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A: Phytosaurus (meaning "plant lizards") was an extinct aquatic reptiles (not a dinosaur, but an early thecodont, a phytosaur) that resembled a crocodile but had nostrils near the eyes. Phytosaurus was not that closely related to crocodiles. This quadrupedal, armored carnivore (meat-eater) had many sharp teeth in a long snout, short legs and a long tail, and lived during the late Triassic period about 220 million years ago. It was up to 16 feet (5 m) long. Phytosaurus us known from fragmentary fossilized tooth sockets in a lower jaw (which were mistaken early on for teeth). Phytosaurus was named by Jaeger in 1828.
A: Big teeth and claws. For more information on Allosaurus, click here.
A: Yes. For more information on dinosaur teeth, click here.
A: Click here and scroll down to the section on the USA.
A: No one knows the DNA sequences of nay dinosaurs.
A: The Jurassic Period was a geologic time period that lasted from 206 million until 144 million years ago. It was during the middle of the Mesozoic Era. For more information on the Jurassic, click here.
A: T. rex was a meat-eater who ate other dinosaurs, like Triceratops. For more information on T. rex's diet, click here.
A: Dinosaurs lived for about 165 million years, from about 230 million years ago until 65 million years ago (during the Mesozoic Era).
A: For a page of the dinosaurs found in North Amercia, click here.
A: Brachiosaurus may have been the tallest.
A: Click here for a page of Jurassic period plants.
A: There was a major extinction, called the K-T extinction, the Cretaceous period ended and the Tertiary period began.
A: For information on Triceratops, click here.
A: Click here.
A: Click here for a series of pages of Martin Luter King, Jr.
A: For a lot of animals that start with "N", click here.
A: The duck-billed dinosaurs. For information on duck-bills/hadrosaurs, click here.
A: Ultrasauros is a dubious genus; it is thought that its fossils are probably bits of a huge Brachiosaurus (the enormous shoulder bone) and a Supersaurus (the vertebrae).
A: For a page on Spinosaurus, click here. There are links on that page to more in-depth information on related topics (like when it lived, etc.).
A: The plesiosaurs, mosasaurs, ichthyosaurs, and nothosaurs were swimming reptiles that lived during the time of the dinosaurs (the Mesozoic Era).
A: The pterosaurs.
A: Triceratops evolved from earlier ceratopsians. Some of the earlier known ceratopsians include Psittacosaurus and Ceratops.
A: For dinosaurs diets, click here. For dinosaur defenses, click here. For dinosaur offensive techniques, click here. For dinosaur reproduction, click here. For extinction theories, see the frequently-asked questions above. For how fossils form, click here.
A: For Megaraptor, click here. For Parkosaurus, click here. For Pleurocoelus, click here.
A: The first three dinosaurs that were scientifically described were: Megalosaurus, Iguanodon, and Hylaeosaurus. For a page on the earliest dinosaur discoveries, click here.
A: T. rex fossils have been found in the western USA and in Mongolia. For more information on T. rex, click here.
A: For information on Parasaurolophus, click here.
A: The troodontids had the largest brain to mass ration (EQ). For more information on dinosaur intelligence, click here.
A: For information on Parasaurolophus, click here may have made deep, trombone-like sounds using its hollow crest. For information on Parasaurolophus, click here.
A: Oddly enough, on the island of Komodo and nearby islands (in Indonesia). For more information on Komodo dragons, click here.
A: For a page on how fossils form, click here. They become underground as sediment (like soil, sand, or mud) cover them over time.
A: Probably (but none have been found yet). For information on Euoplocephalus, click here.
A: The first flowering plants appeared about 140 million years ago, during the late Jurassic period (until recently, it was thought they evolved during the early Cretaceous period, but new fossils have pushed this date back a bit).
A: The continents were arranged a bit differently during the late Cretaceous period (when T. rex lived) than they are now. T. rex fossils have been found in the western USA and in Mongolia (what was then the continent of Laurasia). For more information on T. rex, click here.
A: William Buckland was the frist person to describe a dinosaur scientifically, but other dinosaur fossils must have been found earlier. For a page on the earliest dinosaur discoveries, click here.
A: Giganotosaurus was about 47 feet long. For more information on Giganotosaurus, click here.
A: Lizard
A: What information are you looking for on this graph?
