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galaxy A galaxy is an enormous group of stars. |
game People enjoy playing games. |
Gandhi, Mohandas Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948) was a great Indian man who used non-violent techniques to obtain India's independence from Britain. |
garbage can Garbage cans hold garbage. |
garbage truck A garbage truck picks up garbage and hauls it to the dump. |
garden Plants grow in a garden. |
gargoyle Gargoyles are stone sculptures of grotesque creatures that sit perched atop some buildings; they act as waterspouts. |
gate A gate is a door in a fence. |
gazelle Gazelles live in herds in Africa. |
gecko Geckos are the only lizards that make noise. |
gem Gems sparkle and shine. |
geography Geography is the study of the location of people and features on Earth and how they interact. |
geology Geology is the study of the Earth's structure, including rocks and minerals. |
geometry Geometry is the mathematical study of points, lines, angles, and solids. |
Georgia Georgia is a state in the southeastern United States of America. Its capital is Atlanta. |
gerbil Gerbils are small rodents that some people keep as pets. |
Gerrothorax Gerrothorax was an ancient amphibian that lived over 200 million years ago - it is extinct. |
geyser A geyser is a natural hot spring that occasionally sprays water and steam above the ground. |
ghost Ghosts are make-believe. Boo! |
giant anteater The Giant Anteater is the biggest anteater. It is about 7 feet long. |
giant ground sloth A huge, extinct mammal that lived during the last Ice Ages. It is also called Megatherium. This plant-eater had hook-like claws. |
giant panda The giant panda is a black and white bear from China. |
giant squid Giant Squid swim deep in the oceans. They have ten arms and their eyes are the size of basketballs. |
gibbon Gibbons are rare, small, slender, long-armed, tree-dwelling apes from Asia. |
gibbous moon A gibbous moon is between a half moon and a full moon. |
gift It's nice to give gifts. It's nice to get them too. |
![]() Giganotosaurus Giganotosaurus was the largest meat-eating dinosaur. |
Gila monster The Gila monster is a venomous lizard from deserts of southwestern North America. It is nocturnal (most active at night). |
gills Gills are organs that fish and amphibians use to breathe underwater. |
gingerbread Gingerbread is a spicy cookie. Gingerbread men and gingerbread women are cookies shaped like little people. |
giraffe The giraffe is the tallest land animal. |
girl A girl is a young woman. |
give When you let someone have something, you are giving it to them. |
glacier A glacier is a large, slowly-moving river of ice. |
glass We drink out of glasses. |
glasses Glasses help some people see more clearly. |
globe A globe is a small, spherical model of the Earth. |
glove We wear gloves to protect our hands. |
glue Glue is a substance that sticks things together. |
Glyptodon Glyptodon was a car-sized armadillo that lived during the Ice Ages. |
gnat A gnat is a very small flying insect. |
gnu The gnu is a fast-running grass-eater from Africa. It is also known as the wildebeest. |
![]() go When you go, you are moving. |
goat Goats are sure-footed, hoofed mammals. |
goblin shark The Goblin shark has a very long snout. |
gold Gold is a precious metal. Coins and jewelry are made from gold. The Sacajawea US dollar coin above looks like gold. |
golden retriever A friendly, intelligent, energetic, and very popular dog. |
goldfinch The goldfinch is a small, seed-eating bird that lives in North America. |
goldfish A goldfish is a type of carp that makes a nice pet. |
golf Golf is a sport in which a ball is hit into a series of holes using golf clubs. |
golf ball A golf ball is a small ball used in golf - the ball sits on a tee in the grass. |
golf club Golf clubs are used to hit a golf ball. |
gong A gong makes a loud noise when you bang on it. |
good When something is good, it is has nice qualities. The opposite of good is bad. |
goose Geese are migrating birds that honk! |
gorilla Gorillas are intelligent mammals from Africa. They are in danger of extinction. |
gosling A gosling is a baby goose. |
gown A gown is a fancy dress. |
grandfather The father of your father or mother is your grandfather. |
grandfather clock A grandfather clock is a large, free-standing pendulum clock. |
grandmother The mother of your father or mother is your grandmother. |
grandparents Grandparents are grandmothers and grandfathers. |
granite Granite is a common type of igneous rock. Granite is formed in a slow cooling process. |
grapefruit Grapefruits are a type of citrus fruit that sometime squirt you when you eat them. |
grapes Grapes are delicious fruit that grow on vines. |
graph A graph is a diagram that shows relationships between things. |
grass Grass is a common flowering plant that is found all over the world. |
grasshopper The grasshopper is an insect that hops and flies. It can make noises by rubbing its legs together. |
grater A grater is a tool used to cut food into tiny pieces. |
gray Elephants are large, gray mammals. Gray paint can be made by mixing black and white paint. |
gray whale The gray whale is a baleen whale that eats tiny organisms from the mud on the bottom on the ocean. |
gray wolf Gray wolves are endangered meat-eaters from the North America. |
Great Britain The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a country in western Europe. It's capital is London. |
Great Dane The Great Dane is a large, short-haired dog that was originally bred to hunt large game. |
great horned owl The great horned owl is a large bird of prey from North and South America. |
Great Lakes The Great Lakes are five huge, connected lakes located between Canada and the USA. The lakes are (from biggest to smallest) Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario. These lakes were formed by glaciers during the last Ice Age. |
Great Wall of China The Great Wall of China is thousands of years old. |
great white shark The Great White shark is a large, meat-eating fish. |
> greater than The mathematical symbol > means "greater than." When one number is greater than a second number, the first one is bigger than the second. For example, 4 is greater than 2, or 4 > 2. |
Greece Greece is a country in southern Europe. Its capital is Athens. The Olympic Games originated in ancient Greece. |
green Grass, broccoli, and many other plants are green. You can make green paint by mixing blue and yellow paint. |
green bean A green bean is a long, thin, green vegetable. It is pod that contains bean seeds. It is also called a string bean. |
greenhouse A greenhouse is a building, usually made out of glass, in which people grow plants. |
greyhound The greyhound is the fastest breed of dog for short distance runs. |
grin A grin is a kind of wide smile that shows your teeth. People grin when they have a lot of different feelings. |
grizzly bear The grizzly bear is a large bear with a muscular hump on its shoulders. |
groundhog The groundhog is a rodent that is also called the woodchuck. |
Groundhog Day Groundhog Day is a holiday celebrated in February 2nd. If a groundhog sees its shadow on this day, cold weather is predicted; if it sees no shadow, mild weather is thought to follow. |
guest book People sign guest books to leave thoughts about their visit. |
guinea pig The guinea pig is a small, tailless rodent that is sometimes kept as a pet. |
guitar A guitar is a stringed instrument. |
gulf A gulf is a part of the ocean (or sea) that is partly surrounded by land (it is usually larger than a bay). |
gull Gulls are birds that live near oceans and lakes. |
guppy Guppies are a type of small tropical fish. |
gyroscope A gyroscope is a spinning wheel set in a movable frame. When the wheel spins, it is very hard to move the gyroscope - it essentially stays in its original orientation. |
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