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Animal Printouts |
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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Amphibians | Arachnids | Birds | Cats | Dogs | Dinosaurs | Fish | Insects | Mammals | Invertebrates | Reptiles |
Camouflaged | Endangered | Hibernating | Life Cycles | Migratory | Nocturnal | Poisonous | Underground | Venomous |
Africa | Antarctica | Arctic | Asia | Australia | Europe | North America | South America |
Coral Reef | Desert | Grassland | Pond | Coniferous Forest | Ocean | Temperate Deciduous Forest | Tropical Rainforest | Tundra | More Biomes |
Simple Animal Printouts | Guidelines for Writing a Report on an Animal | Animal Report Graphic Organizers |
Aardvark Aardvarks are large mammals that eat ants. Simpler aardvark printout |
Acrocanthosaurus A huge, spine-backed, meat-eating dinosaur. |
African Animals: Label Me! Label ten African animals. Answers |
African Animals Printable Book for Early Readers A short, printable book about African animal early readers. The book has pages on the lion, zebra, ostrich, rhino, elephant, giraffe, cheetah, chimp, and gorilla. |
African Animals in French - Coloring Page Many African animals in French. |
African Animals in French A Label Me! Printout Label the elephant, lion, zebra, gorilla, chimpanzee, ostrich, and giraffe in French. Answers |
African Animals in German A Label Me! Printout Label the elephant, lion, zebra, gorilla, chimpanzee, ostrich, and giraffe in German. Answers |
African Animals in Hebrew Label Me! Printout Label the gorilla ostrich, lion, zebra, giraffe, elephant, and monkey in Hebrew. Answers |
African Animals in Italian A Label Me! Printout Label the elephant, lion, zebra, gorilla, chimpanzee, ostrich, and giraffe in Italian. Answers |
African Animals in Portuguese A Label Me! Printout Label the elephant, lion, zebra, gorilla, chimpanzee, ostrich, and giraffe in Portuguese. Answers |
African Animals in Spanish - Coloring Page Many African animals in Spanish. |
African Animals in Spanish A Label Me! Printout Label the elephant, lion, zebra, gorilla, chimpanzee, ostrich, and giraffe in Spanish. Answers |
African Animals in Swedish A Label Me! Printout Label the elephant, lion, zebra, gorilla, chimpanzee, ostrich, and giraffe in Swedish. Answers |
African Elephant The African Elephant is the largest land animal. |
African Gray Parrot The African Gray Parrot is an intelligent, talkative bird. |
African Penguin A small penguin from islands off the coast of Southern Africa. |
African Rock Python African Rock Pythons are large snakes that kill by constricting their prey. |
African Wild Cat African Wild Cats are fierce, solitary hunters. |
African Wild Dog The African Wild Dog hunts in packs in Africa. |
Angonoka (Ploughshare) Tortoise An endangered species from Madagascar. |
Ant Ants are social insects that are found worldwide and in almost every environment. |
Antelope Antelopes are graceful mammals with beautiful horns. |
Arabian Camel The Arabian Camel is the one-humped camel (it is also known as the dromedary). Go to a giraffe quiz or go to the answers. |
Arabian Oryx Oryx are long-horned antelopes from dry areas in Africa. |
Arsinoitherium Arsinoitherium was an early, horned mammal that lived during the early Oligocene (about 38 to 23 million years ago). |
Assassin Bug Assassin bugs are a type of predatory insect. |
Aye-aye A strange primate from Madagascar. |
Barosaurus A huge, long-necked, whip-tailed, plant-eating dinosaur from the Jurassic period. |
Bee Bees are flying, social insects that live in a hive. |
Black-Footed Penguin A small penguin from islands off the coast of Southern Africa. |
Bongo A large, striped antelope from African forests. |
Brachiosaurus A tall, long-necked plant-eating dinosaur. |
Brachiosaurus (Simple version) A tall, long-necked plant-eating dinosaur. |
Brachiosaurus Skeleton Brachiosaurus was a tall, long-necked plant-eater. |
