. |
Brachiosaurus A tall, long-necked plant-eating dinosaur. |
Brachiosaurus (Simple version) A tall, long-necked plant-eating dinosaur. |
Brachiosaurus Skeleton Brachiosaurus was a tall, long-necked plant-eater. |
![]() Brontosaurus A huge, long-necked, whip-tailed plant-eating dinosaur; it is now known as Apatosaurus. |
![]() Brontosaurus (Simple version) A long-necked plant-eating dinosaur; it is now known as Apatosaurus. |
Brown Bear The Brown Bear is a large bear with a muscular hump on its shoulders. |
Brown Bear (Simple Version) The Brown Bear is a large bear with a muscular hump on its shoulders. |
Brown Pelican The Brown Pelican is fish-eating bird with a huge pouched bill. Or go to a Brown Pelican quiz or the answers. |
Buffalo, American The American Buffalo (which is actually a Bison) is the heaviest land animal in North America. |
Bull Shark A blunt-nosed, dangerous, gray shark that can also live in fresh water rivers and lakes. |
Bull Shark (Simple version) A blunt-nosed, dangerous, gray shark can that live in fresh water rivers and lakes. |
Bull Snake Also known as the gopher snake and the pine snake, this hissing constrictor lives in North America. |
California Quail The California Quail (also known as the Valley Quail) is a plump bird with a forward-facing head plume. |
Caiman The caiman is a meat-eating reptile from South and Central America. |
California Sea Lion California sea lions are eared seals that live off the coast of western North America. |
Canadian Animals Printable Book for Early Readers A short, printable book about Canadian animal early readers. The book has pages on the moose, cougar, loon, Canada goose, muskrat, Arctic Fox, Arctic hare, caribou, polar bear, and beaver. |
Canada Goose The Canada goose is a large North American bird that honks. |
Cardinal The Northern Cardinal is a brilliant red bird with a short, wide bill. Or go to a cardinal quiz or the answers. |
Caribou Caribou are herbivores that live in Arctic regions. |
Catamount A long-tailed wild cat with no spots. It is also known as the puma, panther, mountain lion, and cougar. |
Centrosaurus A ceratopsian dinosaur with a long snout horn. |
Ceratosaurus A meat-eating dinosaur from the Jurassic theropod; it has small a snout horn. |
Chameleon Chameleons are lizards that can change their skin color. |
Chasmosaurus A plant-eating dinosaur with three horns and a large bony neck frill. |
Chicken The chicken is a farm bird. |
Chihuahua The chihuahua is a small, alert, and playful dog; it was originally bred in Mexico. |
Chipmunk Chipmunks are rodents that live in North America and Asia. |
Clam Burrowing bivalves with a soft body. |
Coati (Coatimundi) Coatimundi (also called coati) are long-nosed, long-tailed mammals from the Americas. |
Coelophysis A late Triassic theropod, a meat-eating dinosaur about 9 feet (3 m) long. |
Coelophysis (Simple version) A meat-eating dinosaur 9 feet (3 m) long, a late Triassic period theropod. |
Collared Peccary A pig-like mammal, also known as the javelina, from deserts and chaparrals of North and Central America. |
Common American Gull A water bird also known as the ring-billed gull, and commonly known as the sea gull. |
Common Egret The common egret (also called the great egret) is a large wading bird. |
Conch A marine invertebrate with a large, beautiful shell. |
Cony The cony (or pika) is a small, furry mammal that stockpiles food for the winter. |
Corythosaurus A large, duck-billed plant eating dinosaur that had a helmet-like crest on its head. |
Corythosaurus (Simple version) A large, duck-billed plant eating dinosaur that had a helmet-like crest on its head. |
Cougar A long-tailed wild cat with no spots. It is also known as the puma, panther, mountain lion, and catamont. |
Coyote Coyotes are meat-eating mammals related to wolves. |
Coypu Coypus (also called nutrias) are semi-aquatic rodents that are originally from South America. |
Crab A crab is an animal with a shell. It has eyes on stalks on its head. |
Crane Cranes are large wading birds with long legs and a long neck. |
Crayfish Freshwater crustaceans with four pairs of walking legs. |
