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A: I don't know about 15, but for a page on the classification of dinosaurs, click here. For more details, click here.
A: No dinosaur fossils have been found in Florida (it was underwater during the Mesozoic Era, when the dinosaurs lived).
A: If they're covering it up, how did you read about it in a newspaper? That's not the type of thing people cover up - it's the type of thing they publicize (hence the newspaper article). If it's true (which I doubt), we'll all be hearing about it soon.
A: We don't have any,
A: Placerias was a dicynodont (a so-called "mammal-like reptile") that lived during the late Triassic period, roughly 222 to 215 million years ago. Dicynodonts were pig-like plant-eaters with large tusks. Dicynodonts were quite different from dinosaurs in many ways, including thier teeth, skull, hip structure, etc.
For more information on Placerias, click here.
A: Ichthyosaurus lived from the early Jurassic period until the early Cretaceous period, roughly 206 to 140 million year ago. For other animals (mostly dinosaurs) that lived during the early Jurassic period, click here. For other animals (mostly dinosaurs) that lived during the early Cretaceous period, click here.
A: For information on Giganotosaurus, click here. For information on Iguanodon, click here.
A: I've expanded the entry on Tsintaosaurus, but very little is known about it and there is no agreement among paleontologists about whether or not it had a crest (some paleontologists believe that its crest is simply an artifact of the fossilization process, and others think that the crest pointed backwards - I don't which is true). The specimen once known as Tsintaosaurus chingkankouensis is now thought to be the same as Tsintaosaurus spinorhinus (and was originally though to be Tanius). In the entry, I had listed the classification for Tanius but avoided it for Tsintaosaurus (because its fossils are so poorly preserved). See p.208 of Fastovsky and Weishampel's "The Evolution and Extinction of the Dinosaurs," who state, " In addition, there is a host of hadrosaurids that - for one reason or another, mostly having to do with their incomplete preservation - are yet unresolved at the highest reaches of the iguanodontian tree. These include ... Tsintaosaurus, ..."
A: The Teriary Period. For a chart of geologic time, click here. Hippos evolved during the late Miocene Epoch
A: The Cretaceous period lasted from until 144 until 65 million years ago.
A: Komodo dragons are meat-eaters (and do occasionally eat people). These huge lizards live on islands in Indonesia, including the island of Komodo. No one knows why they are the size they are (but it probaly wasn't radiation). It evolved about 4 million years ago.
For information on the Komodo dragon, click here.
A: 1. No one knows. 2. Probably not. For information on Brachiosaurus, click here.
A: I've seen guesstimates of about a 40-year life span for T. rex (but this could be way off).
A: Pachyrhinosaurus had a beak, a spiked frill, and perhaps a snout horn. it's short tail may or may not have been used for protection. No one knows why some genera survive mass extictions while others do not. Lystrosaurus may have used its tusk-like fangs for protection (also, living in a herd is another type of protection).
A: The oldest dinosaurs (as yet unnamed prosauropods) known so far are from Madagascar and date from about 230 million years ago.
A: I added a page on Pachyrhinosaurus. (Aren't they all major dinosaurs?)
A: Valdoraptor was a theropod (meat-eating dinosaur) from England. Only a few foot bones from Valdoraptor have been found, so very little is known about it.
A: I haven't heard of any.
A: Click here for early dinosaur finds.
A: The best book I know is "The Evolution and Extinction of the Dinosaurs" by D.E. Fastovsky and D.B.
Weishampel, 1996, Cambridge University Press.
A: 1. I haven't heard of it. 2. I haven't heard of any mixed herds.
A: 1. Height is a messy statistic, because it can be measured in different ways. The height you report depends on whether you measure the heoght to the top of the shoulders (which is standard) or the top of the head (which is intuitive). Thsi is why length is the standard measurement given for most dinosaurs.
2., 4., 6. No one knows.
5. No nests or eggs together with adults have been found, so no one knows.
3. Velociraptor had a larger brain to body mass ratio (which could be mean that is was more intelligent). Speed is mostly a function of stride length and leg length, and T. rex had much longer legs than Velociraptor, so it was probably much faster.
5., 7. I don't know.
A: For information on cheetahs, click here.
A: For information on Iguanodon, click here.
A: Sorry, but I've nevere seen an estimate of Pachycephalosaurus's exact speed. They call T. rex the king because rex means king in Latin.
