An adverb is a word that describes an action, telling “how,” “when” or “where” the action took place.
When you act angrily, your actions indicate that you are very mad.
When you act bravely, you face danger and act without fear or despite your fear. Firefighters bravely face danger.
When something is done daily, it is done each day. Some people exercise daily.
When something is done early, it happens in the beginning of the day or before the expected time. The sun rises early in the day

When something or someone moves fast, they change position very rapidly. The sprinter ran fast.
When something acts in an intense or hot way, it is fiery. The fire burned hotly.
When you do something gracefully, you do it with elegance and beauty. A ballerina dances gracefully.
When you do something with pleasure or joy, you do it happily. She happily helped her brother.
When people, countries, or other groups behave in a friendly manner, they are acting harmoniously.
When something moves horizontally, it moves left and right. Trains travel horizontally along their tracks.
When you do something with great pleasure or happiness, you do it joyfully. She joyfully went on vacation.
When something happens late, it is done after the expected time or is done towards the end of the day.
When something is done with magic and mystery, it is done magically. The rabbit appeared magically out of the magician’s hat.
When something is done monthly, it is done each month. People pay their bills monthly.

When something or someone moves quickly, they change position very rapidly. An athlete runs quickly.
When something or someone moves rapidly, they change position very quickly. A cheetah runs rapidly.
People behave sadly when they are sad or depressed. She cried sadly when she found out the bad news.
When you do something strenuously, you put a lot of force and energy into it.

When something moves vertically, it moves up and down. Elevators move vertically in a building.
When something acts violently, it uses great force. The wind in a tornado spins violently.
When something is done weekly, it is done each week. Sue shops weekly for groceries.

When something moves in a twisty motion, it is a wiggly movement.
When something is done yearly, it is done each year. People celebrate their birthday yearly.