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habitat A habitat is the natural place where a plant or an animal lives. For example, a toucan's habitat is the rainforest. |
Hadrosaurus A duck-billed, plant-eating dinosaur from the late Cretaceous period. |
haiku Haiku, a poem, Five, seven, five syllables. Life frozen in words. |
![]() hail Balls of ice that fall from clouds are called hail or hailstones. |
hair Hair grows on all mammals. |
hairbrush A hairbrush is used to brush and untangle hair. |
1/2 half When something is divided into two equal parts, each of these two parts is half of the original object. |
half moon A half moon looks like half a circle. |
Halloween Halloween is a spooky holiday celebrated on the last day of October. In the USA, children often dress up and eat a lot of candy for Halloween (often collecting it from the entire neighborhood). |
ham Ham is a type of meat that comes from the top part of a pig's leg. |
hamburger A hamburger is a cooked patty of ground beef, usually served in a bun. |
hammer A hammer is good for pounding nails into wood. |
hammock A hammock is a large net or cloth that is used for sleeping or relaxing; it is hung up by both ends. |
hamster A hamster is a small rodent that some people keep as pets. |
hammerhead shark The hammerhead shark has a head shaped like a hammer. |
handle You hold things by their handle. |
hand We can do amazing things with our hands. |
handshake A handshake is when two people grasp each other's hands, often as a greeting. Two people often shake hands when they meet. |
hanger A clothes hanger is used to hold up an item of clothing in a closet. |
happy People usually smile when they're happy. |
happy birthday If today is your birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! |
hare Hares have very long hind legs and long ears. Unlike rabbits, the young are born fully haired. |
harlequin bug This small agricultural pest is brightly-colored. |
harmonica A harmonica is a small, bar-shaped musical instrument; you play it by blowing through the holes. |
harp A harp is a musical instrument with many strings. |
harp seal The harp seal is a marine mammal that lives in the North Atlantic and in the Arctic Ocean. |
harpy eagle The harpy eagle is one of the largest eagles in the world. It lives in rainforests of Central America and South America. |
hat Some hats protect you from the sun. Some hats are just for fun! |
hatchet A hatchet is an ax with a short handle. |
hatchetfish Hatchetfish are oddly-shaped fish from South and Central America. |
have If you have something, you are in possession of it or it is a characteristic of yours. |
Hawaii Hawaii is the 50th state of the United States of America. Its capital is Honolulu. Hawaii became a state on August 21, 1959. |
hawk The hawk is a bird of prey, a raptor. |
haystack A haystack is a big pile of hay. |
head We all have a head on our shoulders. |
![]() healthy When you are healthy, you are not sick. |
heart The heart is a shape that often symbolizes love. |
hear We hear things with our ears. Our ears give us a sense of hearing. |
heart Your heart pumps blood throughout your body. |
hedgehog A hedgehog is a small mammal with a spiny coat. |
heel The heel is the back part of the foot. |
heir An heir is a person who has inherited or will inherit something of value. |
heiress An heiress is a girl or woman who has inherited or will inherit a lot of money. |
helicopter A helicopter is a flying machine. It is kept in the air by a sideways propeller on top. |
helmet A helmet protects your head. |
hemisphere A hemisphere is half of a sphere. |
hen A hen is a female chicken. Hens lay eggs. |
heptagon A heptagon is a seven-sided figure. |
![]() herbivore Herbivores are animals that eat plants. There are more plant-eaters than meat-eaters. |
hermit crab Hermit crabs are invertebrates (lacking a backbone) without a hard shell; they use a discarded shell for protection. |
hero A hero is someone who is admired for great courage, noble character, and performing good deeds, like a firefighter. |
heron A large wading bird with distinctive plumage and a long, sharp bill. |
Heterodontosaurus Heterodontosaurus was a small dinosaur with three types of teeth. |