Brindled Dolphin Also called the Pantropical Spotted Dolphin, this small, toothed whale is found in tropical waters worldwide. |
Buffalo, Cape Cape Buffalo are large, hoofed mammals that live in African savannas. |
Bull Shark A blunt-nosed, dangerous, gray shark that can also live in fresh water rivers and lakes. |
Bull Shark (Simple version) A blunt-nosed, dangerous, gray shark can that live in fresh water rivers and lakes. |
Camel Camels are large mammals that live in dry areas. Go to a giraffe quiz or go to the answers. |
Cape Buffalo Cape Buffalo are large, hoofed mammals that live in African savannas. |
Cape Hunting Dog The Cape Hunting Dog hunts in packs in Africa. |
Cat House cats are great pets. |
Ceratosaurus A meat-eating dinosaur from the Jurassic theropod; it has small a snout horn. |
CHEETAH The cheetah is the fastest land animal. Or go to a simple cheetah coloring printout (just the image). |
Chimpanzee Chimpanzees are very intelligent apes from Africa; they are closely related to humans. |
Coelacanth The Coelacanth (pronounced SEE-la-canth) is a primitive fish that was thought to have been extinct for millions of years, but a living Coelacanth was caught in 1938. |
Common Egret The common egret (also called the great egret) is a large wading bird. |
Common Thresher Shark The Common Thresher Shark is a shark whose tail fin has a greatly elongated upper lobe. |
Crab A crab is an animal with a shell. It has eyes on stalks on its head. |
Crane Cranes are large wading birds with long legs and a long neck. |
Crayfish Freshwater crustaceans with four pairs of walking legs. |
Cricket Crickets are jumping insects. |
Crocodile Crocodiles are meat-eating reptiles with a long, tapered snout. |
Dinichthys Dunkleosteus was a extinct, armored fish from the family Dinichthys. This extinct family of fishes lived during the Late Devonian period, about 400 million years ago. |
Dodo The dodo is an extinct, flightless bird that lived on an island in the Indian Ocean near Africa. Or go to a dodo quiz or the answers. |
Dogfish Shark A small, very common, relatively harmless shark found worldwide. |
Dolphin A dolphin is a small, toothed whale, a marine mammal. |
Dragonfly The dragonfly is a flying insect with a long abdomen. |
Dromedary The dromedary is the one-humped camel (also known as the Arabian Camel). Go to a giraffe quiz or go to the answers. |
Dunkleosteus An extinct, heavily armored fish from the family Dinichthys. It lived during the Late Devonian period, about 400 million years ago. |
Earthworm An earthworm is a little animal with a long, soft body and no legs. |
Echinoderms Spiny-skinned, bottom-dwelling marine invertebrates with five-fold symmetry. |
Egret The egret is a large wading bird. |
Elephant There are two types of elephants, the Indian Elephant and the African Elephant. |
Emperor Angelfish Emperor Angelfish are brightly-colored, flattened fish that live in shallow warm waters. |
Fabrosaurus A small, primitive plant-eating dinosaur from South Africa. |
Fennec Fox The Fennec fox is a small, desert fox with very large ears; it lives in the Sahara and in northern Saudi Arabia. |
Flamingo The Flamingo is a pink bird that eats with its head upside down. Go to a simple version (just the image). |
Flamingo Read-and-Answer Quiz Read about the flamingo, then answer questions about it. Or go to the answers. |
Flamingo Label Me! Printout Label a diagram of a flamingo. Answers |
Fly The common house fly is a small, flying insect. |
Forest Antelope Also called the bongo, this large, striped antelope lives in African forests. |
Forest Giraffe The Forest Giraffe is another name for the Okapi, a giraffe-like mammal from African rainforests. |
Fox The fox is a meat-eating mammal with a long, bushy tail. |
![]() Frog Tadpoles grow up to be frogs. |
Fruit Bat Fruit bats are large bats that eat fruits and flowers. |
Fugu Also called pufferfish, blowfish and globefish, this poisonous fish can swallow water to double its size. |
Gazelle Gazelles live in herds in Africa. |
Gecko Geckos are the only lizards that make noise. |
