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coat A coat helps you keep warm when it is cold. |
coati (pronounced ko-WAH-ti) Coati (also called coatimundi) are long-nosed, long-tailed mammals from the Americas. |
cobra Cobras are venomous snakes. |
cockatoo Cockatoos are birds that have a large, feathery crest and a hooked bill. They are from Australia and Indonesia. |
cocker spaniel The cocker spaniel is a friendly, obedient dog that was originally bred to hunt birds. |
cocoon A cocoon is a silky covering made by a caterpillar. The cocoon protects the developing moth. |
Coelacanth The Coelacanth (pronounced SEE-la-canth) is a primitive fish that was thought to have been extinct for millions of years, but a living Coelacanth was caught in 1938. |
coffee Coffee is a drink made from roasted coffee beans. |
coffin A coffin is a box that holds a dead body. |
coin A coin is a piece of metal money. |
cold We shiver when it is cold. |
collie The collie is a friendly, intelligent, and obedient dog |
colon The colon is part of the digestive system. The colon absorbs water from the partly-digested into the body. |
: colon A colon is a punctuation mark that is used to introduce a list in a sentence or a quote, to separate two major parts of a sentence, to indicate a ratio (like 1:2) or a time (8:15). For example: These students were on the honor roll: Lisa, Jason, and Jessica. |
Colorado Colorado is a state in the western United States of America. Its capital is Denver. |
coloring book You can color the pictures in a coloring book. |
color There are many colors, light and dark, bright and dull. |
colorful Something that is colorful is brightly colored or has many colors. |
color wheel A color wheel is a device that shows the relationships between colors. |
Columbus, Christopher Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) was an Italian explorer who sailed across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492, reaching North America. He and his crew sailed the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria, hoping to find a route to Asia. Columbus Day is celebrated in the USA on the second Monday in October. |
comb A comb is a used to smooth or untangle hair. |
comet A comet is the a small, icy object that orbit the Sun. It's tail always points away from the sun. |
comic book A comic book is a book whose story is told in colorful pictures and some words. |
, comma A comma is a punctuation mark used to separate words or phrases in a sentence. |
compass A compass always points north. |
compass rose A compass rose is a design on a map that shows direction. It points north, south, east, west, and some intermediate directions on the map. |
compost Compost is decayed organic matter that enriches soil. |
Compsognathus Compsognathus is the smallest dinosaur yet discovered. |
butterfly raincoat compound word A compound word is a word made from two or more other words. For example, the word teapot is made from the words tea and pot. |
computer A computer is an electronic machine that stores and handles large amounts of data. You are using a computer right now. |
conch The conch is a large, shelled animal from warm seas. |
cone A cone is a shape that has a point at one end and a circular opening at the other end. |
Conestoga wagon US pioneers used Conestoga wagons pulled by oxen or horses to move their belongings westward. They are also called covered wagons or prairie schooners. |
and, or conjunction A conjunction is a word that joins other words, phrases, clauses or sentences. Some conjunctions are: and, as, because, but, or, since, so, until, and while. |
Connecticut Connecticut is a state in the northeastern United States of America. Its capital is Hartford. |
connect-the-dots When you do a connect-the-dots puzzle, you make a picture. |
constellation A constellation is a group of stars that we see in the sky. They are not necessarily located together in space, but looks as though they are from Earth. |
constitution A constitution is a document that outlines the laws and principles of a nation or organization. The US Constitution was written in 1787 and ratified in 1789. |
container A container can hold things. |
continent The land mass on Earth is divided into continents. The seven continents are Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America. |
can't contraction A contraction is a word in which some letters have been omitted; the omitted letters are indicated by an apostrophe. For example, "do not" can be written as the contraction "don't" and "I would" can be written as the contraction "I'd." |
cookie Cookies are small, sweet, baked treats. |
cookiecutter shark The cookiecutter shark is a small shark that takes circular bites out of its prey. Also known as the luminous or cigar shark. |
coral Coral is a tiny ocean animal that lives in colonies. Some corals leave a hard, stony skeleton when they die. |
coral reef Coral reefs are warm, clear, shallow ocean habitats that are rich in life. |
cork A cork is used as a bottle stopper. It is made from tree bark. |
corn Corn is a yellow vegetable you can eat on its cob. Corn was grown by Native Americans for thousands of years before the Europeans settled in North America. |
cornucopia A cornucopia, also called a horn of plenty, is a horn-shaped basket that is filled with fruit and grains. It is a symbol of abundance and prosperity. |
Corythosaurus Corythosaurus was a plant-eating, duck-billed dinosaur that was about 30 feet long. |
costume People wear costumes to pretend they are someone or something else. |
cotton candy Cotton candy is a sweet treat that is spun from sugar. |
couch A couch is a big, soft piece of furniture that many people can sit on. |
cougar A long-tailed wild cat with no spots. It is also known as the puma, panther, mountain lion, and catamont. |
counterclockwise Something that travels in a counterclockwise direction rotates in a direction opposite to that of a clock. |
couple A couple refers to two people or two objects. |
courage A quality in which a person can face danger or pain without showing excessive fear. |
cove A cove is small, horseshoe-shaped body of water along the coast; the water is surrounded by land formed of soft rock. |
covered wagon US pioneers used covered wagons pulled by oxen or horses to move their belongings westward. They are also called Conestoga wagons or prairie schooners. |
cow Most of the milk we drink comes from cows. |
coyote Coyotes are meat-eating animals that are related to wolves. |
coypu Coypus (also called nutrias) are semi-aquatic rodents that are originally from South America. |
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