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The Allasuraus was the BIGGEST of all and
yes it is a relative
from Dave,
age 16,
July 10, 2001
Dinosaurs were a unique type of creatures
that once roamed this land, and I think there is only one good reason
that the dinosaur died out. and that is that if they were alive today,
They would be kept in cages or behind electric fences and it isn't
really fair to them. They would be cramped up.
and the fact of Ultrasaurus, I bet some people misunderstood that for
a giant Diplodocus.
Some people think that Tyrannous was the powerful dinosaur but I bet
that Aklyrosaurus and stegosaurus were more than a match for
from Nick.w,
age 12,
July 10, 2001
I don't think pteranadon were strong at
all. Remember they were too lightly built to house too much power.
There's simply no way they can lift off with a person and fly off.
They can't generate enough lift to do that. That's because thier wing
loading ratios are way below what you'll need to carry a person and
fly off. They simply weren't designed for this. And pteranadons had
long and stiff necks to skim fish, is hardly right for a stabbing
weapon. Their necks weren't very stong at all. A human being is
certianly much stronger and heavier built (hence much
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 10, 2001
Guys, Who here thinks that Nanotyrranus
was a Juvinile Rex? I don't but if you do, please come foreward with
your theories. Thanks.
from Jeff M.,
age 16,
New York,
July 10, 2001
Why would the "sail" be colored? Probably
because it would be perfect advertising space for a species
recognition pattern, or to attract mates or something like
from Chandler,
age ?,
July 10, 2001
Do the JP3 _Pteranodon_ really have teeth?
None of the action figures have teeth, and I downloaded a JP3
commercial that shows a really good shot of the _Pteranodon_ and it
doesn't look like it has teeth. I think it may have been just a
from Chandler,
age ?,
July 10, 2001
Why would the sail of a spino be colored,
that would look kinda dumb.
from T-man,
age ?,
July 10, 2001
And their beaks could probaly seriously
injure a person. Imagine a 6 ft. gull poking someone with a
from T-man,
age ?,
July 10, 2001
Just because they were light, doesn't mean
they weren't strong. I bet some raptors didn't weigh as a 6 ft. man. I
think the pteranadon were alot stronger, though lighter, than people.
And I think one could carry a medium-size or small man
from T-man,
age ?,
July 10, 2001
I don't think they would want to kill a
human anyways...unless it was for territorial reasons or
from Chandler,
age ?,
July 10, 2001
Perhaps the tall spines of _Spinosaurus_
anchored powerful neck muscles in addition to the hump/ridge, similar
to the thick necks of hadrosaurs (this could be an explanation for the
conspicuous non-S-shaped neck).
from Chandler,
age ?,
July 10, 2001
Would a Pterodactyl actually ATTACK
someone? It would probably feel a need to deefend it territory, and
its nesst, but I don't think they would try and feed their babies with
them, or even try and pluck them out of the water, especially if they
don't look like its regular food sources,which probably included fish
and carrion.
from Jason,
age 13,
July 10, 2001
"Hey! I like Singlish lah and I'm gonna
use it, ok? Slingish is marsh marsh battar den Ang Mor English bee-cos
it cum-mun-ni-cate better, dun believe me? Li peh kenaa kong (Your
father tell you, as in literally, "Let me tell you"):"
"Yeah man! Must cre-ate Singaporean iden-ti-ty, hor, or else ah,
en-tire world also speak Ang Moh! Then veri sian leh!"
I wasn't trying to say, "don't use Singlish." I was trying to say,"Why
SHOULDN'T you use Singlish", to the one who said "I notice some of you
Singaporeans are using Singlish, here. Could you try to use perfect
queen's English"!! If you are directing your above messages to me, I'm
sorry if I wasn't being clear, and I didn't know what Singlish was at
the time. On to better things.(And I do think Singlish is cool, after
reading it. I even understood it!)
from Jason,
age 13,
July 10, 2001
Despite being 6 feet tall and with a 25
feet wingspan, I must repeat these animals were not built to be
hunters of big prey! The ones indicated in JP3 appear to me to be the
gliding pteradactyle not common near the KT (no, they did not have
teeth, unlike in the movie). Ok, lets look at this: Most of the animal
itself was mainly wing, and as supergliders, they were built to be as
strong as possible and yet as light as possible to improve wing
loading. Their bones were literally paper thin but reinforced to
resist torque and flex from normal inflight forces. What you get is an
animal that is about 6 meters in wingspan and 1.8 meters tall, but
weighing a grand total of 55-65 kilos. In this case, its power that
matters, not size, and humans have the advantage in this area. A blow
to any part of petrosaur anatomy will almost certainyl break a bone
and I doubt the lightly muscled lizards can put up much of a fight.
Also, these animals were built to skim fish from the sea and prehaps scavenge dead animals, not swoop down and
attempt to spear an animal that's much smaller, but certainly much
stronger than it. Humans are certainly more agile and clever (very
important) and most importantly, can pick up a nasty branch or rock
that will be VERY deadly if it connects on these gliding lizards.
Now lets see what a 6 foot, 25 foot wingspan dactyl can do,
A) It could try to swoop in and attack the human...hehe that tickles!
Not to mention the impact of 60 kilo dactyl against 70 kilo human will
be disasterous to the dactyl, given its light built.
B) It could attempt to overpower the human and kill him. Well...again
humans are certainly much stronger and will instead OVERPOWER the
dactyl. A nick long beak is not gonna save you when you have arnie
chocking the life out of your long, thin neck. Not to mention given
the fact that they would have been murderously clumsly on the ground,
much less in a grappeling match.
C) They could try to stab the human. Again I doubt this will work.
These gliders who did not reach high speeds and were not know for
agility, will give ample time for the agile human to dodge them and
worse, pick up something to bat them with. That's bad for the dactyl.
D) They could fly away. Yes, they better do that if they want to live.
Conclusion: Alot of things would have to go wrongly for a human being
to lose (Like if they were lacking brains like all the JP3
characters). Heck, if a skilled human being can take on a leopard hand
to hand, lightly-built, weak dactyl will be no problem.
You know, the T.rex vs. Troodon thing is starting to look more
reasonable after this.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 10, 2001
I'm not saying T.rex was a trained killer,
what I'm implying he had the instincts to be a formidible predator.
And good predators take on the weak instead of wasting energy on
harder targets. But I suspect its likely he would have no problems
with finishing off healthy adult Triceratops if he wanted, but he'd
rather go for the weaker ones.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 10, 2001
Hmm, the spines which we would expect to
form a sail the "sail-backed" Spinosaurs resemble more that of the
spines of animals with a hump like bison than animals that had a frill
or sail. Comparing the spines of alleged sail-backed dinosaurs with
humpbacked animals such as buffaloes and ancient rhinoceroses, and
with Dimetrodon, a true sail-backed reptile that lived before the
dinosaurs, the spines dinosaurs' spinal struts didn't look like
Dimetrodon's at all; unlike Dimetrodon's thin bony spears, the
dinosaurs' struts were flat and broad with swollen tips like the ones
found in humpbacked animals. The thickness of the dinosaur struts
indicates that they were weight-bearing attachment sites for muscles
and ligaments and likely, fat. I'm not sure a sail would really be
useful in a desert, where most animals survive not by trading heat
with the environement (exchange), but by not trading heat at all
(insulation). The reason for being is that desert enivroments may bee too extreme to support a large, skin heat exchanger.
If the conditions were windless (which they usually are midday where
the sun is the hottest), Spinosaurus could suffer from overheating if
he had a sail. A ridge/hump would be a better solution, preventing the
animal from overheating simply by insulating it from the environment.
Many desert dwelling animals do this. I'm not sure, but the morphlogy
of the spines seems to indicate a hump than a skin
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 10, 2001
"Cause the books were better than the
movies. A lot better."
from DW,
age ?,
July 10, 2001
Ha ha ha! Good picture Honkie! By the way,
euoplacephulas you are wrong, T-,man had very good eyesight. He had
far bigger eyes than his prey animals and he had dept perception,
evidence that points towards adaptations for good eyesight. Also,
T-man was so good at running he didn't need no arms to prevent himself
from injuring himself because he rarely fell, and if he did, he was
probably good enough to fall in such a way (much like cats crashing)
to reduce injury. Above all, he was extremly tough and would absorb a
few falls. What's the point of having to box when you can bite
someone's head off?
Picture by Honkie Tong.
from Damean,
age ?,
July 10, 2001
Also, I don't think they can really kill a
human being, unless they were really lucky. They didn't have necks
strong enough to stab hard enough to kill a human being and they
certainly can't lift off with a normal human. There's hardy a way for
them to seriously threaten us!
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 9, 2001
Granted, the dactyl is big, but its more
of an optical illusion. These things were extremely light and fragile
for their size. A human being is tougher than one 11 times his size
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 9, 2001
T-Rex Would Lose A Boxing Match(For The
Tiny Arms),A Race(For It Needed To Keep From Tripping And Smashing
It`s Skull),
And A Schavenger Hunt(I Think It`s Eyes Were Not Powerful Enougth To
See Colour).It Would Lose Dinowarz With A Triceratops In Real Life.The
Next Dinowarz Better Not Have T-Rex Win Or I`m Going To Go
from euoplacephulas,
age 8,
July 9, 2001
NIETHER. I just study dinosaurs as a hobby
and consider them fascinating. I develope my own theories and use
independent study. For instance I'am especially interested in the
Giganotosaurus's lifestyle, and habits. Goodbye and peace-out for
from Scott,
age 14,
July 9, 2001
"Actually Honkie Tongue the sail on
Spinosaurus could have been used as either to attract mates by
flushing blood into it to make an amazing pattern,"
I dunno... Couldn't the sail be colored in the first
from Jason,
age 13,
July 9, 2001
And spino probaly had a couple of fights
with the carcharadontosaurus, another large predator who lived the
same time as the spinosaur.
from T-man,
age ?,
July 9, 2001
"Cause the books were better than the
movies. A lot better."
I hear that! He he...
from Jason,
age 13,
July 9, 2001
Hey Honkie, they say the T-rex usually ate
small, sick, or injured triceratops. And they usually ate hadrosaurs,
and you don't really have to be trained to do that.
from T-MAN,
age ?,
July 9, 2001
Reptilian Camel?
from T-man,
age ?,
July 9, 2001
Hey Honkie, Pteranadon had a wingspand of
25 ft. and stood 6 ft. tall. And pretty sure those are pteranadons in
the movie, since they have the long crest on their head, and they are
a type of pteradactyle. So I don't think it would have a problem with
killing a person. It could have probaly feed kids to the babies at
it's nest.(killing the kid first)
from T-man,
age ?,
July 9, 2001
The spinosaurus didn't just eat fish.
