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Pachycephalosaurus Pachycephalosaurus was a plant-eating, dome-headed dinosaur. |
Pacific Ocean The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on Earth. It is bordered by Asia and Australia on the west, and by the Americas on the east. |
package A package is a wrapped box that contains something. |
padlock You can lock and unlock a padlock with a key. |
paddle A paddle is an oar for rowing a small boat. |
pail A pail is a container with a handle. |
paintbrush A paintbrush is used to paint things. |
painted lady The painted lady is a common and brightly-colored butterfly. |
painted turtle The painted turtle is a common turtle that lives in ponds, marshes and slow-running rivers in North America. |
painting A painting is a picture made using paints. |
pajamas Some people wear pajamas to bed at night. |
palace A palace is a huge house where a king or queen lives. |
paleontologist A paleontologist is a scientist who studies ancient life (like dinosaurs), mostly by looking at fossils. |
paleontology Paleontology is the study of ancient life, mostly through fossil evidence. |
palette A palette holds an artist's paints. |
MOM 2002 palindrome A palindrome is a word, phrase or number that reads the same forward and backward. Some palindromes are: the name Bob, the number 101, and the phrase, "Madam, I'm Adam." |
palm tree Palm trees are a primitive type of tree. |
pan You can cook food in a pan. |
panda Pandas are black and white bears from China. |
![]() Pangaea (pronounced pan-GEE-ah) Pangaea was a supercontinent consisting of all of Earth's land masses. It existed millions of years ago and began breaking up during the time of the dinosaurs. |
pangolin The pangolin is an insect-eating mammal that has protective scales on its body. |
pants Pants are clothes that cover the legs and up to the waist. |
panther A long-tailed wild cat with no spots. It is also known as the puma, cougar, mountain lion, and catamont. |
paper bag A paper bag is a sack made of paper. |
paper We write and paint on paper. It is made from plant fibers, usually trees. |
paper clip A paper clip is a small clip that is used to hold a few pieces of paper together. |
paper plate A paper plate is a disposable plate that is made out of paper. People use paper plates at picnics. |
¶ paragraph A paragraph is one or more sentences that cover a single topic. The symbol for paragraph is ¶. |
parallel Parallel lines extend in the same direction, are always the same distance apart, and never meet. |
parallelogram A parallelogram is a four-sided figure whose opposite sides are parallel. |
Parasaurolophus Parasaurolophus was a plant-eating, duck-billed dinosaur. |
parka A parka is heavy, hooded jacket designed for very cold weather. |
parrot The parrot is a beautiful bird that can imitate sounds very well. |
party A party is a group of people having fun together. |
pasta Pasta is a type of food made from flour. Spaghetti and macaroni are types of pasta. |
pattern A pattern is something that is repeated. |
peach Peaches are sweet, juicy fruit with fuzzy skin and a hard pit. |
peacock The peacock is a beautiful bird from India. The male has a large train of feathers. |
peanut Peanuts grow underground; they are a type of legume. |
pear The pear is a sweet fruit with a thin skin. |
pea pod Peas grow in pea pods. |
peas Peas are small, round vegetables that grow in pods. |
pebble A pebble is a small, smooth stone. |
Pekingese The Pekingese is a small, long-haired dog with a flattened face. It was originally bred in China as a royal companion dog. |
pelican The pelican is fish-eating bird with a huge, pouched bill. |
pen We write with pens. Pens have ink in them. |
pencil A pencil is good for writing and drawing. You can erase pencil marks. |
penguin Penguins are birds that cannot fly but swim very well. |
peninsula A peninsula is a body of land that is surrounded by water on three sides. |
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania is a state in the eastern United States of America. Its capital is Harrrisburg. |
penny A penny is a coin worth one cent. |
pen pal A pen pal is a faraway friend you write to. |
Pentaceratops A plant-eating dinosaur with horns and a big frill. |
pentagon A pentagon is a five-sided figure. |
people People are human beings. |
pepper Pepper is a spice that many people use to season their food. |
pepper A pepper is a sharp-tasting, hollow vegetable. Peppers can be red, green, yellow, and orange. |
percussion instruments Percussion instruments are musical instruments that are played by banging or shaking, like drums or maracas. |
peregrine falcon The peregrine falcon is the fastest-flying bird. It prey upon other birds. |
perimeter Perimeter is the distance around the edges of a figure. For example, the perimeter of a square with side length of a is a+a+a+a=4 times a. |
period A period is a dot used at the end of a sentence to indicate that it is the end. |
perpendicular When two lines are perpendicular, they are at right angles (90 degrees). |
person A person is a human being. |
pets Pets are animals that live with us. |
![]() phases of the Moon As the moon circles the Earth, the shape of the Moon appears to change. The phases of the Moon are: the new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, last quarter, and waning crescent. |
photo A photo, or photograph, is a picture taken with a camera. |