A: They probably had a series of valves in the blood vessels of the neck to prevent the blood from flowing in the wrong direction (and to prevent it from flowing too quickly).
A: About 200; no complete T. rex has been found.
A: Yes, click here for dinosaur crafts.
A: There are about 1,000 known genera and many more species, but these represent only a very small percent of the dinosaurs that existed.
A: The dinosuars were extremely varied in their size, shape, and habits; their sounds probably varied quite a bit. For example, the dinosaur Parasaurolophus probably made a deep, fog-horn like sound as air vibrated within its hollow crest.
A: As far as I know, nothing has been published on Rigby's new specimen of Tyrannosaurus, and the even the name is uncertain. It is rumored to have larger forearms than T. rex and is supposedly bigger in general. I have no idea which was deadlier.
A: In any food chain, there have
to be more organisms at the lower levels of the chain
because the transfer of food energy is inefficient and much
of the energy is wasted. A large number of plants (producers) can support a smaller
number of plant-eaters (primary consumers). These
plant-eaters are eaten by a smaller number of carnivores
(secondary consumers). For example, it may have taken hundreds of acres of plants to feed a small group of Triceratops.
These Triceratops could supply a single T. rex with enough food to survive over its lifetime.
A: Homalocephale was an ornithischian (bird-hipped) dinosaur. For more information on Homalocephale, click here.
A: No, that's an excellent point. Not all reptiles have this system, but many (like alligators) do. This certainly makes them vulnerable when weather patterns change. No one knows if dinosaurs had this system, but if they did, your theory might help explain things.
A: Perhaps, if undamaged DNA is ever found.
A: The sonic boom must indeed have been large, but most organisms would have been far away from it. When an asteroid hits, the sonic boom is probably the least of your worries.
A: The biggest creodonts were the size of bears.
A: Click here.
A: The different dinosaurs went extinct for many different reasons (but it generally boils down to not adapting to change). Most dinosaurs died in background extinctions, but the last non-avian dinosaurs died during the K-T extinction, which was probably caused by asteroid impact(s). T. rex's scientific name is Tyrannosaurus rex (that's its genus and species). For the other information on T. rex, see our pages on T. rex.
A: All the organisms in the affected families don't die at once. A mass extinction probably takes place over a long period of time, and is likely a chain reaction. One or two species falter; and weaker individuals die within those species, and the species reproductive rate also drops drastically (becasue of environmental changes). Within a few generations, the species is gone. This affects other species who depended on this species for food (or other necessities). These affected species soon die out, and so on.
A: It certainly could have been both factors contributing to the mass extinction. Also, the meteor impact may have been more like the recent Shoemaker-Levy impacy on Jupiter, where a huge meteor broke into pieces and hit the planet in a series of impacts.
There is new evidence that the Yucatan peninsula wasn't the only point of impact. The Shiva crater is a another huge impact crater located under the Arabian Sea off the coast of India near Bombay. This crater also dates from the K-T boundary, 65 million years ago, when the Chicxulub crater at the tip of the Yucatán Peninsula also formed. Although it has shifted because of sea floor spreading, when pieced together it would be about 370 miles (600 km) by 280 miles (450 km) across and 7.5 miles (12 km) deep (and may be just part of a larger crater). It is estimated to have been made by a bolide (an asteroid or meteoroid) 25 miles (40 km) in diameter. This crater was named by the paleontologist Sankar Chatterjee for Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction
and renewal.
A: The bird-sized meat-eaters just ate small prey (like modern-day small meat-eaters). They probably ate animals like small lizards, amphibians, worms, and insects.
A: Anatosaurus is an obsolete name for Edmontosaurus (a plant-eating dinosaur). For information on Edmontosaurus, click here.
A: They hatched from eggs.
A: There were many other land animals during the Jurassic period including many other reptiles, early mammals, early birds, insects, worms, snails, etc. There were also a lot of aquatic animals, including fish (including sharks), marine reptiles (like Ichthyosaurs, mosasaurs, and plesiosaurs), corals, sponges, gastropods, etc.
A: Members of the genus Amphicyon were about 6.5 ft (2 m) long (I don't know about the particular species you mentioned). I've never seen any professional references to either Tyrannosaurus rex fragilis or robustus (it would seem to refer to small vs. large specimens). In 1990, Dr. Kenneth Carpenter theorized that female T. rex were larger and more robust, and had larger bony horns on the head.