Scientists say that it fed on a Iguanadon-like dinosaur, which was a
little smaller. And a saurapod about the size of a apatosaurus. So I'd
say spino was probaly trained killer. And since he doesnt weigh as
much, he is probaly faster. But(like the Giganoto and
Carcharodontosaurus) he probaly didn't bitting stength of a
from T-man,
age ?,
July 9, 2001
I won't have access to the internet for a
few days, but I don't really have anything to say anyway. I'm at the
library now, so I'll try to find some good dinosaur
from Brad,
age 14,
July 9, 2001
Actually Honkie Tongue the sail on
Spinosaurus could have been used as either to attract mates by
flushing blood into it to make an amazing pattern, or as a type of
cooling circulation by flushing blood through it and there-by cooling
itself off. Sort-of like a reptilian camel.
from Scott,
age 14,
July 9, 2001
Guess my data is a little out-dated. But
even though Jurassic Park is science-fiction I still think that they
should at least stick to some facts. Besides the first two movies
would have been better if they sticked closer to the books. Cause the
books were better than the movies. A lot better.
from Scott,
age 14,
July 9, 2001
You're right, Honkie Tong, "ridge" is a
better term.
from Chandler,
age ?,
July 9, 2001
_Spinosaurus_ is NOT bigger than _T. rex_!
It is just longer. Horner, although an expert on ornithopods, knows
nothing about theropods and should not be teaching people about
from Chandler,
age ?,
July 9, 2001
actually leonard, i did some research. jp3
is not about stealing.
its more of a rescue operation.
from Shane S.,
age 1000,
July 9, 2001
I think the word "hump" is rather
misleading, "ridge" would be better. Besides, I seriously doubt
Spinosaurus would have needed a sail as an adaptation to living in the
desert. Other Spinosaurids seem to have a less extensive structure or
none at all, suggesting that a "sail" may have been more of a passive
use as a hump/ridge than a immediate survival specific tool. In any
case, hauling that deco on your back isn't gonna help you in a
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 9, 2001
"How the heck would they know what
spinosaurus ate, or if the T-rex is a trained killer. "
I dunno about Spinosaurus, but we do have a heck of alot of evidence
to suggest T.rex might have been an efficent killer. Let's see:
Puncture marks on Triceratops hip bones caused by normal feeding bites
by T.rex that are equal in force to the attack bites of alligators
(and that's a heck lot of force, imagine what it could do in an attack
bite). Some hardosaur remains have been found inside T.rex fossils.
And amazingly, a nice semicircular bite takign out a large portion
from a Triceratops frill from the front caused at such an angle it
could only be possible when the Triceratops was alive and
upright...and charging the Tyrannosaur (some people say the
Tyrannosaur bit down on the frill of the Triceratops to avoid being
gored...apparently it worked as the Triceratops did not survive the
battle and no Tyrannosaur remains were found nearby) Oh yes, partially
healed bite wounds on hardosaur tails have been found with fragments
of T.rex teeth in it. And more amazingly, an entire T!
.rex tooth sticking out of a hardosaur hipbone. In one case, the
healing of the wound was noted to be minimal (meaning the animal died
about two weeks after the bite. Septic infection?). Of course, some
fossils also show T.rex scavenging, so he must have been an all
I dunno, but I think we do have quite alot of evidence to show that
T.rex was quite a formidible predator. Trained killer? You have to be
either really lucky or good to take on a Triceratops from the pointy
end...and win.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 9, 2001
Let's not kid ourselves here, folks . . .
dinosaurs fighting in JP is a SPORT. Every dino that's did what the
dinos (Execept T-man) do in JP (tm) has recieved an ArseWhupin'(tm).
Spinosaurus's got length, he's got fame from recent dinosaur movies,
he has the mean look in the movie, and soon he'll have T-man's foot up
his arse.
You want to talk about previous records? In the late cretacious
(That's the near the KT boundiary) T.rex was kicking the arses of
gigantic ceratopsian(tm) herbivores. If you know anything about the
big ceratopsians, you know that they are even more elite at killing
carnivores than the sauropods. If Spinosaurus had been there, he would
have been wondering why the other dinosaurs watching wasn't stopping
the fight when they got in to a clinch. T-man is also so good at
stealth he could single-handedly escaped custody of the Vietnam Army
which managed to hold off even YOUR country's gargantuan war machine,
if he was a P.O.W. He recieved the Congressional Medal of
Whupin'Arse(tm). and let's face it, they don't exactly give those
things away to just anyone.
T-man's got the mental edge. Using the Mind Powers(tm) bestowed to him
by his An Advanced Coelurosaur Brain (tm) his mind will be clear.
He'll react instantly to Spinosaurus' first snap, block it upward,
grabbing the head, twisting it and biting out the jaw joint. As Robert
Bakker watches with aproval and begins taking notes, T-man proceeds to
pick one of Spino's legs and drive him to the ground. Reaching the
mounted position, T-man lets out an insane
and proceeds to disfigure poor Rocky, whose promoter, Horner,
(incapacitated due to T-man's Insane Scream of Utter Rage(tm) which
overloads his ears) does nothing. Rigsby Rex, the ref, has to pull
T-man off, stopping the fight. Spino goes down in 20 seconds. Pay Per
View head office is the victim of a bomb sent from angry viewers the
next day.
from Damean,
age ?,
July 9, 2001
"pterodactyles have big claws on their
feet(some big birds have actually killed with their claws) and big
beaks to stab people, so they could easily kill you."
Well, I seriously doubt they could do alot of damage. They certianly
weren't hunters of big prey like moder raptors and I seriously suspect
they would have extreme difficulty in killing humans unless they got
lucky and gouged an artery or something. Humans are just too tough,
strong and powerful for these fragile fish hunting lizards. And what
can they do with their feet claws? They can't come in and strike us
easily, given they were mainly gliders and not good flappers (hence
they can't lift us). And they are next to useless on the ground (where
we have even more advantages!). Humans are just too powerful for
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 9, 2001
"I wonder how a T-Rex would do during a boxing
match?!!!!!! HEE! HEE! HEE! :0"
I found this brilliant answer in the voting page where a person states how T.rex
could have done during a boxing match:
"Carcharodontosaurus is in his home element here, being so brash and bold to
challange T.rex. He will waste no time in running over and pounding on T.rex.
Since all he knows is biting and ramming, he will do this by biting and ramming
poor T.rex repeatedly all over his body. T.rex will not offer any resistance at
first, because he does not believe in starting fights and does not understand why
he was dragged out of the his hunting grounds *again*. Fortunately for the
Tyrannosaur, the bites will not hurt him much (Tyrannosaurs are known for thier
toughness after all), causing only a slow journey into semi-consciousness from
the constant pounding to the head. Once there, he will start having flashbacks
from his hatchinghood, and, believing that he is being bullied by bigger
dinosaurs when he was small and young and could not defend himself, he will
finally Snap.
With a quick, two-handed jab to Carcharodontosaurus' midsection, this trained
killer will pull both of Carcharodontosaurus' lungs out from his stomach. As
Carcharodontosaurus looks down in uncomprehending (can he look any other way?)
shock, T.rex will slip the lungs over his arms like boxing gloves to argument
them and begin bludgeoning Carcharodontosaurus until he falls, gasping, to the
At this point, Carcharodontosaurus will start having flashbacks from all the
fights in his life, finally wrapping up with everyone who has died fighting
T.rex, beckoning him. The entire flashback sequence will take approximately
twenty minutes. And Carcharodontosaurus dies, another victim of the "I must try
to beat T.rex" syndrome. T.rex stands over the body of Carcharodontosaurus and
waves those lungs as the crowd goes wild before heading back to secure another
meal of Hardosaurus.
This is for the Tyrant Lizard King.
Cool eh.
I don't think Spinosaurus was 33 feet long. By good estimates, I think he's the
longest theropod by a reasonable margin at 45-50 feet, but he was by no means the
largest. Compairing Spinosaurus to the "normal" theropod is a little like
compairing Diplodocus to Brachiosaurus. Being longer does not mean that the
animal is larger. But of course, I doubt Spinosaurus could have put up a great
fight against a bruiser like T.rex, given his morphlogy. In fact, I suspect he
may have faced some measure of predation by shorter but larger and certainly
fiercer carnivores like Carcharodontosaurus. Spinosaurus simply lacks the
morphlogy to do alot of damage. (I seriously doubt he could tackle an aircraft
like he did in the movie) And the spino in JP3 is not totally wrong, it just had
alot of elements in its morphlogy altered to make it extremely mean, something he
of course was...not.
from Tim B., age ?, ?, ?, ?; July 6, 2001 "
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 9, 2001
The spinosaurus has a cousin;Altispinix of corse but
not as powerful the diemetrodon was like a cousin of the 2 but slower!The
spinosaurus looks scary but want a bet that t-rex was scarier?Well t-rex killed
rival males and sometimes ate them alive.On the other side,spinosaurus wounded
each other and displayed their sail but one might get angry and tear the other's
sail though one might get killed and tha's almost as bad.
from Donovan c...(same initial as "c." but long form"),
age 11,
July 9, 2001
Sorry, Donovan, I can't post last names. JC
Oh tell us the ending Sauron, we wound want you to
spoil the movie!
from T-man,
age ?,
July 9, 2001
And Scott, that why it is called a Sci-fi, so it is
supposed to be fictional so it can fun. But I don't know if the movie will
from T-man,
age ?,
July 8, 2001
Hey Scott, check your dino data. They have found
spinosaurs up to 50 ft. and probaly weight 4 tons, and that is not from Jack
Horner; that is from a bunch of websites. Hey just doens't weight as much as the
T-rex. And Honkie, pterodactyles have big claws on their feet(some big birds have
actually killed with their claws) and big beaks to stab people, so they could
easily kill you.
from ?,
age ?,
July 8, 2001
Sorry, about what I said but I read your May section
and I just laughed at what you all said. I just had to say something about your
little comments about dinsaur cloning. Now onto Jurassic Park3. It is a movie
full of BS. I hate the fact that they made the Spinosaurus bigger than the
T-Rex. The Spinosaurus grew to a maximum of 33 ft tall while T-Rex grew to 39 ft
tall. It's True It's True.
from Scott,
age 14,
July 8, 2001
You are all crazy. Creating an actual true dinosaur
clone is possible but containing them is impossible. You may think you can
contain but you can't. There are too many factors to ad into the equations. One
you don't know how they actually acted. Two you you don't know if what you feed
them is alright for them to eat, you might end up killing them. Plus you can't
raise them to be true dinosaurs because they would be nothing more than
unpredictable copies that have no idea who or what they are and how to act. They
would be false dinosaurs.