![]() ![]() physical education Physical education is the teaching of activities that promote physical fitness. |
piano A piano is a musical instrument with 88 keys. |
pi Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter of a circle (this ratio is the same for any size circle). Pi is roughly equal to 3.14159. |
piccolo The piccolo is small, high-pitched woodwind instrument. |
pickle A pickle is a cucumber that is preserved in brine. |
picture A picture shows what something looks like. A picture can be a drawing, a painting or a photograph. |
pie A pie is a dessert that is made with fruit and has a crust. |
pie chart A pie chart (also called a circle graph) is a diagram that is useful for displaying information about the percentages or parts of a whole. |
pig Pigs are hoofed mammals that oink! |
pigeon There are a lot of pigeons in cities. |
piggy bank Children put money in piggy banks. |
piglet A piglet is a young pig. |
pika Pikas are small, furry mammals who stockpile food for the winter. |
Pilgrims The Pilgrims were a group of 102 settlers who sailed from England to what is now Massachusetts, USA. They sailed on the ship called the Mayflower. They landed on December 11, 1620. |
pill bug The pill bug (also called the roly-poly bug) is a small isopod that curls into an armored ball when it is threatened. |
pillow A pillow is a soft cushion that you can rest upon. |
pin A pin is a small, sharp piece of metal used in sewing. |
piñata A piñata is a candy and toy filled container that is shaped like an animal or a common object. Children break the piñata with a bat at a party in order to get the candy and toys. |
pinecone A pinecone contains many of the seeds of a pine tree. |
pine tree A pine is an evergreen tree; it doesn't lose its needle-like leaves in the winter. |
pink Pink is the color you get when you mix red and white paint. |
pint A pint is a unit of measure of volume equal to two cups. Two pints make a quart. |
![]() pinwheel A pinwheel is a toy that whirls around when you blow on it. |
pioneer A pioneer is a person who is the first to do something, like settle in a new area or do new research. |
pipe A pipe is a hollow cylinder or tube through which things can move. |
piranha Piranhas are meat-eating, freshwater fish that are native to eastern South America. |
pirate Pirates robbed ships on the high seas. |
pitcher A pitcher is a container for pouring liquids. |
pitcher A pitcher is someone who throws a ball or other item. |
pizza Pizza is made of dough that is covered with tomato sauce and cheese; it is baked in an oven. |
plane Planes are machines that fly in the sky. People ride in them. |
planet Eight planets and one dwarf planet orbit our Sun. |
planetarium Planetariums put on star shows that teach astronomy. |
plankton Plankton are tiny organisms that float in the seas and other bodies of water. Plankton is the base of the oceanic food web. |
plant Plants are living things that get their food and energy from sunlight, soil and air. |
plant pot A plant pot is a container in which a plant is grown. |
plate A plate is a flat dish on which we put food. |
platypus The duck-billed platypus is a primitive, egg-laying mammal from Australia. |
play When you play, you are having fun. |
plesiosaur Plesiosaurs are extinct marine reptiles that lived during the time of the dinosaurs. |
pliers Pliers are tools that hold things. |
plum A plum is a sweet, juicy, purple fruit. |
Pluto Pluto is a dwarf planet or plutoid that is uaually farther from the Sun than any of the planets (Pluto was considered to be a planet until 2006). Pluto's large moon is called Charon; its two tiny moons are called Nix and Hydra. |
You can put things in a pocket. |
pod Peas grow in pea pods. |
pod A group of whales is called a pod. |
. point A point is a very small dot. |
point When you point at something, you call attention to it using your pointer finger. |
poison arrow frog Poison arrow frogs are poisonous frogs from rainforests of South and Central America. Some South American Indians apply the poison to the tips of their hunting arrows and blow-gun darts. |
polar bear Polar bears are large meat-eaters live in the far north. They have clear-colored hair and black skin. |
police The police enforce laws and keep order. |
polka dots Polka dots are patterns of dots. |
polygon A polygon is a many-sided figure with straight edges. |
polyhedron Polyhedra are solids made from polygons. |
polliwog A polliwog is another name for a tadpole, a baby frog or toad. |
Pomeranian The Pomeranian is a small, friendly, intelligent companion dog. |
pond A pond is a small body of water surrounded by land. |
pond skater The pond skater is a bug that walks on water. |
poodle The poodle is a lively, intelligent dog that was originally bred to retrieve game from the water. |
![]() popcorn Popcorn is a snack food made from corn that bursts open after being heated. |
poppy A poppy is a delicate flower. |
popsicle A popsicle is a sweet, frozen treat on a stick. |
porcupine Porcupines are mammals with protective, needle-like quills on their body. |
porpoise A porpoise is a marine mammal with a long nose and teeth. They are also known as dolphins; they are a type of toothed whales. |
porthole A porthole is a window in a ship. |
Portuguese Water Dog The Portuguese water dog is an active, intelligent dog. It was originally bred to help fishermen. |
