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nabarlek The nabarlek is a small wallaby from northern Australia. |
nail Nails are hard scales that grow at the ends of your fingers. |
nail A nail is a long, thin piece of metal that you can hammer into wood. |
naked When you are naked, you aren't wearing any clothes. |
naked mole-rat Naked mole-rats are small, almost hairless rodents who live in underground colonies in Africa. |
name A name is a word by which something or someone is known. Everyone has a name. |
nap A nap is a short sleep during the day. |
napkin After you eat, you can clean your face with a napkin. |
narrow When something is narrow, it doesn't take up a lot space from side to side. |
narwhal The narwhal is an Arctic whale; the male has a huge tooth. |
nasturtium Nasturtiums are plants with bright, pretty flowers and round leaves. |
Native American Native Americans are people who have lived in the Americas for thousands of years. |
nautilus The nautilus is a shelled sea animal related to the squid and octopus (members of the cephalopod family). |
Nebraska Nebraska is a state in the midwestern United States of America. Its capital is Lincoln. |
nebula A nebula is a cloud of gas and dust in space. |
neck Your neck is between your head and your shoulders. |
necklace A necklace is jewelry for your neck. |
necktie A necktie is a narrow band of fabric tied around the neck. |
nectarine A nectarine is a sweet, juicy fruit with smooth skin; it is related to the peach. |
needle A needle is a long, thin piece of metal that is sharp on one end and has a hole in the other end. A needle is used for sewing. |
neighborhood A neighborhood is the place where you and the people around you live. |
nene The nene is Hawaii's state bird. It is an endangered goose that lives on volcanic slopes. |
neon Neon is a gas in the air that is used in some lights. |
Neptune Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun. This frozen planet has 8 moons. |
nest Some animals make nests to hold their babies - even some dinosaurs built nests for their eggs. |
net A net is used to catch things. |
Nevada Nevada is a state in the United States of America. Its capital is Carson City. |
new When something is new, it hasn't been used before. |
New England New England is a region in the far northeast of the United States of America. It is comprised of the states Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. |
New Hampshire New Hampshire is a state in the northeastern United States of America. Its capital is Concord. |
New Jersey New Jersey is a state in the United States of America. Its capital is Trenton. |
New Mexico New Mexico is a state in the United States of America. Its capital is Santa Fe. |
newspaper People read newspapers to find out about new things that have happened. |
newt Newts are brightly-colored salamanders, a type of amphibian. |
New Year The beginning of a year is called the New Year. People often celebrate on this day. A year consists of 12 months, 52 weeks, or 365 days. |
New York New York is a state in the United States of America. Its capital is Albany. |
nickel A nickel is a U.S. coin worth five cents. |
night At night, when the sun goes down, you can see stars in the sky. |
nightgown A nightgown is a long, loose garment worn to bed. |
nightingale The nightingale is a bird that sings beautiful songs. |
nine Nine is the number between eight and ten. There are nine players on a baseball team. |
![]() no No means that you disagree or that something is not true. |
nocturnal Nocturnal animals are more active at night. Bats are nocturnal. |
![]() nod When you nod your head, you move it up and down. |
nonagon A nonagon is a nine-sided polygon. |
noodles Noodles are flat strips of pasta. Noodles were invented in China. |
noon Noon is midday, 12:00, when the sun is closest to overhead. |
north North is a compass direction. North is opposite south. |
North America North America is a continent in the Northern Hemisphere. Canada, the USA, and Mexico are in North America. North America is bordered by the Atlantic, Arctic, and Pacific Oceans. |
North Carolina North Carolina is a state on the eastern coast of the United States of America. Its capital is Raleigh. |
North Dakota North Dakota is a state in the United States of America. Its capital is Bismarck. |
Northern Hemisphere The Northern Hemisphere is the half of the Earth that is north of the equator. |
North Pole The North Pole is the northernmost place on Earth. There is no land at the North Pole, but there is a layer of ice on top of the Arctic Ocean around the pole. |
North Star The north star is a star that is located almost due north and is useful for navigation. Polaris is currently the pole star of the Northern Hemisphere. |
nose We use the nose to breathe; it also gives us a sense of smell. |
note A note is a short written message or letter. |
notebook A notebook is a book with blank pages to write in. |
notes A note is a symbol that represents a musical tone. |
Nothosaurus Nothosaurus was a fish-eating reptile from the Mesozoic Era. It is extinct. |
noun A noun is a type of word that represents a person, thing, or place. A proper noun denotes a specific person, place, or thing that has a name and is capitalized (like Tom, Delaware, or the Titanic). |
November November is the eleventh month of the year. |
nude When you are nude, you aren't wearing any clothes. |
numbat The numbat is a pouchless marsupial from Australia. It eats termites. |
number line Numbers correspond to points on a number line. |
numbers Numbers tell you "how many" or "how much." |
numerator The numerator is the top number in a fraction. |
nurse A nurse takes care of you when you're sick or hurt. |
nursery rhyme Nursery rhymes are simple rhymes that most children enjoy. |
nurse shark The nurse shark is a large predator that lives in warm water in coral reefs. |
nut A nut is a dry seed or fruit with a hard shell. |
nut A nut is a piece of metal that fastens onto a bolt or screw. |
nuthatch The nuthatch is a small perching bird that can climb down trees and opens nuts using its bill like a hatchet. |
nutria Nutrias (also called coypus) are semi-aquatic rodents that are originally from South America. |
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