Cricket Crickets are jumping insects. |
Crocodile Crocodiles are meat-eating reptiles with a long, tapered snout. |
Crow The American crow is a common bird in North America. |
Dall Sheep A wild, white sheep from the Arctic and sub-Arctic of North America. |
Dark-eyed Junco A small songbird from North America. |
Deer The deer is a shy, fast-moving plant-eater. |
Deinonychus A deadly, intelligent, meat-eater with huge, sickle-like claws. |
Deinonychus (Simple version) A deadly, intelligent, meat-eater with huge, sickle-like claws. |
Desert Tortoise A tortoise from southwestern North America. |
Desmatosuchus An extinct reptile that lived over 200 million years ago. |
Dilophosaurus A meat-eating dinosaur with a double crest on its head. |
Dilophosaurus (Simple version) A meat-eating dinosaur with a double crest on its head. |
Dimetrodon An extinct, sail-backed, meat-eating animal from the Permian period (pre-dating the dinosaurs). |
Dimetrodon (Simple version) An extinct, sail-backed, meat-eating animal from the Permian period (pre-dating the dinosaurs). |
Diplodocus A long-necked, whip-tailed plant-eating dinosaur about 90 ft (27 m) long. |
Donkey Donkeys are hoofed mammals adapted to desert life. |
Dove The dove is a pigeon. |
Downy Woodpecker A small black-and-white woodpecker from North America. |
Dragonfly The dragonfly is a flying insect with a long abdomen. |
Eagle The eagle is a large bird of prey. |
Earthworm An earthworm is a little animal with a long, soft body and no legs. |
Bluebird, Eastern A beautiful songbird from eastern North America. Go to a simple version (just the image). |
Edmontonia An armored, plant-eating dinosaur from North America. |
Edmontosaurus A large, duck-billed, plant-eating dinosaur that had a bumpy ridge on its back. |
Edmontosaurus (Simple version) A large, duck-billed, plant-eating dinosaur that had a bumpy ridge on its back. |
Egret The egret is a large wading bird. |
Elephant Seal, Northern The Northern Elephant Seal is a huge seal that lives in the northern Pacific Ocean. (Family Phocidae, Subfamily Monachinae) |
Elk Elk are large, hoofed mammals with beautiful antlers. |
Eohippus A tiny, extinct horse that lived 50 million years ago. Also called Hyracotherium. |
Ermine Also known as the stoat or the short-tailed weasel, this tiny, ferocious mammal lives in cold areas. |
Falcon These fast-flying predators prey upon other birds. |
Ferret Ferrets are a type of weasel. |
Firefly The firefly (also known as the lightning bug) is a luminescent flying insect. |
Flamingo The Flamingo is a pink bird that eats with its head upside down. Go to a simple version (just the image). |
Flamingo Label Me! Printout Label a diagram of a flamingo. Answers |
Flamingo Read-and-Answer Quiz Read about the flamingo, then answer questions about it. Or go to the answers. |
Fly The common house fly is a small, flying insect. |
Flying Squirrel A squirrel that glides from trees, using a loose flap of skin. |
Fox The fox is a meat-eating mammal with a long, bushy tail. |
![]() Frog Tadpoles grow up to be frogs. |
![]() Frog Life Cycle Quiz Color the picture and answer the questions about the amazing life cycle of this amphibian. For the answers, click here. |
Giant Anteater The biggest anteater, from South and Central America. |
Gila Monster A venomous lizard from deserts of southwestern North America. |
Golden Eagle Golden Eagles are large birds of prey. |
Goldfinch, American A small seed-eating bird from North America. |
Goose, Canada The Canada goose is a large North American bird that honks. |
Gopher Snake Also known as the bull snake and the pine snake, this hissing constrictor lives in North America. |
Grasshopper Grasshoppers are insects that can hop, walk, and fly. There are about 10,000 different species of grasshoppers. |
Gray Wolf Gray wolves are carnivores that live in packs and howl. |
Great Blue Heron A large wading bird with distinctive plumage and a long, sharp bill. |
Great Egret The great egret, also known as the common egret, is a large wading bird. |
Great Horned Owl A large bird of prey from North and South America. |