A: There was a minor mass extinction towards the end of the Jurassic period. No one knows what
caused this extinction.
A: Quaesitosaurus' main defenses were its huge size and its whip-like tail. It may have had some protective bony plates on its back. For more information on Quaesitosaurus, click here.
A: That was Dilophosaurus, but there is no evidence of that it spat anything or that it had a frill; it did have two crests on its head, though. For more information on Dilophosaurus, click here.
A: Dinosaurs varied greatly in size and build, and their speed varied greatly also. For a page on dinosaur locomotion, click here.
A: Mostly with its famous teeth. For more information on T. rex, click here.
A: I don't what they're worth - you should take it to a university or natural history museum paleontology department where an expert on mammoths can help you.
A: It isn't known exactly, but some of the relatively low-lying plants that were common during the early Cretaceous period (when Iguanodon lived) were cycads and horsetails. For more information on Cretaceous period plants, click here. For more information Iguanodon, click here.
A: Different dinosaurs lived in a variety of different environments all around the Earth, from desert-like areas to forests.
A: 1. I don't know of any online. You should check your school or public library. 2. Pretty much but not exclusively. 3. We have a search engine for this site (at the top if this page) which will direct you to a topic (if we cover it).
A: The meat-eaters Giganotosaurus and Carcharodontosaurus were a bit longer than T. rex (but not heavier). Many plant-eating dinosaurs were bigger than T. rex, including Brachiosaurus, Apatosaurus, Argentinosaurus, etc.
A: No one knows.
A: Click here.
A: Plant-eaters (herbivores) usually have to eat a much larger volume of material than meat-eaters (carnivores) do in order to get the same amount of calories. This is because leaves, twigs, and roots are low in calories. This means that plant-eaters usually have larger digestive systems. Plants are also hard to digest, so some plant-eaters have a complex stomach and multi-stage digestive strategies (like regurgitating A partially digested cud, and chewing it). Some plant-eating dinosaurs swallowed stones (called gastroliths) which remained in the crop (a modified stomach) to help digest tough plant material.
A: She was an English woman who found many important fossils, including the first fossilized plesiosaur and Ichthyosaurus. For more information on Anning, click here.
A: T. rex probably lived in forested areas. For more information on T. rex, click here.
A: The earliest-known bird is Archaeopteryx; it could fly. For more information on Archaeopteryx, click here.
A: Iguanodon means "iguana tooth." It was named by Gideon A. Mantell in 1825. For more information on Iguanodon, click here.
A: The two different groups of dinosaurs are the ornithischians and the saurischians. For more information on these groups (and pictures), click here.
A: The dinosaurs lived during the Mesozoic Era, which is divided in to the Triassic period, the Jurassic period, and the Cretaceous period.
A: Birds may have evolved from theropod dinosaurs. For more information on this, click here.
A: No.
A: For Velociraptor, click here. For Saltopus, click here.
A: Pentaceratops was named by paleontologist Henry F. Osborn in 1923. For more information on Pentaceratops, click here.
A: 1. Velociraptor 2. Could be Parasaurolophus
A: Usually there's only one species per niche - if there are two, they compete, and eventually one wins and one loses (dies out or adapts to some other niche).
For dinosaurs that lived during the same time as Avimimus, see the listing of late Cretaceous dinosaurs. For other dinosaurs that lived in Mongolia (like Avimimus), click here and go to the listing on Mongolia.
As to EQ (brain to body mass ratio), bigger usually means smarter, but this isn't an absolute, and EQ doesn't work well when comparing disparate animals. Also, being brainy isn't necessary for survival in many cases - like Stegosaurus (which you mentioned), and many other plant-eaters. Big brains were more useful to meat-eaters who had the challenge of catching prey.
Early feathers also may have been used for insulation (think of a down blanket).
A: For information on Protoceratops, click here.
A: Woolly Mammoths were herbivores (plant-eaters. For information on Woolly Mammoths, click here.
A: A carnivore is a meat-eater. T. rex, for example, was a carnivore.
A: Cro-Magnons lived during the Cenozoic Era (the Cenozoic lasted from 65 million years ago until today, but Cro-Magnons lived about 35,000-10,000 years ago). For a chart of geologic time, click here.