from Scott,
age 14,
July 8, 2001
For those who say the spinosaurus sail was too small,
his sail was only 6 ft high, try picturing that on a 40-50 ft. animal. Oh, and
where does it say that spinosaurus was 60 ft. and weighed 12 tons. Because I
think u guys are thinking about the model Stan Winston built(Which is made out of
metal and some other materials). And spino and barynox are
from T-man,
age ?,
July 8, 2001
Well, from reading the "junior novelization" of JP3
in B.Dalton, the tyrannosaur-spinosaur battle is a brief part of the movie. I
forgot the details of the fight, but I remember the ending..."the Spinosaur
clamped down on T-Rex's throat." Unfortunately the people don't see what happens
next as they take advantage of the situation and flee both titans. But later we
see the Spinosaur again, so I assume the T-Rex lost... >=(
from Sauron,
age ?,
July 8, 2001
Humps don't have to be heavy. A _Spinosaurus_ hump
wouldn't be a massive lump, probably just a thickened ridge. The bones of the
vertebral projections probably wouldn't be visible as if there were a sail,
however (contrary to JP3 and most _Spinosaurus_ restorations). Bones that
support sails don't need to be as thick and sturdy as the _Spinosaurus_ hump
bones--just look at the spines of _Dimetrodon_ to see what sail projections look
from Chandler,
age ?,
July 8, 2001
How the heck would people making these comments know
this much about the t-rex and spinosaurus. How the heck would they know what
spinosaurus ate, or if the T-rex is a trained killer. They are making dumb
guesses on animals they have never seen or don't know all the much
from T-man,
age ?,
July 8, 2001
For those who think the spinosaurus wouldn't stand a
chance against the t-rex. Well, the spinosaurus is bigger, so it has a good
Get your facts straight.
from trey,
age 17,
United States;
July 8, 2001
Yep, thats my brother, alright!!
from Katie V.,
age 14,
July 8, 2001
I wonder how a T-Rex would do during a boxing
match?!!!!!! HEE! HEE! HEE! :0
from Anthony V.,
age 13,
July 8, 2001
Who won in that fight in JP3, the spinosaurus or the
If they made the spinosaurus win I'm not watching the stupid
from some guy,
age 16,
July 8, 2001
Because the spinosaurus's sail, wouldn't the fragile
fin thing be a handicap? There is no way the spines would have supported a hump
because theropods tend to keep their forms as light as possible even if they are
4-6 tons.
from some guy,
age 16,
July 8, 2001
Is Rigby's rex real? How much bigger was it compared
to the "normal" rex? Where can I go to find out more?
from some guy,
age 16,
July 8, 2001
I know a hands down winner even against 5,000,000,000
of (your challenger here) Goijira a.k.a Godzilla. With his superior healing
capabilities, size, and world renound nuclear blast he untouchable. But if not
that me with equipment of my choice and a location of my choice or one or the
other! fwuh huh huh huh hu huh haa. omph HA! oh yeah the guy how says t-rex is
your winning verdict how would you like to meet one face to hidious (yours) face!
just kidding (about the face part) i think L.T. I HAVE SAM NEILL'S AUTOGRAPH!!!
from Russlander,
age enough,
The Lair, Russland,
July 8, 2001
Earlier I posted a message about Dinosuchus being
60ft.Did I get any
from CameronW.,
age 10,
July 8, 2001
Why JP3 shouldn't be watched:
Story of JP: Guy tries to take embryos from Jurassic Park and bad things happen
because of that.
Story of JP2: People try to take dinosaurs from Stite B and bad things happen
because of that.
Story of JP3: People obviously try to steal something in the movie and bad things
happen because of that.
As you can see, there is really nothing special in the plotline of JP3 at all.
Instead, I think its one movie too many and has served to be a platfrom for us to
mock how little these people who spend millions of dollars to make these movies
know about dinosaurs in the first place. It's a multi-million dollar show about
dinosaurs with greatly inaccucrate dinosaurs... what a joke.
from Leonard,
age 14,
July 8, 2001
And you see, the case builds against Spinosaurus when
we discover T.rex in actual fact was not even larger and bulkier, it was also
much more stronger, faster and likely more intelligent and aglie. Now that's bad
for Spinosaurus. Spinosaurus was bad, but the Brachy is bad too....gggrrrr what
did it do? Get its front legs fixed behind and its neck broken?
My verdict: T.rex would have Spinosaurus (and just about every other carnivorous
dinosaur) for breakfast. Spinosaurus must be out of his mind to take on T.rex
without all the cheesy fakeness of JP3.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 7, 2001
As I said, the morphlogy of Spinosaurus prevents him
from attacking large prey effectively.(It's like saying a housecat can take on an
kill a goat) If you pit him against an animal that was desgined to take out large
animals with one bite, I'm quite sure he dosen't stand too much of a
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 7, 2001
OK, never mind, I know the Pterodactyl wasn't a
dino....DUH!!!! (HA HA Don't Worry I'm OK!) 8)
from Katie V.,
age 14,
July 7, 2001
A Teradactyl or Pterodactyl (Whatever) isn't a dino,
or is it? Help!!
from Katie V.,
age 14,
July 7, 2001
I agree Brad, the Brachiosaurus looks bad. The second
raptor looks cool though.
from DW,
age ?,
July 7, 2001
excuse me, but how do any of u guys know wat
Spinosaurus ate.
he culd have eaten triceratops as a little snack rite after supper!
ppl automatically assume that becuz t-rex is bulkier, spino will lose.
well, for all we know spino culd be wiry.
from Shane S.,
age 1000,
July 7, 2001
DW, I totally agree that they shouldn't have even
bothered making a JP3. I mean, the 1st one was cool, the 2nd was alright I
guess, but a 3rd one? I think they're taking it too far. But hey, thats my
from ?,
age 14,
July 7, 2001
I think I'm going to have nightmares about that
spinosaur, Chandler! Great work!
from Brad,
age 14,
July 7, 2001
do htmls work here?
from firebird,
age ?,
July 7, 2001
Yes. JC
"You mean you consider a 12-ton and 60-foot estimate
not too far from the more realistic extimate of 4-5 tons and 45-50 feet???!!!"
I didn't know he was that big. 12 tons is stupidly large. The shape of the JP3
spinosaur didn't bother me, and to be honest it still doesn't. I don't think
it's the poorest depiction of a dinosaur in JP history.
from Brad,
age 14,
July 7, 2001
I drew a _Spinosaurus_ too (Dino Pictures board) but
its neck is too long and S-shaped. Oh, well, I liked the pose so I posted it
from Chandler,
age ?,
July 7, 2001
I notice that Horner often shows a
certain distaste with T. Rex. Just read the production notes on
the JP3 site, under the section "The New Guy."
from Sauron,
age ?,
July 7, 2001
Triceratops Was Faster Than
T-Rex,Lillian.T-Rex Fans Are Weaker Than Anybody.I Don`t Like
T-Rex Because I`m Tired Of This Stamping "T-Rex Is My Favorate"
All Over DinoVote.
from euoplacephulus,
age 8,
July 7, 2001
This "Brachiosaurus" toy from JP///
looks awfully awful.....
from Brad,
age 14,
July 7, 2001
"I didn't think the JP///
Spinosaurus was very far from the truth until we started
discussing it here! "
You mean you consider a 12-ton and 60-foot estimate not too far
from the more realistic extimate of 4-5 tons and 45-50
from Damean,
age ?,
July 6, 2001
Spinosaurus vs. Tyrannosaurus rex is
a lame fight!
Tyrannosaurus rex's experience in killing and maiming is the
critical factor. Spinosaurus has never killed anything really
big beside fish. Tyrannosaurus rex are trained killing machines,
and they don't need arms. They are the MacGyvers (tm) of death.
They can strangle you with your own tail, beat you to death with
your own foot, or impale you on a nearby tree.(Of course they
could also bite you to death) Spinosaurus would be choking on
his own blood before he could say "Hey! Now that wasn't really
from Damean,
age ?,
July 6, 2001
Does anyone else think that they
shouldn't have made JP3?
from DW,
age ?,
July 6, 2001
HAHA! Good one Honkie! I think my
Singlish rating is "bad", going from the passage. How about the
rest? Catch no ball ah?
Once again, Tyrannosaurus was faster than Triceratops and could
kick his arse about anytime, one on one. Unless he was unlucky
(or the Triceratops lucky) or he was
from Leonard,
age 14,
July 6, 2001
Hey that Spino looks pretty good, no
steriod enhanced 8-foot skull, 12-ton madness! I just don't buy
the JP||| Spino, it's VERY far from the truth. For example, I
don't think it can even do half of what it could do in the
from Leonard,
age 14,
July 6, 2001
Woops...I based my idea of
Spinosaurus not having steroscopic vision on the skulls of other
Spinosaurs like Baryonyx walkeri and prehaps Suchomimus
tenerensis? Those dinosaurs did not have vision overlap in the
range for steroscopic vision but I doubt that's an disadvantage,
as many predators of fish lack steroscopic vision. Alligators
lack steroscopic vision too. My guess is, Spinosaurus wasn't
exactly a distance-judger, relying on his wider field of vision
to spot a fish and than using his long jaw to reach out and
spear it. In that case, steroscopic vision would be useful, but
not necessary. Animals with shorter jaws like Tyrannosaurus
would have required some form of depth perception to strike. I'm
not sure about the Allosaurids though, the certainly did not
have steroscopic vision and I'm not sure how they really judged
distance. Mabye they weren't that good in their aim, just
rushing in to slam their upper jaws down on their prey. I don't
"I didn't think the JP/// Spinosaurus was very far from the
truth until we started discussing it here! Now it almost seems
to be a fictional monster that stole the name of a completely
different animal!"
I think that's what it is!
from Leonard,
age 14,
July 6, 2001
What You Don`t Know Is Triceratops
Was Faster Than T-Rex.T-Rex Ran 20 MPH And Triceratops Ran 35
MPH.I Mean,A Triceratops Was T-Rex`s Enemy.When T-Rex Attacked
Triceratops,The Triceratops Would Come Charging At T-Rex.This Is
A T-Rexes Last Moment.
from euoplacephulas,
age 8,
July 6, 2001
How inaccurate is my Spinosaurus
picture? (Dino Pictures)
I didn't think the JP/// Spinosaurus was very far from the truth
until we started discussing it here! Now it almost seems to be
a fictional monster that stole the name of a completely
different animal!
from Brad,
age 14,
July 6, 2001
"Correct me if I am wrong, but does
the JP3 Spinosaurus looks like it has steroscopic vision? I've
seen the toy and didn't quite think about it until I realized
that Spinosaurs did not have steroscopic visio!"