Gerbil The gerbil is a small, long-tailed rodent that is native to dry, sandy areas of Africa and Asia. |
GIRAFFE The giraffe is the tallest land animal. Go to a giraffe quiz or go to the answers. |
Giraffe and Baby A mother and baby to color. |
Globefish Also called pufferfish, blowfish and fugu, this poisonous fish can swallow water to double its size. |
Gnu The gnu is a fast-running, herding, grass-eater from eastern Africa. Also known as the wildebeest. |
Goat Goats are sure-footed, hoofed mammals. |
Golden Eagle Golden Eagles are large birds of prey. |
Gorilla Gorillas are great apes from Africa. They are in danger of extinction. Go to a gorilla quiz or go to the answers. |
Gorilla Read-and-Answer Quiz Read the text then answer the questions. Or go to the answers. |
Grasshopper Grasshoppers are insects that can hop, walk, and fly. There are about 10,000 different species of grasshoppers. |
Gray Parrot The African Gray Parrot is an intelligent, talkative bird. |
Great Blue Heron A large wading bird with distinctive plumage and a long, sharp bill. |
Great Egret The great egret, also known as the common egret, is a large wading bird. |
Great Hammerhead Shark A large predatory fish with a hammer-shaped head. |
Great White Shark (Simple Version) An enormous, ferocious predator found worldwide. |
Great White Shark (Simple Version) An enormous, ferocious predator found worldwide. |
Hammerhead Shark Large predators with a hammer-shaped head. |
Hedgehog Hedgehogs are small mammals that can roll into a prickly ball. |
Hermit Crab Hermit crabs are crabs that lack a hard shell; they use a discarded shell for protection. |
Heron A large wading bird with distinctive plumage and a long, sharp bill. |
HIPPOPOTAMUS The hippopotamus is a large mammal that stays in the water a lot. Go to a hippo quiz or go to the answers. |
Honey Bee Honey bees are insects that live in a hive and make honey. |
Horseshoe Crab The horseshoe crab is a hard-shelled animal that lives in warm coastal waters on the sea floor. |
House Fly The common house fly is a small, flying insect. |
Human Skeleton -Labeled Human adults have 206 bones in their body - learn the names of the major bones. |
Human Skeleton - Unlabeled You can label the major bones in this human skeleton printout. |
Hyena A meat-eating mammal that hunts and scavenges prey. |
Iguanodon A slow, heavy, herding, plant-eating dinosaur that had thumb-spikes. Iguanodon was the second dinosaur discovered. |
Iguanodon (Simple version) A slow, heavy, herding, plant-eating dinosaur that had thumb-spikes. Iguanodon was the second dinosaur discovered. |
Impala A high-jumping, lightly-built antelope from southern Africa. |
Jackass Penguin A small penguin from off the coast of southern Africa. |
Janenschia Janenschia was a huge, plant-eating dinosaur with an elongated neck and tail. It was a sauropod from the late Jurassic period, about 156 million to 150 million years ago. |
Jellyfish Jellyfish are animals that have stinging tentacles. |
Jerboa The jerboa is a small, long-tailed rodent that hops. |
John Dory The John Dory is a spiny fish with a black spot on its side. |
Kentrosaurus A spiked, plated, plant-eating dinosaur from the Jurassic period. |
King Crab Also known as the horseshoe crab, this invetebrate has a hard-shell and lives in warm coastal waters on the sea floor. |
Lemur Large-eyed primates from Madagascar. |
Leopard Leopards are widely-distributed, spotted wild cats. |
Lion A group of lions is called a pride. |
Livingstone's Fruit Bat A very large bat from Africa that eat fruits and flowers. |
Manatee Manatees are gentle, slow-swimming, aquatic mammals. |
Mandrill Mandrills are large, brightly-colored Old World monkeys. |
Man-of-War The Portuguese man-of-war is a floating colony of animals that has very long, stinging tentacles. It lives in warm ocean waters. |
Massospondylus An early plant-eating dinosaur with a long neck and long tail. |
Mastodon Mastodons were shaggy, tusked herbivores. |
