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ZoomDinosaurs.com Dino Talk: A Dinosaur Forum: August 26-31, 2001 |
I saw this on the voting forum. It was
signed "you idiots".
"First of all, I think all you people voting for stupid T. Rex or
stupid Spinosaurus are all idiots!!!! Tyrannosaurus is boring looking
and so last century. The only reason you people like them is because
they were in JP3. Why don't you like stuff that's more original, like,
say, I don't know, plant eaters? Meat eaters weren't the only
dinosaur. Plus, meateater's were big meatheads. Most people would say
that a meateater would just eat a plant eater, but what about the
anklyosaurs, stegosaurs, segnosaurs, iguanadonts, sauropodomorphs, and
many others that had a great offense or defense. Plus, plant eaters
outnumbered meat eaters like 50 to 1, so plant eaters rule."
First, the only reason plant eaters outnumbered meat eaters was to
ensure that the meat eaters thrived. Lets look at a food chain from
the mesozoic. Plant>Stegosaurus>Ceratosaurus. The plant receives
energy from the sun. When the Stegosaurus eats the plant, 10% of the
energy from the plant is passed on to the stegosaurus. Later, when the
ceratosaurus kills the stegosaurus and feeds, 10% of the energy that
the stegosaur took in (1% of the original amount of energy taken in by
the plant) goes to the ceratosaurus. Therefore, the Ceratosaurus would
have to feed on a couple more Stegosaurus to have an adequate supply
of energy. Thus, the would have to be many more herbivores than
carnivores, some to feed the carnivores, others to reproduce and
increase the population, so there are more herbivores to feed the
Next, not all of us were drawn to Tyrannosaurus by the Jurassic Park
film (though I can't say the same for the Spinosaur fans). I have been
a fan of dinosaurs (T. rex in particular) for as long as I can
remember, and I stil have the books and toys of them from when I was
Furthermore, Tyrannosaurus wasn't last century, he was last era (how
long ago do you think dinosaurs lived). And you say that Tyrannosaurus
is boring looking? I'm sure you'd think differently if you came face
to face with him. But the thing is, even if Tyrannosaurus was boring
looking, his whole purpose wasn't to look cool. He was specialized to
kill. Capable of out running any of those herbivores you mentioned and
able to exert a force from his jaws still unmatched by even sharks
today, I think Tyrannosaurus rex deserves al the respect we give him.
I may keep repeating these facts but it's because that people like you
just won't listen. And how do you know that no one else likes
herbivores? One of my favorite group of dinosaurs was the hadrosaurs.
When you look at the facts, the only idiot on this board is you,
from Skeptic,
age ?,
August 31, 2001
Okay, here's a few of the fights that
Kurt Angle would definitely lose, at least if he was in a REAL fight,
not in the ring.
Kurt Angle vs. Bruce Lee(in a sawmill):Kurt Angle tries a really
stupid wrestling move, which dosen't even work. Bruce Lee does one of
his chi punches, and knocks Kurt 20 feet into a wood cutting machine.
Bruce Lee in 5 seconds.
Kurt Angle vs. Jackie Chan(in a "Home Depot"):Kurt Angle jumps at
Jackie, but Jackie runs to a display of saw blades. Jackie grabs them
and throws them at Kurt. Kurt does a wierd little dance as he tries to
dodge the saw blades, and then Jackie Chan activates a chainsaw.
Jackie drops it and it goes across the floor toward Kurt. He tries to
run, stumbles, and falls on his face. Jackie, meanwhile, finds a bunch
of hammers, and he throws them, one by one, at Kurt's head. Most of
them hit, and Kurt is badly hurt. Jackie Chan.
Kurt Angle vs. Silverback Gorilla(in the jungle):Kurt gets close to
the gorilla, punches it, and is ripped in half. Silverback.
Kurt Angle vs. Utahraptor(anywhere):Kurt Angle gets close to the
utahraptor and tries to punch it, but the utahraptor dodges it. The
utahraptor disembowels Kurt and eats him. Utahraptor.
Kurt Angle vs. T-rex:Kurt wets his pants and tries to run away, but
T-rex easily catches up and bites him in half. T-rex.
from Super Mario,
age ?,
Mushroom Kingdom,
August 31, 2001
I will not tolerate you'r evil
deeds,Honkie Tong! (GO AWAY!)
from Sean S.,
age 13,
August 31, 2001
Honkie Tong,if you ever post another
picture like that,I will post a picture of Sue being nailed to a
cross! Believe me,you'r not going to be very happy.(If you don't clean
up you'r act,i'll do it!) Don't say I didn't warn you.
from doom and gloom,
age 13,
August 31, 2001
I've made up my mind.I don't like spiny at
all as much as I don't like spiny fans.
from Gloman,
age 2222222223,
August 31, 2001
"Gigantosaurus is the largest carnivore.
It grew to be 60 feet long, 35 feet tall, and was longer, stronger and
faster than T. Rex. Too bad T. Rex fans. A new king lives, long live
Gigantosaurus! Too bad it's reign didn't last very long, but it could
beat Spinosaurus or T. rex in a fight."
Sorry, but there are so many things wrong with this statement that I
don't even know where to start. First, Gigantosaurus wasn't 60 feet
long, he was only 42 feet long ( or 43, it's somwhere around there)
and I'm pretty sure it's not 35 feet tall, either. Nor was
Gigantosaurus wasn't faster than T. Rex. Some may claim that he is,
though, because Gigantosaurus is lighter, but those 8 tons on a
Tyrannosaur are realy muscle and teeth. T. Rex had incredibly muscular
legs which could help in, in short bursts, exceed 40 km/h, making him
faster than most dinosaurs of his time. Gigantosaurus' lighter legs,
however, were lightly built and weren't as muscular, most likely
making him slower than a Tyrrannosaur. As shown in this case, you
Spino and Gigo fans, lighter isn't always faster
I also doubt that Gigantosaurus' bite was stronger that T. Rex for two
reasons. T. rex had a bite harder than any other known living animal
today and his teeth were strong enough to crack bone. Gigantosaurus'
teeth, however were meant to cut flesh, so after Gigo bit his prey, he
could back off and let it bleed to death. If his teeth ever did
penetrate to the bone, they'd break.
Sorry, but you are completely wrong. You simply made up all those
facts. You're just one of those people who still accept T. Rex as a
scavenger than for the fearsome predator he really was. Maybe you
should join the Bob fanclub
from Skeptic,
age 13,
August 31, 2001
It is generally agreed that the proper
name for 'raptors is Dromaeosauridae. However, one of the alternate
cladograms on the Dinosauricon shows Dromaeosaurus not as closely
related to the traditional 'raptors, Deionychus and Velociraptor.
Does anyone know who supports this cladogram? I'm not sure where it
might be from. In the event that this becomes accepted and
Dromaeosaurus is separated from the Deinonychus group, what is the
name of the 'raptor family? My best suggestion: Archaeopterygidae.
from Brad,
age 14,
August 31, 2001
Hey Godzillasaurus, if the chart isn't
real then how is it going to shed light on anything? :)
from Brad,
age 14,
August 31, 2001
"(the overbite/receding chin
Hmm, I was starting out with some kind of Tyrannosaurid, hence the
overbite, but the meshsmooth went nuts and ta-ta-ta! Allosaurus
fragillis groofietus morph. Watch for more amazing Allosaurus
from Honkie Tong,
age 17,
August 31, 2001
from ADUR P.,
age 10,
August 31, 2001
Well I'm not firebird 2.0, my brother is.
He thinks he's better than me, so he's a "2.0". He's also a brainless
T.rex hater (not all of the T.rex haters are brainless, sometimes they
bring up some good points). He's out to prove that "raptors" (as he
calls them) are the best dinosaurs in the world, and they were
from firebird,
age ?,
August 31, 2001
I am just curious, but how on earth can
HHH even expect to inflict anything resembling even slight bodily harm
on T-Rex with his bare hands and nothing else? I doubt even a modern
day hippo would allow him to do anything resembling a bruise on it,
let alone a T-Rex. Prehaps the only thing HHH would do in this fight
is to provide a free lunch, with his body as the main
from Tom,
age ?,
August 31, 2001
Vince, used to be known as HHH or Ross
here, I'm afraid your points indicate a great flaw in the
understanding of how reality works.
"Even if he could somehow get a punch or kick in, Kurt wouldn't even
feel it."
This is extremely unlikely, Lee could actually put a L- shape bend
into a metal bar 2 inches thick. Unless Kurt can wistand Ostriches
kicking him, he's going to be in a world of hurt. Besides, martial
arts don't concentrate on simply striking the opponent, they
concentrate mainly on hiting him where he's the softest and weakest,
the eyes, neck, limb joints, pressure points, groin...
"Bruce Lee was just a movie-boy."
This is very untrue, he was actually a dedicated matrtial arts
exponent who happened to choose flim as a form of expressing his art.
Off screen, he was formidible. He wasn't an actor who could fight, he
was a fighter who could act. Of course, a simple movie boy would not
be able to do chi-punches which could injure opponents without even
touching them, kick 120 kilo punching bags thrown at him back three
meters, put a bend in wrought iron bars, kick faster than camera
shutter speeds, punch through 2-inch wood planes in a single blow, do
dropkicks that can propel people back twenty feet, do immobiblise
touches that could paralyze you by simply touching your acuipoints
lightly, and the most dangerous death touch, in which simply by
striking certain areas in the chest and neck rightly, would induce
immediate unconsciousness, followed by certain death if remedial
measures were not taken within two minutes, all this off camera and
unplugged, and not in the movies. Gee, this sounds
a lot like a movie boy. A ankle lock is a lot more dangerous.
Chances are, Kurt won't even know what hit him.
"Kurt actually went out and did something. Won a gold medal, amatuer
championships and the WWF title."
You must remember that back then, there wasn't even the WWF, and being
an asian, he was discriminated against back then and prevented by the
government from doing anything too much that would impact too greatly
on the wester worldview. Heck, there were no martial arts competitions
back then! Lee was the one to introduce matrial arts itself to the
states, and started the entire ball rolling. That is bigger than a
gold medal and a WWF title. He wasn't even american just for your
" I've never seen a martial artist beat a wrestler in a mixed martial
arts competition. Ever. Period. Enough said. "
If you do happen to see one martial artist beat a wrestle in a
competition, chances are, the wrestler would be seriously wounded or
dead. Martial arts are purely no-nonsense forms of combat that were
designed to kill. I mean training dicates if some guy tries to grapple
you with his arms, you usually have to do funny things to it and break
or dislocate it, something which you can't do in a competition. The
martial artists working in these competitions have to restrict
themselves heavily to less-violent moves, which involve a few kicks
and punches that are a not even a tenth of what they are capable off.
If they brought out the entire art, and I mean all joint-strikes and
acupi-point blows, eye gouge,finger breakers and so, your wrestler
would be lying on the floor convulsing from overfiring nerve synapses
and dislocated limbs. All a wrestler has to do is to pin the guy down,
ohh, hard. If you are talking about the REAL world outside the wide
world of sports, world of hurt for
the wrestler.
"He's know for being able to take ungodly amounts of punishment. he
once tore his quad (the big muscle in your leg) and still finished the
match... including giving wrestler Chris Jericho a pedigree. the tear
was later discovered to be 12 inches long! "
That reminds me, the injury was steroid abuse related. Gee, some hero
you got there... and aren't you trying to argue that he could beat
T-Rex? How just how can he survive getting half of his torso bitten
off? A 12-inch tear is a nick by compairism.
from Tom,
age ?,
August 31, 2001
(This post actually has the topic of
dinosaurs in it)
I used to learn wrestling and also martial arts like Akido. And from
my prespective on these two methods of fighting, I can tell you the
matrial artist will edge out a true wrestler in any real,
no-holds-barred fight. I am a big wrestling fan, and stop insulting
WWF! But I will be honest, actually, when it comes to REAL fighting
ability, your record in the ring don't mean a thing.