A: Not much is known about the behavior of dinosaurs. For other information on Supersaurus, click here.
A: First learn about Ultrasauros (click here for a page on Ultrasauros). Then see the page on how to write a great dinosaur report.
A: There are about 1,000 known genera and many more species, but these represent only a very small percent of the dinosaurs that existed.
A: For information on the Cretaceous period, click here.
A: No one knows if Deinonychus cared for its young or not. If someone finds fossils of Deinonychus nests and eggs together with fossils of an adult of the same species, one could infer that there was parental care (but this has not happened for Deinonychus). For information on Deinonychus, click here.
A: Dinosaurs ARE ancient reptiles, but are quite different from other ancient reptiles. The most obvious difference is their stance. Other reptiles have thighs that are horizontal to the ground (their legs sprawl out to the sides). Dinosaur legs are vertical to the ground (columnar).
A: Tyrannosaurus rex was up to 40 feet (12.4 m) long, about 15 to 20 feet (4.6 to 6 m) tall. For more information on T. rex, click here.
A: Click on their names for information on them: T. rex, Carcharodontosaurus, Giganotosaurus, Dilophosaurus, Quetzalcoatlus, Ankylosaurus, Gallimimus, Dromiceiomimus, Torosaurus, Edmontosaurus, Gorgosaurus (Albertosaurus), Dryptosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Nanosaurus, Lambeosaurus, and
A: The various raptors (like Deinonychus, Velociraptor, Utahraptor, etc.) lived in different places and occupied very different niches than T. rex did. I doubt they would get along if put side by side. As to what they ate, it is known that T. rex ate Triceratops (and probably other large plant-eating dinosaurs, like hadrosaurs).
A: For a page on Compsognathus, click here. For a page on how to write a dinosaur report, click here.
A: Click here for a section on the Cretaceous period.
A: Radioisotope-dating of the bracketing lava layers is done. For dinosaurs, Uranium-235 is used. For more information on dating fossils, click here.
A: There are about 1,00 known types of dinosaurs (genera) and they ranged from the size of a crow to over 100 feet long.
A: For information on Camptosaurus, click here.
A: A chaparral is a shrubby coastal area that has hot dry summers and mild, cool, rainy winters. For more information, click here.
A: The first dinosaur to be described scientifically was Megalosaurus in 1824. For more information on Megalosaurus, click here. For more information on the first dinosaur fossils, click here.
A: For information on Pteranodon, click here.
A: Kangaroos are marsupials. For a page on marsupials, click here.
A: Ankylosaurus was longer and heavier than Euoplocephalus.
A: It you mean Brachiosaurus, click here. If you mean Brontosaurus (now called Apatosaurus), click here.
A: Mo. people evolved about 65 million years after the dinosaurs went extinct.
A: Compsognathus fossils have been found in southern Germany and France. Its defense was sharp teeth (plus it was a fast runner). For more information on Compsognathus, click here.
A: For a page on Platybelodon, click here.
A: For a page on Scelidosaurus, click here.
A: Birds live in many different types of habitats, from frozen tundra to deserts to rain forests (and just about everything in between).
A: For Giganotosaurus, click here. For Dilophosaurus, click here
A: Triceratops
A: Deinonychus lived during the Cretaceous period, about 110 to 100 million years ago. This was a time of high seismic activity (like volcanos and earthquakes). It was also warmer than it is now, and seasonality was low (the difference between winter and summer was not very extreme). For more information on the Cretaceous period click here. For more information on Deinonychus click here.
A: No one knows.
A: For information and a bigger picture of Eudibamus, click here.
A: T. rex was at the top of the food chain.
A: Megalodon was probably similar to a great white shark but bigger.
A: Click here.
A: Until recently, it was probably Compsognathus (chicken-sized), but a new, smaller theropod, Microraptor was recently found. It isn't certain if Microraptor is an adult, but if it is, then it will replace Compsognathus as the smallest (until an even smaller one is found).
A: Click here.
A: Click here.
A: It belonged to the family of diplodocid dinosaurs (huge, long-necked, whip-tailed plant-eaters, family Diplodocidae).
A: The dinosaurs varied from the size of a chicken (weighing just a few pounds) to over 100 feet long long (weighing over 100 tons).
A: Quetzalcoatlus.
