Sports-Related Words
In archery, you shoot an arrow (using a bow), aiming at a target.
A ball is round and fun to bounce, throw, kick, or catch.
Baseball is team game that is played with a ball and a bat.
You hit a baseball with a baseball bat.
Basketball is a sport in which you get points for throwing a ball into a basket.
A dart is a small, pointed object that is thrown at a target in a game.
A dartboard is the target used when playing darts.

Exercise is very good for you.
Football is played with an oddly-shaped ball in the USA.
People enjoy playing games.
When you go, you are moving.
Golf is a sport in which a ball is hit into a series of holes using golf clubs.
A golf ball is a small ball used in golf - the ball sits on a tee in the grass.
Golf clubs are used to hit a golf ball.
A helmet protects your head.
When you wear ice skates, you can glide across ice.
Judo is one of the martial arts.
When you jump, you go up and down.
There are a lot of different ways to jump rope.
Karate is one of the martial arts.
The martial arts include Aikido, Judo, Karate, Tae Kwon Do, and other sports.
A medal is an award that you can wear.
A baseball mitt is a glove used to catch balls.

When you move, you are not still.
The Olympic Games began over 2700 years ago in ancient Greece.
When you play, you are having fun.
A racket is used to hit a ball or shuttlecock in sports like tennis and badminton.
When you take a ride, you travel on something else, like a bicycle, a horse, or other means of transportation.
Running is faster than walking.
When you wear roller skates, you can roll along the ground.
When you ski, you glide over snow or water.
A soccer ball is made up of pentagons and hexagons.
Playing sports is fun and good exercise.
A stadium is a large building in which sports events are held.
When you swim, you move around in the water.
A team is a group of people that work together towards a goal.
A tee holds a ball in position so you can hit it.
Tennis is a sport in which a ball is hit over a net with a racket.
A racket is used to hit a ball or shuttlecock in sports like tennis and badminton.
When you throw something, you use your arm to send it through the air.
A uniform is a special outfit worn by members of a group.