I don't know that much about Bruce, but I do know enough to know that
he is the hero of the asian people. It was him that broke down racial
prejudices against asians in america by his special way of
communication, and he dedicated his life to helping people, not
proving he was the best. He was humble, and most importantly of all,
did not believe in having to hurt others in order to win. That's why
you don't see the good or best martial artists fight in the ring at
all, it's severly discouraged by their disipline. Even martial artists
in the ring have to limit themselves from doing most of their moves,
for if they actually went all out, the results would be fatal. The
intention of martial arts was not strictly not for display, but it was
actually a method of killing other humans as quickly and brutally as
possible. It's hardly something that you can really display all out in
a ring, not unless you want to go postal and kill your opponent. The
ring is after all, simply an area of ritualized combat with rules to avoid serious injury to the people
taking part. But in a backalley and when anything goes, the martial
artist will be going all out to kill his opponent, and that is very
bad if the opponent has no such training in non-ritualized combat.
Wrestling is a form of ritualized combat and contest, designed to
mimize damage to both sides, but martial arts were designed to apply
in situtation where you have, as a last resort, to really hurt people.
To find out how this applies, lets put this to a fight between Bruce
and Kurt Angle in a ring. Firstly, this fight is unlikely as Bruce is
not the type to fight simply for a contest. But Kurt will almost
certianly win as Bruce will not be allowed to hurt him, as this is
just a game. He can't go all out to kill, and he is severly limited by
that. So Kurt Angle could pin him down and win the fight, and Bruce
cannot do anything for the move he would have used in that situtation
will kill his opponent. Kurt Angle excelled at a sport, and he would
beat Bruce at that, but when it comes to killing, Bruce will have a
massive advantage.
But lets say the two are fighting to kill, that will be a very bad
thing for Kurt. Bruce can kick faster than the eye can see and he can
actually propel 300 pounds with a kick 8 feet back. This is not the
slow way you move a weight by a bench press, but the rapid way you
move a mass via a kick. Such a powerful and fast kick will actually
propel 250 pound Kurt back without even him having a chance to block
or catch the incoming foot, (Bruce kicks two times faster than the
typical human reaction time of 20 milliseconds). If the kick landed on
a limb, like an arm or a leg, it would be certainly broken. Worse,
Bruce can not only kick, he can kick were he wants to. Which in this
case would be aimed for the neck or some area that would kill
instantly, going by the force of the kick. And that's just the
kicking. He had other styles that would kill a human instantly and
rapidly. That's the reason why he refuses to fight unless it was
absolutely necessary, he can easily kill and he knows that. And sheer strenght and brute force can be a drawback if the
person is untrained. Aikido, which is a soft martial art, actually
focuses mainly on turning your opponent's strength and brute force
against himself via a clever use of physics. The stronger the
oppoenent is, the more he hurts himself. So thought Kurt Angle may be
immenesly strong and powerful, it could be a disadvantage towards him
when he faces of against a person eqquiped with Aikido. From what I
know, Bruce's style also involved some Aikido, so this would negate
Kurt Angle's advantages in strength or speed. Silat (Which Honkie
mentioned) also uses this to an extent, it was a matrial art designed
specifically for taking down opponents much larger and more powerful
than you, but I believe Silat is more dirty as it was a pure, no-show
martial skill that involved the use of weapons. Kurt Angle is out of
his turf when it comes to killing, he could snap a neck or beat
someone to death if he wanted with his brute force, but when he's up against people who are specifially trained
to kill with their bodies, he's going to be in big trouble. How can he
grapple after all? When both of his arms are broken by a vicious twist
move than worked on thwe elbow joint? That's a move you can't do in a
wrestling ring, but when it comes to a real fight, you could do it,
and that's what matters. And I think Kurt Angle knows this. He is a
warrior of the ring, an area of ritualized combat. Bruce was a warrior
of low-down, bottom-line, no-holds-barred, hit-below-the-belt combat.
If there are no rules involved, like in a real fight, Kurt Angle will
lose, or worse, be killed.
On HHH vs. T.Rex. I like HHH, and I think he'll kick the Rocks' butt.
But isn't a 14,000 pound T.Rex too much for HHH? It's rather stupid to
say that HHH would have an advantage against T.Rex because he could
benchpress 400 pounds and had stronger arms. Firstly this is not true
as T.Rex arms are powerfully muscled and could lift more than 600
pounds, easily, and secondly, T.Rex didn't attack with his arms at
all! And the idea that he was a scavenger and would not know how to
handle agression is also pretty moot, for the idea that T.Rex is a
scavenger is certianly wrong, and even so, he would be a wild animal
and would be extremely dangerous when provoked! Even vultures will be
extremely vicious and mean when you disturb them! (I saw a clip of
them attacking and seriously wounding a jackal when it tried to steal
their scavenge) T.Rex agression has also been proven by finding
injuries caused by fierce fights between T.Rexes, whatever it was,
T.Rex was a very dangerous animal! Heck, just about any big wild animal is dangerous.
And I come to my next point, lets be realistic here, if he's engaging
T.Rex unarmed, how the heck is he going to hurt the T.Rex? Could be
punch it? Could he kick it? Sure, but how much is that actually going
to hurt an 6-ton animal? Just go to the zoo and see if you can knock
out an elehant with a punch. In fact, the T.Rex is just so big and
massive that HHH or Kurt Angle or any human on his planet could strike
away at him all day and not make an impression. Heck, the max HHH
could bench press was what? 600 pounds? But how is that even going to
bluge the 14,000 pound T.Rex an inch? Could be pedrigee the T.Rex? How
can he choke-slam or do any of those cool moves on such an massive
animal? On the other hand, I can easily imagine how T.Rex could hurt
HHH badly. T.Rex could sideswipe him, ram him, kick him, step on him,
or bite him, all of which HHH is not going to survive even one hit.
Please, HHH is unbeatable facing humans, but not a T.Rex, the ultimate
land carnivore. Could HHH lose a hand-to-hand fight to a small lab rat? No? Same way T.Rex is
not going lose an unarmed combat fight with HHH. Plezzee, T.Rex was
the HHH/Bruce Lee/Huang Fei Hong (whoever that is)/Mr Badass of the
dinosaur world.
Ok, let's leave T.Rex out of the picture. Could HHH or Kurt Angle even
win a unarmed fight against a Silverback Gorilla? Trained Silverbacks
can easily lift 1,300 pounds, yes lift, not bench press slowly but
lift it up easily. And these are just the medium sized ones. Can HHH
or Kurt Angle even beat your typical Silverback, let alone the best? I
think not. Let alone a 14,000 pound Tyrannosaurus rex. I'm a big fan
of these wrestler cooldudes, but please don't make them look lame by
pitting them against something way out of their league. And this
happens to be Dinosaur talk, why don't you carry your statements to
from Jasee H.,
age 19,
August 31, 2001
"I got a question, is dilophasaurus really
poisoness or do we not know and guess?"
So far, in all dilophosaurus remains dug up, there have been no signs
that this creature could actually spit venom at it's prey. There are
also no signs of where the dilophasaur could have stored such a thing.
Although it is possible that one day an exceptional Dilophasuar may be
found with remains and/or marks of poison coming from it, I think this
is incredibly unlikely. The Jurassic Park 3 writers just wanted to
spice up this average sized theropod, and make it more scary than it
really was.
from Skeptic,
age ?,
August 31, 2001
Hello everyone, after reading all your
facts about these dinosaurs, I can see that only a few people are true
to dinosaurs. Well to first start off, what kind of paleontology is
this. Spinosaurus this, T-Rex that, don't get me wrong, T-Rex is my
fave dino, and Spinosaurus is a unique and awe dino as well. It seems
to me, we've become more like a mob than trying to get actual real
facts about these dinos. T-Rex and Spinosaurus never met eachother, we
should just put it at that. In JP3, they made Spinosaurus extremely
huge, and also the director himself said that they needed to make
Spinosaurus bigger so he could look more ferocious than the T-Rex,
mainly because they say they had overused the T-Rex in the last two
movies. More over, JP3 is NOT and I repeat NOT real facts.
Dilophosaurus<---did I spell that right? did not puke poision out of
its mouth. Velociraptors are not six ft tall...and most of all, this
is no Es La Sorna island, site B in
there world with dinosaurs roaming around because John Hammil and
InGen that they could tame them. So please, lets stop the bickering
and get on with real facts about the dinosaurs, thank you for your
from Dinosaur fan,
age 19,
Green Bay,
August 31, 2001
Hey everyone, I've been gone for a while,
but I've gotta tell you.. This board has become pretty hillarious in
my absence. Now with that said, where to begin...
To the Triple H groupie, personally I never had much respect for the
guy, (or any other wrestler for that matter) but he showed everyone
that he at least has guts after finishing a match against Jericho with
a tron calf muscle. Which is the only real accomplishment that wasn't
obviously scripted out that I've seen ever take place in the WWF. But
get serious.. Triple H beating a T-Rex? Come on now.. That's
boardering on insanity. It would be like a demented T-Rex groupie
saying T-Rex could beat a Battleship. (Even thought it has been proven
in an earlier thread that T-Rex could destroy the Death Star. heh,
j/k. Anyone catch the T-Rex Vs. Darth Vader scene from Indian in the
What in the world could a wrestler even DO to a six ton plus animal?
Stick it in the eye? Triple H is an entertainer, and possibly (I say
possibly because I personally know of no proof) that he is a somewhat
adept athelte. But literally, what could he DO to a T-Rex? And no,
high knee, pedigree, or any other wrestling move isn't even really an
option. The only result that could come from even a well built human
knee slamming into a T-Rex with any kind of decent force is the knee
breaking apart. (I give triple H credit, but his legs aren't the best
in the buisness.. Look at how easily he was injured when he simply
performed a move incorecctly.)
As for the Pedigree.. forget about it. If he could even jump some
twenty plus feet in the air (if he could he would be a basketball
player instead and make way more money) to reach T-Rex's head, do you
honestly think he could force it towards the ground? If faced even
with a four ton, crazed African elephant, the Game would do what any
other SANE human being would do. And that's run for his life as fast
as his legs will carry him.
Now, moving onto some things that aren't absolutely ludicrous to even
discuss... I found the Spinosaurus story written by Bob earlier to be
fairly laughable. I fail to see how people not only continue to insist
on incorecct jaw strengths for Spinosaurus, but also fail to realize
that a T-Rex bite will destroy a Spinosaurus. (And any other living
thing that was unlucky enough to receive one of these on flesh) You
would think that by now they would learn to stop letting T-Rex get in
bites. First Velociraptor, then Spinosaurus, then Giganotosaurus.. And
now even Triple H? Ugh.. Who will be next? Steve Irwin?
from Usen,
age 20,
August 31, 2001
I haven't read what you guys have wrote,
but I love DINOSAURS. Jurassic Park is awesome...I personally like
the velociraptor, utharaptorcrab,dilophosaurus, and many more! I have
3 hermit crabs ones Hammond, ones Muldoon and the last is utharaptor
crab, i got a question, is the dilophosaurus really posoiness, or do
we not know and guess??
from Angela,
age 11,
August 30, 2001
Can't you do anything,productive,Honkie
from Sean S.,
age 13,
August 30, 2001
J.C.,you sound like you've gone pro
t.rex,on me.(Whats up?)
from Sean S.,
age 13,
August 30, 2001
I have no idea what you're talking about. JC
I agree Will. I almost left this board
because of the content recently...can we PLEASE get off the
from Chandler,
age ?,
August 30, 2001
Hmmm, Bruce Lee vs the worlds greatest
freestyle wrestler and gold medalist Kurt Angle.... Lee wouldn't have
a chance. He'd be screaming in pain from an ankle-lock in 2 seconds.