A: Deinonychosaurs has been used lately as a clade containing the dromaeosaurs (or dromaeosaurids). Deinonychosauria named was named by Padian, Hutchenson and Holtz, and defined as the clade of all aimals with a more recent common ancestor with
Deinonychus than with birds. Dromaeosaurids are defined as the most recent common ancestor of Dromaeosaurus and all of the descendants. See: http://www.dinosauria.com/dml/clado/deinonychosauria.html
A: For information on Alticamelus, click here.
A: I doubt dinosuars like Apatosaurus needed any shelter.
A: Click here.
A: For a page on Iguanodon, click here.
A: Click here.
A: For information on Mesosaurus, click here.
A: There's a good drawing of it at: http://home.stlnet.com/~azero/Scapho.html
A: I'm not sure, but I would guess that it was the ankylosaurs (the armored plant-eaters, like Ankylosaurus and Euoplocephalus).
A: Click here.
A: Triceratops was an herbivore (a plant-eater). It probably ate
cycads, palms, and other low-lying plants with its tough beak. Triceratops could
chew well with its cheek teeth (like other Ceratopsians, but unlike most other
dinosaurs). For information on Triceratops, click here.
A: Dromaeosaurus was a carnivore (a meat-eater) that probably ate plant-eating dinosaurs (like hadrosaurs).
A: Insects evolved during the Silurian Period, 438 to 408 million years ago.
A: Many have, but the one you're probably thinking of is the Coelacanth, which people though went extinct long ago, but found off the coast of Africa
A: In general, plant-eaters are called herbivores. Some plant-eating groups of dinosaurs were the sauropods (like Brachiosaurus and Diplodocus) and the ornithischians (like Maiasaura, Triceratops, and Stegosaurus).
A: It means king (in Latin). The T. should be capitalized because it stands for a genus (and the genus name is always capitalized, although the species name is not). The T. stands for Tyrannosaurus (which means tyrant lizard in Latin).
A: Paleontologists study fossils (including dinosaurs).
A: Wuerhosaurus was a late stegosaurid dinosaur that was found in Wuerho, China. It was about 25 feet (7.5 m) long and was similar to Stegosaurus, but had smaller plates and front legs. For more information on it, click here\.
A: Woolly mammoths were herbivores (plant-eaters) who ate grass and other plant material. For more information on woolly mammoths, click here.
A: There many different types and sizes of raptors. Some raptors include Velociraptor, Deinonychus, and Utahraptor. They were all carnivores (meat-eaters), but their prey varied; plant-eating dinosaurs (like hadrosaurs) were probably a major source of food for raptors. As to their relationship to other animals, they were top predators.
A: One of the sharks that liced furing the Triassic period was Hybodus. For some information on Hybodus, click here.
A: For information Dall's porpoise, click here.
A: Finding fossillized eggs in nests with adults nearby. This has been found for Maiasaura.
A: For information on Zigongosaurus, click here.
A: Click here.
A: Proterozoic means earlier life.
A: The same reason different mammals are different from each other, or different birds are different from each other. The different types each fit into different ecological niches.
A: No one knows.
A: Fossilized skin has been found for some dinosaurs (but not most of them). T. rex, for example, had skin with a pebbly texture. For more information on dinosaur skin, click here.
A: Elmer
S. Riggs described Brachiosaurus.
A: Because that's when T. rex evolved.
A: It is a plant-eating dinosaur that is now called Apatosaurus. For information on Apatosaurus, click here.
A: Most fossils are found in sedimentary rock. For how fossils are formed, click here.
A: Click here.
A: Many skeletons (some complete) have been found, plus some eggs.
A: There are about 1,000 known genera and many more species, but these represent only a very small percent of the dinosaurs that existed.
A: Champsosaurus was a
long-jawed early reptile, a champsosaur that lived during the
late Cretaceous period through the Eocene period. For more information on Champsosaurus, click here.
A: For animals that walk on four legs (like Protoceratops), the height measurement is the height from the ground to the top of the shoulders (this is becaue the position of the head is quite variable). Since this is a mid-leading bit of information unless you know where the top of the shoulder is in an animal, I don't usually include it. Protoceratops was about 3 feet tall ( to the top of the shoulders).
A: The blue whale.
A: Many more were plant eaters. For more information on what dinosaurs ate (and why), click here.
A: See Zoom Dinosaurs.
