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baboon The baboon is a large monkey with a long snout and large cheek pouches. |
baby A baby is a very young person. |
![]() Bach, J.S. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) was one of the greatest composers of all time. |
backgammon Backgammon is an ancient board game played with tiles and dice. |
backpack A backpack is a sack with shoulder straps that is worn on the back and is used to carry things. |
bacterium A bacterium (plural bacteria) is a primitive, single-celled organism. |
bad When something is bad, it is has unpleasant qualities. The opposite of bad is good. |
badger The badger is a nocturnal mammal with a black-and-white striped face. |
bag A bag is a type of container, usually made of paper, plastic, leather, or cloth. You can put things in a bag. |
bagel A bagel is a chewy kind of roll that is shaped like a doughnut. |
baker A baker bakes food in an oven, like breads, cakes, and cookies. |
bald eagle The bald eagle is a large bird of prey. It is the symbol of the USA. |
ball A ball is usually round and fun to bounce, throw, kick, or catch. |
ballerina A ballerina is a woman who dances ballet. |
balloon A balloon is a thin rubber sack that is filled with air or other gases. |
bamboo Bamboo is a very useful plant from Asia. Pandas eat bamboo. |
banana Bananas are a sweet, yellow fruit. |
bandage A bandage is a clean pad that is used to cover and protect cuts and other injuries. |
bandicoot Bandicoots are marsupials with pointy snouts. It lives in Australia and New Guinea. |
banjo The banjo is a stringed musical instrument with a circular body. |
bank You can put your money in a bank for safe keeping. |
banner A banner is a flag. |
bar code There are bar codes on most things that are for sale in stores. |
bark Bark is the hard, outer covering of the trunk, branches, and roots of trees. |
barn A barn is a farm building where animals and animal feed are kept. |
barrel A barrel is a large, wooden container. |
Barosaurus A huge, long-necked, whip-tailed, plant-eating dinosaur that lived the Jurassic period. |
baseball Baseball is team game that is played with a ball and a bat. |
baseball bat You hit a baseball with a baseball bat. |
basilisk The basilisk is a South American lizard that can walk on water. |
basket You can carry things in a basket. |
basketball Basketball is a sport in which you get points for throwing a ball into a basket. |
basking shark The basking shark is huge and eats very tiny animals that float in the ocean. |
basset hound The Basset Hound is a lively and devoted dog that has short legs and long, droopy ears. It was originally bred to hunt rabbits and hares. |
bassoon The bassoon is a large woodwind instrument with a double reed. It can play very low notes. |
bat The bat is the only flying mammal. |
bathing suit A bathing suit is a garment you wear while swimming. |
bathtub You take a bath in a bathtub. |
batter A batter is an uncooked, liquid mixture of flour, eggs, butter and other ingredients. When a batter is cooked, it becomes solid. Cookies, cakes, and muffins are made from batter. |
bay A bay is a body of water that is partly enclosed by land (usually smaller than a gulf). |
beach A beach is where the water meets the land. You can build sand castles on the beach. |
![]() beads Beads are small objects with a hole through them so that they can be strung together to make jewelry or other things. |
beagle The beagle is a friendly, playful dog. It was originally bred as a rabbit hunter. |
beak A beak is the hard, outer part of a some animal's mouth. Birds, octopuses, squid, and other animals have beaks. Some dinosaurs had them too. |
bear A bear is a big, furry mammal. |
beaver The beaver is a large rodent that builds dams and dens. |
bed People sleep in beds. |
bee Bees are flying insects that live in a hive. Some bees make honey. Bees are important plant pollinators; they fertilize seeds when they fly from flower to flower, collecting nectar. |
beetle A beetle is an insect. |
behind When you are behind something, you are to the back of it. |
bell A bell makes a beautiful sound when you ring it. |
beluga whale The beluga is a small, white, toothed whale that lives mostly in cold, arctic waters. |
bench A few people can sit on a bench. |
beneath Beneath means under. The cat is under the table. |
between When something is between, it is located in a position separating two other items. |
bicycle A bicycle has two wheels, a handle bar, and pedals. |
big When someone or something is big, it is above average size. |
Big Dipper The Big Dipper is a group of 7 stars contained in the Northern Hemisphere constellation Ursa major (the Great Bear). |
bigger The boy in the middle is bigger than the boy on the left. |
biggest The boy on the right is the biggest of the three. |
bighorn sheep The bighorn sheep is a wild brown sheep from mountains and deserts of North America. |
bilby The bilby (also known as the rabbit-eared bandicoot) is a small marsupial with long ears. It lives in Australia and New Guinea. |
bill A bill is paper money. |
1,000,000,000 billion A billion is a thousand million. The Earth is billions of years old. |
binturong The binturong is a dark, furry mammal from southeast Asia. |
biome A biome is the natural place in a particular climate where many plants and animals live. Some biomes include the rainforest, tundra, and desert. |
![]() biped A biped is an animal that walks on two legs. People are bipeds. Tyrannosaurus rex was a biped. |
bird Birds have feathers and wings. Most birds can fly. |
birthday You have a birthday every year. |
birthday cake Birthday cakes are sweet and delicious! |
bison The Bison (also called the American Buffalo) is the heaviest land animal in North America. |
black Black is the color of a very dark night. |
black bear The black bear is a big bear that can be black or brown colored. |
black bear hamster The black bear hamster is a docile, black, short-haired hamster. |
blackberry Blackberries are dark-colored, edible berries that grow on prickly vines. |
blackbird Blackbirds are black! |