Green Darner Dragonfly A blue and green flying insect with transparent-to-yellow wings. |
Greenland Shark A large, slow-swimming shark with glow-in-the-dark eyes. |
Grizzly Bear The Grizzly Bear is a large bear with a muscular hump on its shoulders. |
Ground Cuckoo Also known as the Roadrunner, this bird is a fast runner that rarely flies. |
Groundhog The Groundhog is a rodent that is also called the woodchuck. |
Gull Gulls are water birds that are commonly known as sea gulls. There are many types of gulls. |
Hadrosaurus A duck-billed, plant-eating dinosaur from the late Cretaceous period. |
Harbor Seal Harbor Seals live in the ocean but breathe air. They are marine mammals. |
Hare Hares have very long hind legs and long ears. Unlike rabbits, the young are born fully haired. |
Harlequin Bug This small agricultural pest is brightly-colored. |
Harp Seal Harp Seals are marine mammals that live in the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean. |
Harpy Eagle The Harpy Eagle is one of the largest eagles in the world. It lives in rainforests of Central and South America. |
Hatchetfish Hatchetfish are oddly-shaped fish from South and Central America. |
Hawaiian Goose or Nene An endangered goose that lives on volcanic slopes. |
Hawk The Red-Tailed Hawk is a bird of prey, a raptor from North America. |
Hermit Crab Hermit crabs are crabs that lack a hard shell; they use a discarded shell for protection. |
Heron A large wading bird with distinctive plumage and a long, sharp bill. |
Honey Bee Honey bees are insects that live in a hive and make honey. |
Horned Owl A large bird of prey from North and South America. |
Horseshoe Crab The horseshoe crab is a hard-shelled animal that lives in warm coastal waters on the sea floor. |
House Fly The common house fly is a small, flying insect. |
Hummingbird Hummingbirds are tiny birds that eat flower nectar. |
Hyracotherium A tiny, extinct horse that lived 50 million years ago. Also called Eohippus. |
Ichthyornis An extinct bird from the time of the dinosaurs. |
Ichthyosaurus An extinct marine reptile from the time of the dinosaurs. |
Iguana Iguanas are plant-eating lizards. |
Jack Rabbit Jack rabbits are hares; they have very long legs and long ears. |
Jaguar The jaguar is a large, spotted wild cat from South and Central America. |
Javelina A pig-like mammal, also known as the collared peccary, from deserts and chaparrals of North and Central America. |
Jay Jays are beautiful, noisy birds. |
![]() Jumping Bean Moth A brown moth that spends its larval stage inside a seed pod. |
Junco A small songbird from North America. |
Kangaroo Rat A small rodent from North America. |
King Crab Also known as the horseshoe crab, this invetebrate has a hard-shell and lives in warm coastal waters on the sea floor. |
Kinkajou A long-tailed, nocturnal mammal from rainforests in the Americas. |
Knobbed Whelk The Knobbed Whelk is a marine invertebrate with a spiral shell. |
Ladybug Tiny flying insects that eat garden pests. |
Lake Trout Lake Trout are large, fast-swimming, fresh-water fish from North America. |
Lambeosaurus Lambeosaurus was a plant-eating dinosaur with a tall, hollow, bony crest on its head. |
Leghorn The Leghorn is a white domestic chicken. Leghorn hens lay white eggs. |
Lemming Lemmings are small, short-tailed rodents from North America and northern Eurasia. |
Lightning Bug The lightning bug (also known as the firefly) is a luminescent flying insect. |
Limpet The limpet is a marine invertebrate (a gastropod) with a flattened, cone-shaped shell. |
Lobster A hard-shelled marine invertebrate with 10 jointed legs. |
Luna Moth A green moth with long hindwing tails and distinctive eyespots. |
Lynx A powerful wild cat from Eurasia and North America. |
Macaw Macaws are parrots from the Americas. |
Maiasaura A duck-billed, herding, plant-eating dinosaur that cared for its young. |
Maiasaura (Simple version) A duck-billed, herding plant-eater that cared for its young. |
Malamute The Alaskan malamute is a powerful sled dog from Alaska. |