Even if he could somehow get a punch or kick in, Kurt wouldn't even
feel it. Bruce Lee was just a movie-boy. Kurt actually went out and
did something. Won a gold medal, amatuer championships and the WWF
I've never seen a martial artist beat a wrestler in a mixed martial
arts competition. Ever. Period. Enough said.
And HHH could probaly beat Angle. He's not as quick but he's far
stronger (he has a bench press of 700 pounds.... the world record is
800 and something) and has a whole arsenal of moves. He is a multiple
time amatuer wrestling champ, the pinical of "real" wrestling, in
additon to multiple time WWF champ. He's know for being able to take
ungodly amounts of punishment. he once tore his quad (the big muscle
in your leg) and still finished the match... including giving wrestler
Chris Jericho a pedigree. the tear was later discovered to be 12
inches long! the doctor said 99.9% of the population would pass out
from such pain. HHH is the game. straight up.
http://www.triplehgalleries.com/gallery17-3.jpg (the devasting
from Vince,
age ?,
August 30, 2001
This is NOT real but it could shed some
light on this "T-rex was the Smartest Carnosaur.": IQ CHART: 1.0 2.0
3.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
O T H E R D I N OIQ:1.0-4.0
NO. Utahraptors are not that smart. It's really a chart for a
DinoFanFic called "Mesozioc Park."
P.S: What is the largest Dromisaur?
from Godzillasaurus,
age 9,
August 30, 2001
I'm sick and tired of this arguing. As far
as I'm concerned,
T-rex, Spinosaurus, Giganotosaurus etc were all powerful animals.
I have seen Jurassic park 3 and the first one and the lost world,
and they were all cool. My favourite bit in JP3 was when a hunter
walked into the woods and a muinite later he came screaming out with a
wound on his arm and he was shouting at a plane that was about to take
off,and he telling it to stop. And then at the last muinite the
Spinosaurus stormed out of the woods and picked up the guy in his
mouth. It was very impressive. I'm a big fan of Dinosaurs, ever since
I was 7 years old.
from Will,
age 13,
United kingdom;
August 30, 2001
Fantastic! Kurt Angle is EXACTLY the type
of guy Bruce was best at beating: The overbuilt, overconfident, slow
prey. Bruce in 1.25 seconds.
from ?,
age ?,
August 30, 2001
And I suggest you do your research before dismissing Bruce Lee, (which is I notice, his refrence to small puny people is actually a veiled racist refrence to the asian people)as a overrated, tiny, movie boy who could kick his little legs for the camera really fast. Why? Well you are obviously very unfamilar with what he could really do.
If you want to get under the skin of a Chinese guy, you're not going to shout out, "Hey Mister HHH!" You're going to shout out, "Hey Bruce Lee!" Is it because Bruce Lee was slower than HHH? No. Is it because Bruce Lee wasn't as good a fighter as HHH? No. Is it because Bruce Lee lost the role of Caine in Kung Fu to a guy that isn't even Chinese? No.
If you want to get under the skin of a Chinese guy, you're going to shout out, "Hey Bruce Lee!" because Bruce Lee has no sense of humor. The guy with no sense of humor will make sillier noises as he kicks your ass. Match goes to Lee.
It's mean streets if you're a Chinese guy named Bruce with no sense of humor.
Guys, let us be honest here and look at the facts. Yes HHH is one of the most fighting entertainers in the world and can really make impressive predigree moves look painful when they are actually quite harmless like no one else in movies today. To learn this we just have to watch the behind-the-scenes look at his pratice rigs with his friends (Who happen to become his "hated" opponent in the rings). But is all truth, the match would go to Bruce Lee. To prove this, I will state facts.
Fact: Bruce could punch and kick faster than the shutter speed of a motion picture camera. The camera speed is 24 frames of film per second. Bruce could literaly strike an opponent 'between' frames of film. Directors were constently telling him to slow down. Even when the filmed his attacks in slow motion, his body was a blur of motion and power.
Fact: Bruce could strike an opponent with a power that acknowleged martial arts masters such as Grandmaster Pan Ching Fu and Sifu Shi Youn Ming. can not match (and Pan is known as the Iron fist). Jujitsu Grandmaster Wally Jay attested to watching Bruce, from a standing position,kick a 300 pound body bag into a celling 7 to 8 ft off the ground (Remember that Bruce was only 5ft 4in and weighed about 135 pounds. Secondly, Bruce's hit's were so powerful that the actualy sent shockwaves though the water found in the human body (humans bodies contain close to 75% water). Put simply, the body would collapse.
Fact: Bruce is also, to date, the only one to successfully pull off the most coolest, badass fighting move known in all time: The One-Inch Punch. By summoning up chi energy in his fist, Bruce was able to blast his opponent across the room by just hitting him from a distance of ONE INCH! Let me illustrate this:
Bruce Lee's Fist |--One Inch--| Target And Bruce blew him away!!! That guy on the recieving end was a a judo expert heavier than Bruce, flew backwards, hit a wall and fall down NOTE: This was NOT in a movie, this was in a fighting exposition.
Fact: Unless his life or that of his family was threated, Bruce would rarely fight. Rather he would talk or joke his way out of a fight. He would often stop an opponent that was trying to attack him by pointing out any mistakes he made in their attack and would show them how to do it properly. How does this help? Unlike certain people who get into bar fights and then get beaten, this shows our character here takes life seriously and is not too humble to keep his powers under restraint. True masters have powerful disipline.
Was Bruce Lee unbeatable? Bruce himself would have told that he was far from the perfect fighter and that he could be beaten. But in this case, and I am positive that HHH would agree, the match would go to the Dragon.
As for Jacky Chan, he wasn't all that a great martial artist, he was after all, just a stunt man, abbet, a very clever one, be able to use anything, and I mean anything found in the urban enviroment as a weapon. If this match had taken place in a hardware store or a backalley cluttered with junk I'd have gone with Jackie Chan. Only MacGyver is more dangerous in a hardware store than him and that's because he could be a nuclear arsenal in there. In that case, HHH will find him arms constantly trapped within the rugs of a cleverly thrown and placed ladder or some tangley piece of furniture, himself slipping on marbles on the floor, dodging flying paincans launched by hardcover books, find himself constantly fustrated behind a chair that is kept being kicked in front of him, wondering why the heck he is juggling glass bottles of thinner, finding it extremely hard to grapple Chan due to expert hand work with a flimsly stool, finding himself constantly bonked on the head when he is tricked into chasing Chan into something hard and unrelenting, stepping on nails, dodging improvised chainsaws (which are actually hacksaw blades running on the motor of the convient lathe), trying to get expertly trust newspapers out of his eyes, tripping on a broomstick that was somehow wedged between his limbs and so on and so forth. He won't even have the time to grapple.
And if you are still stubbornly believing that HHH can even have a wisper of hope in prevailing, I give you three words to destroy your case: Huang Fei Hong.
Don't know him? No wonder you like HHH.
What's all this junk about some HHH guy
beating a Tyrannosaurus Rex in a one on one? Come on, how absurd is
that. Maybe he wasn't beaten up in a bar fight, but what would HHH do
to T. Rex? Kick him in the leg? Step on one of his toes? And you
expect T. Rex to pass out from a little bruise? The thing is, HHH
would be swallowed whole before he could get close enough to T. Rex.
He wouldn't even have to chew.
from Skeptic,
age ?,
August 30, 2001
the real deal. bruce lee wouldn't last 2
seconds against angle ha ha
WWF rules!
from ?,
age ?,
August 30, 2001
Ha Ha. Ross rules. He showed you people that have been monopolizing the board with all the T.Rex garbage. For all of you that don't know, the UFC is "real" fighting were boxers
take on sumo who take on martial artists who take on wrestlers etc.
etc. You can rent them in any Blockbuster. And yes, wrestlers always
win while the "martial artists" do rather poorly. Whill the outcome of
WWF matches are indeed "fake" the skills those wrestlers have are
very, very real. Kurt Angle won the Olympic Gold Medal in freestyle
wrestling while HHH is a national champ. Either would wipe the floor
with the tiny Bruce Lee who was about 5 feet tall and 150 pounds and
jumped around and kicked for movie cameras. Ha Ha Ha.
The perpetuation of the lie that HHH was in some bar fight shows how
desperate T.Rex fans are. That is total fabrication. I would like for
a T.Rex fan to post ONE news link that confirms this. But it won't
happen as it is a lie. Or maybe T.Rex fans are so dim-witted as to
confuse "HBK" with "HHH" ? They're dimwitted enough to like a big
buzzard. Just like all the "facts" to "show" how T.Rex would beat
Spino etc. are all made up, it's laughbale. T.Rex fans are a joke in
the dino community. All they do is lie to help support the big
Bruce Lee = a overrated, tiny, movie boy who could kick his little
legs for the camera really fast. he could jump too. wow.
Jackie Chan = same as above
Kurt Angle = an Olymipc gold medalist who beat the worlds best
HHH = National amatuer champ, undefeated in the NCCA's
Ken Shamrock = the "worlds most dengerous man", UFC champion
summary.... WFF rules while tiny little martial artists get blown away
by size, strength and speed grpplers like Kurt Angle and HHH. Ha Ha
Honkie Tong, you are the worst T.Rex homer here. All of you guys
should start up your own "T.Rex Only" site. And what in the devil are
you talking about? Oooooo.... that sounds sooooo bad. Ha Ha. Actually
it was sorta funny. Like I said, go rent any mixed martial arts
competition video or PPV and see how the wrestlers fare.... they
DOMINATE. "Small and graceful", huh? Um, ok. That'll be useful when
you're tapping out to a ankle-lock or a arm-bar. Size does matter
dude, sorry. That's just life. Only good strikers (e.g. boxers) have
done well against wrestlers... when getting a lucky shot in. But an
experienced wrestler will take an opponet to the ground immeditly
where it will be all over in a matter of seconds.
I suggest people stop talking about things they have no clue about.
Want to see what happens when equally high skilled fighters of all
disciplines get it on? Rent any UFC or other mixed competition. It's
not that hard. Seeing for yourselves should hopefully mean alot more
than listening to some people babble on a message board.
Honkie, I enjoyed the "small and graceful" thing... very amusing. It
made me think of Royce Gracie... the world-reknown jiu-jitsu master
and king of the "small and graceful" camp. He was UFC champ for a
while, until he met his first real grappler by the name of Ken
Shamrock (now in the WWF and still a MMA competitor) who wiped the
floor with him. Gracie has since lost to several other grapplers he's
faced. The UFC soon became domianted by grapplers. Ken Shamrock, by
the way, has been beat several times by HHH in MMA compitetions.
And I laugh when uneducated non-sport, non-MMA fans dis the WWF... Ken
Shamrock has beat every major martial artist there is to beat, yet in
the WWF he's only about #5. Kurt Angle being probably the baddest
legit fighter in the WWF, then HHH, Al Snow, Rob Van Dam, then Ken
The aquired highley developed skills of Shamrock and HHH are so much
more impresssive than the smelling ability and armlessness of the
overgrown buzzard T.Rex. I guess it's just sour grapes, huh.