A: 150 million years ago, during the Jurassic period, the supercontinent (called Pangaea) was breaking up.
A: I've seen illustrations both ways, but I've never heard of any skin impressions found of this area (the definitiive way of determining if it existed or not). I haven't seen the movie.
A: When Teratosaurus was first discovered by anatomist R. Owen in 1841, it was thought to be a primitive dinosaur. Its status was disputed for years. It is now thought to have been an early rauisuchian thecodont (a primitive, socket-toothed reptile, not a dinosaur).
A: Scolosaurus is an invalid for Euoplocephalus (an armored, plant-eating dinosaur). It was about 20 feet (6 m) long.
A: For a page of them, click here.
A: They must have been able to adapt to the huge environmental changes that happened during the K-T mass extinction (and non-avian dinosaurs, pterosaurs, plesiosaurs, mosasaurs, ammonites, and many other groups of organisms couldn't).
A: Dinosaurs lived all over the world - fossils have been found on all seven continents. Flowering plants evolved toward the latter part of the Mesozoic Era, so some late herbivorous (plant-eating) dinosaurs may have eaten flowering plants (angiosperms).
A: The dinosaurs lived during the MEsizoc Era, a time of great continental changes (the breakup of Pangaea and increased volcanism), no polar ice (because of relatively high temperatures). For illustrations and more information on the Mesozoic Era, click here.
A: Approximately 200 or so. No complete T. rex skeletons have been found, so the exact number of bones isn't known.
A: The more compelling exidence for Eudibamus' bipedal stance it is long hind legs and small front legs (the hind legs were 64% longer than the front legs and 34% longer than its trunk). For more information on Eudibamus, click here.
A: The dinosaurs probably evolved from socket-toothed archosaurs (eary reptiles). FOr more information on the evolution of dinosaurs, click here.
A: T. rex lived during the Maastrichtian Age, (the late Cretaceous period, towards the end of the Mesozoic Era. Tyrannosaurus rex was up to 40 feet (12.4 m) long, about 15 to 20 feet (4.6 to 6 m) tall. For more information on T. rex, click here.
A: Ichthyosaurs had sharp teeth.
A: For a page on Komodo dragons, click here.
A: There were a lot of long-necked dinosaurs (called sauropods), the most popular are Apatosaurus, Diplodocus, and Brachiosaurus. They were all herbivores (plant-eaters). They ranged in size, but were all huge. For their individual size, click on their names above.
A: Why doesn't WHAT have an odor?
A: I'm not sure what you mean. For a list of all the geologic time periods, click here.
A: Hypsilophodon lived in what is now England (And perhaps elsewhere, but its fossils have only been found in England so far). It lived during the early Cretaceous Period, about 125-120 million years ago. No one knows exactly why it went extinct. Dinosaurs lived all over the word because they were a successful and diverse group of animals that occupied many ecological niches. For more information on Hypsilophodon, click here.
A: Triceratops.
A: No one knows.
A: Because its crest was small and solid. Saurolophus is classified as a hadrosaurine; most hadrosines had no head crest, but some of these "duckbills" had a small, solid bony crest, like Saurolophus and Maiasaura did. The other major sub-family of hadrosaurs, the lambeosaurines, had large, hollow crests (like Lambeosaurus).
A: The meat-eating dinosaurs were called theropods. Some theropods included T. rex, Carcharodontosaurus, Allosaurus, Dilophosaurus, Velociraptor, and Gallimimus.
A: Velociraptor was a 6-foot-long meat-eater. For more information on Velociraptor, click here.
A: There's a Kronosaurus at Harvard's Museum of Natural History (I thinks its the only one on display the world). I've never seen an estimate of it's weight (it's length isn't even known with much certainty). For more information on Kronosaurus, click here.
A: Oxygen is the most abundant element on Earth (it makes up about 47% of the earth's mass). Helium is the most abundant in the universe (it makes up about 75 percent of the universe - helium is second, and everything else is present in relatively minute amounts).
A: Click here.
A: It was passes by U.S. congress in 1973. For the particulars of the act, see http://www.usbr.gov/laws/esa.html or http://endangered.fws.gov/esa.html
A: No Allosaurus nests have been found, so its nesting skills are unknown. I don't know of any Jurassic period omnivores (but there probably were some that haven't been found yet).
A: For information on the duck-billed platypus, click here.