Mallard Duck The Mallard is a common wild duck that is the ancestor of most domestic ducks. Or go to a simple version of the duck printout (unlabeled diagram and no information). |
Mammoth Mammoths were extinct elephants that lived during the last Ice Ages. |
Manatee Manatees are gentle, slow-swimming, aquatic mammals. |
Mantid Also called the praying mantid or praying mantis, this predatory insect eats garden pests. |
Marbled Murrelet A small seabird from the Pacific Northwest of North America. |
Massospondylus An early plant-eating dinosaur with a long neck and long tail. |
Mastodon Mastodons were shaggy, tusked herbivores. |
Meadowlark, Western A brightly-colored songbird from western and central North America. |
Mink Minks are small, short-legged members of the weasel family. |
Mockingbird A North American bird that can mimic the songs of many other birds. |
Mockingbird Read-and-Answer Quiz Read about the mockingbird, then take a quiz on it. Or go to the answers. |
Mole Moles are almost-blind, burrowing mammals. |
Monarch Butterfly Life Cycle See how a Monarch Butterfly starts out as an egg, hatches into a caterpillar, becomes a pupa, then emerges as a fully-grown adult. |
Moose The moose is the largest member of the deer family. |
Morpho Butterfly The Blue Morpho is a brilliant blue butterfly from rainforests of South and Central America. |
Mosquito A small flying insect that is a carrier of disease. |
Mountain Lion A long-tailed wild cat with no spots. It is also known as the puma, panther, catamount, and cougar. |
Mouse Mice are small rodents with long, scaly tails. |
Musk Ox Musk oxen are large, hairy mammals that live in the far north. |
Muskrat Muskrats are rodents that often build dome-shaped houses. |
Mustang Mustangs are wild horses from western North America. |
Nene or Hawaiian Goose An endangered goose that lives on volcanic slopes. |
Newt Newts are small, brightly-colored salamanders. |
Nine-Banded Armadillo The Nine-Banded Armadillo is a small, burrowing, armored mammal. |
North American Beaver The North American Beaver is a large rodent that builds dams and dens. |
North American Porcupine The North American Porcupine is a mammals that has protective, needle-like quills on its body. |
Northern Cardinal The Northern Cardinal is a brilliant red bird with a short, wide bill. |
Northern Elephant Seal The Northern Elephant Seal is a huge seal that lives in the northern Pacific Ocean. (Family Phocidae, Subfamily Monachinae) |
Northern Fur Seal The Northern Fur Seal is a marine mammal that lives in the northern Pacific Ocean. |
Northern Spotted Owl A nocturnal hunter from the Pacific Northwest of North America. |
Nutria Nutrias (also called coypus) are semi-aquatic rodents that are originally from South America. |
Ocelot Ocelots are wild cats from the Americas. |
Opossum Opossums are marsupial mammals. The only marsupial from North America is the Virginia opossum. |
Orca Whale A toothed whale that lives in small pods (groups). |
Oregon Silverspot Butterfly A brown and orange butterfly that lives in humid coastal salt-spray meadows and fields in the Pacific Northwest of the USA. |
Oriole The Baltimore Oriole is a black and orange bird that eats fruit and nectar. It builds a hanging nest. |
Ornitholestes A fast-moving, meat-eating Jurassic dinosaur with a small crest on its snout. |
Ornithomimus A fast-moving, meat-eating dinosaur. |
Otter, River River otters are streamlined, aquatic mammals from North America. |
Otter, Sea Sea otters are streamlined, marine mammals with very dense, waterproof fur. |
Pachycephalosaurus A dome-headed, plant-eating dinosaur. |
Pachycephalosaurus (Simple version) A dome-headed, plant-eating dinosaur. |
Painted Lady Butterfly A very widespread and common butterfly. |
Painted Lady Butterfly Life Cycle The life cycle of this common butterfly. |
Paint Horse Colorful, vividly-patterned American horses. |
Painted Turtle This common turtle lives in ponds, marshes and slow-running rivers in North America. |
Panoplosaurus A tank-like, spiked, plant-eating dinosaur from the late Cretaceous period. |
Panther A long-tailed wild cat with no spots. It is also known as the puma, catamount, mountain lion, and cougar. |