I don't think we can tell if it had stereoscopic vision, because
I don't think the back of the skull (including the oribts) has
been found, just the jaws. As most dinosaurs did not have
stereoscopic vision, you're probably right to believe that
Spinosaurus didn't either. But if Spinosaurus hunted fish, as
many believe, judging distances (depth in the water) would be a
great advantage.
from Brad,
age 14,
July 6, 2001
Actually, the Spinosaurus in JPIII
is not as fictional as you think, I did feature a similar
60-foot, 10 ton Spinosaurus in eposide 4 of Dino Warz 1. If you
look carefully, you'll realize that my Spinosaurus fits the
description of the JPIII one rather well, a
Horner-inspired-carnivore. (correct me, but does Horner seem
obsessed with knocking T.Rex down?) Of course, the Spinosaurus
in Dino Warz was cheating by taking steriods and other drugs to
get him to his size, so my conclusion is, if you see a
Spinosaurus at that scale, the people behind the match are
cheating. Therefore, the JPIII Spinosaurus must be cheating!
*Gasp! We didn't know that! :0
I think I should copyright my DinoWarz characters, too many
people are using them in the way their creator, me, never
intended. Remember guys, please do not use Sue tm. , Suzie tm.
and Sue Imperator tm. in your stories without my permission.
Also copyrighted are Tinker tm. , Dakota tm. , Stan tm. and
Stephen tm.
(Note, these Tyrannosaurus are not the same Tyrannosaurus as the
fossils, they are the Tyrannosaurus in the DinoWarz
from Billy Macdraw,
age 19,
July 6, 2001
This post is rated G, for a general
Test your Singlish with the follow commentary ah. See if your
Singlish very the powderful:
Spinosaurus pia chui with T.rex, who will win?
We see in JayPee"tree", got Spinosaurus want to pia chui with
T.rex. The movie show T.rex got lose, but got such thing a not?
The movie most likey kayu one, got match fixing one. This fight
refree kayu one, confirm kaylong one. Also ah, it looks like the
directoor of der movie only want to swan T.rex and the
Spinosaurus tua kang one, no fair one, like that one win oreddy
So is they really fight without kaylonging the match, who will
win? Lets not put too much chimlogy here so people can
udderstand what we arr saying. But I think this match is not so
even, so the result is not tikam-tikam one. We must duddy both
dinosaur very closely too see who will win. Let we all look at
T.rex first okie?
What we know T.rex very the powderful one. He muscle all very
big and much, so he must be strong strong. He theef also all big
big...can KRUSSH bone one. Very power sia! Also, his nose very
heng to be ho one, so he can smell very far. His eye all steady
one, face forward, can see deep can see shallow. His jaw also
very der strong one, so he can hoot and hamtam things very hard
one. We see in Jurashic Park he hoot the car until it lau pok
chia, got orrchea all over the place. We also noe from T.rex
skelerton that he also like to pia chui with other T.rex. But he
very the hard to kill one, becos he very heng and tuff. T.rex
confirm pah buay si one! T.rex saht saht boh chio leh!
Now lets look at Spinosaurus. He jaw thin thin week week one,
his bone all olso thin thin week week one. He legs orr so short,
how too lun fast? His jaw so week, how to hoot things borperly?
Also his eyeball all on the side, confirm pah chaio one, how to
see to hoot broperly? The JayPeetree movie only sakat sakat him
one, but dey all salah one. Spinosaurus not so der powerful one.
I think he sakat sakat by them until he psyco that's why he want
to pia chui with T.rex.
Now if dey fight, I dink people who say Spinosaurus will win can
go fly kite. Spinosaurus beat T.rex? Dan jui jui eh. Spinosaurus
can hoot T.rex, but T.rex so tough pah buay si one. If
Spinosaurus siao ting tong try to kao beh kao bu and guail lan
with T.rex, T.rex kenna swan confirm very buey song and will
tekan Spinosaurus one. If Spinosaurus still so blur dun balek
kumpung, he will kenna hoot until he go up lorry. T.rex will
KRUSSH his bone until he die from it man. Spinosaurus want to
fight confirm kena sai one! T.rex confirm bite and punchear
Spinosaurus skin one, Spinosaurus confirm die one. Like that win
already lor. But you see Spinosaurus siao siao, always so hiam
want to fight with T.rex, so ai hiam kena sai lah! He olso so mm
tzai si confirm kenna hamtam one what! How can he win? We all
know T.rex so der powderful, kah kee cho seng lee. Simee kuan eh
seng lee wah mana eh chai.
Ok! Moh tuck keng liao!
Gauge Your command of Singlish...
Good - Can understand the story and pronounce Singlish correctly
Singlish eh sai, steady sia!
Bad - Can understand half story and/or cannot pronounce Singlish
properly - Chia Lat
Worse - Don't understand story and/or catch no ball - leow leow,
mai ka lang kong you is autentacity Singabolean
Don't understand rating - wah piang, you einglish also confirm
dunno one!
Where do you fall?
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 6, 2001
I like T.Rex because his mother
calls him snoocums
from Timmy,
age 9,
July 6, 2001
Look Jason,singaporeams are
singaporeans we aren't from britain or americans we speak our
own singlish as in singapore engilsh.Its just that way we can't
change we'd never speak american english singapore citizens have
been doing that for almost hundreds of years.We find it not easy
to say perfect english.
from Donovan c.,
age 11,
July 6, 2001
Refrences for my report:
The JP3 Logosaurus Webpage (Just about the only JP3 webpage that
is scientific)
The dinosauricon
An intresting webpage on convergent evolution.
I believe Carnilage Musuem (pardon the spelling) based the
reconstruction of Spinosaurus on Allosaurus, given the dirth of
info on the real Spino before the other Spinosaurs were
discovered. Unfortunately, this Allo-Spino cross has somehow
become the accepted way of viewing Spinosaurus and as a result,
Spinosaurus was alot more heavily built than in the accucrate
version. (I believe Horner is working on the outdated Allo-Spino
reconstructions too)
Oddly, most webpages on Spinosaurus are JP3 webpages. I think
the amount of misinformation will heavily outnumber the amount
of accucrate information on Spinosaurus for a long while...
I still can't find the grossly inaccucrate JP3 dino scale
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 6, 2001
Hmm...I've also heard that the
original Spinosaurus fossil destroyed in WW2 did use some
Allosaurus parts to fill in the missing parts. I'm not too sure
but I suppose that's possible as Spinosaurus was then regarded
to be very closely related to Allosaurus as other Spinosaurs had
not been discovered yet. But allow me to extrapolate based on
its relatives like Baryonyx walkeri and Suchomimus tenerensis.
Alright, the first thing I would notice about Spinosaur
morphlogy is that they were indeed quite lightly-built, and I'm
going to describe their skulls as almost (allow me to use the
term) "laterally compressed". I'm not sure about this, but did
Spinosaurus really have large arms? I do not see this in
logosaurus diagram and it seems to be more indicative of a
relatively short-armed animal. I suppose it could reach the
ground with its arms, but I don't think it's going to do too
much walking on them.The problem is that the arms are slung
below the body,
and cannot flap. Because this animal is no kangaroo, rearing
up is no possibility either. This severely restricts the use of
the strong arms. Also, the arms were slung low under the
animal and a thumb claw might have been common to all
However, an intresting part of Spinosaur morphlogy is their
relatively shallow pubis bone that would have made for a shallow
gut, indicating that the animal would have been quite light in
life. (For all of you wondering why Giganotosaurus was heavier
than Tyrannosaurus even though it was lighter-built, it was
because its pubis was deeper, indicating a deeper gut and
correspondingly greater bulk. Ironically, this is more of a
drawback as Giganotosaurus was less well muscled than
Tyrannosaurus and would have been weaker) Spinosaurs also seem
to be rather short-limbed when you put them beside other
carnivores. It's my suspision that Spinosaurus would have been
largely piscivorous and would have also been a threat to small
prey (aka. humans like us) but his morphlogy defys him attacking
large prey.
My reason for Spinosaurus not being a big-prey hunter is derived
mainly from his morphlogy. He was lightly built and was quite
ungracile for his size (short legs). Also, his arms, though good
for fishing, would have had quite limited use for hunting big
prey due to their location. Spinosaurus also, based on limited
records and extrapolation from its relatives, would have had a
realtively weak bite. Its skull was very lightly built and long,
which is a bad engineering solution if you want it to resist
large stresses. The upper jaw of Spinosaurids also lacks the
renforced construction of Allosaurus fragilis and the other
Allosaurus that employed hatchet-slam methods of biting to make
up for a weak bite. The extreme kink in the snout between the
maxilla and premaxilla, though good for snaring fish, would have
added an additional stress point for forces to concentrate, bad
news if you are going to bite a large animal to death. The teeth
of Spinosaurus, are long and conical, some with microserrations, and little to no recurvature, and would
have been good for stabbing small prey, but again, bad for
trying to inflict extensive damage to large animals. The teeth
of Spinosaurus, coupled with its weak bite, would have caused
less damage had it tried to bite than if it was a bite from
other dinosaurus like Allosaurus or Tyrannosaurus. All in all, I
conclude that Spinosaurus would not have worked great on the
killing large animals part.
The length of Spinosaurus is also extremely deceptive when it
comes to gauging its true size. This animal had thoracic and
caudal vertebrae that are about twice as long as on other
theropods. This extended vertebral column adds a huge amount to
the length of the animal. It was a laterally thin animal, and
had a shallower rib cage, like compsognathids and dilophosaurs.
It would have been quite light for its size indeed. I do think
we have enough to know that Spinosaurus would have been a
smaller (based on bulk, not visual apperance)animal than
Tyrannosaurus. A good weight estimate (I'm stating weight here
as the length of Spinosaurus is extremely misleading) of
Spinosaurus would be 4.5-5 tons (almost 3 times less than the
JP3 estimate!). Strengthwise, I suspect Spinosaurus may not have
been really strong too. (Certainly not enough to attack a light
aircraft like he did in JP3)
All in all, I'd like to conclude that Spinosaurus was not built
for the monster role it was intended to play in JP3. Based on
all the information I've delved from the net, I seriously
suspect Horner's theories about Spinosaurus being the unbeatable
superhunter it was are extremly inaccucrate. It's rather ironic
how he can draw inverse conclusions from morphlogies built for
hunting and morphlogies not built for hunting. (T.rex was a
scavenger, Spinosaurus was a hunter?) Well, and yes Leonard,
Spinosaurus did not have steroscopic vision.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 6, 2001
Singlish is an extremely abreviated
form of English mixing several languages, simplifies grammar and
horribly mangles pronounciation and syntex.
from DW,
age ?,
July 6, 2001
Yeah man! Must cre-ate Singaporean
iden-ti-ty, hor, or else ah, en-tire world also speak Ang Moh!