I guess T.Rex fans will continue to make up lies to support their
giant scavenger, while people actually looking for truth will seek it
out. Not much changes.
from Lane,
age ?,
August 30, 2001
I'm no T-Rex honco, but I can tell you
that HHH, and WWF in general, are stupid and lame. To all fanatical
wrestling fans, get a life and go admire something that can really
cause damage, like a bulldozer, not some guy good at acting along with
his friends to do faked stunts to dazzle morons who watch and enourage
them to try it FOR REAL on their own friends. At least T-Rex honcos
like something that can actually cause some serious harm. HHH? It's
not Hunter Hearst Helmsley, but rather Har Har Har, lameeeeeeee...
I really dislike the bugger, they put his lame-butt programmes on my
homecoming flights. I hope someday he ends up like Owen Heart but
dosen't die, instead staying alive but unable to hurt even a kid again
to remind all his lame fans that wrestling is fake, getting hurt from
a REAL fall is not.
Down with HHH, down with wrestling...
from Lucky,
age ?,
August 30, 2001
An Englander's point of view.
Ross, I'm not sure about you, but you are talking to an ASIAN bloke
who lives in asia (about as asian as a bloke can get) about
hand-to-hand combat, and the creators and masters of hand-to-hand
combat are after all, still asians, we cauasians only adopted their
style for entertainment after we saw Bruce Lee, who would have easily
and truly kicked the arse of any World Wrestling Federation star for
real anytime anywhere if he was still alive (including the three Hs).
Grappeling seems to me a very primitive, and american way of attacking
between poorly trained people, and it is certainly a poor method to
employ against a fast-moving opponent going for your pressure points.
I shamefully admit this as I used to be a bully in school two years
ago who liked to "grapple" people until this lad a good one stone
lighter and a full head shorter than me trounced me good and proper
after I decided to lay on his friend. And that guy was asian. Right,
this isn't exactly the material I would
like to display here, but no matter, I shall make my stand clear
"Don't pick on others weaker than you or you might get yer arse
kicked." But I'm a changed person now. Have respect for asians when it
comes to plummeling arse with bare hands.
Dear Ross, you seem to equate fighting prowess to the track record of
the subject in professional wrestling. Which I say is a very poor way
of judging indeed, as we all know wrestling is more rigged than a
spanish galleon. All of the fights are prefixed and the losers and
winners have been determined. Your Mr. HHH wins only because the
writer's quill keeps him winning, not on any part of his actual
ability. No wonder he got his arse plummled while drinking in a pub.
Pub fights, unlike wrestling, are real. When it comes to some
backalley, and its the bloke with the iron bar who wants your kidney
out, all the bets are off and you won't survive simply by your
wrestling moves (which are as fake as wooden pennies), but by showing
that bloke you really trounce his butt by twisting his arm into
painful positions and stuffing it up his...(deleted)
Before you start on your barrage of all-so-typical mindless american
big bully insults, I'd like you to be aware of the fact that my
special dinosaur is not Tyrannosaurus, but rather the english
Iguanadon. I do not make my stand based on what lizard I like, but
rather from the intellectual standpoint. Triple H would not prevail
against Tyrannosaurus, rather, he would be horribly slain. And all the
steriods he is abusing (I don't respect him for that part) would be of
little help.
On that note, before more americans jump on Fransis (Honkie) based on
Mr. Rosses' insults, I'd like to make it rather clear here that
despite the fact I have no affilications with him or Tyrannosaurus
whatsoever, Mr.Ross', Mr. Jason's, Mr. Joes and Mr. Sean's statements
about Honkie and Trannosaurus admirers in general denouncing them as
immature, ignorant laddies are simply not true. From the point of an
outsider such as myself, I see no basis in these statements. What the
Tyrannosaurus admirers, and Honkie in general, have done, are to
defeat their opponent's arguments, points rather intelligently, which
is not something I can say for Sean and company. If anything, these
untrue statements only seem to stem from a great resentment against
the fact that they have been intelligently and truly defeated, for
everybody to see. And as of so, they are hurling untrue and false
accusations against the Tyrannosaurus admirers. Now listen up, the
laddies who are doing this. Simply because the Tyrannosaurus lads made you upset by defeating you fairly and
squarely, being upset is no reason the react in your all so american
way of hurling immature insults back. Be a mature gentleman, accept
your defeat with dignity, and come up an argument only when you are
sure it is good. Now, the Tyrannosaurus admirers are not all saints as
we can see, but they are a tad' lot more mature and dignified than
you, not to mention growing even more confident in their case as they
watch you respond unintelligently and immaturely. Please learn to
accept defeat with dignity and learn from it, instead of being
consumed by it and creating a ludicrous situtation for us all by
insisting on insulting and brawling your way out, in the vain hope you
can somehow make your opponent's victory less by making things
unpleasant for him. Please, do think of something more mature to do.
I really pity Paul Michael Levesque for having such immature and weak
minded admirers. But birds of a feather flock together, I wonder what
that means...
For Jason, I do agree that the Tyrannosaurus admirers insulted you.
But I have to be honest with you. I have the distasteful task of
informing you that you have missed out the obvious fact they not only
managed to insult you, but also literally destroyed your arguments
throughly. Yes, even an outsider like me can see that you have been
defeated decisively.
Finally, before I get jumped on for supporting the much-maligned
Tyrannosaurus people here, I'd like to say I have no links with them
what so ever but am simply stating my point of view and my
observations as an outside observer to this melee. I've looked through
the eariler messages and have noted that there have been quite a
number of outside observers who are agreeing with the Tyrannosaurus
admirers. Apparently my point of view that the Tyrannosaurus lads are
the superior debaters and the champions of this rather uncalled for
argument is not shared by me alone. The only reason this argument
seems to persists is due to the all too american habit of fearing to
lose "face" if they admitted they were wrong. It's sad, no wonder
americans are mostly so bull-headed and that attitude has gotten them
kicked out of the UN Humans Rights Concil. I hope you yanks come to
terms with the fact that you lost and make life a little more bearable
for everybody. The Tyrannosaurus admirers are
not going to stop, and should not, for they have argued their case
well and throughly, convinced people not even involved. That's
impressive if you aske me. And they shouldn't compromise the truth and
facts simply because some person on a repeated-losing streak like Sean
feels upset that they are winning. You are the winners lads, carry on
with my fullest support. Cheeros. Now, I better take a bath, I do
smell quite ripe.
from Peter S.,
age 15,
August 30, 2001
Honkie Tong, you are the worst T.Rex homer here. All of you guys should start up your own "T.Rex Only" site. And
what in the devil are you talking about? Oooooo.... that sounds sooooo
bad. Ha Ha. Actually it was sorta funny. Like I said, go rent any
mixed martial arts competition video or PPV and see how the wrestlers
fare.... they DOMINATE. "Small and graceful", huh? Um, ok. That'll be
useful when you're tapping out to a ankle-lock or a arm-bar. Size does
matter dude, sorry. That's just life. Only good strikers (e.g. boxers)
have done well against wrestlers... when getting a lucky shot in. But
an experienced wrestler will take an opponet to the ground immeditly
where it will be all over in a matter of seconds.
I suggest people stop talking about things they have no clue about.
Want to see what happens when equally high skilled fighters of all
disciplines get it on? Rent any UFC or other mixed competition. It's
not that hard. Seeing for yourselves should hopefully mean alot more
than listening to some people babble on a message board.
Honkie, I enjoyed the "small and graceful" thing... very amusing. It
made me think of Royce Gracie... the world-reknown jiu-jitsu master
and king of the "small and graceful" camp. He was UFC champ for a
while, until he met his first real grappler by the name of Ken
Shamrock (now in the WWF and still a MMA competitor) who wiped the
floor with him. Gracie has since lost to several other grapplers he's
faced. The UFC soon became domianted by grapplers. Ken Shamrock, by
the way, has been beat several times by HHH in MMA compitetions.
And I laugh when uneducated non-sport, non-MMA fans dis the WWF... Ken
Shamrock has beat every major martial artist there is to beat, yet in
the WWF he's only about #5. Kurt Angle being probably the baddest
legit fighter in the WWF, then HHH, Al Snow, Rob Van Dam, then Ken
The aquired highley developed skills of Shamrock and HHH are so much
more impresssive than the smelling ability and armlessness of the
overgrown buzzard T.Rex. I guess it's just sour grapes, huh.
I guess T.Rex fans will continue to make up lies to support their
giant scavenger, while people actually looking for truth will seek it
out. Not much changes.
from Ross,
age ?,
August 30, 2001
JC,What Is Your Favorate
from euoplacephulas,
age 8,
August 29, 2001
Stegosaurus. JC
J.C.,did you see that cruel picture,Honkie
Tong drew? Get him off the fanpic page! (Rude pictures,should be
considered taboo subjects.)
from Sean S.,
age 13,
August 29, 2001
The Allosaurus? I liked it (the overbite/receding chin notwithstanding). JC
Its true t.rex could beat giganotosaurus.
(But I wouldn't go as far,as you!) Even if t.rex could beat
giganotosaurus,giganotosaurus could also beat t.rex! Leonard,all this
stuff you say,that you call "fact",is obviously a desperate attempt to
put you'r beloved king,back on the throne.(How many times,do I have to
tell you,"Bill Clinton doesn't work,in the White House,anymore"!)
You're not debunking anyone,you're just defending you'r "favorite
dinosaur".(That is all.)(I can feel the sweat,coming off you'r
hands,right now!) Maybe Brad and Jason,have more interesting things to
discuss,than "giganotosaurus vs. t.rex".
from voltronic(Guess who's back!),
age 13,
August 29, 2001
"Anyone with ANY knowledge of the sport of wrestling, or sport in general, knows that a legit wrestler like HHH
(national amatuer champ) or Kurt Angle (national amatuer and Olympic
heavyweight champ) would destroy any fighter profecient in martial
arts or boxing etc., much less some ordinary joe in a bar. This is
laughable. Rent a UFC mixed martial arts competion tape to see what I
mean. Wrestlers are the ultimate street fighters. Even other WWF
wrestlers like Al Snow, Rob Van Dam etc. could wipe the floor with
martial arts or boxing competitors. Grappling skills rule. Period."
I choose to disagree. Grappling skills work on an untrained opponent.
But I could easily find a way to actually hurt HHH bad if he tries to
grapple me, mainly with Djurus number twelve. Sorry, we asians, being
smaller and more gracile, fight smart, not hard. Why pound your
opponent to a pulp when you can block the flow of blood, mess with his
pressure points, disable vital organs and disrupt his bioelectric
chemistry with a few light touches? It's easier and less messy. Though
if you gave me a pair of keranmits or lawi dalam, things would get
really messy, all the major arteries are fairly close to the skin's
surface. Carotids,antecubitals, femorals, popliteals. These will reach
all of those. Cut out a big artery and you bleed out pretty quick if
you don't do something...Kill you quicker than not breathing air, and
blood is a lot harder to replace than air.
But why do that when you can make him cry simply by using the
from Honkie Tong,
age 17,
August 29, 2001
"I don't see the advantage with arms that
are too small to be useful."
You know Jason, I like your style. You're posting too many idiotic
statements to make the anti-TREX peeps here look bad.
from Guile,
age 19,
August 29, 2001
"I don't see the advantage with arms that
are too small to be useful."
Sure, that are a LOT of advantages. It could free up weight and space
for mounting a heavier and more powerful jaw or head expecially if you
are a low-slung bipedial. It could free up body mass for investing in
other areas, like the limbs, or the neck, to make you a more effective
predator. It reduces one more area in which you can sustain a bad
injury in a fight and so on...