A: The Mesozoic Era (when the dinosaurs lived) was warmer than it is today. The sea levels were higher (since there was no polar ice) and seasonality was low (the difference between summer and winter was not that great)..
A: During the late Cretaceous period, the seasons were not as extreme as they are now (seasonality was low during the entire Mesozoic Era). There was probably no need for T. rex to migrate to find food in the winter (which was very mild compared to now).
A: No, there is no fossil evidence that Dilophosaurus spat anything. For information on Dilophosaurus, click here.
A: T. rex's teeth were up to 9 inches (23 cm) long. For more information on T. rex, click here.
A: For T. rex's classification, click here.
A: Yes. For information on T. rex fossils, click here.
A: The cave lion (Panthera leo spelaea) was probably the biggest lion that ever lived. It was 25 percent bigger than lions today and was up to about 11.5 ft (3.5 m) long. This subspecies of lion lived in Europe (as far north as Denmark) until historical times; the last of these huge mammals lived until about 2,000 years ago in the Balkans (southeastern Europe). There are cave drawing of this huge feline. It probably hunted in a manner similar to that of today's lions.
A: Ultrasauros was much bigger than Mamenchisaurus
A: Iguanodon was an herbivore (a plant-eater). It went extinct about 125 million years ago, during the early Cretaceous period. This was not during a mass extinction, so Iguanodon went extinct for other, unknown reasons. It probably couldn't adapt to the rapidly changing environment (the Cretaceous period was a time of rapid changes, including the spread of flowering plants and high volcanic activity). For more information on Iguanodon, click here.
A: No one knows if Velociraptor did take care of its young. Velociraptor lived during the late Cretaceous period, about 85 - 80 million years ago;it lived in a hot, dry environment, a desert-like environment with some streams. For more information on Velociraptor, click here
A: The oldest-known dinosaur fossil is about 230 million years old.
A: The K stands for Kreide (Kreide means chalk in German, and describes the chalky sediment layer from that time period, which gave that period its name) and the T stands for the Tertiary period, the next geologic time period.
A: The Cretaceous period lasted for 79 million years, and a lot of things happened. Flowering plants evolved, dinosaurs and mammals were diversifying and flourishing, volcanic activity was high, and the period ended with a huge mass extinction. For more information on the Cretaceous period, click here.
A: They vary a lot in size. THe small, chicken-sized dinosaurs had small bones (the size of chicken bones). The huge sauropods had some bones that were bigger than people.
A: It sound like military school would be good for you. You need to learn some manners and develop some discipline.
A: Tigers live about 10-15 years in the wild, and about 20 years in captivity. Please read our page about tigers\ before asking more tiger questions!
A: There are different types of tigers that live in different climates and habitats (in Asia). Tigers live in climates ranging from tropical rainforests to deciduous forests to cold, mountain hardwood forests (at elevations up to 3,000 feet); some live in dense forests, others live in ares with tall grasses (both of these habitats provide the tiger with hiding places that help it hunt).
For more information on tigers, click here.
A: No one knows, but they are VERY picky about choosing mates.
For more information on pandas, click here.
A: I didn't think that the panda had much control at all over its habitat (which is why it is on the verge of extinction). The giant panda eat mostly bamboo, and when the bamboo periodically dies off (as it does in nature), the panda migrates to another area where the bamboo is still blooming (this is harder and harder for the panda to do since much of its habitat is fragmented due to the intrusion of people).
A: A male panda is called a boar. For more animal names (male, female, baby, and group), click here.
A: For information on mammoths, click here.
A: Timimus hermani is the type species for that genus, and the only species of TImimus that I've heard of (just a few leg bones were found representing an adult and a juvenile). Where did you hear about this new species of Tmimus?
A: Click here for drawings and information on the Jurassic period.
A: Iguanodon
A: The K stands for Kreide (Kreide means chalk in German, and describes the chalky sediment layer from that time period, which gave that period its name) and the T stands for the Tertiary period, the next geologic time period.
A: For a page on T. rex's diet and this debate (originated by Jach Horner), click here. For information on T. rex's jaws and teeth, click here.
A: Click here for more drawings of Triceratops.
A: It is thought that they used their tusks to help dig up vegetation from beneath the snow. They ate in a manner similar to modern-day elephants. For more information on mammoths, click here.
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