Then veri sian leh!
from DW,
age ?,
July 6, 2001
Hey! I like Singlish lah and I'm
gonna use it, ok? Slingish is marsh marsh battar den Ang Mor
English bee-cos it cum-mun-ni-cate better, dun believe me? Li
peh kenaa kong (Your father tell you, as in literally, "Let me
tell you"):
Why do we insist on using the Queen's English, when Singlish is
so much more economical and effective? Compare and see!
When going shopping...
Britons : I'm sorry, Sir, but we don't seem to have the sweater
you want in your size, but if you give me a moment, I can call
the other outlets for you.
When returning a call...
Britons : Hello, this is Mr Bean. Did anyone page for me a few
moments ago?
When someone is in the way...
Britons : Excuse me, I'd like to get by. Would you please make
When someone offers to pay...
Britons : Hey, put your wallet away, this drink is on me.
When asking for permission...
Britons : Excuse me, but do you think it would be possible for
me to enter through this door?
When asking to be excused...
Britons : If you would excuse me for a moment, I have to go to
the gents/ladies. Please carry on without me, it would only
take a moment.
When entertaining...
Britons : Please make yourself right at home.
When doubting someone...
Britons : I don't recall you giving me the money.
When declining an offer...
Britons : I'd prefer no to do that, if you don't mind.
When deciding on a plan of action...
Britons : What do you propose we do now that the movie's sold
out & all the restaurants are closed?
When disagreeing on a topic of discussion...
Britons : Err. Tom, I have to stop you there. I understand
where you're coming from, but I really have to disagree with
what you said about the policy.
When asking someone to lower their voice...
Britons : Excuse me, but could you please lower your voice,
I'm trying to concentrate over here.
When asking someone if he/she knows you...
Britons : Excuse me, but I noticed you staring at me for some
time. Do I know you?
Cool eh?
S'poreans: No Stock!
S'poreans: Hello, siang ka pager? (Who paged?)
S'poreans: Lai, siam! or Siam, hor! or Skius!
S'poreans: No-nid. (no need)
S'poreans: (while pointing at door) Can or Not?
S'poreans: Go toilet. Cannot tahan oreddy.
S'poreans: Don't shy, leh!
S'poreans: Where got?
S'poreans: Doe-waaaan.
S'poreans: So how?
S'poreans: Talk cock, lah you!
S'poreans: Eh, tiam, can or not?
S'poreans: See what?
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 6, 2001
"I've noticed some of you
Singaporeans are using Singlish here, can you please use perfect
queen's english?"
Why? And what on Earth does he mean by
from Jason,
age 13,
July 5, 2001
Is it just me, or does the Spinosaur
in JP3's logo look like Baryonx?
from Jason,
age 13,
July 5, 2001
Brad, that looks like a Greg Paul
restoration but I'm not sure...I don't think it appears in PDW
if it is his at all. A lot of people restore dinosaurs in that
method. It does look a lot like Paul's work though (I've seen
that restoration before, I have it saved on my computer, and I
never knew who did it).
from Chandler,
age ?,
July 5, 2001
Everybody is talking about the
groosly inaccucrate Spinosaurus eh?
Correct me if I am wrong, but does the JP3 Spinosaurus looks
like it has steroscopic vision? I've seen the toy and didn't
quite think about it until I realized that Spinosaurs did not
have steroscopic visio!
from Leonard,
age 14,
July 5, 2001
I've noticed some of you
Singaporeans are using Singlish here, can you
please use perfect queen's english?
from SGE (Speak Good English),
age ?,
July 5, 2001
"Uh oh... there's something wrong
with the Stromer restoration. The ribs belong to those of
_Dinosaurs: The Encyclopedia_ (Glut 1997) includes four diagrams
for Spinosaurus- three dorsal vertebrae, lateral and dorsal
views of the dentary, a right dorsal rib, and two teeth. The
rib (like all other diagrams for Spinosaurus) is indicated as
being from the holotype. It's a good illustration, with
cross-sections indicating the circumference of the rib in two
places. If you are correct, then the following conditions must
have occurred:
"Prehaps the veterbre found indicated that Spinosaurus had a
rahter shallow chest."
They're described as "compressed", although Glut doesn't say
which way they were compressed. The vertebrae are long (19-21
cm), so I'm guessing they were laterally compressed, which
agrees with your hypothesis.
"(He was certainly lighter built than Allosaurus, where he got
his ribs anyway) I not sure about the eigth caudal centra, but
if memory serves, the extraordinary length of the tail came
about after that piece was found to be significantly longer and
lighter than the adverage therepod tail, indicating it had a
very long tail."
The tail is ignored in the diagnosis of Spinosaurus. How
well-known are the tails of the baryonychid spinosaurs?
"But sadly, most of Spinosaurus is actually Allosaurus."
Since carcharodontine allosaurs were living in roughly the same
time and place as Spinosaurus, it may be possible that some
"Spinosaurus" material might belong to them. How certain is it
that the holotype of Spinosaurus even represented one
"The skull however, was almost certainly small based on the
dentistry elements we've recovered."
Unfortunately, I haven't found measurements for the dentary
(which is not complete!).
a) Stromer illusrated an imaginary or irrelavent specimen
b) Glut reproduced an irrelavent illustration
I don't think that's likely, but I suppose errors are possible.
There is no mention of ribs in the description or diagnosis of
the holotype, so perhaps you may be correct. What's the source
of your information?
from Brad,
age 14,
July 5, 2001
I dunno about you, but that
logosaurus looks extremely fragile when you pair it up against
that of T-man or Allosaurus. So what's up with these quotes?
"T.Rex dosen't stand a chance against this thing."
"Spinosaurus would have been unbeatable"
"This animal was considerably bigger and more vicious than
"We wanted a challanger"
"He was about 60 feet long and had a 8 foot skull"
Gggr...I am liking Jurassic Park 3 less and less.
(He dosen't stand a chance if the match is fixed)
(Yeah right, about as likely as a 40-kilo Dactyl picking up a 14
year old kid.)
(How can you tell how vicious an animal is from the bones? We
can only tell roughly how deadly it was. And once again,
Spinosaurus wasn't that big!)
(That's a lame one)
(That's very strange. How come just about every other
paleontolgist is stating a smaller figure? Heck, lets "round it
off" the same way and put T-man's length at 55 feet! And lets
see...T-man had a seven foot skull? The 60 foot body length and
8 foot skull estimates are blatantly wrong, but they went ahead
from Damean,
age ?,
July 5, 2001
Uh oh... there's something wrong
with the Stromer restoration. The ribs belong to those of
Allosaurus! Prehaps the veterbre found indicated that
Spinosaurus had a rahter shallow chest. (He was certainly
lighter built than Allosaurus, where he got his ribs anyway) I
not sure about the eigth caudal centra, but if memory serves,
the extraordinary length of the tail came about after that piece
was found to be significantly longer and lighter than the
adverage therepod tail, indicating it had a very long tail. But
sadly, most of Spinosaurus is actually Allosaurus. The skull
however, was almost certainly small based on the dentistry
elements we've recovered.
from Leonard,
age ?,
July 4, 2001
"Spinosaurus had well-curved ribs!"
Possibly, but I don't think they were anywhere near as
well-curved or as thick as T.rex ribs. And the ribs were quite
thin too. I don't see how Spinosaurus fitted Horners'
description as a predator. I mean this thing was
from ?,
age ?,
July 4, 2001
I think it was Horner that acted as
the "adviser" for JP3. Isn't the first time got his meat-eaters
wrong. Say, if those JP guys say that Utahraptor solves the
oversized Velociraptor problem, than why on earth do they keep
calling it Velociraptor? And what's up with the JP3 Spinosaurus?
I thought we have enough elements to know that it was a
significantly smaller animal.
from Spinosaurus,
age ?,
July 4, 2001
I dont know how to add a link to
this page so here...the address for the Official JP3 site is:
from Sauron,
age ?,
July 4, 2001
Then who drew this?
from Brad,
age 14,
July 4, 2001
I didn't think Paul restored any
spinosaurs in PDW because they are all so fragmentary and he
makes a point of trying to never restore very fragmentary
dinosaurs. I don't own this book (I've only checked it out from
the library) so I can't check, but I don't remember seeing any
_Spinosaurus_ life or skeleton restorations (There is some
_Baryonyx_ stuff though).
from Chandler,
age ?,
July 4, 2001
Spinosaurus had well-curved
from Brad,
age 14,
July 4, 2001
So I said:
And then I got this reply:
Why would that be? Spinosaurus was stored in a German museum,
not a British one. And the original diagrams can be reproduced
in books.
"The problem is, many people have shown Spinosaurus was a big
Allosaur with a sail, and without a fossil to confirm this, and
with people to lazy to ask the brits for the accucrate shape and
size of the animal. It's no surprise Spinosaurus is sometimes
the most misrepesented dino around."
I suspect Apatosaurus is usually misrepresented as well.
"But generally if you see a Spinosaurus model with a short tail"
We probably don't know how long Spinosaurus' tail was, since its
only known from eigth caudal centra.
"and an allosaur-type head and it has a rounded chest. It's
Looking at Stromer's diagram of one of the dorsal ribs,
Spinosaurus appears to have a very round body. Where did you
get the information about the chest?
"I think one of the best and most accucrate Spinosaurus records
is found in the book "Predatory Dinosaurus of the World". If a
Spino toy don't match that, its trash."
I don't have that book, so I'll have to risk keeping my
Spinosaurus toys.
"Where can you buy scientifically accurate models of
Spinosaurus? I want one."
"That depends on your knowledge of Spinosaurus anatomy. The
problem with Spinosaurus is that the only example was destroyed
in WW2 and the brits are just about the only people who have any
accucrate records of it."
from Brad,
age 14,
July 4, 2001
I don't have Predatory Dinosaurs of
the World. Should I pay $200 for a used copy?
from Brad,
age 14,
July 4, 2001
from Jason,
age 13,
you know the rest,
July 4, 2001
I Particully Know More About
Dinosaurs Than The T-Rex Fans.
from euoplacephulas,
age 8,
July 4, 2001
Sauron, it has been confirmed that
Ceratosaurus will be in JP3.
from Jason,
age 13,
July 4, 2001
Ultra Intelligent Raptors?