As you can see, there are many reasons why MOST animals for that
matter don't need arms, and the ones who do have arms don't seem to be
doing any better or worse than them. It's like having head hair. There
is no precieved disadvantage or advantage in having or not haiving
head hair in humans, it really depends on how the person compensates
for it. Unless there was some selective pressure or advantage to have
arms, most animals do pretty find without them. And it certainly
dosen't seem to provide them with a great advantage in hunting.
Granted, some predators who don't use arms may be even higher up on
the food chain.
In Tyrannosaurus' case, there WAS evolutionary selective pressure to
have his arms discarded. In other case, there actually was an clear
advantage in haivng smaller arms so much so that Tyrannosaurids who
had smaller arms actually had an advantage to survival compaired to
the longer-armed dinosaurs. So I could say fairly, in other words,
that there is an advantage in Tyrannosaurus' case, not to have arms.
And its apparent Tyrannosaurus did better than longer-armed predators
like the Allosaurids and even the raptors and replaced them. So much
for all the fuss over the arms. If anything, the lack of arms seemed
to make Tyrannosaurus an even more effective predator than having long
and strong arms would. One can hardly argue that our lack of natural
weapons is actually a handicap for us humans when it comes to killing
other animals.
from Honkie Tong,
age 17,
August 29, 2001
Egar, you can stop using different nicks,
we all know, thanks.
from Honkie Tong,
age 17,
August 29, 2001
"Then we'll see who's wetting themselves.
Of course, I'm sure you could beat it one on one, killing it simply by
"using your mind"."
I think what John was refering to was that Human beings kill by using
our minds to outsmart and kill prey many times our size. While other
animals rely on brute force and their natural weapons, we humans have
very little of such (though admittedly we are quite robust and agile
for a typical 70-kilo animal), but we have learnt to overcome this by
more than enough by using our powerful brains. Either by setting
traps, inventing weapons or cooperating to kill. In either case,
you'll notice that its all pretty much from the mind. We invent, trick
and outsmart our prey, we do not tear them apart with our arms or
16-inch nails. No, all our derived methods of killing (save for
matrial arts) are based on our exceptional inventions and innovation,
something that is not found in other species. We kill with our minds.
So it is possible to defeat Spinosaurus one-on-one using my mind.
Using my mind I would dig a pitfall trap, put some bait on it and wait
with a healthy supply of LAW-72s (which happens to be a end-product of
our mind's creative thinking) just in case. Either case, the
Spinosaurus would be at a severe disadvantage. Oh, I could meet him
with that Abrams tank too.
"John, I'd like to see how you'd like it if a Spinosaur ripped of your
face. "
I don't think any animal would like it. But then again, I think John
was poking fun at the way you made Spinosaurus "rip" of the face which
was incredibly unlikely, involved a blatant disrespect for the facts
we know about the two dinosaurs' morphlogy and a great deal of "Tyco"
shots in Spinosaurus case. In other words, your story sound pretty
much like a JP3 rigged fight, except it drones and rambles more and is
from Honkie Tong,
age 17,
August 29, 2001
"Everyones been saying that Coelophysis
ate its young for survival but why because it could easily eat dino
eggs cause they full of goodness and they dont run away or fight back,
the only disadvantage is the over- protective mother but she can't of
guarded her nest all the time as she would have to eat and drink
Well, the young ones would more of a food item to adults than things
to be cared for, especially in times of famine when it wouldn't be
worth it to try to keep youngsters alive. If they tried to take care
of youngsters in times of famine, drought or other bad conditions,
their whole species would die out rather quickly.
"Also, they are an advantage"
I don't see the advantage in arms too short to be
from Jason,
age 13,
August 29, 2001
This quote shows the mentality of the typical T-Rex fan. Whenever they
are wrong, they start creating facts. HHH has NEVER gotten into a
public bar fight. Someone please post ONE LEGITIMATE link to this
so-called "news story". But no one will, because it's a straight-up
LIE. T.Rex fans are a joke. There was a wrestler, HBK Shawn Michaels
(a lightweight), who got beat down by about a dozen marines a few
years back in a bar, but I doubt if this is simply confusion. Like
always, T.Rex fans just simply start to make up stuff to fit their
world when they are faced with facts. From Spino, to Giggy, to even
HHH, to whatever, lies, lies, lies. All because they know T.Rex was
nothing but a lowly scavenger, walking around sniffing out DEAD dinos
like a 7 ton wuss. And it bothers them. Bad. All of these sad lies and
arguments just make T.Rex look even more pathetic than that 7 ton
armless buzzard already does.
Anyone with ANY knowledge of the sport of wrestling, or sport in
general, knows that a legit wrestler like HHH (national amatuer champ)
or Kurt Angle (national amatuer and Olympic heavyweight champ) would
destroy any fighter profecient in martial arts or boxing etc., much
less some ordinary joe in a bar. This is laughable. Rent a UFC mixed
martial arts competion tape to see what I mean. Wrestlers are the
ultimate street fighters. Even other WWF wrestlers like Al Snow, Rob
Van Dam etc. could wipe the floor with martial arts or boxing
competitors. Grappling skills rule. Period.
And yes, HHH would defeat T.Rex without a doubt. To say HHH could be
beat by a half-blind, slow, armless, dimwitted SCAVENGER is just
ridiculous. HHH would pedigree or high-knee his scavenger butt and
that would be that. End of story.
"HHH is laughable, I stop being his fan after I read the news about
him getting beaten up in a bar by a guy smaller than him. Apparently
that little guy knew how to kick (*& for REAL, and made the
entertainer HHH look lame. HHH is, after all, just an entertainer,
doing tricks and stunts to ohh and ahh us. T.rex is a predator.
from Ex-HHH fan, age ?, ?, ?, ?; August 29, 2001"
from Egar,
age ?,
August 29, 2001
"Also, they are an advantage,"
I don't see the advantage with arms that are too small to be
from Jason,
age 13,
Ohio, USA;
August 29, 2001
an origanal and alternate ending of
Spinosaurus vs Gigantosaurus has been added to my site you may go
ahead an look at it.
from Dinofight,
age ?,
?, ?; August 29, 2001
John, I'd like to see how you'd like it if
a Spinosaur ripped of your face. Then we'll see who's wetting
themselves. Of course, I'm sure you could beat it one on one, killing
it simply by "using your mind".
from Bob,
age ?,
?, ?;
August 29, 2001
Why are we talking about wrestlers? This
is a dinosaur website! Jeez. Does anyone agree with me?
I remember when we could all state our own opinions w/out getting
critized, what happened?
from Katie V.,
age 14,
August 29, 2001
Why are we comparing Spinosaurus to T-Rex? Spinosaurus ate fish and Rex ate other dinos. (I'm not on either side
of this debate so don't think I'm busting anyone.) Do you think they
would get into a fight in the first place?
Why doesn't anyone talk about herbovurs. They were dinos
from Katie V.,
age 14,
NJ, U.S.A.;
August 29, 2001
Uh huh. John, technically, humans don't
kill with their mind. Infact, humans use their superior minds to their
advantage, by using it to help them create weapons and other devices.
In essence, your statement humans "kill with their mind" means that a
human could imagine someone dead and they'd die.
In the persons message which you critisized, they also state that the
small arms don't hinder the animal that posesses them, in other words,
he's saying that they aren't a disadvantage, which was the whole basis
of your argument. Also, they are an advantage, just not an advantage
for the animals that you mentioned. Arms were, infact, an evolutionary
development which helped some creatures better adapt to their own
enviornments. Some animals, the shark, for example, which you
mentioned in your list, did not require that advancement to cope in
it's own enviornment, and so the shark never grew to develope arms, as
they would only prove to be a disadvantage to it.
This statement ilustrates the fact that all these animals would have
only been at a disadvantage with arms and are better off without them.
Personally, I think you should think out your messages before you go
out malisiously arguing with others, and if you have nothing nice to
say, don't say anything at all. If you choose to ignore my advice,
then go on ahead, but next time you're going to attack anyone else's
point of view, then please try and do it without wasting other peoples
precious time by fitting it all into one message.
What ever happenned to having one's own point of view? It seems like
on this board if you try to have one, you're only going to be having
peeople like John pointing out inconsistencies. Oh well, perhaps
there's hope for us all afterwards.....
from Thunderbird,
age ?,
August 29, 2001
from Jane,
age ?,
August 29, 2001
from Jane,
age ?,
August 29, 2001
"Uh huh.... Sure they don't limit and
hinder, but there are no advantages to having short arms! There are
sveral predators with long arms that do just fine. Praying mantises,
baboons, and even humans."
Uh huh, sure they don't limit and hinder, but there are no
DISADVANTAGES to having short arms! In fact, I doubt not having the
advantage of long arms contributes a large amount to your status as a
dangerous animal. There is a vast majority of predators who kill
without arms and do just very fine. Snakes, Eagles, Falcons, Hawks,
Crocs, Alligators, Caimans, Gekos, Komodo Dragons, Bearded Dragons,
Monitior Lizards, Secetary Birds, Dogs, Mongooses, Wolves, Heynas,
Predatory Eels, Hornets, Crows, Frogs, Chameleons, Kites, Jackals,
Basalisks, Coyotes, Bats, Heroin, Chickens, Badgers, Foxes, Tasmanian
Devils, Giant Predatory Groupa, Seagulls, Gavial, Black-Collared
Lizards, Ants, Kingfishers, Predatory Beatles, Gilla monsters,
Ospreys, Pelicans, Killer Whales, Owls, Sea Lions, Dolphins, Condors,
Seals, Sharks and so on and so forth. As you can see, in some of the
cases, having no arms or not using any arms in the kill can actually
be an ADVANTAGE. Tyrannosaurus simply discarded their!
arms because it gave them no selective advantage, they made up more
than enough with their bite.
Erm, Humans don't kill with our arms fool, we kill with our MINDS.
Before you launch into some abstract argument about how the arm
propels the spear or pull the trigger, notice you are making another
one of your lame connections again. We're talking natural abilities
here boyo. I'll set you up against Pantera Leo with nothing but your
arms and see how you wet your pants. Kill with our arms? Honkie and
his Silat munbo jumbo maybe, but it's not the norm!
from John,
age ?,
August 29, 2001
Obviously, Bob, your story took an amazing amount of liberties with scientific fact, logic, and knowledge on
dinosaurs. You also seemed to have injected a wilful ignorance of
blatant facts, downplayed certain areas not to your advantage, and
overplayed your hand where you had one. Here's how it would turn out,
based on what we know about the two animals, and speaking fairly in
other words:
Tyrannosaurus runs up to Spinosaurus, bites the tight, and retreats
rapidly to a safe distance. Spinosaurus is unable to keep up.
Tyrannosaurus repeats the move when he deems its safe to do so.
Spinosaurus is unable to disengage. He bleeds out and dies.
Simple, logical and sweet. Better than a 500 word story that makes
absolutely no sense. Here's another way it could turn out:
Tyrannosaurus runs up to Spinosaurus and bites the neck. Neck is
broken immediately, game over. Tyrannosaurus recieves outpatient
treatment for a few lacerations.
How about a version that caters better to Spino:
Tyrannosaurus slugs it out with Spinosaurus. Spinosaurus bites
Tyrannosaurus on the head. Ouch! That's a really bad thing.
Tyrannosaurus is missing some skin and he's bleeding like those guys
you see on TV who hurt their head. Tyrannosaurus bites Spinosaurus'
head. Ouch! That's a really bad thing. Spinosaurus is missing a large
chunk out of his head, just like those guys who got sniped by the SWAT
snipers in some situtation and the pictures were so grusome that they
never made it to the news. Spinosaurus dies.