black widow spider The black widow is a very poisonous black spider with a red hourglass marking. |
blimp A blimp is is a balloon-like airship that floats in the sky. |
blocks You can build things with toy blocks. |
bloodhound The bloodhound is the heaviest hound dog and is an incredible scent tracker. |
blouse A blouse is a shirt, a type of garment worn on the upper part of the body. |
blue The sky is blue during the day. |
bluebell Bluebells are bell-shaped flowers. |
blueberry The blueberry is a tiny blue fruit. |
bluebird The bluebird is a beautiful song bird that is the symbol of many of the states in the USA. |
blue jay The blue jay is a beautiful, noisy blue bird. |
blue shark The blue shark is a sleek, fast-swimming shark with blue skin. |
blue-tongued skink The blue-tongued skink is an Australian lizard that has a long, blue tongue. |
blue whale The blue whale is the biggest animal that ever lived. It eats tiny food that it sieves through baleen. |
boa constrictor The boa constrictor is a large snake from South and Central America. |
boat Boats float in the water. |
bobcat The bobcat is a fierce, short-tailed wild cat from North America. |
body Everyone has a body. |
bones Bones are hard, structural parts of the body of many animals. We have 206 bones in our skeleton. |
bongo The bongo is a large, striped antelope from African forests. |
book Books are wonderful to read! |
bookcase Books are stored in bookcases. |
boots Boots are a type of shoe. Boots cover the feet and part of the lower legs. |
Boston terrier The Boston Terrier is an intelligent, lively, short-haired dog. |
bottle A bottle is a container with a narrow neck and mouth. |
bouquet A bouquet is a bunch of flowers. |
bow A bow is loops of ribbon or sting that are tied together. |
bow A bow is a device that is used to play a violin, viola, cello, double bass, or other stringed instrument. |
bowhead whale The bowhead whale is a large whale that eats tiny food that it sieves through baleen. |
bowl You can eat soup or cereal in a bowl. |
box A box can hold things. |
boy A boy is a young man. |
bracelet A bracelet is jewelry you wear on your wrist. |
Brachiosaurus Brachiosaurus was a huge, plant-eating dinosaur. It had a very long neck. |
braid A braid is three or more strands that are woven together into a rope-like shape. |
Braille Braille is a system of writing used by blind people. |
brain We think with our brain. The brain is protected by the skull. |
branch A branch is a tree or other plant that grows from the trunk or stem. |
brass instruments The French horn, trumpet, trombone, and tuba are brass musical instruments. |
brave Someone who is brave has courage. |
Brazil Brazil is a large country in South America. Its capital is Brasilia. |
breaching Breaching is when whales jump high out of the water. Sometimes whales spin around while they are breaching. |
bread Bread is made from flour and is baked in an oven. |
break When you break something, it is separated into two or more pieces or is cracked. Broken things are often unusable. |
breakfast Breakfast is a meal that is eaten in the morning. |
brick This fireplace is made out of bricks. |
bridge A bridge is a structure over water, or over another thing that is difficult to cross. |
brittle Something that is brittle will break or snap in two easily. Potato chips are brittle. |
brittle star The brittle star is a bottom-dwelling marine invertebrate with long, spiny arms. It is called the brittle star because an arm can snap off when it is bitten by a predator; the arm will later regrow. |
broccoli Broccoli is a green vegetable. |
![]() Brontosaurus Brontosaurus was a huge, long-necked, plant-eating dinosaur. It is now called Apatosaurus. |
broken When something is broken, it does not work or has been damaged. |
bronze Bronze is a metal that is made out of copper and tin (which are other metals). In the Olympics, the third-place medal is made of bronze. |
brook A brook is small stream. |
broom You can sweep the floor with a broom. |
brothers Brothers are boys or men who have the same parents. |
brown Brown is the color of wood. |
brown bear The brown bear is a large bear with a muscular hump on its shoulders. |
brush A brush is used to paint, clean, or groom. |
bubble gum You can chew bubble gum and blow bubbles. |
bubbles It is fun to blow soap bubbles! |
bucket A bucket is a container with a handle. |
budget A budget is a written account of all income and expenses for a person, a family, an organization, or a government. People use budgets to figure out how much money they take in and plan how much they can spend and save. |
buffalo The American buffalo (which is actually a bison) is the heaviest land animal in North America. |
bug There are lots of bugs in the world. Insects and spiders are bugs. |
building A building is a structure built by people. |
bulb A plant bulb wil sprout into a new plant. Onions are bulbs. |
bulb A light bulb turns electricity into light. |
bull A bull is a male cow. |
bulldog The bulldog is a muscular, wrinkled, powerful dog that was originally bred in Britain. |
bulldozer A bulldozer is a large tractor that moves earth. |
bull shark The bull shark is a dangerous predator that has a flattened snout. |
bull snake Also known as the gopher snake and the pine snake, this hissing constrictor lives in North America. |
bully A bully is person who is mean to others. |
bun A bun is a sweet roll. |
bunny A bunny is a young rabbit. |
burrow Burrows are tunnels that some animals dig. Many animals live underground in burrows. |
bus A bus is a large vehicle that can take many passengers to places. |
![]() Bush, George W. George Walker Bush was the 43rd President of the USA. |
butte A butte is a hill-like formation that has a flat top and steep walls. It usually occurrs in dry areas. |
butter Butter is a rich spread made from cream. |
butterfly A butterfly is an insect that has beautiful wings. The butterfly begins its life as caterpillar, and later changes into a butterfly. |
button A button is used to fasten clothes. |
English Picture Dictionary |
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