There's some evidence but not anything like enough to support
The size of a creature's brain relative to its body is part of
My info here is all secondhand - I'm awaiting more on this from
the people who really know it.
primate-level suppositions of JP 1 and 3 (JP2 avoid the subject
of raptor intelligence, good move). The evidence consists mostly
of well
preserved skulls (Nanotyrranus, for one) and CAT scans. By
the CAT scan of a skull that was saved from massive damage by
filled with matrix, a computer can "separate" the matrix and
display a
good representation of the brain case. There are also a few
brain case casts, I think, from fossils whose bone was destroyed
after the matrix hardened.
intelligence equation; another is the density of cerebral -- oh,
the word just went away but someone else will provide it
It's very difficult to determine the latter because fossil casts
rarely detailed finely enough; but the size of the brain, and
the sizes of its various lobes (optic, olfactory, auditory...)
relative to the size of the cerebral cortex, can sometimes be
reconstructed quite well. These kinds of information can suggest
intelligence; estimates based on likening dinosaurs to large
birds have suggested that a 'raptor might have been as
intelligent as an ostrich.
from Leonard,
age 14,
July 4, 2001
Wow! Post a link! I wanna see the
chart too...(and laugh at it). The people "making sure" the
dinosaurs are as accucrate as possible for the movie must set
global standards for incompetence, arrogance, sloth, ugliness
and uncontrolable flatulance. Believe me, I could say
from A sarcastic dinosaur fan,
age ?,
July 4, 2001
I think the Jurassic Park 3
Spinosaurs is ridiculous. I was over at the JP3 site and came
across a "dino-chart" where various JP3 dinos were lined up to
compare sizes. The Spinosaur dwarfs Tyrannosaurus! It almost
looks as though it could take on the Brachiosaur! Oh well...on
the bright side, I noticed some interesting things. On the
dino-chart, they feature male and female velociraptors, an
ankylosaurus, and a ceratosaurus. Are these dinos going to be
in the movie? ....I also noticed that the Stegosaurus and
Triceratops both dwarf T-Rex as well...hmmm
from Sauron,
age ?,
July 3, 2001
First of all, can anybody contradict
how Bakker makes Utahraptors act
in Raptor Red?How many people love Raptor Red?Where can you find
Raptor Red fansites?????!!!!!
from Travis P.,
age 10,
July 3, 2001
Sorry Brad from Ontario, I thought
your name was Brian!
from Josh P.,
age 12,
July 3, 2001
In the book Predatory Dinosaurs of
the World by Gregory S. Paul, Paul theorizes that theropods had
avian-like lungs, but does not know why they would have such
lungs. I have some theories of my own. Number one: Perhaps, due
to the immense amount of energy used for a hunt, a theropod
would need lungs capable of drawing in the highest concentration
of carbon and oxygen from the air. Theory #2:Paul speaks of
predators(theropods, again!) tracking a group of sauropods for
about 150 miles! For such a trek, a predator would need strong
lungs. Does anyone have any other theories on Paul's enigma? If
Brian knows, post a note on this site A.S.A.P!!!
from Josh P.,
age 12,
New York,
July 3, 2001
Who/what is BBD?
from Jason,
age 13,
July 3, 2001
HMMMM.If A T-Rex Could Kill A
Spinosaurus,A Allosaurus Could Kill A T-Rex.He Could Sneak Up To
T-Rex,And Since He Was Too Tall To Fight Him,Allosaurus Would
Bite Off His Arms.A Eustryptospondylus Was Smaller And He Could
Do The Same To Allosaurus As Allosaurus Did To T-Rex.Size Does
Matter.You`ll Be Surprised But The Smaller Carnivores Do
Weller.Compsognathus Will Survive Better.He Survived The
Extinction.He`s The One Who`s The Commonest Bird
Today!Unfortunly,A Stegosaurus Could Travel To The South Pole
And Become A Penguin.
from euoplacephulas,
age 8,
July 3, 2001
"Where can you buy scientifically
accurate models of Spinosaurus? I want one."
That depends on your knowledge of Spinosaurus anatomy. The
problem with Spinosaurus is that the only example was destroyed
in WW2 and the brits are just about the only people who have any
accucrate records of it. The problem is, many people have shown
Spinosaurus was a big Allosaur with a sail, and without a fossil
to confirm this, and with people to lazy to ask the brits for
the accucrate shape and size of the animal. It's no surprise
Spinosaurus is sometimes the most misrepesented dino around. But
generally if you see a Spinosaurus model with a short tail and
an allosaur-type head and it has a rounded chest. It's wrong. I
think one of the best and most accucrate Spinosaurus records is
found in the book "Predatory Dinosaurus of the World". If a
Spino toy don't match that, its trash.
from ?,
age ?,
July 3, 2001
Hi! I really like this site, it's
really informative and it helps a lot with
from Claire R,
age 11,
July 3, 2001
BBD is a perfect example of what
Honkie is doing to me. I was outraged at what i saw in the
archives! BBD was not doing anything wrong to speak of. I kind
of like his raptor theory. I don't want to burst anyones bubble
but Jim Farlow said if t-rex ran over (20mph.) it would not be
able to stop it's self. Thus if it tripped it would smash it's
head and die. Note:The arms of a t-rex were too tiny to break
the fall. Now i'm going to say the same thing that BBD said: GET
from Sean.S,
age 13,
i won't tell,
July 3, 2001
Go to
http://gavinrymill.com/dinosaurs/carnivores/ for a picture of
how Spinosaurus really measures up. For the first time, it
presents a somewhat accucrate picture of Spinosaurus as it
really was. The size and weights estimates/illustrations of
Carcharodontosaurus and Giganotosaurus are somewhat outdated
though. Giganotosaurus was certainly not 14 meters long. It
seems to be a rounded up figure. Giganotosaurus was actually
13.3-13.5 meters (44 feet) long. And the 8 ton estimate seems a
little inflated too. 7 seems somewhat more accucrate. And its
quite unlikely Carcharodontosaurus hit 7.5 tons. Obviously the
JP3 guys weren't doing their research too well.
from Spinosaurus,
age ?,
July 3, 2001
Heh heh. Horner could be putting
forward his theory of 100% T.rex scavenger because the
hardosaurs are his fave and he wants to take a dig at their main
from Leonard,
age 14,
July 3, 2001
I've been doing some research into
Spinosaurus to uncover the real animal behind the JP3 movie. The
first thing I noticed was, the original reconstructed skull only
measured 80+ cm! Spinosaurus had a very small head for its size
(because of the large arms?)! In fact, Allosaurus actually had a
larger skull. Also, Spinosaurus had very much less teeth than
shown in the movie and those teeth were certainly much smaller.
The moster 1.8 meter head in the movie is certianly wrong and it
looks like it got patched from Deinosuchus and had the teeth
replaced with T.rex maximilla!
Oh yes, the Spino is also way too big and heavily built. It's
painful to look at! Help!
from Leonard,
age 14,
July 3, 2001
If memory serves, I think Rigby did
uncover two specimens. One normal rex and the largie virtually
everyone is wrongly calling the species "T.Imperator" (That's
actually a nickname). If memory also serves Rigby has uncovered
some skull elements from the larger specimen and they are large
indeed, about 5 percent larger than the Horner rexes that are
not small themselves. Oddly enough though, despite the scaled
down estimates, Rigby's rex would have had a public bone that's
still quite large for its size. (When the pubic bone was first
dug up, estimated lengths for the animal hit 60 feet!) And odd
animal, but undoubtly a 50 foot Tyrannosaurus rex
from Leonard,
age 16,
July 3, 2001
I found these shots of JP/// online.
Plz give comments (or bash them, up 2 u)
from DW,
age ?,
July 3, 2001
Hehehe.. Honkie's right, the
Animatronic Spino is only Sing $80 here, approx. US
from DW,
age ?,
July 3, 2001
Respect isn't an obligation Sean, it
has to be earned. I'm afraid you have done little to deserve
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 2, 2001
I read recently that the Rigby
specimen may actually be two animals; though they found a
gigantic pubic bone (133 cm! Giganatosaurus had 118 cm), the
rest of the bones are just average sized. They don't know if
its two animals or one with a strange abnormality. I personally
think its two animals. An average sized Rex with a greatly
oversized pubic bone is too amusing to
from Sauron,
age ?,
July 2, 2001
Hmm, actually I think there has been
a Spinosaurus vs. T.rex number in DinoWarz 4 where Sue fights a
60 foot, steriod-enhanced Spinosaurus and kicks his
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 2, 2001
Woops, I mixed it up again. What I
saw was actually the poseable Spino. Oddly enough though, the
JP3 toys are made in china or what and cost less to import here
as we are only 2,000 km south of them and you guys are 16,000 km
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 2, 2001
Hmmm. I can see that i was a little
too vicious. I'm sorry if i was rude Honkie Tong. But sometimes
i think you'r instigating these debates though. You seem to deny
everything i say. Also you agree with my enemies. And to top it
off you seem to look foward to debates. You'r also the same guy
who said dinosaurs could effect us from an island if we
recreated them. Sometimes i don't think you have any respect for
me. Whats up with this?
from Sean.S,
age 13,
i won't tell,
July 2, 2001
I have read Dinosaur Heresies by
Robert T. Bakker. One theory presented by Bakker involves the
nasal cavity of Diplodocus. The nose is located on the forehead.
The same is shown in the skull of the modern elephant. Since
elephants have trunks, Bakker theorizes that Diplodocus could
have also had such an appendage. I was wondering how many people
think the theory is plausable and how many think that it is a
radical thought. I personally think it is
from Josh,
age 12,
New York,
United States;
July 2, 2001
Interesting question, Jason. I
think Robert Bakker is one of the best paleo-artists in the
world! His theories are entirely possible, and I don't strongly
disagree with him on anything- except perhaps he did go to far
with the intelligent, emotional Utahraptor of Raptor Red. But
that was fiction anyway. John Horner is most talked about for
his Tyrannosaurus therories, but he's a hadrosaur expert. I
don't feel personally offended by Horner calling Tyrannosaurus a
scavenger, and I don't care if its right.
from Brad,
age 14,
July 2, 2001
It probably depends on how you
define crocodiles.
from Brad,
age 14,
July 2, 2001
"The Singaporean currency is the
Sing $. It's conversion is approximately 1 US:1.8 Sing (I
1 US= 1.5 Canadian, approximately. Shouldn't the animatronic
Spino cost $90 Sing (more than in Canada)?
from Brad,
age 14,
July 2, 2001
I accept that Segnosauridae is a
junior synonym of Therizinosauridae. It's Segnosauria vs.