*Shrugs. Even without going through extensive storylines, plot devices
and blatant ignorance of the facts, I can easily make T.Rex win. You
from John,
age ?,
August 29, 2001
"but once he releases his grip, the
Spinosaur's other forelimb swings around, going deep into the
Tyrannosaurs head."
This is impossible as Spinosaurus forelimbs lacked sufficent
articulation to swipe at a Tyrannosaur head in the way you described.
And even so, the damage would have been minimal from the claw as it
was not designed to stab but rather to slash. It would not have gone
deep into the Tyrannosaurus head but instead let him off with a
from John, age ?, ?, ?, ?; August 29, 2001
"The tyrannosaur is hungry, and therefore relentless, only biting harder. "
Oddly in your story, this dosen't seem to be a bad thing, which it
would have been in real life. Imagine fratured bones, torn muscle,
rended flesh and bleeding by the gallon.
from John,
age ?,
August 29, 2001
"The tyrannosaur decides to use the same strategy it would use on an anklyosaur: flip the prey over revealing
the unprotected belly. "
I doubt Tyrannosaurus would have elected for such a method. After all,
Spinosaurus would better fit the profile of a hardosaur to a
Tyrannosaurus. So he would employ hit and run methods or go hamstring
your opponent and run away method. You are obviously choosing this
method as it allows Spinosaurus to have a chance to hit at
Tyrannosaurus without him running away, while compromising the
logicality of your story. Besides, why the heck would Tyrannosaurus
try to flip Spinosaurus over instead of simply employing the safest hi
and run methods. Spinosaurus wasn't armoured and Tyrannosaurus was
smart enough to know that.
from John,
age ?,
?, ?, ?;
August 29, 2001
"The Spinosaur then opens his mouth and bites the eye. Though the upper jaw doesn't penetrate the tyrannosaurs
bony frill, the lower jaw goes right into the retina. The spinosaurus
then pulls his snout back, ripping the eye and leaving painful
reminders of the attack: teeth. "
Once again this is impossible as T.Rex had recessed and protected
eyes. And I notice your story put in an awful lot of "lucky breaks"
for Spinosaurus, coming up with incredible, hard-to-happen ways of
getting away. For T.Rex, it was simple, he could kill Spinosaurus by
biting anywhere.
from John,
age ?,
August 29, 2001
"T. Rex is smart and bites into the
Spinosaurs leg joint, where the leg connects to the torso. "
If that happened, T.Rex didn't even have to drag his prey down. The
explosive power of 13,000 newtons of force will denude the area of all
muscle and flesh, prehaps even fracturing the bone. T.Rex didn't have
to hold on, he simply bit, let go, and let the damage do the rest.
Spinosaurus won't even be able to walk after taking such
from John,
age ?,
August 29, 2001
"It has been proven that Sue, the most
famous Tyrannosaur skeleton, had died from her face being ripped off
by another Tyrannosaur. So ha!!!"
Not really, that's old and wrong info. Closer examination of Sue's
skull revealed the damage wasn't inflicted by a T-Rex at all, but
rather by a disease. Also, your point is rather irrevalant as only a
Tyrannosaurus could do that much damage. Spinosaurus didn't have a
wisper of a hope to doing anything like that. Sorry, you're
from John,
age ?,
August 29, 2001
"It's funny how some of you don't realize
this. "
No we ALL don't. What we do realize is that your favourite fighter got
trounced by a smaller guy who wasn't even a fighter! HAHAHA! His
pedrigree just got trottled.
Wrestling fans = pathetic
from DDD,
age ?,
August 29, 2001
Everyones been saying that Coelophysis ate
its young for survival but why because it could easily eat dino eggs
cause they full of goodness and they dont run away or fight back, the
only disadvantage is the over- protective mother but she can't of
guarded her nest all the time as she would have to eat and drink
from Sarah,
age 13,
August 29, 2001
Relax guys, we all know HHH can not beat
T.Rex hand-to-claw. In fact, HHH couldn't even beat that shrimp in the
bar. Let that HHH fan say whatever he likes about HHH, HHH will still
be a whimp, no matter what he says.
from Jane,
age ?,
August 29, 2001
HHH is laughable, I stop being his fan
after I read the news about him getting beaten up in a bar by a guy
smaller than him. Apparently that little guy knew how to kick (*& for
REAL, and made the entertainer HHH look lame. HHH is, after all, just
an entertainer, doing tricks and stunts to ohh and ahh us. T.rex is a
from Ex-HHH fan,
age ?,
August 29, 2001
I finished Dinosaur Fights its done now go
check it out I will add alot more stories by the end of the week but I
think i may only add 1 if i do so dont be mad if i dont.
from Dinofight,
age ?,
August 28, 2001
Just a quick question: What's the
difference between noasaurids Noasaurus and Masiakasaurus? Has there
been a good comparison of the bones that are known in both taxa?
And check this out:
Now if that link isn't as interesting as T. rex, I don't know what
would be! Think it's real?
from Brad,
age 14,
August 28, 2001
I haven't been able to get on the internet
for a few days, but now I'm using a computer at the school where my
mom works. Wow, I missed a lot! A few comments:
"speakin of dat does anyone know WHY Coleophysis ate their own young
cause that's just plain freaky. O_o"
I doubut that they actually ate their _own_ young. Couldn't it just
have been an unrelated young Coelophysis that was eaten by the adult?
I think that's more likely, as it may have helped the survival of the
cannibal's own genes by getting rid of competition.
"I know that some dinosaurs used their neck to eat tree tops like
giraffes but I read that some couldnt make their neck go very high,
just sideways, so what were they used for?"
Even if the movement was limited to 'sideways' movement, it still
would have greatly expanded the amount of vegetation that the sauropod
could reach without moving its body.
"I think the genus Apatosaurus is adequate, although personally I
prefer Brontosaurus (its a much more impressive name). Apatosaurus
means "fraud lizard," for the reason you have already stated."
More precisely it means "deceptive lizard". This is not a reference
to the incorrect skull in old skeletal mounts, but rather to the
vertebrae, which Marsh thought were like those of mosasaurs (IIRC).
"On the original apatosaur mount, they had outfitted the skeleton with
the wrong head (a camarosaur), as the apatosaur's skull was not known
at that time. It is not clear to me however why the genus needed to be
changed...any thoughts? I suppose it was because the public had
associated Brontosaurus with the camarsaur type head, so they changed
its title to Apatosaurus so people would have a fresh view on the
The name Apatosaurus predates the name Brontosaurus. It's valid
because it's the proper senior synonym, not because scientists wanted
to give it a new image.
"What is everyone's opinion on the Apatosaurus? Should the name stay
that, or shouold it go back to Brontosaurus?"
The name Apatosaurus is _older_ than the name Brontosaurus, and must
be the valid name for at least one species, Apatosaurus ajax.
Apatosaurus excelsus was originally described as Brontosaurus, and if
it is generically distinct the name Brontosaurus can be used. There's
a dinosaur fan on Dan's JP3 Page using the nickname "Lagosuchus" who
believes we can easily separate Brontosaurus excelsus from Apatosaurus
ajax and A. louisae based on the cervical vertebrae, but most people
still put all three species in Apatosaurus. It's not a question of
Apatosaurus or Brontosaurus, but rather a question of both being
species of Apatosaurus or two different genera.
Genera are tricky to separate anyway, even in some living animals like
Felis concolor. (Puma concolor?)
"I wonder why they would change the name in the first place, seeing as
all that was wrong was the head, which was from another dinosaur.
Camarasaur, I believe."
Because it has nothing to do with the skull in the mounted skeletons.
Should the name of Mamenchisaurus change because it was originally
mounted with a Diplodocus skull?
"and i heard some noise about megaraptor a while back but i'm not
quite sure still how big it was and i even read an article saying it
was not a dromaeosaur but was more closely related to a troodon
because of it's metatarsel. can anybody clear me up about those topics
Nobody is sure how big Megaraptor was, because so little of it is
known. I haven't seen a picture of the Megaraptor metatarsal, so I
can't say how Troodon-like it is.
from Brad,
age 14,
August 28, 2001
HHH would handily beat T.Rex. Spino would
be tougher, but he'd probably beat him too. HHH is THE GAME. It's
funny how some of you don't realize this. HHH is the world fighting
champion, man or beast.
Time to play the game.
from HHH is the real king,
age ?,
August 28, 2001
T-Rex is my favorite dinosaur, and I think
it was stronger and smarter than all other Carnosaurs, because that's
what peleontologists say. It's that simple. After reading a lot of the
books and websites made by paleontologists, I realized that most of
them think T-Rex wold have beaten most other if not all other
carnosaurs in a fight, MOST of the time. T-Rex had an extremely stocky
body, which was more muscular than any othe carnosaur. It was stronger
than dinosaurs such as Giganotosaurus and Spinosaurus. A lot of people
think T-Rex was stupid, which is completely false. New studies suggest
that not only did T-Rex have incredible senses of smell, sight and
hearing, but its intelligence ranked very high among the dinosaurs. It
was probably quik and agile for its size, because it was so birdlike
and it could take 14 to 18 feet per stride. It had the largest teeth
of any dinosaur, not Giganotosaurus.T-Rex' teeth grew to 13 inches
long. It had massively
powerful jaws perhaps stronger than any other dinosaur. With those
hunting skills, it was an able unter, but it it WRONG to say that it
would never scavenge. I'm not saying it was unbeatable, and other
Carnivores had advantages of their own, but I am saying that it was
probably the most powerful hunter that ever lived
from Tim M.,
age ?,
August 28, 2001
Here's one thing about dinos: Dinosaurs
were abosoulutely SCARY!!!
from S.P,
age ?,
South Africa;
August 28, 2001
t- imperator was real i did some research
t- imperator was one of the healthyest dinoes that ever walked this
earth t -imperator only became that he had very very healthy tissue in
his body and that is wut caused them to be so big and all there skills
have thurougly advanced makeing their bones grow at a more rapid rate
causeing him to grow all around
from t-rex,
age 2222222229,
August 28, 2001
T-Rex versus Spinosaurus? What about
Sledgehammer versus Eggshell? T-Rex will have no trouble woomping
Spinosaurus' soft, lard-covered, scaley, spiny butt.
from Rezkat,
age ?,
August 28, 2001
I've noticed a great difference in the
quality of the debaters of both sides in any debate involving T.Rex.
It is blatantly obvious that the T.Rex fans are well-versed,
knowledgable and put out intelligent arguments while the opposition
crawls along with arguments having the intelligence of your average
gardern slug. While the T.Rex fans limit their insults, witty quips
and wise cracks to making fun of the flaws in their opponents in very
funny and true ways, the insults of their opponents are almost always
mindless and baseless accusations that make no sense and that any
onlooker can tell is obviously fake. For example, the T.Rex fans make
fun of Jason's weak arguments by comparing carnivores with herbivores
and calming that as how the carnviores worked. The T.Rex fans come up
with very funny and true examples not only to destroy the point that
Jason made, but also to make him look dumb at the same time, is that
cool or what?
Meanwhile, all we get from the anti-rexers are pretty lame insults
that are based on nothing. They don't disprove any of the points that
the T.Rex fans make, are pretty simple (eg. You're wrong). They are
not only not insulting the T.Rex fans effectively (effective insults
are based on the truth, random insults don't hurt anybody), but only
make themselves look dumber on the other hand. For example, Sean S.
calls Honkie "Often Wrong" but he is simply doing that for the heck of
it, he didn't disprove any of Honkie's points, and he seems to be
saying that simply because he's angry at his sound trashing under
Honkie's very good arguments. There's a great difference between
intelligent insults and lame insults.
