A compound word is a word that is made up of two or more other words. For example, the word dragonfly is made up of two words, dragon and fly. Some examples of common compound words are:
Related Worksheets & Activities
In this short, printable book, learn about compound words and do fill-in-the-blanks, matching, and spelling activities.
Make Compound Words, Printable Worksheets. In these printable worksheets, the student puts two words together to make compound words.
Compound Word Picture Puzzles to Print: Parts of Speech
Common Compound Words Wheel : This 2-page print-out makes a compound words wheel; it consists of a base page together with a wheel that spins around. When you spin the wheel, compound words appear, including: anybody, anyhow, anyone, anything, anytime, anywhere, everybody, everyday, everyone, everything, everywhere, nobody, nothing, nowhere, somebody, someday, somehow, someone, something, sometime, somewhat, somewhere. Write as many compound words as you can that are made using the wheel.
Common Compound Words Wheel #2: This 2-page print-out makes a compound words wheel; it consists of a base page together with a wheel that spins around. When you spin the wheel, compound words appear, including: downcast, download, downturn, overact, overall, overcast, overdo, overload, overtake, overturn, overvalue, undertake, undervalue, upload, uptake, upturn. Write as many compound words as you can that are made using the wheel.
Compound Word Matching Worksheets: Parts of Speech
In this printable worksheet, fill in a compound word to finish the sentence.
In this printable worksheet, fill in a compound word to finish the sentence.
Find eight compound words, then use each word in a sentence.
Find eight compound words by category, then use each word in a sentence.
Think of and write down a compound word (a word composed of two or more words) for each letter of the alphabet.
Compound Spelling Word Questions.
Compound Word Matching Worksheets: In these series of printable worksheets, the students draws a line from each word of the left to a word in the middle to make a compound word. The student then draw a line from each word in the middle to a word on the right to make another compound word . Parts of Speech
In this ‘Compound Words Fill-in-the-Blanks Puzzle #1’, fill in each missing word to make two compound words.
In this ‘Compound Words Fill-in-the-Blanks Puzzle #2’, fill in each missing word to make two compound words.
Make Portmanteau Words, A Printable Worksheet. Put two words together to make compound words.