Pantropical Spotted Dolphin The Pantropical Spotted Dolphin is a small, toothed whale from tropical waters worldwide. |
Parasaurolophus A long-crested plant-eating dinosaur. |
Parasaurolophus (Simple version) A long-crested plant-eating dinosaur. |
Peccary A pig-like mammal from deserts and chaparrals of North and Central America. |
Pekin Duck The Pekin duck is a domesticated water birds that is often raised on farms. Or go to a simple version of the duck printout (unlabeled diagram and no information). |
Pelican The pelican is a fish-eating bird with a huge pouched bill. |
Pentaceratops A late Cretaceous plant-eating dinosaur with horns and a big frill. |
Peregrine Falcon The fastest flyers, who prey upon other birds. |
Pigeon This dove thrives in cities around the world. |
Pika The pika (or cony) is a small, furry mammal that stockpiles food for the winter. |
Pine Snake Also known as the bull snake and the gopher snake, this hissing constrictor lives in North America. |
Pink Conch Also known as the queen conch, a marine invertebrate with a large, beautiful shell. |
Plain Xenops The Plain Xenops is a rainforest bird from the Americas. |
Polar Bear Polar Bears are meat-eaters who live in the Arctic. |
Pond Skater A bug that walks on water. It is also called the water strider. |
Porcupine Porcupines are mammals with protective, needle-like quills on their body. |
Porpoise A small, toothed whale, a marine mammal also called the dolphin. |
Portuguese Man-of-War The Portuguese man-of-war is a floating colony of animals that has very long, stinging tentacles. It lives in warm ocean waters. |
Possum Possums (or opossums) are marsupial mammals. The only marsupial from North America is the Virginia opossum. |
Postosuchus Postosuchus is an extinct reptile that lived over 200 million years ago. |
Prairie Animals Prairies are temperate grasslands in the interior of North America. |
Prairie Chicken Prairie Chickens are a type of grouse that live in North American grasslands. |
Prairie Dog The prairie dog is not a dog; it is a ground squirrel. |
Praying Mantid Also called the praying mantis, this predatory insect eats garden pests. |
Pronghorn Pronghorns are the fastest moving mammals in North America. |
Pteranodon Big, flying meat-eating reptile from the late Cretaceous period. |
Puffin Puffins are Arctic sea birds. |
Puma A long-tailed wild cat with no spots. It is also known as the catamount, panther, mountain lion, and cougar. |
Pupfish A small fish from desert waters of southwestern North America. |
Purple Sea Urchin A spiny, globular animal that lives on the ocean floor off the western coast of North America. |
Pyralis Firefly The Pyralis firefly (also known as the lightning bug) is a luminescent flying insect, and very common in North America. |
Python Pythons are snakes that kill by constricting their prey. |
Quail A plump bird with a forward-facing head plume. |
Queen Conch A marine invertebrate with a large, beautiful shell. |
Rabbit A fast-moving mammal with long ears. |
Raccoon The raccoon is a mammal with mask-like markings on its face and a ringed tail. |
Rat The rat is a rodent with a long tail and a pointed snout. |
Rattlesnake Rattlesnakes are poisonous snakes that have a rattle at the end of the tail. |
Red Eft Red efts are newts, small, brightly-colored salamanders. |
Red-Eyed Tree Frog A frog from rainforests of Central and South America. |
Red Fox The Red Fox is a meat-eating mammal with a long, bushy tail. |
Red-Tailed Hawk The Red-Tailed Hawk is a bird of prey, a raptor from North America. |
Red Wolf Red wolves are endangered carnivores from the eastern USA. |
Rhode Island Red The Rhode Island Red is a farm chicken. |
Ring-billed Gull A water bird commonly known as the sea gull. |
River Otter River otters are streamlined, aquatic mammals from North America. |
Roadrunner Also known as the Ground Cuckoo, this bird is a fast runner that rarely flies. |
Roadrunner Read-and-Answer Quiz Read about the roadrunner, then take a quiz on it. Or go to the answers. |