A: For a page on Stegosaurus, click here.
A: During the time of the dinosaurs, there were flying reptiles called pterosaurs. They were not dinosarus, but were closely related to them. They were also the only flying reptiles.
A: Click here for a page on Jurassic period plants.
A: Stegosaurus fossils have been found in western North America (Utah, Wyoming, and Dinosaur
Ridge, Colorado), western Europe, southern India, China, and southern Africa. Stegosaurus was up to 26-30 feet long (8-9 m), about 9 feet tall (2.75 m), and weighed about 6,800 pounds (3100 kg) For more information on Stegosaurus, click here.
A: It's pronounced ig-WAN-oh-don.
A: No, they're different. For a page on Protoceratops, click here.
A: Two ways are to examine their coprolites (fossilzied feces) and to examine fossils in the vicinity of their stomach (for example, Baryonyx had fish scales within it, and Compsognathus' stomach area contained a small lizard called Bavarisaurus). For a page on dinosuar diets, click here.
A: You can make a dinosaur diorama. For instructions, click here.
A: Click here for a page on Cretaceous period plants.
A: The last of the dinosaurs died out about 65 million years ago, during the K-T extinction.
Lake Erie is home to many fish and other animals, including bass, bowfin, trout, carp, lake herring, lake sturgeon, whiteifsh, muskellunge, northern pike, smelt, Walleye (yellow pike), salmon, etc.
A: A lot of dinosaurs lived during the Cretaceous period, including T. rex and Triceratops. For a list of early Cretaceous dinosuars, click here. For a list of middle Cretaceous dinosuars, click here. For a list of late Cretaceous dinosuars, click here.
A: About 200. For a T. rex skeleton, click here.
A: There are many types of dinosaurs and their skeletons all looked different from each other. Below is a T. rex, a Stegosaurus, a Brachiosaurus, and a Triceratops. For larger images of the skeletons, click on an image.
A: There are some dinosaur tail print fossils, but din general, dinosaurs probably did not drag their tails.
A: Sauropod means "lizard foot." For information on sauropods, click here.
A: The Jurassic Period lasted from 206-144 million years ago.
A: The bird xenops, and the dinosaurs Xenotarsosaurus, Xiaosaurus, Xuanhanosaurus, Xuanhuasaurus.
A: I'm not sure who found the first Smilodon fossil, but the German paleontologist Plieninger named it in 1846. For more information on Smilodon, click here.
A: No one knows. For information on Velociraptor, click here.
A: Dinosaurs evolved during the middle to late Triassic period (roughly 230 million years ago). For a page of Triassic dinosuars, click here. At first, dinosaurs weren't all that common. They were most numerous during the late Cretaceous period.
A: See the frequently asked questions above.
A: Not necessarily.
A: No one knows with any certainty, but the enormous sauropods (like Argentinosaurus and Brachiosaurus) probably ate huge amounts of food each day.
A: It probably depended on the predator and the prey. T. rex had teeth capable of crushing bone (crushed Triceratops frill has been found in fossilized T. rex feces, for example). Some predatory dinosaurs didn't have such robust teeth, and could not crush bones.
A: The bird-hipped dinosaurs (also called ornithischians) were plant-eaters. Some walked on two legs (like Lambeosaurus and Hypsilophodon) and some walked on 4 legs (like Triceratops and Stegosaurus).
The lizard-hipped dinosaurs (also called saurischians) included both meat-eaters (theropods like T. rex and Velociraptor) and plant-eaters (sauropods like Brachiosaurus and Apatosaurus). The theropods walked on two legs and the sauropods walked on 4.
A: Yes, Herrerasaurus was a very early dinosaur that was found in South America. For more information on Herrerasaurus, click here
A: Diplodocus was a member of the Family Diplodocidae (the family of long-necked, whip-tailed, peg-toothed
sauropods, which included Apatosaurus, Amargasaurus, Seismosaurus, Supersaurus, and others)For more information on Diplodocus, click here.
A: Tyrannosaurus rex was up to 40 feet (12.4 m) long, about 15 to 20 feet (4.6 to 6 m) tall. For more information on T. rex, click here.
A: Brachiosaurus went extinct roughly 156-145 million years ago. For more information on Brachiosaurus, click here.