The points are also another area. T.Rex fans come up with very good
points that are detailed and logically-sound. They go deep into
science and figuring out all the factors and showing it to everybody
so as to prove themselves extensively in detail, as if saying "Just
look at the facts and see why we're right". They have extremely good
arguments that even I envy.
On the other hand, anti-rexers keep using the same party line over and
over again like "Giganotosaurus was bigger", "You are not a
paleontologist", "Spinosaurus was faster" or "T.Rex was a scavenger"
even after the T.Rex fans have convincingly disproved and discredited
these points! And the "You are not a paleontologist" line is too
painfully obvious a line said by a loser who knows he has already lost
and has no other option buit top resort to this. Why else use this
line unless you have been outargued and have no way to respond to your
opponent but to put this rather lame one that is totally irrevalant to
the point anyway? It's like the T.Rex fans proving Brachiosaurus could
not fly in great detail to a bunch of Bracy fans and throughly and
convincingly making their case and then the Bracy fans say "You are
not a paleontologist" as their response. Frankly a person's status is
irrevalant as long as he comes up with good and logical points. In
fact, some of the T.Rex fans over
here even come up with observations that would put some experts to
shame! I'm sorry, but simly saying "You are not a paleontologist" is a
poor response, and it just shows how pitiful and stupid you are.
I think I know why there is such a great difference in the quality of
debaters. On the T.Rex side, we have T.Rex fans, and T.Rex has a large
number of detractors just wanting to knock him off. To be a T.Rex fan,
you will be under constant insulting, pressure and ridicule, most
people won't like T.Rex unless they have a good and logical reason to
know why they like T.Rex (ask any Spino fan why they like Spino and
they'll say JP3), so that they can face up to all the detractors and
disprove them. As of such, we see that the people who have the guts to
be T.Rex fans are well equipped, have a good and logical reason based
on science, and are intelligent. Your average dinofan will not jump to
liking, much less defending T.Rex at all due to the odds (virtually
every dinofan has a grudge against T.Rex), so the only people doing
this are extremely good. The elimination requirements for being a Rex
defender are very strict and only the best get throught.
On the side of the opponents however, like in Giganotosaurus or
Spinosaurus, they have no such pressure. You will not come under heavy
attack from the other fans of all other dinos if you are a fan of
Giganotosaurus or Spinosaurus. There is no discouraging factor, unlike
liking T.Rex, to be a fan of Spinosaurus or Giganotosaurus, thus you
get all kinds of people coming onto the Spinosaurus/Giganotosaurus
bandwagon, most of them know very little about dinosaurs, are
immature, relatively dumb and like this dino for what they saw in the
movies or simply because its "hot" in the news as the latest "T.Rex
beater" (notice T.Rex has prevailed over all the other supposed "T.Rex
beaters" so far). They have poor reason to like their dino and even
poorer arguments. In a Giganotosaurus fan force of about 600, you get
about 2 or 3 of them who are mature or gifted on the T.Rex fan level
and then you have about 597 hamburgers. As we can see, we have a lot
of hamburgers like HHH, Sean, Joe, Jason and many others going around here, it's no contest, the T.Rex
fans simply crushed them flat.
And having being crushed flat, these hamburgers resort to personal
insults, nonsensical posts (HHH can take on T.Rex, yeah right) and
baseless accusations to get back. But I advice that they stop it. We
have a term we call these Giganotosaurus/Spinosaurus hambeurgers in
where I live, and that's "Sore Loser". Is best that they such up, as
by insulting T.Rex fans they only make the fact that they've lost even
greater and make themselves look stupid at the same
from Peter T.,
age 15,
August 28, 2001
What does everyone think about the idea
that dinosaurs were warm- blooded?
from Sarah,
age 13,
August 28, 2001
Accept The Fact.Triceratops Could Run At
25 MPH.T.Rexes Could Run At 20 MPH.T.Rex Was Slower Than
Triceratops.Both Could Run Faster Then Humans.
How Fast Was Spinosaurus(In MPH)?
How Fast Could Veloceraptor Run(In MPH)?
from euoplacephulus,
age 65,000,000,
August 27, 2001
Okay, I stand by the fact that a Spinosaur
could beat a Tyrannosaur in a fight. In order to determine who would
win, lets look at some of the factors which would affect the
first of all, it is more likely that a Tyrannosaur would attak
first. This is because tyrannosaurs tend to be agressive towards
other large predators, including other tyrannosaurs. This is proven
in tyrannosaur bones which have been discovered, which reveal signs
of conflict among different tyrannosaurs.
> as leonard stated, the Tyrannosaur's jaws were more powerfully
built than Spinosaurus'. This is true only because the Spinosaur
didn't rely on crushing power like the Tyrannosaur, but needed a long
snout (like a crocodiles) to grab fish from the water. The
tyrannosaurs jaws, however, were meant to pierce the prey's flesh and
break bones by exerting a great crushing force. On the T. Rex's
common prey, a hadrosaur, one bite would have been fatal.
>one important factor in this "clash of titans" would have been the
forelimbs. The Spinosaurs forelimbs were long and powerful enough to
allow the creature to walk on all fours at times, and were especially
adept for catching fish. Spinosaur's arms also sported it's greatest
weapon, a claw, which could have been for defense, to cut and slash
whatever came close enough. For all we know, the Spinosaur was like a
bear, swiping fish out of the fish in a river when it saw one. The
Tyrannosaurs arms, on the other hand, are unusualy small, and
virtually useless in battle. The reason for them being so small was
to allow the head to grow larger during evoulution without having to
lengthen the tail.
>one more factor in the fight which I would like to discuss is the
legs of each predator. The Tyrannosaur has muscular legs which allow
for speed in catching prey, though that wouldn't matter in a head on
head collision. They may have been used for kicking, though with dull
feet claws like a tyrannosaur, the repocussions would be few.
Spinosaurs legs, however, aren't anything special special, and would
have only helped Spino run and swim.
Now that we've examined the factors, lets take a look at a probable
battle. The Setting, a clearing in the forest, near an intermittent
river in the dry season on Ilsa Soma. Hadrosaurs had long deserted the
river, heading for the coast, but the Spinosaurus stayed. The
Tyrannosaur, wandering through the forest, starving, comes to the
clearing, and sees Spinosaurus as potential prey, but also a potential
enemy. The tyrannosaur decides to use the same strategy it would use
on an anklyosaur: flip the prey over revealing the unprotected belly.
The Tyrannosaur then lets out a roar, and breaks into a run towards
the Spinosaur. The Spinosaur quickly moves aside, but the T. Rex is
smart and bites into the Spinosaurs leg joint, where the leg connects
to the torso. The Tyrannosaur then attempts to drag it's prey to the
ground, but the Spinosaur shows the Tyrannosaur it's claws, by
slashing at the closest part of T. Rexes face repeatedly. The
tyrannosaur is hungry, and therefore relentless, only biting harder. The Spinosaur then opens his mouth and bites
the eye. Though the upper jaw doesn't penetrate the tyrannosaurs bony
frill, the lower jaw goes right into the retina. The spinosaurus then
pulls his snout back, ripping the eye and leaving painful reminders of
the attack: teeth. As the Spinosaur continues to slash at the T. Rexes
face with the only arm that reaches back that far, the Spinosaur
continues to peel skin of T. Rexes faace, until the tyrannosaur
decides he isn't that hungry. He thinks it's easier to drop the prey
and let it bleed to death, but once he releases his grip, the
Spinosaur's other forelimb swings around, going deep into the
Tyrannosaurs head. The Spinosaur then grabs the head as he falls t the
ground and pulls T. Rexes head with him. The belly of the Spinosaur is
now exposed, but as the T. Rex tries to maneveur his head towards it,
he gets a kick in the face from the Spinosaurs remaining leg. After
suffering more damage to the head, the
T. Rex pulls free from the Spinosaur, but dies as his head falls to
pieces. Do you think that missing half a face can't kill a
Tyrannosaur? Well, you're wrong. It has been proven that Sue, the most
famous Tyrannosaur skeleton, had died from her face being ripped off
by another Tyrannosaur. So ha!!!
from Bob,
age ?,
August 27, 2001
"And his arms are another bad thing, they
lacked the articulation to flap and pivot sufficently to be used as an
effective weapon against other large dinosaurs! They would have been
good against big fish though."
Hmmm, if they are effective against fish, which are fast and agile,
then they would make an effective weapon. The speed of the arms could
rip into skin.
"The reason Tyrannosaurus had such small arms after all, was not to
limit and hinder himself, but rather to make him even more effective
as a hunter."
Uh huh.... Sure they don't limit and hinder, but there are no
advantages to having short arms! There are sveral predators with long
arms that do just fine. Praying mantises, baboons, and even
from Jason,
age 13,
August 27, 2001
"It's a good thing this dinodebate is
over, the T.Rex fans were just too powerful to be beaten. Now we
observe the opponents have either shied away or resorted to petty
character assasination, a definatve symtom of failure."
Exscuse me? Did I hear that right? The reason I, or me and probably
other debaters "shied away" was because I/we were getting bored with
debating with such infantile fanatics! I never resorted to character
assasination. Any statements against tyransaurus are met with a
tiresome barrage of insults. It's gotten old.
"or prehaps adancing their own genes,"
I won't argue with this. I'm simply helping prove the point. Animals
instinctively know they must breed and pass on their genes in order
for their species to survive. Many species will most likely kill
offspring of their own species to give their genes a better chance at
from Jason,
age 13,
August 27, 2001
RE: euoplacephulas
If You Want A Website Full Of Dumbs,Brainless Fights,Go To
dont make fun of my old site just because your another dinosaur fan
the only reason you said they were dumb was because your dinosaur's
didnt always win let me guess your favorite dinosaur is spinosaurus?
or gigantosaurus either way DONT INSULT MY OPIONIONS thats why i
express my opinions on the internet which by the way i made a new site
www.dinofights.com and its not just dedicated to tyrannosaurus but
and utah raptors but the site isnt done yet but feel free to check it
from Dinofight,
age ?,
August 27, 2001
I have updated the site and the
siesmosaurus site is now up now i have to do it stegosaurus and utah
raptors and the site will be done and then ill start to add more
fights until then enjoy a small spinosaurus vs megaladon fight tthat
is couresy of james but the story isnt finished until james contacts
me but feel free to read it
from Dinofight,
age ?,
August 27, 2001
nobody would like the spinosaurus if it
was not for jp3
from greg,
age 10,
August 27, 2001
Ok, I just recently heard a theory from
some other site.
Everyone compares intelligence of dinosaurs. They place them in
juxtaposition, however, through brainsized versus body size. Yet, are
we sure exactly how their brains worked. I mean, we're starting to
understand our own. Just consider this, their brains may have been
more efficient or may have worked in a different way than that of
Ok, that's it. It's short. They didn't provide any info. I summed it
up into my own words, but I just wanted to know what this board
thought about it. I guess it doesn't need any info. I take it as
something to take into consideration, rather than an actual
from BillG,
age 14,
August 27, 2001
Reading the last few entries was
overwhelming. I think we should stop arguing over which dinosaur is
best. It's not going to change anything. These were living creatures
not characters in a Saturday morning cartoon. None of them are
invincible. I think they are all interesting and that is why I have
been studying them for quite a while. I personally think that T-Rex is
the strongest and smartest of the Carnosaurs. That is my opinion and
I'm entitled to it. Just like everyone else is entiltled to theirs.
