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each Each child has a balloon. |
eagle The eagle is a large bird of prey. It has a hooked bill and sharp talons. |
ear We hear things with our ears. Our ears give us a sense of hearing. |
early When something is done early, it happens in the beginning of the day or before the expected time. The sun rises early in the day |
earn You can earn money by working. |
earring Earrings are jewelry for the ears. |
earmuffs Earmuffs keep your ears warm. |
Earth The Earth is the third planet from the sun. It's where we live! |
earth Earth is another word for soil. |
Earth Day Earth Day is a holiday in spring when we remember how precious our planet is. |
earthworm An earthworm is a little animal with a long, soft body and no legs. |
earwig An earwig is an insect with long pincers at the tip of its abdomen. |
easel Some artists draw at an easel. |
east East is a compass direction. East is opposite west. |
eat We eat when we are hungry. |
echidna The echidna is a primitive, spiny, egg-laying mammal from Australia and New Guinea. It is also called the spiny anteater. |
echolocation In echolocation (also called sonar), a high-pitched sound (usually clicks) is sent out. The sound bounces off the object and some returns. The returning echo is interpreted to determine the object's shape, direction, distance, and texture. Dolphins (and other toothed whales) and some bats use sonar to navigate and find prey. |
eclipse An eclipse happens when the moon blocks out light from the sun or the Earth's shadow goes across the moon. |
economics Economics is the study of money, goods, and services. |
Edison, Thomas Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) was an American inventor whose many inventions revolutionized the world. His work improved the light bulb; he invented the phonograph, the carbon telephone transmitter, and the motion-picture projector. |
Edmontonia An armored, plant-eating dinosaur from North America. |
Edmontosaurus Edmontosaurus was a duck-billed dinosaur. |
eel The eel is a long, snake-like fish. |
egg Many animals hatch from eggs. Dinosaurs hatched from eggs. People eat a lot of chicken eggs. |
egg carton An egg carton holds eggs and keep them from breaking. |
eggplant An eggplant is a purple vegetable. |
egret The egret is a large wading bird. |
Egypt Egypt is a country in northeastern Africa. The capital of Egypt is Cairo. The great pyramids are in Egypt. |
eight Spiders have eight legs. Stop signs have eight sides. |
18 eighteen Eighteen is the number between seventeen and nineteen. |
80 eighty Eighty is the number between seventy-nine and eighty-one. |
Elasmosaurus Elasmosaurus was a huge marine reptile - a plesiosaur, not a dinosaur. |
elbow The elbow is the joint in the middle of your arm. |
electrical outlet An electrical outlet is a device that is connected to an electrical supply. We plug electrical devices into an outlet so they can receive power. Outlets are usually mounted on a wall. |
electric eel The electric eel is a fish that can generate electricity. |
electric guitar The electric guitar is an electronically-enhanced stringed instrument. |
electricity Many devices are powered by electricity, including lights, TVs, radios and computers. |
elephant The elephant is a big, gray animal with a trunk. |
elephant seal The elephant seal is a huge seal that lives in the Pacific Ocean. |
![]() elevator An elevator carries people and things up and down a tall building. |
11 ***** ****** eleven Eleven is ten plus one. |
elk Elk are large mammals that are related to deer. |
ellipse An ellipse is a flattened circle. |
... ellipsis An ellipsis is three dots in a row; it is used to indicate that part of a sentence or sequence has been omitted. It is spoken, "dot, dot, dot." One example of the use of an ellipsis is: Smith said, "Rome had many terrible leaders, ... who caused the Empire to fall." Another example is the mathematical series: 1,3,5,9,... (the rest of the odd numbers are implied but not written down). |
elm The elm is a large, fast-growing deciduous tree. |
E-mail is a message you send to someone on the computer. |
embryo An embryo is a very young, unborn organism. |
emerald An emerald is a hard, shiny, deep green jewel. |
emerald tree boa The emerald tree boa is a tree-dwelling nocturnal snake from South American rain forests. |
emperor An emperor is an unelected ruler of a country. |
emperor angelfish The emperor angelfish is a brightly-colored, flattened fish that lives in shallow warm waters. |
emperor penguin The emperor penguin is the largest penguin; it lives on ice packs in Antarctica. |
empty When something is empty, it has nothing in it. The jug above is empty. |
emu The emu is a large Australian bird that cannot fly. |
endangered species Endangered species are types of animals or plants that may become extinct soon. |
energy Everything needs energy to work or act. Some types of energy include electrical energy, mechanical energy, and potential energy. |
engine The engine of a train pulls the railroad cars along the track. |
engine The engines of an airplane propel it through the air. |
English horn An English horn is a woodwind instrument. |
entrance You can go into an area through an entrance. |
envelope An envelope holds a letter. |
environment The environment is our surroundings: the air, water, plants, animals and the Earth. |
Eohippus Eohippus was a tiny horse that lived 50 million years ago. It is extinct. |
Eoraptor Eoraptor is the oldest known dinosaur. |
= equal When two things are equal they are exactly the same in number, quality, or amount. |
equator The equator is an imaginary circle around the earth, halfway between the North and South Poles. |
equilateral triangle The sides of an equilateral triangle are all the same length. |
eraser An eraser rubs off pencil marks. |
estuary An estuary is where a river meets the sea or ocean. |
Euoplocephalus Euoplocephalus was an armored, plant-eating dinosaur. |
Europe Europe is a continent in the Northern Hemisphere. Europe borders Asia. Some of the many countries in Europe include England, Ireland, France, Italy, Germany, Greece, Spain, Poland, Romania, and part of Russia. |
evaporation Evaporation is the process in which a liquid goes into its gaseous form, for example, when liquid water becomes water vapor. |
evening Evening is the late part of the day and the early part of the night. |
0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, ... even number An even number is divisible by two. |
evergreen An evergreen plant doesn't lose its leaves in the winter. |
every Every child has a balloon. |
exam An exam is a test. |
excellent When something is excellent, it is very, very good. |
! exclamation point An exclamation point is a punctuation mark that is used to show strong feeling! |
![]() exercise Exercise is very good for you. |
exit You can leave an area through an exit. |
experiment People do experiments to learn about the physical world or to test theories. |
![]() explorer An explorer explores unknown places and discovers new things. For example, Magellan was an explorer who led the first expedition that sailed around the Earth. |
extinct When a group of animals or plants goes extinct, they are gone forever. Some extinct animals include dinosaurs, saber-toothed cats, and dodo birds. |
eye We see with our eyes. Our eyes give us a sense of sight. |
eye Thread goes through the eye of a needle. |
eyebrow The eyebrows are dense patches of hair above the eyes. |
eyedropper An eyedropper is used to drop liquids one drop at a time. |
eyeglasses Eyeglasses help some people see more clearly. |
eyelash Eyelashes are long hairs on the edges of the eyelids. |
eyelid Eyelids are flaps of skin that cover and protect our eyes. |
English Picture Dictionary |
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