A: Cold blooded animals (poikilotherms) have a body temperature that changes with external conditions. They get sluggish in cold weather as their body temperature drops, and can overheat in very hot weather.
A: Triceratops was an herbivore, a plant eater (a primary consumer). It probably ate cycads, palms, and other low-lying plants with its tough beak. Triceratops could chew well with its cheek teeth (like other Ceratopsians, but unlike most other dinosaurs). For more information on Triceratops, click here.
A: Pollen is the male reproductive cells of flowering plants and cone-bearing plants. The pollen found near a fossil tells you what type of plant(s) lived during the time that dinosaur lived.
A: The first insects and vascular plants appeared during the Silurian Period (roughly 438 to 408 million years ago).
A: Avimimus belongs to the order Saurischia, suborder Theropoda and family Avimimidae . For information on Avimimus, click here.
A: Stegoceras grew to be about 7 feet long (2.1 m) and 4 feet tall (1.2 m). For information on Stegoceras, click here.
A: Albertosaurus fossils have been found in Alberta, Canada and in the western USA. For more information on Albertosaurus, click here.
A: Teratosaurus was about 20 ft (6 m) long. For a Teratosaurus printout, click here.
A: None. The Pre-cambrian period lasted from 540 to 500 million years ago, and dinosaurs did not evolve until about 230 million years ago (during the Triassic period).
A: Anomoepus is a dinosaur known only from its fossilized tail prints; these prints are only a few inches long. This ichnogenus lived during the Triassic period. Anomoepus was named by E. B. Hitchcock in 1848. Fossils have been found in Holyoke, Massachusetts, and New Jersey, USA.
A: Triceratops was named by Othniel Marsh. It did ont have a whip-like tail - it had a relatively short, stiff tail. For more information on Triceratops, click here.
A: The earliest-known dinosaurs lived 230 million yeaars ago.
A: Sorry, I don't have a picture of one (and can't find any online).
A: Struthiomimus fossils ahve been found in Alberta, Canada and New Jersey, USA. For more information on Struthiomimus, click here.
A: Theobroma cocao is the scientific name (genus and species).
A: I have no idea, but people do not like living with huge animals (the big meat-eaters tend to eat people and the enormous plant-eaters trample farm lands, causing huge problems for people).
A: They had a spiked thumb claw (but many paeontologists think that these spikes may have been mostly used to obtain roots to eat). Otherwise, Iguanodon were pretty much defenseless. For more information on Iguanodon, click here.
A: No, but people have used raptor as a nickname for the dromaeosaurids (or deinonychosaurs, depending on the classification scheme used). These sickle-clawed, advanced theropods included Deinonychus, Velociraptor, Utahraptor, Pyroraptor, Variraptor, etc.
A: Probably both. For more information on T. rex, click here.
A: They used their large, sharp teeth and claws. For more information on Allosaurus, click here.
A: Pterodactylus fossils have been found in France, England, Germany, and Tanzania (Africa). For more information on Pterodactylus, click here.
A: Click here.
A: When fossilized nests, eggs, hatchlings, and adults (of the same species) are found together, it indicates that the adults probably cared for the young. This type of fossil bed has been found for Maiasaura.
A: No fossilized dinosaur bones have been found in New York, but some Coelophysis (a small meat-eating dinosaurs) trackways were found in southeastern New York. Many fossils of marine life have been found in New York, including Eurypterus remipes (the sea scorpion), New York's state fossil.
A: The earliest-known dinosaurs so far are a couple of (as yet unnamed) prosauropods recently found in Madagascar (an island off the southeast coast of Africa). The prosauropods continued to develop; later prosauropods included Plateosaurus, Massospondylus, Riojasaurus, etc. (Whether or not these later prosauropods were direct ancestors of the Madagascar prosauropods is unknown).
A: For a page on Velociraptor, click here.
A: For a page on Bagaceratops, click here.
A: Most dinosaurs were plant eaters (herbivores). Some were meat eaters (carnivores), and a few are both plants and meat (omnivores). For more information on dinosaur diets, click here.
A: Stegosaurus was up to 26-30 feet long (8-9 m). For more information on Stegosaurus, click here.
A: For information on Brontosaurus (now called Apatosaurus), click here.