For you people who keep arguing that one dinosaur is better than
another, I have to ask, what do you help to accomplish?
from Tim,
age ?,
August 27, 2001
HHH is a bad dude. He was a national
amatuer wrestling (ie "real" wrestling) champion and can bench over
600 pounds. Everyone should know wrestlers always beat boxers, martial
artists etc.- just watch any UFC. T.Rex was a big, dumb, armless,
overgrown buzzard who scavenged for food.
Winner: HHH
from Robbie,
age ?,
August 27, 2001
Is Bob stupid or is Leonard just
from ?,
age ?,
August 27, 2001
I think HHH is stupid, anybody who uses
the same stupid pharases (The Rock being the exception) so many times
must be pretty airy up there. And did you hear that whimp HHH hurt his
own leg simply by jumping too hard? Steriod abuse I tell you. You're
watching HHH, the stupidest, most unelectrifying, whimpiest man on all
of showbiz.
from ?,
age ?,
August 27, 2001
"speakin of dat does anyone know WHY
Coleophysis ate their own young cause that's just plain freaky. O_o"
Canabilism is actually quite common in the animal world, even humans
are not abject from such behaviour. It has been documented in over 200
species of mammals. In fact, in some species canabilism is comes so
naturally that it has to be chemically supressed in order for them to
breed. Reasons for Coleophysis eating their young could vary, it could
be due to stress on the animals from the lack of alternative food
sources, possibly due to a famine, causing the animals to resort to
turning on their own in order to survive while they would not have
done so under normal conditions (The German army fighting in The
famous Battle of Stalingrad in WW2, aka, The War Of The Rats, got so
starved that some of them even resorted to eating thier dead comrades
at one point). It could be due to social reasons, where killing off
young might prove to be socially advantageous in advancing their
position in the social order or prehaps adancing their own genes, or
it could be that such behaviour sim!
ply comes naturally. Nobody knows, but I suspect Coleophysis wouldn't
resort to canabilism unless it was under stress.
"anyone who thinks that HHH couldn't beat a T.Rex is crazy. HHH is the
game. everyone should know that. no one beats HHH. no one."
Hmm, I can already think of ways to make him cry like a baby using
nothing more than the eighteen Djurus in Penjak silat and a pair of
kerambits. Nope, HHH is only human, and he only looks cool on camera
(though his moves, and wrestling moves in general are laughable). Any
Tom, Dick and Harry who knows a little bit about real-world-fighting
would whipe his butt off the sidewalk. Dosen't even take a T.rex to do
it. And I'm afraid everybody knows HHH can be easily beaten, mangled,
mutiliated, spindled, folded, and otherwise killed, everybody.
You have the honor of the clinching the most pathetic case award of
the year here, you are only making HHH look weak as your comments only
help people to imagine HHH getting horribly killed, and the look or
absolute horror on your face as your favourite star gets torn, limb
from limb.
from Honkie Tong,
age 17,
August 27, 2001
"speakin of dat does anyone know WHY
Coleophysis ate their own young cause that's just plain freaky. O_o"
It is quite freaky, but it's necessary for survival in a
from Jason,
age 13,
August 27, 2001
Dear Evan,
I love the dinosaurs too,often the plant eaters (Brachiosaurus,
Séismosaurus,Stégosaurus...)because they are impressive.
Have you seen Jurassic park 3?
from Greg.s,
age 17,
August 27, 2001
It's a good thing this dinodebate is over,
the T.Rex fans were just too powerful to be beaten. Now we observe the
opponents have either shied away or resorted to petty character
assasination, a definatve symtom of failure.
from Jane,
age ?,
August 27, 2001
"The Tyrannosaur, though long speculated as the largest carnivore to walk the earth, still wasn't that
intelligent and it's tiny arms would have been useless. All this thing
could rely on was it's sheer crushing power, seeing as it could bite
as hard as a shark, but how does that help if it can't even lock it's
jaw on an equal sized theropod."
Uh uh, neurogical studies indicate Tyrannosaurus was one of the
smartest dinosaurian predators around, much smarter than Spinosaurus
or Giganotosaurus around, by a massive ratio of 1:2. Tyrannosaurus
also had highly specialized speed and agility adaptations, and he
could easily and accucrately hit anything with his powerful bite,
given his steroscopic vision, and powerfully muscled neck to move the
head precisely and fast. Tyrannosaurus morphlogy seems to indicate
that he was well equipped to hit things accucrately and quickly with
his head. The reason Tyrannosaurus had such small arms after all, was
not to limit and hinder himself, but rather to make him even more
effective as a hunter.
Spinosaurus, on the other hand, would have suffered a handicap in
accuracy due to its lack of steroscopic vision, a delicate neck that
made him slower in manuvering his head, and the lack of speed and
agility adapations in his limbs. Morever, FEA analysis has also shown
that he had a considerably weaker bite than most other dinosaurs,
which limited the damage he could do and also prevented him from
grabbing anything big and strong. It would be a good thing, for his
teeth were rather shallowly rooted anyway, and attempting to do
anything stressful with his jaws would have resulted in extensive
damage to his teeth. And his arms are another bad thing, they lacked
the articulation to flap and pivot sufficently to be used as an
effective weapon against other large dinosaurs! They would have been
good against big fish though. Tyrannosaurus was far more agile, numble
and faster than Spinosaurus, not to mention it hit harder! Bad news!
Tyrannosaurus and Giganotosaurus was specialized to kill while
Spinosaurus was equipped bells and tinkles to handle a varitey of
prey, from fish to dinosaurs, making him a jack of all trades but a
master of none. Spinosaurus would lose to the two most of the
from Leonard,
age 14,
August 27, 2001
anyone who thinks that HHH couldn't beat a T.Rex is crazy. HHH is the game. everyone should know that. no one
beats HHH. no one.
from Haku,
age ?,
?, ?;
August 26, 2001
There would be no way for Tyrannosaurus Rex and Spinosaurus to fight!......... they lived on different
WHO AM I???!!!???
I am 'Godzillsaurus.'
from Godzillasaur(Gojira),
age 9,
?, ?;
August 26, 2001
If You Want A Website Full Of
Dumbs,Brainless Fights,Go To www.tyrannosaurus.cjb.net
from euoplacephulas,
age 8,
August 26, 2001
I dont really insult unless you say
tyrannosaurus is a scavenger which i totally believe is wrong i dont
care what happens to tyrannosaurus on the movies it usually wouldnt
happen but dont call all trex fans insulters cause i am one
from Dino Fighter,
age ?,
August 26, 2001
I will now be known as Dino Fighter after
this last message I have decided since I worked so hard on the site to
still try to make the deadline that it is open to you people it only
has two stories done and I Have just decieded to add allosaurus to
Tyrannosaurus and giagantosaurus and spinosaurus no fights are for
allo yet though only tyrannosaurus vs gigantosaurus and tyrannosaurus
vs spinosaurus so you can go check them out at the all new being
constructed still
I hope you guys enjoy the site I will keep working with
from Tyrannosaurus,
age ?,
August 26, 2001
know what stinks that the t-rex is smaller
then the spinosaurus
from Evan S.,
age ???,
August 26, 2001
Whoever thinks a human could beat a
dinosaur like T. Rex in hand to hand combat is a foll. A human's only
adaptation for survival is our powerful brain which has allowed us to
manipulate the planet, it's resources and the creatures which live on
the planet.
Back to dinosaurs. This petty little arguement over who would win in a
fight between a Tyrannosaur, a Spinosaur and a Gigantosaur is also
If you're looking for my vote, though, I'd go with the spinosaur. The
Tyrannosaur, though long speculated as the largest carnivore to walk
the earth, still wasn't that intelligent and it's tiny arms would have
been useless. All this thing could rely on was it's sheer crushing
power, seeing as it could bite as hard as a shark, but how does that
help if it can't even lock it's jaw on an equal sized theropod.
Gigantosaurus may have also operated in a similar fashion to the
T.Rex, but even it would have been no match for the spinosaur. Unlike
the other large theropods, the Spinosaur's fore arms were powerful
enough to help stabilize itself when walking on all fours. Its longer
snout would have also given it a longer range, allowing it to grab
whatever came close enough.
Anyway, the dinosaurs which I recognize as the most fascinating were
Troodon, Velociraptor and Utahraptor, seeing as they were as
intelligent as dinosaurs come. But I'm not saying that these speedy
little reptiles could overcome a Spinosaur, though.
from Bob,
age ?,
August 26, 2001
My website www.tyrannosaurus.cjb.net is
going to be moving to dinofights(website im designing) and your votes
for the other 4 dinosaaurs with the highest score will be in dino
fights and they will be counted tomarrow this means today is your last
chance to vote so please do it.
from Tyrannosaurus,
age ?,
August 26, 2001
i agree with ? T-rex rules! he ate his
challenger Spino! speakin of dat does anyone know WHY Coleophysis ate
their own young cause that's just plain freaky. O_o
from Hii-chan,
age 8,
August 26, 2001
T-REX VS SPINO! Lets start! Wait a
minute...where's Spinosaurus? What is that spiny looking thing
sticking out of that pile of T-Rex dung? T-Rex rules!!!
from ?,
age ?,
August 26, 2001
ok Adrian i think i can answer yuor
question. take Mamenchisaurus for instance. though it keeps its head
sideways it has ome hollow neck vertebrae enabling it to reack at
least 51 feet above the ground. and as for the other long necked
herbivorous Dinosaurs who keep their necks sideways they'll be able to
reach at least some height. it all depends on how long their necks are
then here's how heavy their neck vertebrae are. that's how it all
works nespa?
from Hii-chan,
age 8,
August 26, 2001
yeah Honkie Tong i guess you're right.
Honkie, we're talking about sauropods that keep their necks sideways
like Mamenchisaurus. get the point?
from Hii-chan,
age 8,
August 26, 2001
my favorite jp movie is jp2 right now. it
was funny. i wish jeff goldbloom was in the the third one
from Evan S.,
age 9,
August 26, 2001
"So are you saying that T-rex was only a
hunter, never taking the opportunity to eat from an already dead
animal? Comparing the rex to modern animals, you can see just what it
would do. I seriously doubt the rex would never scavenge. I'm not
saying that it primarily scavenged, but it would when it had a chance.
It wasn't solely a hunter, nor was it solely a scavenger. It would
have been just like a lion. It's painfully obvious, really."
I would be very surprised if T.rex didn't scavenge, as virtually all
land-based big-game predators do scavenge after all, with the possible
exception of snakes. Dead meat is after all still meat you can eat.
But what is bizzare here is when people insist that T.rex MUST have
been an obligate scavenger, that meant, he could not hunt at all. I
doubt the fact that T.rex would and could scavenge is lost on the
people arguing that T.rex was a predator, but they are after all,
trying to prove that T.rex COULD hunt, they didn't say it COULDN'T
scavenge. On the other hand, what is extremely bizzare is the people
who say it MUST have scavenged full time, which is certainly not true,
as we can see from the fossil record.
Hmm, I wonder, if I didn't kill the Saint Bernard in the dog soup I am
having now, but another member of my species did it, does that make
homo sapiens a full-time scavenger or a full-time
from Honkie Tong,
age 17,
August 26, 2001
Still, I agree with Sean S. It is true
that t-rex fans are not peaceful,they are just plain insulters. Why
are you t-rex fans making so much fuss on one loss battle with
spinosaurus?Frankly some of t-rex reports make no sense.Come on other
dinosaur voters,you want to win,show some backbone.
from Donovan c.,
age 12,
August 26, 2001
To Afton
If you want to have informations about Jurassik Park 3, you can see my
Bye Bye!
from Greg s.,
age 17,
August 26, 2001
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