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macaroni Macaroni is a tube-shaped noodle. |
macaroni penguin The macaroni penguin is a penguin from the Antarctic that has a yellow, feathery crest on its head. |
macaw Macaws are parrots from rainforests in the Americas. |
mad When you are mad at someone, you are angry with them. |
magazine A magazine is published periodically. |
![]() Magellan, Ferdinand Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521) was a Portuguese explorer who led the first expedition that sailed around the Earth. The voyage lasted from 1519 until 1522. Magellan was killed towards the end of the voyage. |
magic Magic is the skill of performing illusions and tricks that amaze people. People who perform magic are called magicians. |
magic square In a magic square, the rows, columns, and diagonals all add up to the same number. |
magnet A magnet attracts things made of iron. |
magnifying glass A magnifying glass is a lens that makes things look larger than they really are. |
Maiasaura Maiasauras were dinosaurs that cared for their eggs and young. |
mailbox A mailbox is where you leave letters to be mailed. |
mail carrier A mail carrier delivers the mail. |
Maine Maine is a state in the northeastern United States of America. Its capital is Augusta. |
mako shark The mako shark is a very fast shark with bluish skin. |
mallard The Mallard is a common wild duck. |
mammal Mammals are warm-blooded animals with hair that nourish their young with milk. |
mammoth Mammoths were large, elephant-like animals that lived during the Ice Ages. They had long hair, long tusks, and finger-like projections on the long trunk. |
man Boys grow up to be men. |
manatee Manatees are gentle, slow-swimming, aquatic mammals. |
mandrill Mandrills are large, brightly-colored monkeys from African rainforests. |
man-of-war The Portuguese man-of-war is a floating colony of animals that has very long, stinging tentacles. It lives in warm ocean waters. |
manta ray Manta rays are harmless fish and are related to sharks. Mantas are the biggest rays. |
many The are many apples above. |
map A map shows the features of an area. You can find your way around by using a map. |
maple tree Maple syrup comes from maple trees. |
maracas Maracas are musical instruments that are made from hollow gourds. Dried seeds or pebbles inside the gourds make noise when the maracas are shaken. |
marble Marble is a beautiful metamorphic rock. |
March March is the third month of the year. |
Marine mammals live in the sea and breathe air. Seals, sea lions, whales, and others are marine mammals. |
market We can buy things at a market. |
maroon Maroon is a deep, purplish shade of red. |
Mars Mars is a reddish planet and the fourth planet from the sun. It is the planet that comes closest to the Earth. |
marsh A marsh is a type of low-lying wetland located near a river or lake. |
marsupials Marsupials are mammals whose young are born very immature. Most female marsupials have a pouch in which the young lives. Koalas and kangaroos are marsupials. |
martial arts The martial arts include Aikido, Judo, Karate, Tae Kwon Do, and other sports. |
Maryland Maryland is a state in the northeastern United States of America. Its capital is Annapolis. |
mask A mask covers your face. |
Massachusetts Massachusetts is a state in the northeastern United States of America. Its capital is Boston. In 1620, the Pilgrims landed in what is now Massachusetts. |
mastiff The mastiff is a huge, intelligent, and powerful dog that is often used as a guard dog. |
mastodon Mastodons were shaggy, tusked mammals that are now extinct. Mastodons evolved earlier than mammoths and were smaller than mammoths. |
mat You can wipe your shoes on a floor mat. |
mathematics Mathematics is the study of numbers, shapes, patterns, and logical reasoning. |
May May is the fifth month of the year. |
maybe Maybe means perhaps or possibly. |
Mayflower The Mayflower was the name of the ship in which the 102 Pilgrims sailed from England to what is now Massachusetts, on the northeastern coast of the USA. The Pilgrims landed on December 11, 1620. |
maze Getting through the passages of a maze is tricky. |
me Me is a word that refers to the person who is speaking or writing. |
