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wagon You can pull things in a wagon. |
waist The waist is the middle of the body, between the chest and the hips. |
walk To walk is to move on foot. Walking is slower than running. |
walkingstick The walkingstick (also called the stick insect) is a long, slow-moving, plant-eating insect that looks like a twig. |
wall A wall is a side of a building or a room or a fence. |
wallaby Wallabies are small to medium-sized marsupials that are similar to kangaroos. |
wallet People carry money in a wallet. |
walnut A walnut is an edible nut from the walnut tree. |
walrus A walrus is a northern marine mammal with ivory tusks. |
wand A wand is a thin rod that you can carry. |
warthog The warthog is a wild pig from Africa. |
washer A washer is a round, flat object with a hole in it, made of metal or rubber. It is placed next to a nut to help fasten it. |
Washington Washington is a state in the northwestern United States of America. Its capital is Olympia. |
Washington, D.C. Washington, District of Columbia, is the capital city of the United States of America. This city, located between the states of Virginia and Maryland, became the capital of the U.S.A. on June 11, 1800. |
![]() Washington, George George Washington (Feb. 22, 1732-December 14, 1799) was a Revolutionary War hero and the first President of the United States; he served two terms as President. |
wasp A wasp is a flying, stinging insect. |
wastebasket People throw trash in a wastebasket. |
watch A watch is a small clock you can take with you to tell time. |
water Water is a liquid that we drink and use to wash. Water covers over two thirds of the surface of the Earth, and much of our body is made of water. |
water bottle A water bottle holds water. |
water cycle The Water Cycle is the journey water takes as it circulates from the Earth to the sky and back again. |
waterfall When a river falls off steeply, there is a waterfall. |
watering can You can water plants with a watering can. |
watermelon Watermelon is a large, delicious, red fruit with a thick green rind. |
waterspout A waterspout is a tornado that travels over a body of water. |
water strider The water strider is a bug that walks on water. |
![]() wave This girl is waving to her friends. |
wave There are waves of water in the ocean. |
we We is a word that means yourself and others. |
weasel Weasels are small, furry mammals with short legs. |
![]() weather Weather is the state that the outdoors is in, like how windy it is, how hot or cold it is, or if it is raining or snowing. |
weather balloon A weather balloon is a giant balloon that is sent high in the sky to measure weather information, like temperature, wind speed, and air pressure. |
weather vane A weather vane is a device that points the way the wind is blowing. |
web Spiders weave webs to catch insects. |
Weddell seal The Weddell seal is a large, nocturnal marine mammal from Antarctica (near the South Pole). |
wedge A wedge is a tapering block (often made of wood) that is used for holding things in place, splitting things or tightening things. |
week There are 7 days in a week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. There are 52 weeks in a year. |
weep Sometimes people weep when they're sad. |
welcome mat You can wipe your shoes on a welcome mat. |
well A well is a deep hole in the ground from which you get water. |
west West is a compass direction. West is opposite east. |
West Virginia West Virginia is a state in the eastern United States of America. Its capital is Charleston. |
wetlands Wetlands are wet areas that are teeming with both animal and plant life. |
whale Whales are large marine mammals. Whales breathe air using lungs. |
whale shark The whale shark is the biggest shark and the biggest fish, but it eats tiny food that it sieves through its gills. It is not a whale; it is a shark. |
wheat Wheat is a grain. Flour is made from ground-up wheat. |
wheel A wheel is a circular object that rotates around its center. |
wheelbarrow A wheelbarrow is a small cart with one wheel and two handles. |
wheelchair A wheelchair is a chair on wheels that handicapped people can use to get around. |
whelk Whelks are ocean animals with a hard, spiral shell. |
? which WhIch is a pronoun that asks the question, "What particular one?" |
whippet The whippet is a confident, fast-running dog that was originally bred in Great Britain. |
whirlwind Rapidly spinning air is called a whirlwind. |
whisk A whisk is used to beat eggs or batter. |
whistle A whistle makes a loud, shrill sound. |
white Snow is white. |
White House The White House is where the President of the United States lives and works. The address of the White House is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. |
wide When something is wide, it takes up a lot space from side to side. |
wife A wife is a married woman. |
wig A wig is fake hair. |
![]() wiggle When you wiggle you twist and move all over. |
wild cat The African wild cat is a fierce cat and a fast hunters. |
wildebeest The wildebeest is a fast-running grass-eater from Africa. It is also known as the gnu. |
wildlife Wildlife is plants and animals living in their natural environment. |
![]() wind The wind is air that blows outside. |
windmill A windmill uses the wind to generate power. |
window A window is a glass-covered opening in a wall or vehicle. You can see out a window. |
windsock A windsock is a device that shows which way the wind is blowing and the wind's speed. |
wing Airplanes, birds, bats, and flying insects fly using wings. |
winter Winter is the season between fall and spring. In the Northern Hemisphere, winters are cold; in the Southern Hemisphere, they are warm. |
Wisconsin Wisconsin is a state in the United States of America. Its capital is Madison. |
wishbone A wishbone is a v-shaped bird's breastbone. |
witch A witch is a make-believe woman who has magical powers. |
with With means in the company of or having. The children above are with each other. |
wok A wok is a cooking pot used in Asia. |
wolf The wolf is a furry, meat-eating mammal. |
wolverine The wolverine is a ferocious type of weasel that lives in cold areas. |
woman Girls grow up to be women. |
wombat The wombat is a large, burrowing marsupial from the islands of Australia and Tasmania. It is most active at night. |
wood Wood is a useful material obtained from tree trunks. Wood is used to make furniture, build houses, and make paper. |
woodchuck The woodchuck is a rodent that is also called the groundhog. |
wood louse The wood louse (also called the pill bug) is a small isopod that curls into an armored ball when it is threatened. |
woodpecker The woodpecker is a bird that can peck holes in trees. |
woodwind instrument Woodwind instruments are wind instruments whose sound is produced by the vibration of reed(s) or by the blowing of air across the mouthpiece. The bassoon, clarinet, English horn, flute, oboe, piccolo, and saxophone are examples of woodwinds. |
woolly bear caterpillar Woolly bear caterpillars grow up to be tiger moths. |
woolly mammoth The woolly mammoth was a large elephant-like animal that lived during the ice ages. |
woolly rhinoceros The Woolly Rhino is an extinct rhinoceros from the Ice Ages. This plant-eater had two "horns" on its head. |
word A word is a sequence of letters that means something. |
work When you work, you do a task. |
world A world is a planet. Our world is the Earth. |
World Wide Web You are using the World Wide Web right now! |
worm A worm is a little animal with a long, soft body. Worms don't have legs. |
wreath A wreath is a circular decoration. |
wrench A wrench is a tool that turns nuts or bolts. |
write When you write, you put words on paper. |
Wyoming Wyoming is a state in the western United States of America. Its capital is Cheyenne. |
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