Robin The American Robin is a widespread songbird with a red-orange chest. |
Rock Dove Also known as the pigeon, this dove thrives in cities around the world. |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird Hummingbirds are tiny birds that eat flower nectar. |
Saber-toothed Cat Saber-toothed cats were fierce predators from the ice ages. They are extinct. |
Salamander Salamanders are amphibians that retain their tail as an adult. |
Salmon Salmon are fish that live in the sea and spawn in fresh water. |
Sand Dollar Sand Dollars are echinoderms, disk-shaped spiny-skinned sea bed animals that have 5-part radial symmetry. |
Scarlet Macaw A brilliantly-colored parrot from Central and South American rain forests. |
Scorpion A venomous arachnid with a large stinger on its tail. |
Sea Anemone A predatory animal that looks like a flower and lives on the ocean floor. |
Sea Cow Sea cow is another name for manatee. Sea cows are gentle, slow-swimming, aquatic mammals. |
Sea Gull Sea gull is the common name for the ring-billed gull. |
Sea Lion Sea lions are eared seals that live on coastlines. |
Seals Seals live in the ocean but breathe air. They are marine mammals. |
Sea Otter Sea otters are marine mammals with very dense, waterproof fur. |
Sea Star Sea stars, another name for starfish, are animals that live on the ocean floor. |
Sea Urchin A spiny, globular animal that lives on the ocean floor. |
Sea Urchin, Purple A spiny, globular animal that lives on the ocean floor. |
Segisaurus Segisaurus was a goose-sized, fast-moving, meat- and insect-eating dinosaur. |
Seismosaurus A huge, long-necked plant-eating dinosaur from the Jurassic period. |
Seismosaurus Simple Version A huge, long-necked plant-eating dinosaur from the Jurassic period. |
Short-tailed Weasel Also known as stoat or ermine, this tiny, ferocious mammal lives in cold areas. |
Shrew Shrews are tiny mammals that are quite ferocious. |
Shrimp Shrimp are small, bottom-dwelling crustaceans with a translucent exoskeleton. |
Skunk Skunks are small mammals that can produce a terrible odor. |
Smilodon Smilodon was a saber-toothed cat, a fierce predator from the ice ages. It is extinct. |
![]() Snail A soft-bodied animal with a hard, protective shell. |
Snapping Turtle A turtle with strong jaws and a long tail. |
Snow Goose Snow Geese are migratory birds from North America. |
Snowy Owl A white owl that lives in the North American tundra. |
Sparrow The American Tree Sparrow is a long-tailed songbird with a red crown. |
Spectacled Caiman The Spectacled Caiman is a common meat-eating reptile from fresh water habitats in South and Central America. |
Sperm Whale The largest toothed whale, over 50 feet long. It eats giant squid. |
Spider Spiders have eight legs. |
Spotted Owl A nocturnal hunter from the Pacific coast of North America. |
Spring Peeper Frog A very small treefrog that makes a peeping sound. |
Squid The squid is a fast-swimming invertebrate with ten arms. |
Squirrel Squirrels are rodents. |
Starfish Sea stars, another name for starfish, are animals that live on the ocean floor. |
Stegoceras A plant-eating dinosaur with a very thick skull. |
Stegosaurus A plant-eating dinosaur with rows of plates on its back and spikes on its tail. |
Stegosaurus (Simple version) A plant-eating dinosaur with rows of plates on its back and spikes on its tail. |
Stegosaurus Skeleton See the bones of this huge, plated plant-eating dinosaur. |
Stoat Also known as short-tailed weasel or ermine, this tiny, ferocious mammal lives in cold areas. |
Stygimoloch A plant-eating dinosaur with many horns and bumps on its skull. |
Styracosaurus A plant-eating dinosaur with many horns on its head. |
Swan Swans are long-necked water birds. |
Thescelosaurus A plant-eating dinosaur whose 4-chambered, fossilized heart has been found. |
Toad Toads are amphibians with poison glands; they usually have bumpy skin. |
Torosaurus A plant-eating dinosaur with three horns and a huge, bony frill. |
Trachodon A duck-billed dinosaur known from its fossilized teeth. |
Tree Sparrow The American Tree Sparrow is a long-tailed songbird with a red crown. |