meadow A meadow is a low, flat grassland. |
meadowlark The meadowlark is a brightly-colored songbird that lives in meadows and grasslands. |
meal Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are meals. |
mealworm The mealworm is the larval stage of the darkling beetle. |
measuring cup A measuring cup is useful in baking and cooking. |
meat Meat is a type of food that comes from animals. Some types of meat are beef and ham. |
medal A medal is an award that you can wear. |
meerkat Meerkats are a type of mongoose that can stand upright. They live in Africa. |
Megalodon Megalodon was a giant shark that lived from 25 million to 1.6 million years ago; it is extinct. It may have been over 40 feet (12 m) long. Only fossilized teeth have been found. |
Megalosaurus This large meat-eating dinosaur was the first dinosaur named. |
megamouth The megamouth is a large, filter-feeding shark that was only discovered in 1976. |
Megaraptor Megaraptor was a giant, meat-eating dinosaur with long, sharp toe claws. |
melon Melons are fruits that have a rind. |
Memorial Day Memorial Day honors US soldiers who died fighting for their country. Memorial Day is celebrated on the last Monday in May. |
Mercury Mercury is a moonless planet; it is the planet closest to the Sun. |
mermaid A mermaid is a make-believe creature who is half woman, half fish. |
mesa A mesa is a land formation with a flat area on top and steep walls - usually occurring in dry areas. |
![]() Mesozoic Era The Mesozoic Era was the time when dinosaurs lived and mammals evolved. The Mesozoic lasted from 250 million to 65 million years ago. It began and ended with mass extinctions. |
metal A metal is an element that has a crystalline structure when it is solid form. Many metals are shiny and many conduct electricity. Some metals include iron, copper, silver, and gold. |
metamorphic rock Metamorphic rocks are compacted by pressure and heat from deep inside the earth. |
metamorphosis Metamorphosis is the transformation of an animal during its life cycle (from larva to adult). For example, the larval stage of butterflies and moths (called the caterpillar) metamorphoses into a winged, flying adult (the adult butterfly or moth). |
![]() meteor A meteor is a meteoroid that has entered the Earth's atmosphere, usually making a fiery trail as it falls. It is sometimes called a shooting star. Most burn up before hitting the Earth. |
meteorite A meteorite is a meteor that has fallen to Earth. Meteorites are made of stone, iron, or stony-iron. |
meteoroid Meteoroids are tiny stones or pieces of metal that travel through space. |
meteorologist A meteorologist is a scientist who studies the weather. |
![]() meteor shower A meteor shower is when a lot of meteor fall through the atmosphere in a short time. |
meter A meter is a unit of length; 100 centimeters are in a meter. A meter is a little more than 3 feet (it is about 39.4 inches). |
Mexico Mexico is a Spanish-speaking country in North America. Its capital is Mexico City. |
Michigan Michigan is a state in the northern United States of America. Its capital is Lansing. |
microscope A microscope lets you see very tiny things. |
microwave oven Microwave ovens heat up food quickly. |
middle The boy in the middle has a boy on either side of him. |
midnight Midnight is 12:00 at night. |
milk Milk comes from cows and other mammals. |
Milky Way The Milky Way is a bright line of stars stretching across the night sky. |
Milky Way Galaxy Our solar system is in the Milky Way galaxy. We can see the Milky Way as a band of stars in the night sky. |
1,000,000 million A million is a thousand thousands. The dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. |
millipede Millipedes are segmented, plant-eating animals that have many legs. |
mineral A mineral is a naturally-occurring solid whose molecules form a regular pattern (usually forming crystals). Some common minerals include quartz, salt, diamond, and feldspar. |
minivan A minivan is a small van. |
mink The mink is a small, short-legged member of the weasel family. It lives in wet environments. |
Minnesota Minnesota is a state in the United States of America. Its capital is St. Paul. |
- minus The mathematical symbol - means "minus." Four minus three is written, 4 - 3. |