Therizinosauroidea that's debatable. But how can an 'implied'
taxon be valid?
from Brad,
age 14,
July 2, 2001
"Man, its almost painful too look at
the JP3 shots and toys and compair them to the scientifically
accucrate models I have back home."
Where can you buy scientifically accurate models of Spinosaurus?
I want one.
from Brad,
age 14,
July 2, 2001
Does anyone know of any summer camps
revolving around dinosaurs?
from Jason,
age 13,
July 2, 2001
Brad, aren't crocs almost as old as
dinos? If not, just as old?
from Katie V.,
age 14,
July 2, 2001
I don't think a human would be too
filling to a dinosaur! Especially T-Rex!!
from Katie V.,
age 14,
July 2, 2001
Out of curiosity, what do you all
think of Robert Bakker and John Horner here? I for one think
that Bakker is taking his ideas to close to extreme, making
dinosaus seem like the most advanced creatures(besides us and
primates)known, and Horner's idea of T-rex being completely a
scavenger is not WRONG, nessicerally just not plausible enough
for me.
from Jason,
age 13,
July 2, 2001
No, it's not based on genera, it's
just that when _Therizinosaurus_ was discovered, it was given
its own group, the Therizinosauridae. I just thought saying the
date of the description of _Therizinosaurus_ was a good
indicator of when Therizinosauridae was created. Segnosauria
was made a new group because the scientists who described
_Segnosaurus_ thought it was different from the therizinosaurs,
but it wasn't and the two groups were synonymized.
And actually Therizinosauroidea was implied by Maleev in 1954
(earlier than Segnosauria which couldn't be created at least
until _Segnosaurus_ was described in 1979).
from Chandler,
age ?,
July 2, 2001
I agree that humans would be easier
to catch than other dinosaurs, but it seems such a waste of
energy to chase them around like in the movies. That reminds me,
Bill, if you are going to do another Dino Warz, I think a T-rex
vs. Spinosaur number would be intersting!
from Jason,
age 13,
July 2, 2001
" 3)Of course, it would have been
quite unlikely for Spinosaurus to pose a serious threat to T.rex
(And I'm not saying this becaus ehe's my favourite) "
Don't worry, I'm not going to argue. Spinosaurus is my favourite
dino but I'm quite sure he's not gonna come anywhere close to
beating T-Rex. For one thing, Spinosaurus wasn't built to be
really mean in the first place. His sail made him bigger and
that's why I like him. But he's really not an animal built to
destroy and kill like T-Rex. The real T-Rex has a long list of
advantages over Spinosaurus when it comes to combat and I really
don't see anyway for it to lose to Spinosaurus. But I'm afraid
the fight in JP3 is rigged, with a Spinosaurus grossly
misrespented to make him "look" like he could put up a fight at
the expense of scientific accuracy. But looking at it seriously,
Spinosaurus was not built to handle T-Rex, and there's no way it
can win by a long shot. I really wished they made T-Rex win this
one, as it would be more realistic, but you know movie makers.
But movies like JP are a poor parody of all the research gone
into dinosaurs. I kinda think the big fight between Spinosaurus
would be more fun to watch with T-Rex propelled through the roof
by a Spinosaurus kick only to perform a death defying gymnastics
display on live power lines, then narrowly catch hold of an out
of control helicopter and finally crash land into the arena
without getting a scratch. Afterwards, T-Rex hams it up for the
camera. Spinosaurus is just hamburger. Well, if they took so
many liberties with reality? Why can't they do that?
Don't get me wrong, Spinosaurus was built to inflict harm and he
was no pushover, but T-Rex was simply built to kill brutally and
quickly, and that goes a long way. I would have loved to say
that Spinosaurus really was the way it was in JP3, but I know
that simply isn't true.
from Spinosaurus,
age ?,
July 2, 2001
Euoplacephulas knows squat about
dinosaurs, particuarlly T.REX.
from Ankylosaurus,
age ?,
July 2, 2001
You know something odd? The
Spinosaurus on the JP dinosaur guide being advertised here is
actually accucrate!
from Eventisaurus,
age ?,
July 2, 2001
Hmm, after the raptors in JP3 make a
human kill, wouldn't it provide them enough food to leave off
the rest for a while? They seem to be hounding the humans for
the entire show. And how much of an apperence does rexy make? I
heard he was reduced to a supporting role to the falsified
from Colin G.,
age 14,
Cameron Highlanda,
July 2, 2001
"It's also likely a human being can
take on and kill a Quetzalcoatlus, if he's good. A few
teck-won-do moves that can crack wooden blocks will have no
trouble with breaking Quetzalcoatlus' light bones and doing him
severe harm, but I digress. Looks like we are not so wimpy after
all, we can take on animals 10 times our size and win! "
In a way you are right, human beings are not as soft and easy to
kill as commonly thought. Martial arts were first developed as a
form of defense against wild animals and our ancestors likely,
if not surprised, could have put up enough of a fight to deter a
predator like a leopard or even kill it. Unfortunately, fighting
wild animals have lost its importance and we are not rather
focused on fighting each other. But throughout modern history,
there have been a sprinkling cases of people actually fighting
and killing predators like leopords hnd-to-hand, though they all
sustained serious injuries, and one guy actually took on a lion
and drove it away. It's not something you should try, but its
good to know we are not that easy to kill. Give me a weapon
anytime though.
from Colin G.,
age 14,
Cameron Highlands,
July 2, 2001
I do think that the Pteranodons
could kill a human. Look at the size of their beaks. Do u think
Tae Kwan Do will do u any good when a big flying reptile comes
down on you at dive-bomb speed?
The Singaporean currency is the Sing $. It's conversion is
approximately 1 US:1.8 Sing (I think).
from DW,
age ?,
July 2, 2001
Leonard, do you know a 48.3 foot
Tyrannosaurus is very, very scary? Tyrannosauridae is obviously
the strongest and fastest large dinosaurian predators in
proportion to its size, way above all the Allosauridae,
Spinosauridae and Carcharodontosaurinae. And a 48.3 foot
Tyrannosaurus would not only be LARGER than the largest of the
giant carnosaurs ever found, it would have a significant
advantage given its better lethality to size ratio, it will be
more than a match for the carnosaurs like the gigantic
Allosaurs, even if they were over 55 feet long! My goodness, and
then you go on to the Rigsby Tyrannosaurus, at 50 feet! I think
it effectively kills all those Giganotosaurus arguments for a
long time. Such a Tyrannosaurus will be more than a match for a
60 foot Allosaur, and I don't think there are really such
around! Of course, this makes the final, WWF-style rigged scene
in JP3 quite absurd if the T-rex loses.
After years of trying to keep those Giganotosaurus alive, its
time to put all these arguments to rest. Unless you have a 60
foot giganotosaurus that is. And that unidentified carnosaur
they are still digging up is nowhere near that large. In fact,
its actually smaller than the Rigsby rex. I hate to say it, but
Tyrannosaurus just got meaner. At 50 feet, I really wonder if he
really needed to hunt at all. All the smaller Tyrannosaurus in
the social group would have let it dine first on a kill, and the
giant would be a good deterant against other Tyrannosaurus
social groups trying to steal it.
Size is an optical illusion, strength is not.
from Spinosaurus,
age ?,
July 2, 2001
The Spinosaurus is wrong wrong
wrong. Period.
Looking at the shots given in Dan's JP3 page, an entire glut of
faults were found immediately:
1: The sail is way...way...way...way too small.
2: The dinosaur is way...way...way too big, and it should be
closer to the ground! It's way too tall for a Spinosaurus.
Spinosaurus had a slung out posture. What is this? Godzilla?
3: The head is way too big and the shape is all wrong! And my
goodness! Since when did it have 20cm long recurved blades?
Spinosaurus teeth were only about 7 cm long and they were
relatively narrow and circular for stabbing fish and smaller
prey. Not the slicers and dicers we see!
4:Also, Spinosaurus are one of the most lightly built meat
eating dinosaurs. In fact, they were even lighter built than the
Allosaurids! But from what I see in the screenshots, Spinosaurus
had a heavily built body and it looks built more like a
Tyrannosaurus! The chest is all wrong, it should nto be so large
and curved, it should be thinner. The tail is all wrong too, its
way...way too short and stumpy. The legs are fat and the limb
proportion is all wrong. Spinosaurus was certainly more gracile
than shown in the movie.
5: Spinosaurus is also too tall. The orginal skeleton was close
to 45 feet long, but it only stood about 16 feet tall (excluding
sail). This animal had an very long and light tail, and most of
it was tail.
6: And the orentation of the arms are all wrong too. It's way
too far up and its way too big.
Those JP3 guys really messed up my favourite dinosaur! If they
wanted to have some lame and unfeasible fight between T-rex and
such, they should have thrown in Carcharodontosaurus instead
(though I suspect T-rex was capable of beating any other
meat-eating dinosaur one-to-one). Man, its almost painful too
look at the JP3 shots and toys and compair them to the
scientifically accucrate models I have back home. Its really
apparent they paid almost no heed to reserch at all.
from Spinosaurus,
age ?,
July 2, 2001
To avoid confusion I'll submit my
name at the dino fiction as Donovan R. You may see 2 writers
because I submmited one as Donovan c.
from Donovan c.,
age 11,
July 2, 2001
Yeah, but how exactly could the
fraglie, weak and light dactyls actually pose a great threat to
a determined human at all? I mean sure, they look big, but they
are incredibily fragile for their size. No wonder the birds took
over. But you'll think that after surviving so many dinosaur and
prehistoric animal attacks, you'll know better than to mess
around with their young. Than again, JP3 is all about stupid
humans throwing themselves at carnivores and "pretending" to run
away for the sake of a show. But the entire concept of JP3 is
rather silly really and by all rights should not have happened.
We use Sing dollars in Singapore.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 2, 2001
"There are many carnivoris dinosaurs
err reptiles bigger than T-rex.They include
and Deinosuchus.Also any sauropod could whip a T-rexs butt"
Erm, "Lioplerodon" (As you spell it", Elasamasaurus and
Deinosuchus were not dinosaurs. "Lioplerodon" has been sadly
oversized in WWD, it should be around 14 to 15 meters long and
about 20-50+ tons? Marine reptiles are much heavier and their
weights are hard to estimate.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 2, 2001
I agree that many carnivorous
dinosaurs may look on humans as easier food than dinosaurs (in
the JP movies) perhaps because they are slower and less
from Chandler,
age ?,
July 1, 2001
Q: are there dinosaurs that still
exist today
A: Not unless you count the birds.