A: No people lived during the Cretaceous period (the last period of the Mesozoic Era) - people evoved almost 65 million years after the Cretaceous ended). During the Cretaceous period, the mammals were relatively small placental mammals had just evolved. There were many, many reptiles during the Cretaceous, including the dinosaurs, plesiosaurs, pterosaurs, mosasaurs, ichthyosaurs, toothed birds, crocodilians, and others.
A: Pangaea.
A: Roughly 200. For information on Triceratops, click here.
A: Gout has been found in some T. rex bones, For more information T. rex's bout with gout, click here.
A: There were no flying dinosaurs, but the pterosaurs were flying reptiles that lived during the time of the dinosaurs. The smallest pterosaurs were anurognathids (like Anurognathus [but it maybe a juvenile] and Batrachognathus) that were had a wing span of roughly 20 inches.
A: There's a new T. rex that has been nicknamed imperator (but this is NOT an official name) and is it rumored to be about 15% bigger than other T. rex (but no information on it has been published by Rigby, so this is all uncertain). Sue (at the Field Museum in Chicago, IL) is the biggest otherwise.
A: Brontosaurus (now called Apatosaurus) was a plant-eater. Apatosaurs' main food was probably conifers, which were the dominant
plant when this large sauropod lived.
A: The Triassic period ended with a mass extinction about 208-213 million years ago. No one is certain what caused this late Triassic extinction; possibilities include global cooling (from volcanic eruptions) or an asteroid impact. A 210 million-year-old meteor cratersurrounding Manicouagan Reservoir, Quebec, Canada, may be the remains of the culprit.
A: Yes, Sauroposeidon was a long-necked, plant-eating dinosaur.
A: Some dinosaurs, like Maiasaura, cared for their eggs and young, but for most dinosaurs, it isn't known whether or not they cared for their young.
A: Komodo dragons are not the oldest animal on Earth, but they are the biggest lizard and they are in danger of extinction. For information on Komodo dragons, click here.
A: Cro-magnon man (an early early group of Homo sapiens) lived about 40,000 years ago in Europe.
A: The blue whale.
A: About 130 feet long. For more information on the biggest dinosaurs, click here.
A: No they were early mammals that lived during the last Ice Age (millions of years after the dinosaurs went extinct). For more information on mammoths, click here. For more information on saber-tooth cats (like Smilodon), click here.
A: Lystrosaurus was a quadrupedal, mammal-like reptile (a dicynodont) found in Antarctica. For more information on Lystrosaurus, click here
A: The dinosaurs.
A: Richard Owen coined the term dinosaur in 1842. For more information, click here.
A: No one knows. For a page on what is known aout this topc, click here.
A: For a page on megalodon, click here.
A: Click here for a page on Jurassic plants.
A: Mamenchisaurus fossilshave been foundin China. For more information on Mamenchisaurus, click here.
A: Brachiosaurus was a sauropod, a long-necked, long-tailed plant-eating dinosaur (and a saurischian - a lizard-hipped dinosaur).
A: They lived all over the world and on all continents (which were in a very different configuration during the Mesozoic Era). For pages that list where all the dinosaur fossils were found, click here.
A: Click here for a page on dinosaur blood pressure.
A: Nektos is Greek for "swimming." Nektonic (derived from the word nektos) animals are those marine creatures that are able to swim against the current. Fish and whales, for example, are nektonic.
A: For information on the first dinosaur finds, click here.
A: Yes, some were still around then, including Brachiosaurus (which lived until the early Cretaceous), Algoasaurus, Malawisaurus, Asiatosaurus, Ultrasaurus, Aegyptosaurus, Rebbachisaurus, Hisanohamasaurus, Microdontosaurus, Mongolosaurus, Segnosaurus, Aragosaurus, Macrurosaurus, Pleurocoelus, Neuquensaurus, Chiayusaurus, Megacervixosaurus , and others.
A: No fossils of Brachiosaurus' internal organs have been found, so it is unknown. It may have had a crop-like organ that contained gastroliths (stones it swallowed to help grind up its tough food). For other information on Brachiosaurus, click here.
A: Long-neck is the nickname for a long-necked sauropod dinosaur (which really did exist).
A: A zoologist studies animals and a biologists studies living things. Paleontologists study ancient life (like dinosaurs)
A: It's vertebrae (the bones in the backbone). For more information on Allosaurus, click here.
A: About 9 feet (3 m) across. For more information on ammonites, click here.
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