School-Related Words
There are 26 letters in the alphabet. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
A backpack is a sack that is worn on the back and is used to carry things.
Books are wonderful to read!
Books are stored in bookcases.
A calculator is a machine that solves math problems.

Capital letters (also called upper-case letters) are used at the beginning of sentences and proper nouns (like people’s names).
You can write with chalk on a chalkboard.
A chart is a diagram, like a graph or a table, that shows the relationships between things.
A computer is an eectronic machine that stores and handles large amounts of data. You are using a computer right now.
Cursive letters are curved letters that connect to one another.
People write and study at their desks.
A dictionary is a book that explains what words mean.
A compact disc contains a lot of encoded information, like computer games or music.
Some artists draw at an easel.
An eraser rubs off pencil marks.
An exam is a test.
People do experiments to learn about the physical world or to test theories.
Papers are often stored in file folders.
A flag represents a country state, province, or city.
Glue is a substance that sticks things together.
Ink is a colored liquid used in pens.
A janitor is someone who looks after and cleans a building.
You can type on a computer keyboard.
A laptop is a small, portable computer.
When you learn, you find out something new.
There are 26 letters in our alphabet. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Librarians take care of libraries and help people find books.
Libraries have books, tapes, and computer programs that you can use and borrow.

Lower case letters (also called small letters) are uncapitalized letters.
A mortar board is a square hat that is worn by people when they graduate from school.
A computer mouse is a device used to control the computer’s cursor.
A neighborhood is the place where you and the people around you live.
A notebook is a book with blank pages to write in.
Numbers tell you “how many” or “how much.”
We write and paint on paper. It is made from plant fibers, usually trees.
A paper clip is a small clip that is used to hold a few pieces of paper together.
We write with pens. Pens have ink in them.
A pencil is good for writing and drawing. You can erase pencil marks.

Physical education is the teaching of activities that promote physical fitness.
A picture shows what something looks like. A picture can be a drawing, a painting or a photograph.
A project is a task that accomplishes something. Crafts projects are fun to make.
A protractor is a device that measures angles.
A pupil is a student, a person who is learning.
A quiz is a short test.
People read newspapers, books, magazines, and other things.
A rubber band is a very stretchy circular ribbon of rubber. Rubber bands are often used to hold things together.
A ruler is a straight piece of material that is used for measuring distances or drawing straight lines.
A scale is a machine for weighing things.
A school is a place where you learn things.
A school bus carries children to and from school.
Scientists study science to learn about the physical world.
Scissors are used for cutting things, like paper.
Script letters are curved letters that connect to one another. They are also called cursive letters.
Someone who is smart can think well.
A stapler is a device that attaches papers to each other using a small piece of metal.
A sticker adheres (sticks) to things.
A student is a person who is learning.
A table is a piece of furniture with a flat top and legs.
Tape is a long, sticky ribbon that is used to fix things or to stick things together.
A tape measure is used to measure things.
When you teach someone, they learn something.
A teacher is someone who helps you learn.
A test determines if you have learned something or not.
When you understand something, you know it very well or you know how it works.

Upper case letters (also called capital letters) are used at the beginning of sentences and proper nouns (like people’s names).
A person’s vocabulary is the group of words that the person understands.

The letters A, E, I, O and U are vowels.
People throw trash in a wastebasket.
When you write, you put words on paper.
A yardstick is three feet long (a yard); it is used for measuring things.