Match the Syllables: African Animals Match the syllables to make 10 African animals. The words are lion, zebra, hippo, rhino, eland, gazelle, cheetah, ostrich, giraffe, monkey. Or go to the answers. |
Meerkat Meerkats (also known as suricates) are a type of mongoose that can stand upright. |
Megalosaurus This large meat-eater was the first dinosaur named. |
Mole Moles are almost-blind, burrowing mammals. |
Mongoose Mongooses are sleek, meat-eating mammals. |
Moschops Moschops is an extinct plant-eater that lived before the dinosaurs. |
Mosquito A small flying insect that is a carrier of disease. |
Mountain Gorilla Mountain Gorillas are great apes from mountain forests in Africa. They are in grave danger of extinction. |
Mouse Mice are small rodents with long, scaly tails. |
Naked Mole-Rat Small, almost hairless rodents who live in underground colonies in Africa. |
Nightingale A small songbird that sings beautiful, complex songs, often at night. |
Octopus Octopi have eight arms and live on the sea floor. |
Okapi The Okapi is a nocturnal, giraffe-like mammal from African rainforests. |
Oryx Oryx are long-horned antelopes from dry areas in Africa and Asia. |
Ostrich The ostrich is the largest bird. It can't fly, but it runs very fast. |
Ostrich Printable Read and Answer Worksheet Read about the ostrich, then answer questions about it. Or go to the answers. |
Ouranosaurus A sail-backed plant-eaing dinosaur with a beak. |
Ouranosaurus (Simple version) A sail-backed plant-eating dinosaur with a beak. |
Owl Owls are nocturnal hunters with eyes that face forwards. |
Oyster The oyster is a bivalve, a soft-bodied marine animal that is protected by two hard shells. |
Pachycephalosaurus A dome-headed, plant-eating dinosaur. |
Pachycephalosaurus (Simple version) A dome-headed, plant-eating dinosaur. |
Painted Lady Butterfly A very widespread and common butterfly. |
Painted Lady Butterfly Life Cycle The life cycle of this common butterfly. |
Pangolin The pangolin is an insect-eating mammal that has protective scales on its body. |
Pantropical Spotted Dolphin The Pantropical Spotted Dolphin is a small, toothed whale from tropical waters worldwide. |
Parrot The African Gray Parrot is an intelligent, talkative bird. |
Penguin, Jackass A small penguin from islands off the coast of southern Africa - also called the African or Black-footed Penguin. |
Pig The pig is a mammal with a flat snout. |
Pigeon This dove thrives in cities around the world. |
Porpoise A small, toothed whale, a marine mammal also called the dolphin. |
Portuguese Man-of-War The Portuguese man-of-war is a floating colony of animals that has very long, stinging tentacles. It lives in warm ocean waters. |
Pufferfish Also called blowfish and fugu, this poisonous fish can swallow water to double its size. |
Python Pythons are snakes that kill by constricting their prey. |
Quagga The quagga is a recently-extinct relative of the zebra. Go to a quagga read-and-answer quiz or go to the answers. |
Rabbit A fast-moving mammal with long ears. |
Rat The rat is a rodent with a long tail and a pointed snout. |
Rays Rays are flat fish with no bones, only cartilage. |
Redbilled Oxpecker Redbilled Oxpeckers are birds that perch on large mammals in southern Africa. |
Red Fox The Red Fox is a meat-eating mammal with a long, bushy tail. |
Rhamphorhynchus An extinct, flying, fish-eating reptile with a long tail; it lived during the late Jurassic period. |
Rhinoceros The rhinoceros is a large, thick-skinned mammal with one or two horn-like spikes on its head. |
Ring-tailed Lemur A large-eyed primate from Madagascar. |
Rock Dove Also known as the pigeon, this dove thrives in cities around the world. |
Salamander Salamanders are amphibians that retain their tail as an adult. |
Sand Dollar Sand Dollars are echinoderms, disk-shaped spiny-skinned sea bed animals that have 5-part radial symmetry. |
Savanna A savanna is a hot, seasonally dry grassland with scattered trees. |
Scorpion A venomous arachnid with a large stinger on its tail. |
