a part vs. apart
accent vs. ascent vs. assent
accept vs. except
access vs. excess
addition vs. edition
adverse vs. averse
advice vs. advise
affect vs. effect
aisle vs. isle
all ready vs. already
all together vs. altogether
allot vs. a lot
allude vs. elude
allusion vs. illusion
altar vs. alter
among (US) vs. amongst (UK)
among vs. between
angel vs. angle
anyway vs. any way
appraise vs. apprise
are vs. our
assistance vs. assistants
assure vs. ensure vs. insure
bare vs. bear
base vs. bass
beside vs. besides
boar vs. bore
board vs. bored
born vs. borne
brake vs. break
breath vs. breathe
bridal vs. bridle
buy vs. by
canvas vs. canvass
capital vs. capitol
choose vs. chose
cite vs. sight vs. site
climactic vs. climatic
clothes vs. cloths
coarse vs. course
collaborate vs. corroborate
complement vs. compliment
compose vs. comprise
conscience vs. conscious
corps vs. corpse
council vs. counsel
currant vs. current
defence (UK) vs. defense (US)
descent vs. dissent
desert vs. dessert
detract vs. distract
device vs. devise
dew vs. do vs. due
die vs. dye
discreet vs. discrete
disinterested vs. uninterested
dominant vs. dominate
dyeing vs. dying
e.g. vs. i.e.
elicit vs. illicit
emigrate vs. immigrate
eminent vs. immanent vs. imminent
empathy vs. sympathy
enquiry (UK) vs. inquiry (US)
envelop vs. envelope
every day vs. everyday
fair vs. fare
farther vs. further
flaunt vs. flout
formally vs. formerly
forth vs. fourth
gaff vs. gaffe
gorilla vs. guerrilla
gray (US) vs. grey (UK)
hear vs. here
heard vs. herd
historic vs. historical
hoard vs. horde
hole vs. whole
human vs. humane
imitated vs. intimated
imply vs. infer
incredible vs. incredulous
its vs. it’s
knew vs. new
know vs. no
later vs. latter
lay vs. lie
lead vs. led
learned vs. learnt
lessen vs. lesson
liable vs. libel
lightening vs. lightning
loose vs. lose
may be vs. maybe
meat vs. meet vs. mete
medal vs. meddle
median vs. medium
metal vs. mettle
miner vs. minor
moral vs. morale
passed vs. past
patience vs. patients
peace vs. piece
peak vs. peek vs. pique
pedal vs. peddle
personal vs. personnel
plain vs. plane
pole vs. poll
pore vs. poor vs. pour
pray vs. prey
precede vs. proceed
preposition vs. proposition
presence vs. presents
principal vs. principle
quiet vs. quite
quote vs. quotation
raise vs. raze
rational vs. rationale
reign vs. rein
reluctant vs. reticent
respectfully vs. respectively
resume vs. résumé
reverend vs. reverent
right vs. rite vs. write
road vs. rode
role vs. roll
scene vs. seen
sense vs. since
set vs. sit
stationary vs. stationery
statue vs. stature vs. statute
straight vs. strait
taught vs. taut
than vs. then
that vs. which
their vs. there vs. they’re
threw vs. through vs. thorough vs. though vs. thru
to vs. too vs. two
toward (US) vs. towards (UK)
track vs. tract
waist vs. waste
waive vs. wave
wander vs. wonder
weak vs. week
weather vs. wether vs. whether
where vs. were
which vs. witch
who vs. whom
who’s vs. whose
your vs. you’re