Toy Words
In archery, you shoot an arrow (using a bow), aiming at a target.
Backgammon is an ancient board game played with tiles and dice.
A ball is round and fun to bounce, throw, kick, or catch.
Balloons are rubber sacks that are filled with air or other gases.
Baseball is team game that is played with a ball and a bat.
You hit a baseball with a baseball bat.
Basketball is a sport in which you get points for throwing a ball into a basket.
You can build things with toy blocks.
A brush is used to paint, clean, or groom.
It is fun to blow soap bubbles!
Some people play games with cards.
You can write with chalk on a chalkboard.
Checkers is a two-player game that is played on an 8 by 8 square game board.
A circus is a traveling show that has acrobats, clowns, and animals.
Potters make beautiful things out of clay, like mugs, plates, and bowls.
Clowns are people who dress up in funny clothes and try to make you laugh.
You can color the pictures in a coloring book.
A comic book is a book whose story is told in colorful pictures and some words.
You are using a computer right now.
When you do a connect-the-dots puzzle, you make a picture.
People wear costumes to pretend they are someone or something else.
Crafts are fun, artistic activities.
Crayons are colorful wax sticks that are used for drawing.
A crossword puzzle has interlocking words that you guess from clues.
When you move your body rhythmically, you are dancing.
A dart is a small, pointed object that is thrown at a target in a game.
A dartboard is the target used when playing darts.
Dice are cubes with numbers on each side that are used in games. A single one is called a die.
A compact disc contains a lot of encoded information, like computer games or music.
Dolls are toys that look like tiny people.
A dollhouse is a tiny house for dolls.
Dominoes is a game played with tiles that have numbers on them.
A doodle is a quick drawing done with little thought.
A drawing is a picture of something.
Some artists draw at an easel.

Exercise is very good for you.
Fireworks are beautiful explosions in the sky that people send up for a celebration.
People use fishing rods to catch fish.
Football is played with an oddly-shaped ball in the USA.
People enjoy playing games.
Golf is a sport in which a ball is hit into a series of holes using golf clubs.
A golf ball is a small ball used in golf - the ball sits on a tee in the grass.
Golf clubs are used to hit a golf ball.
When you wear ice skates, you can glide across ice.
An illusion is something that tricks your eyes.
The Internet is a group of connected computers. You are surfing the Internet right now!
A jack-in-the-box is a toy that can surprise you!
A jack-o’-lantern looks scary when it’s lit up!
Jacks is a traditional children’s game.
To put a jigsaw puzzle together, you match shapes.

Jogging is good exercise.
Do you know any good jokes?
A joystick is used to play some computer games.
Judo is one of the martial arts.
It takes good coordination to juggle.
There are a lot of different ways to jump rope.

A kaleidoscope is a device that makes beautiful, colorful patterns.
Karate is one of the martial arts.
You can fly a kite on windy days.
Sweaters and socks are made by knitting.
A magazine is published periodically.
A magnet attracts things made of iron.
The martial arts include Aikido, Judo, Karate, Tae Kwon Do, and other sports.
A mask covers your face.
Getting through the passages of a maze is tricky.
A baseball mitt is a glove used to catch balls.
Nursery rhymes are simple rhymes that most children enjoy.
An oil painting is a picture made using oil paints.
The Olympic Games began over 2700 years ago in ancient Greece.
Origami is the art of folding paper into beautiful shapes.
A paintbrush is used to paint things.
A painting is a picture made using paints.
A palette holds an artist’s paints.
A palindrome is a word, phrase or number that reads the same forwards or backwards. Some palindromes are: the name Bob, the number 101, and the phrase, “Madam, I’m Adam.”
A pen pal is a faraway friend you write to.
A pinwheel is a toy that whirls around when you blow on it.
When you play, you are having fun.
A project is a task that accomplishes something. Crafts projects are fun to make.
A puppet is a doll that you put your hand in, making it move.
Puzzles can be confusing but fun.
A racket is used to hit a ball or shuttlecock in sports like tennis and badminton.
A radio lets you hear broadcast music and talk shows.
Words that rhyme have endings that sound the same, like cat and hat or kite and light.
A riddle is a question that is a puzzle or a joke.
A robot is a mechanical worker.
A rocket is a machine that propels itself into space.
Children can rock on a rocking horse.
When you wear roller skates, you can roll along the ground.
Seesaws go up and down.
When you ski, you glide over snow or water.
A slide is a playground toy that you climb up on and then slide down. You can go very fast on a slide.
Snowmen are figures made from snow. They melt when the weather gets warm.
A soccer ball is made up of pentagons and hexagons.
Playing sports is fun and good exercise.
A stadium is a large building in which sports events are held.
A long time ago, soldiers fought with swords.
A tangram is a traditional Chinese puzzle that can be made into many shapes.
A team is a group of people that work together towards a goal.
Teddy bears are fun to cuddle.
A tee holds a ball in position so you can hit it.
A telescope is a optical device that makes faraway objects appear closer and larger, allowing us to see distant objects in space.
A television is a machine that receives pictures and sounds. People watch and listen to shows on television.
Tennis is a sport in which a ball is hit over a net with a racket.
A racket is used to hit a ball or shuttlecock in sports like tennis and badminton.
A tent is a temporary shelter made of fabric.
A tepee is a house made by some Native Americans.
Tic-tac-toe is a game for two players. The winner has to get three marks in a row.
Tongue twisters are hard to say!
We play with toys.
A train has an engine that pulls railroad cars along a track.
A treasure chest is a lidded, locked box filled with valuables.
A vacation is a time of rest or a change of everyday activities.
You can pull things in a wagon.
A yo-yo is a round toy that goes up and down on a string.