Sea Anemone A predatory animal that looks like a flower and lives on the ocean floor. |
Sea Cow Sea cow is another name for manatee. Sea cows are gentle, slow-swimming, aquatic mammals. |
Seahorse The seahorse is a very strange fish that lives in warm water. |
Sea Lion Sea lions are eared seals that live on coastlines. |
Sea Star Sea stars, another name for starfish, are animals that live on the ocean floor. |
Sea Urchin A spiny, globular animal that lives on the ocean floor. |
Sei Whale A baleen whale found almost worldwide. It is also called the Sardine whale, the Pollack whale, the Coalfish whale, the Japan Finner, and Rudolphi's Rorqual. |
Serval The Serval is a long-legged African wild cat. |
Shrew Shrews are tiny mammals that are quite ferocious. |
Shrimp Shrimp are small, bottom-dwelling crustaceans with a translucent exoskeleton. |
Skeleton Human adults have 206 bones in their body. |
Skeleton - Unlabeled You can label the major bones in this human skeleton printout. |
Spectacled Porpoise A porpoise (a small toothed whale) from the Southern Hemisphere. |
Spider Spiders have eight legs. |
Spinosaurus A huge meat-eating dinosaur with a sail-back fin. |
Spotted Hyena A meat-eating mammal that hunts and scavenges prey. |
Spotted Dolphin The Pantropical Spotted Dolphin is a small, toothed whale from tropical waters worldwide. |
Starfish Sea stars, another name for starfish, are animals that live on the ocean floor. |
Stegosaurus A plant-eating dinosaur with rows of plates on its back and spikes on its tail. |
Stegosaurus (Simple version) A plant-eating dinosaur with rows of plates on its back and spikes on its tail. |
Stegosaurus Skeleton See the bones of this huge, plated plant-eater. |
Suricate Suricates (also known as meerkats) are a type of mongoose that can stand upright. |
Syntarsus A fast-moving, meat-eating dinosaur from the Jurassic period. |
Syntarsus (Simple version) A fast-moving, meat-eating dinosaur from the Jurassic period. |
Tarantula A tarantula is a large, hairy spider. |
Toad Toads are amphibians with poison glands; they usually have bumpy skin. |
Warthog The warthog is a wild pig from Africa. |
Wasp Wasps are insects with 2 pairs of wings and strong jaws. Many wasps sting. |
White Rhinoceros The White rhinoceros is a large rhino with gray skin and two horn-like spikes on its head. |
White-Spotted Dolphin Also called the Pantropical Spotted Dolphin, this small, toothed whale is found in tropical waters worldwide. |
Wild Cat African Wild Cats are fierce, solitary hunters. |
Wildebeest The wildebeest is a fast-running, herding, grass-eater from eastern Africa. Also known as the gnu. |
Worm Worms are little animals with a long, soft body and no legs. Earthworms are worms that benefit the soil. |
Yellow Jacket A yellow jacket is a type of social wasp, a flying, stinging insect. |
Yellow Mongoose The Yellow Mongoose is a sleek, 2 ft long mammal from southern Africa. |
Zebra Zebras are hoofed mammals that have black and white stripes. |
Zebra (Simple version) Zebras are hoofed mammals that have black and white stripes. |
Zorilla The Zorilla is a skunk-like mammal that lives in Africa. |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Amphibians | Arachnids | Birds | Cats | Dogs | Dinosaurs | Fish | Insects | Mammals | Invertebrates | Reptiles |
Camouflaged | Endangered | Hibernating | Life Cycles | Migratory | Nocturnal | Poisonous | Underground | Venomous |
Africa | Antarctica | Arctic | Asia | Australia | Europe | North America | South America |
Coral Reef | Desert | Grassland | Pond | Coniferous Forest | Ocean | Temperate Deciduous Forest | Tropical Rainforest | Tundra | More Biomes |
Simple Animal Printouts | Guidelines for Writing a Report on an Animal | Animal Report Graphic Organizers |
In addition to printing the animals, you can copy a printout (click here for instructions) and paste it into a painting program (like Paint) and color the animal there. (Thanks to Grace P. from Thorngrove School for this great idea.)
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