hexaflexagon A hexaflexagon is a folded geometric figure that can be "flexed" to expose its many sides. |
hexagon A hexagon is a six-sided figure. Beehives have hexagonal cells. |
hibernate Some animals hibernate during winter; they go into a very deep sleep-like state during freezing weather. They awaken only when the weather warms. |
hieroglyphics The ancient Egyptians wrote using hieroglyphics. |
hill A hill is a big mound or raised area of earth. A hill is smaller than a mountain. |
hippopotamus The hippopotamus (also called the hippo) is a large mammal that stays in the water a lot. This animal is nocturnal (most active at night). |
hips Your hips are below your waist and above your legs. |
hive A hive is a home for bees. |
hoatzin (pronounced wat-sin) The hoatzin is a strong-smelling, crested bird from South America that has claws on its wings when it is young. |
hobo spider The hobo spider is an aggressive, poisonous spider. |
hoe A hoe is a garden tool. |
hog A hog is a hoofed mammal that is similar to a pig. |
hole A hole is a hollow place or an opening in something. A hole in the ground is pictured above. |
holiday A holiday is a time to celebrate. Some holidays are St. Patrick's day, Mother's Day, Veteran's Day, Independence Day, and Thanksgiving Day. |
holly Holly is a tree with pointy leaves and red berries. |
home Home is where you live. |
homophone Homophones are words that sound like one another but have different meanings, like flower and flour. |
honey Honey is a sweet substance made by bees. |
honey bee Honey bees are insects that live in a hive and make honey. |
honeycomb Bees make honeycomb to store food and shelter their young. |
hoof A hoof is a hard, protective covering on some animals' feet. Some animals that have hooves are pigs, horses, zebras, and deer. |
hook A hook is curved. |
horn Horns are bony, permanent, hollow that grow in pairs on the head of some animals. Many animals have horns, including antelopes, bulls, sheep, and Triceratops. |
horn Horns are wind instruments. Your lips vibrate when you toot a horn. |
hornet A hornet is a kind of wasp, a flying, stinging insect. |
horse Horses are very fast runners. |
horseshoe A horseshoe is a metal protector for a horse's hoof. |
horseshoe crab The horseshoe crab is a hard-shelled animal that lives in warm coastal waters on the sea floor. It is not really a crab; it is more closely related to arachnids (spiders and scorpions). |
hose Water flows through a hose. |
hot Fire is very hot. |
hot-air balloon Hot-air balloons float through the air. |
hot dog A hot dog is a type of cooked meat in the shape of a sausage; it is usually served in a long bun. |
hound Hounds are dogs that were originally bred to hunt animals. |
hour There are 24 hours in a day. |
hourglass An hourglass measures time as sand falls through a thin opening. |
hour hand An hour hand on a clock tells you what hour it is. |
house Some people live in houses. |
house fly The common house fly is a small, flying insect. |
howler monkey The howler monkey is the loudest monkey in the world. |
hull The hull is the main body or frame of a ship. |
human being A human being is a person. |
hummingbird Hummingbirds are tiny birds that drink flower nectar. They can hover in the air and even fly backwards. |
humpback whale Humpbacks are very acrobatic whales that sing beautiful, complex songs. |
Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty is a character in nursery rhymes. |
100 hundred One hundred is the number after 99 and before 101. |
hungry When you're hungry, you want to eat some food. |
hurricane A hurricane is a strong storm with high winds and rain. The very center of the storm, called the eye, is calm. |
husband A husband is a married man. |
husky The husky is a hard-working, fast-running sled dog that was originally from Siberia. |
hut A hut is a small, simple shelter. |
hydrant Fire fighters hook a hose up to a fire hydrant to get water. |
hyena Hyenas are meat-eating animals that scavenge and hunt prey. |
- hyphen The hyphen is a punctuation mark used to join or to separate words. Some examples of hyphenated words are: merry-go-round, light-blue, twenty-four, and re-entry. |
Hypsilophodon Hypsilophodon was a small, plant-eating dinosaur. |
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