minute hand A minute hand on a clock tells you how many minutes past the hour it is. |
mirror You can see your reflection in a mirror. |
Mississippi Mississippi is a state in the United States of America. Its capital is Jackson. |
Missouri Missouri is a midwestern state in the United States of America. Its capital is Jefferson City. |
mitosis Mitosis is a process in which cells divide. |
mitt A baseball mitt is a glove used to catch balls. |
mitten Mittens keep your hands warm. |
moa The moa were huge, extinct, flightless birds from New Zealand. |
mobile A mobile is a hanging sculpture. |
Möbius strip A Möbius strip is a piece of paper with only one side! |
mockingbird The mockingbird is a North American bird that can mimic the songs of many other birds. |
molar A molar is a flat tooth that is used to chew food. People and many animals have molars. |
mole Moles are burrowing mammals that are almost-blind. |
mom A mom is a woman with children. |
monarch butterfly The monarch butterfly is a common, poisonous butterfly. Some monarchs migrate long distances. |
money Money is used to buy things. |
mongoose Mongooses are sleek, meat-eating mammals. |
monkey Monkeys are furry mammals with long, strong tails. |
monster Monsters are scary and make-believe. |
Montana Montana is a state in the United States of America. Its capital is Helena. |
month There are 12 months in a year: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. |
![]() moon The Earth has one moon. The moon has no atmosphere. The same side of the moon always faces the Earth. |
moose A moose is a large type of deer from northern forests. |
mop A mop is used to clean the floor. |
moray eel The moray eel is a long, snake-like fish that has circular gills. |
more The opposite of more is less. |
morning The sun rises in the morning. |
Morpho butterfly The Morpho butterfly is a bright blue buttterfly from rainforests in South and Central America. |
mortar board A mortar board is a square hat that is worn by people when they graduate from school. |
mosaic A mosaic is a work of art made up of many pieces of tile, glass, stones, or other objects. |
mosquito A mosquito is a small, flying insect that can spread disease as it feeds on blood. |
moth Moths are beautiful flying insects that are generally more active at night. They are related to butterflies. |
mother A mother is a woman who has a child. |
Mother Goose Mother Goose told silly rhymes; we've heard them all many times. |
motorcycle A motorcycle has two wheels and can go fassssttttttt! |
mountain A mountain is a very tall high, natural place on Earth - higher than a hill. The tallest mountain on Earth is Mt. Everest. |
mountain lion A long-tailed wild cat with no spots. It is also known as the puma, panther, cougar, and catamont. |
mouse Mice are cute, small rodents with long tails. |
mouse A computer mouse is a device used to control the computer's cursor. |
mouth We use our mouths to eat and talk. |
![]() move When you move, you are not still. |
muffin Muffins are small, baked goods made from a batter. |
mug A mug is a large cup. |
multicolored Multicolored means having many colors. |
1 x 2 = 2 2 x 3 = 6 multiplication Multiplication is a mathematical operation used to compute areas and do other calculations. |
x multiply The mathematical symbol x means "multiply." Four times three is written, 4 x 3. |
mummy A mummy is a preserved dead body. |
museum Museums exhibit art, historic objects, and scientific finds - like dinosaur fossils. |
mushroom Mushrooms are fast-growing fungi. They grow in dark, damp places. |
music Music can be sung or played on instruments. |
musical instruments Musical instruments are devices used to make music. |
musician A musician makes music. |
musk ox Musk oxen are large, hairy mammals that live in the far north. |
muskrat Muskrats are rodents that often build dome-shaped houses. |
Mussaurus Mussaurus was a tiny, plant-eating dinosaur from South America. Its eggs were only about an inch long. |
mustang Mustangs are wild horses from western North America. |
Muttaburrasaurus Muttaburrasaurus was a plant-eating dinosaur with thumb spikes. Its fossils have been found in Australia. |
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