![]() Triceratops A plant-eating dinosaur with three horns and a frill on its head. |
![]() Triceratops, Simple version A plant-eating dinosaur with three horns and a frill on its head. |
Triceratops Skeleton A plant-eating dinosaur with three horns and a frill on its head. |
Trilobite Trilobites are extinct marine arthropods that lived from about 540 to 245 million years ago. |
Troödon A fast-moving, meat-eating dinosaur from the late Cretaceous period. |
Trout Trout are torpedo-shaped game fish. |
Trumpeter Swan The Trumpeter is the largest swan. |
Tundra Wolf Also known as the Arctic wolf, this carnivore lives in Northern Canada. |
Turkey Turkeys are large birds that nest on the ground. |
Turtles Turtles are cold-blooded animals that have a protective shell. |
![]() Tyrannosaurus rex The king of the dinosaurs; a huge meat-eater. |
![]() Tyrannosaurus rex (Simple version) The king of the dinosaurs; a huge meat-eater. |
Tyrannosaurus rex Skeleton The king of the dinosaurs; a huge meat-eater. |
Utahraptor A fast, intelligent meat-eating dinosaur with huge, sickle-shaped claws. |
Valley Quail The Valley Quail (also known as the California Quail) is a plump bird with a forward-facing head plume. |
Vampire Bat Vampire bats are the only bats that drink blood. |
Viceroy Butterfly The Viceroy is an orange and black butterfly from North America. |
Vinegarroon A whip scorpion, an arachnid that emits a vinegar-like mist. |
Virginia Opossum The only marsupial from North America. |
Vulture The vulture is a large bird with a bald head. Vultures eat carrion. |
Walrus The walrus is a large mammal that spends most of its life in icy seas. |
Wasp Wasps are insects with 2 pairs of wings and strong jaws. Many wasps sting. |
Water Strider A bug that walks on water. |
Weasel A carnivorous mammal that has a long, slender body and short legs. |
Western Meadowlark A brightly-colored songbird from western and central North America. |
Western Spotted Owl A nocturnal hunter from the Pacific Northwest of North America. |
Whelk Whelks are marine invertebrates with a spiral shell. |
Whip scorpion Also, known as the vinegaroon, an arachnid that emits a vinegar-like mist. |
White Dove The White dove is a pigeon. |
White-Tailed Deer The White-Tailed Deer is a shy, fast-moving plant-eater. |
Wolf Wolves are carnivores that live in packs and howl. |
Wolverine The Wolverine is a large, ferocious weasel that lives in cold areas. |
Woodchuck The Woodchuck is a rodent that is also called the groundhog. |
Woodland Caribou A rare caribou from Canada that eats lichens. |
Woodpecker A bird that nests in tree cavities. |
Woolly Bear Caterpillar Woolly Bear Caterpillars grow up to be tiger moths. |
Woolly Mammoth The Woolly Mammoth is an extinct elephant from the Ice Ages. |
Worm Worms are little animals with a long, soft body and no legs. Earthworms are worms that benefit the soil. |
Yellow Jacket A yellow jacket is a type of social wasp, a flying, stinging insect. |
Zebra Longwing Butterfly The Zebra Longwing is a small, black-and-yellow striped butterfly from warm areas. |
Zebra Swallowtail Butterfly The Zebra Swallowtail butterfly is a common butterfly with distinctive black and white markings. |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Amphibians | Arachnids | Birds | Cats | Dogs | Dinosaurs | Fish | Insects | Mammals | Invertebrates | Reptiles |
Camouflaged | Endangered | Hibernating | Life Cycles | Migratory | Nocturnal | Poisonous | Underground | Venomous |
Africa | Antarctica | Arctic | Asia | Australia | Europe | North America | South America |
Coral Reef | Desert | Grassland | Pond | Coniferous Forest | Ocean | Temperate Deciduous Forest | Tropical Rainforest | Tundra | More Biomes |
Simple Animal Printouts | Guidelines for Writing a Report on an Animal | Animal Report Graphic Organizers |
In addition to printing the animals, you can copy a printout (click here for instructions) and paste it into a painting program (like Paint) and color the animal there. (Thanks to Grace P. from Thorngrove School for this great idea.)
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