Location Words
An address is a set of instructions that lets you know where something is located.
Above means over or higher. The cloud is above the mountain.
When something is around something, it is near, close, or surrounding it.
When you are behind something, you are to the back of it.
Beneath means under. The cat is under the table.
When something is between, it is located in a position separating two other items.
A compass always points north.
A compass rose is a design on a map that shows direction. It points north, south, east, west, and some intermediate directions on the map.
Down is the opposite of up.
East is a compass direction. East is opposite west.
The first person or thing comes before the others.
The bird is in the cage.
The girl on the right is in front of the bricks.
The bird is inside the cage.
The last item or person is the one at the end.
Left is the opposite of right.
Latitude is the angular distance north or south from the equator to a particular location. The equator has a latitude of zero degrees. The North Pole has a latitude of 90 degrees North; the South Pole has a latitude of 90 degrees South.
Longitude is the angular distance east or west from the north-south line that passes through Greenwich, England, to a particular location. Greenwich, England, has a longitude of zero degrees. The farther east or west of Greenwich you are, the greater your longitude. The Midway Islands (in the Pacific Ocean) have a longitude of 180 degrees (they are on the opposite side of the globe from Greenwich).
A map shows the features of an area. You can find your way around by using a map.
The boy in the middle has a boy on either side of him.
North is a compass direction. North is opposite south.
The vase is on the table.
He is going out the door.
When you are outside, you are not in a building or other structure.
The cloud is over the mountain.
Right is the opposite of left.
South is a compass direction. South is opposite from north.
Under means beneath. The cat is under the table.
Many animals live underground.
Up is the opposite of down.

Vertical is the direction up and down, or at a right angle to the horizon. When something moves vertically, it moves up and down. Elevators move vertically in a building.
West is a compass direction. West is opposite east.
With means in the company of or having. The children above are with each other.