postcard A postcard is a card you can mail without an envelope. People who collect post cards are called deltiologists. |
pot People cook food in pots. |
potato Potatoes are starchy vegetables that grow undergound. |
pour When you pour something, you make it flow in a stream. Tea is pouring from the teapot above. |
prairie chicken The prairie chicken is a bird that lives in grasslands of North America. |
prairie dog The prairie dog is a ground squirrel; it is not a dog. |
praying mantid The praying mantid (also called the praying mantis) is a predatory insect that eats garden pests. |
![]() precipitation Precipitation is rain, snow, hail, or sleet. |
preposition A preposition is a word that shows the spatial (space), temporal (time), or logical relationship of its object to the rest of the sentence. The words above, near, at, by, after, with and from are prepositions. |
present A present is a gift, something you give to someone. |
![]() president A president is the elected leader of a country or organization. |
President's Day Presidents Day (also called Washington's Birthday) is celebrated in the USA on the third Monday of February. It is a Federal holiday in the USA. George Washington was the first President of the United States. |
pretzel Pretzels are salty, knotted snacks. |
2,3,5,7,11,13,17... prime number A prime number is a positive number that has exactly two factors, 1 and itself. Alternatively, you can think of a prime number as a number greater than one that is not the product of smaller numbers. For example, 13 is a prime number because it can only be divided evenly by 1 and 13. For another example, 14 is not a prime number because it can be divided evenly by 1, 2, 7, and 14. The number one is not a prime number because it has only one factor, 1 itself. |
prince A prince is the son of a king or queen. |
princess A princess is the daughter of a king or queen. |
project A project is a task that accomplishes something. Crafts projects are fun to make. |
pronghorn Pronghorns are the fastest moving mammals in North America. |
I, me, she, her, he, you pronoun A pronoun is a substitute for a noun. Some pronouns include: I, me, she, her, he, him, it, you, they, them, etc. |
propeller A propeller is a device with blades that is turned by an engine; it makes boats (and some airplanes) move. |
proper noun A proper noun denotes a specific person, place, or thing that has a name and is capitalized (like Tom, Delaware, or the Titanic). |
Protoceratops Protoceratops was a small, frilled, plant-eating dinosaur. |
protractor A protractor is a device that measures angles. |
"Haste makes waste." proverb A proverb is a short saying that tells a commonly-known truth. |
prow The prow is front part of a ship. |
prune A prune is a dried plum. |
Pteranodon Pteranodon was a flying, prehistoric reptile (a pterosaur) with a large head crest and no teeth. It was related to the dinosaurs, but was not a dinosaur. Pteranodon means "winged and toothless." |
Pterodactyl Pterodactyls were a group of flying, prehistoric reptiles with short tails (pterosaurs). They were related to the dinosaurs. Pterodactyl means "wing finger." |
pterosaur Pterosaurs were flying, prehistoric reptiles. They were related to the dinosaurs. Pterosaur means "winged lizard." Pterosaurs ranged in size from a few inches long to over 40 feet long. |
pufferfish Also called blowfish, this poisonous fish can swallow water to double its size. |
puffin The puffin is an Arctic sea bird. |
pug The pug is a loyal, affectionate dog that has a squarely-built body and a flat, wrinkled face. It was originally bred in China. |
pull When you pull something, you make it move by tugging at it. |
puma A long-tailed wild cat with no spots. It is also known as the cougar, panther, mountain lion, and catamont. |
pumpkin The pumpkin is a large, orange vegetable that grows on a vine. |
pumpkin pie Pumpkin pie is a dessert pastry made from pumpkins. |
. , ? ! ; punctuation mark Punctuation marks are symbols that are used in sentences and phrases to make the meaning clearer. Some punctuation marks are the period (.), comma (,), question mark (?), exclamation point (!), colon (:) and semicolon(;). |
pupa A pupa is the stage in a butterfly's life when it is changing from a caterpillar into a butterfly. It is also called the chrysalis. |
pupil A pupil is a student, a person who is being taught. |
pupil A pupil is the opening in the center of the eye's iris - the pupil looks like a black circle in the middle of the eye. |
puppet A puppet is a doll that you put your hand in to make it move. |
puppy A puppy is a young dog. |
purple The color purple is made by mixing red and blue paint. |
purse A purse is a small bag in which some girls and women carry their money and other things. |
push When you push something, you make it move by pressing against it. |
puzzle Puzzles can be confusing but fun. |
pyramid A pyramid is a shape that has a flat polygonal base and triangular sides that meet at a point on the top. The pyramids in Egypt are huge buildings build by ancient Egyptians. |
python A python is a large, constricting snake. |
English Picture Dictionary |
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Camping City Clothing Colors Containers Devices Farm Firehouse Flowers Food |
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Storytime Time Tools Toys Verbs Vehicles Weather Winter Words |
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