Which makes me wonder: Can anyone think of a good reason not to?
from tee j, wellington, ?, new zealand; June 28, 2001
from Brad,
age 14,
July 1, 2001
So it's all based on genera? I
don't think that's right, as 'genera' don't seem any more
important or meaningful than other taxa (contrary to the
countless alphabetic dinosaur books for children). Segnosauria
first appeared in 1980, while Therizinosauroidea wasn't used
until 1993. But since there isn't any official synonym rules
for taxa above 'family' rank, I suppose I can still use
Segnosauria- Unless it really bothers you, of course.
At least I'm not insisting that "Segnosaurischia" (proposed as a
third suborder in addition to Ornithischia and Saurischia) is
the correct term!
from Brad,
age 14,
July 1, 2001
Actually I think Therizinosauria is
older since _Therizinosaurus_ was described in 1954 and
_Segnosaurus_ wasn't described until 1979. Therizinosauria was
used for _Therizinosaurus_ and when _Segnosaurus_ was
discovered, a new taxon was made for it. Later, they were
synonymized and Therizinosauria took priority, since it was
from Chandler,
age ?,
July 1, 2001
Oh. Sorry Honkie Tong. So I'll
stop(Shouldn't we all?). Alright? Alright.
from Jason,
age 13,
July 1, 2001
Wow. That was a pretty thourough
dissection of JP3. Nice work, Honkie Tong!
from Jason,
age 13,
July 1, 2001
Wow, Honkie Tong seems think about
JP3 as much as I do! Do you ever visit www.dansjp3page.com?
I knew you lived in Singapore, but I don't know what kind of
currency is used there. Is it US$? The only big dinosaur I've
seen here is the animatronic Spino', and he does have exposed
I am equally annoyed by the lack of rock matrix in the fossil
excavations. I'm not sure what 'easier prey' there would be on
Isla Sorna- compies, perhaps? All of the small herbivores
featured in the books (Hypsilophodon, Othnielia, Microceratops,
Mussaurus, etc.) haven't been present in the movies. I guess
the 'raptors and the spino' could hunt lizards and rats, but
that wouldn't be as filling as a human.
Regarding the abnormally violent pteranodontids, I think that
they don't attack because they are hungry, but rather
((((****[[[[[SPOILER ALERT]]]]]****))))
The humans attempt to steal the Pteranodon's eggs. I have no
idea why they would do this, and it might not be true, but it
sure would make the dactyls mad, don't you think?
from Brad,
age 14,
July 1, 2001
Jason, "Tyrannosaurus imperator" is
another nickname for the "Rigby Rex" specimen. While apparently
larger than the typical Tyrannosaurus rex, I think it is no
longer considered a new species (but I'm not the most
knowledgable on Tyrannosaurus!). See Leonard's excellent recent
report for likely measurements of this dinosaur.
from Brad,
age 14,
July 1, 2001
"The groups Ornithischia and
Segnosaurs evolved "bird-like hips" to allow more room in their
abdomens for the fermentation of plant food. How is this not
evidence? Couldn't it be possible that birds got this feature
from the dinosaurs that might have evolved into them?"
It's possible, but I think the earliest birds were mainly
carnivorous (though I admit I don't know a lot about them).
Segnosauria is closely related to birds, but is probably not
ancestal to them. To introduce a 'raptor questions that has
nothing to do with viciousness, does anyone know why
Dromaeosauridae acquired bird-like hips? Did they ever have any
plant-eating ancestors?
"I have never heard of Therinzosauridae."
Therizinosauridae includes the most derived Segnosauria- animals
like Segnosaurus, Erlikosaurus, Therizinosaurus. Alxasaurus and
Beipiaosaurus are more primitive segnosaurs excluded from
Therizinosauridae. Some people use Therizinosauriodea in place
of Segnosauria, although I don't know why because Segnosauria is
from Brad,
age 14,
July 1, 2001
I wish we lived when dinosaurs lived
so we could study them more.. But the only problem is we might
get killed.
from Tyler A.,
age 13,
July 1, 2001
T-Rex Was The Clumsiest Dinosaur.You
Can Escape It By Being seen As Plain As The Nose On T-Rex`s
Face.It Would Look For A Dead Dinosaur.
from Euoplacephulas,
age 8,
July 1, 2001
It's also likely a human being can
take on and kill a Quetzalcoatlus, if he's good. A few
teck-won-do moves that can crack wooden blocks will have no
trouble with breaking Quetzalcoatlus' light bones and doing him
severe harm, but I digress. Looks like we are not so wimpy after
all, we can take on animals 10 times our size and win!
ps:This is to illustrate why size dosen't matter.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 1, 2001
There are many carnivoris dinosaurs
err reptiles bigger than T-rex.They include
and Deinosuchus.Also any sauropod could whip a T-rexs
from Peter.m,
age 10,
July 1, 2001
"I am new here and have been
investigating this seemingly simmering hatred between Sean.S and
Honkie Tong."
Woah woah! I don't hate him, it's one sided man! And I can't
figure why he has such a big problem with me (And I'm quite sure
its not because I'm smarter, nicer, neater, cooler...juz
kidding). But you aren't gonna be too popular when you go around
insulting people.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 1, 2001
Erm, I live in Singapore. Anyway,
I'm kinda pleased with the bigger JP3 toys WITHOUT dino damage
coming up. Heck, you pay for a product, you expect it without
defect and damage. Purposely putting damage on you products
(especially dinosaurs) is not to put it lightly... annoying!
Anyway, I had a close look at the longer JP3 trailers and toys
and a couple of faults sprang up immediately to mind:
On people
1)I'm really not sure people are that attractive to dinosaurs as
food. Everything on the island seems to be hunting them when
there is lots of easier prey about.
2)On the other hand, its quite apparent people don't know any
better to stay away from islands with carnivorous dinosaurs
living on them... tsk tsk tsk, predictable...
3)The fossil digs in the movie are odd. The fossil they are
uncovering seems to be buried in the sand...without a rock
4)Can't Grant die in the movie? He seems too objective,
convicted and poorly-informed on dinosaurs to be a convincing
On Spinosaurus
1)The Spinosaurus is too fat and oversized by about 30-40
percent.Period. For goodness sake, Spinosaurus was a lightly
built animal, it did not have the barrel-chest as shown in the
movie. And the tail is way too short, the tail should take up
about 50-60 percent of the animal's length. (Based on skemetics
of the original skeleton)
2)Why the $%# would a Spinosuarus waste so much time and energy
on a bunch of humans when there were alot of other food sources
so much more energy efficent to obtain?
3)Hmm...the sail is too small on the Spino and it was probably
not a sail in the original spino anyway.
4)The Spino's teeth were way too big in the movie. In fact, if
you looked at it carefully, Spino had a full jaw of teeth the
same size of T. rex's maximlia teeth! And despite showing it in
the logo, they have virtually ironed out the cool kink in the
jaw of the spino that made it easier to catch fish... to make it
more predatory prehaps?
5)It's quite unlikely Spinosaurus could have presented a great
threat to the other big carnivores really...
On Raptors
1)Un oh, the movie makes one of the largest mistakes by going
against years and years of researh and evidence to protray the
raptors as super intelligent in the movie. The raptors were no
where near as smart as they were made out to be. To have
anywhere near that kind of intelligence as shown in the movie
requires alot of adaptations that are simply lacking in the
raptor design. Intelligence, not instinctive behaviour requires
a highly developed cerebrums, not something you can squeeze into
the average reptilian brain. Raptors had brains closer to that
of reptiles then of birds, and though braincasts indicate they
had advanced cerebrums for a reptile, it is not near that of a
bird. A modern day crow could have easily outthought a raptor
anytime. The carnivorous dinosaurs, expecially those in
coelurosauria were extremely smart for a reptile, but they were
certainly not anywhere near as smart as modern mamillian
predators and that's a fact. If anything, the later
actually have a more complex and developed brian than the dromie
family, but we don't see superintelligent T.rexes in JP3 (Rex
set a trap...he actually set a trap..). Having a low
intelligence dosen't have to hurt the dinosaurs. They were
certainly still capable of complex behaviour despite their low
iqs, and they were smart for reptiles. Raptor iq should have
fallen pretty nicely between that of modern day reptiles and
birds, but its time to kill the myth...they were not really
smart at all!
2)Where are the feathers?
3)No, its quite unlikely they could set traps and stare at Lea
Toni face-to-face without snapping at her immediately on
4)They seem to expend alot of energy hunting humans, why not go
for the dumber and smaller and easier to catch animals?
5)The sickle claws toe in some scenes seem to be way too high
and short, its almost like a long, forward facing declaw!
On T.rex
1)This is touchy, I expect them to get my favourite dino right!
I'm sick of seeing white, clean, T.rex teeth. What did he do?
Brush everyday? He probably had teeth that were roughly in the
same condition as modern day komodos, and they are not
particuarly clean.
2)Argh...the movie makes virtually no mention of social
behaviour in Tyrannosaurus. And the Tyrannosaurus looks too
undamaged. Average Tyrannosaurus would have been covered with
scars from their antisocial social interations.
3)Of course, it would have been quite unlikely for Spinosaurus
to pose a serious threat to T.rex (And I'm not saying this
becaus ehe's my favourite)
The idea of the Pterodactyls posing any serious threat to humans
is patently absurd! For one thing, they did not have teeth, and
for another, how on earth are they going to really hurt a human
being? Despite their size, they were incredibly light and would
have weighted roughly the same as an adult human. They certainly
can't lift the average 60 kilo human, and they can't go
mano-a-mano with a person. A Homo Sapiens is cerainly stronger
and the flying lizard, with all his fraglie bones and ultralight
build will have more to fear from a person actually grabbing
hold of him and breaking all his bones. The idea of a
Pterodactyl posing a serious threat to the average person is
about as absurd as a three year old child trying to blugeon you
to death with her fairground lollypop!!! I can't believe they
actually came up with that scene! Humans are not that wimpy they
can be taken on by Pterodactyl you know. Sure, the Pterodactyls
are larger, but its pretty much like that Spino/Allosaurus/Giganotosaurus vs. T.rex thing. Size hardly matters when
you are weaker or more fraglie than your opponent!!!
That's my gripe with JP3.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 1, 2001
What is this going on about me
taking on Sean??!!!
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
July 1, 2001
What is Tyrannosaurus
from Jason,
age 13,
July 1, 2001
I would say dinosaurs are warm
blooded if they were cold they would be slow,lumbering animals.
It would be dumb for a carnivore to lie there and sunbathe since
other preadetors might finish sunbathing and attack it.Fast
dinosaurs wouldn't sunbathe even though there's no evidence we
just have ideas and theories not just those,we could think abut
this hard problem
from Donovan c.,
age 11,
July 1, 2001
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