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ZoomDinosaurs.com Dino Talk Dec. 6-9, 2001: A Dinosaur Forum |
I have waited for the walking with prehistoric
beasts to come,so far,I only have the books.I do have cable and the magazine
to see what show is coming,but none had written "Walking with prehistoric
beasts"But,I can wait for the series,it can't remain in North America
forever,sooner or later,it has to come.....
from Donovan c.,
age 12,
December 9, 2001
I don't think that it would be doomsday if two
rexes arrived around anklasaurus. They would most likely just trott away.
I'm watching walking with prehistoric beasts right now, I finished watching
super croc, they are both cool.
from T-master,
age ?,
December 9, 2001
Hey Dan W!!! I disargree with you. I love
dinosaurs better than you!!!!!
from ????,
age ????,
December 9, 2001
I think that T-rex is a scavenger just like Jack
Horner said, but it is also a hunter and can scare a herd of triceratops or
hadrosaurs, and the fact that a single T-rex can kill, unlike those of hyenas
that need a pack to kill. A Triceratops will not even try to attack a T-rex,
it will risk injury or may kill itself, I think the use of armors are only for
defensive purposes. Ankylosaur can protect itself to just one Trex, but if two
is present, it is doomsday for ankylosaur.
from Henry,
age ???,
December 9, 2001
"pacycephalosaurus *is that how you spell it?*
from Diloph,
age ?,
December 9, 2001
Scienctists believe Therizinosaurus ate plants, but with it's "sythe" like claws, and beaked mouth, it's really hard to
p.S. Someone here has to chill out with the boy and girl thing =\ it doesn't
even relate to dinosaurs
from Neko,
age 11,
December 9, 2001
Hi Neko if you were talking to me,a
pachycephalosaurus would not hurt it's brain if it rammed another
from DanW,
age ?,
December 9, 2001
Sorry about the cat Gloman.
And my new tactic against sad people who just attack me and don't know
anything about dinosaurs is ignoring them. Total ignoration. I think you'll
like this tactic JC, since I won't be in any nasty verbal fights here and be
nice all the time.
from da masta,
age ?,
December 9, 2001
"2) What pterosaur is it whose ecological niche flamingoes fill today?"
Several pterosaurs may have been filter-feeders like flamingos, but
_Pterodaustro_ is probably the one you're thinking of, since it's the most
from Chandler, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 8, 2001"
from da masta,
age ?,
December 9, 2001
"Hi, I am Dan and i am the dino master. Do not dis
agree with me
from DanW, age ?, ?, Pa, USA; December 8, 2001
Enough with gremlin crap. Let's talk dinosaurs"
from da masta,
age ?,
December 9, 2001
"Hellooo peoples! =D Anywho, I heard that someone
said that pacycephalosaurus *is that how you spell it?* doesn't actually
head-butt with other dinosaurs, cuz it'll damage it's brain...is that
Whoever said that I disagree with them. Pachycephalosaurus' skull was 23cm
thick. They where just misinformed.
from Neko, age 11, ?, ?, ?; December 8, 2001"
from da masta,
age ?,
December 9, 2001
The message about the boys being
weaker than girls is a froud!!!! Some other girl is tring to froud
me!!!! Her method may be true but Boys aren't much weaker than
girls. Back then was different. Now is now. Girls and boys are not
much stronger, smater or better in class. I am so dissopointed in
who wrote that letter in my name!!!!
from Jennifer.S,
age 10,
December 8, 2001
JC,apocimatly how much money is needed to prevent Enchanted Learning from going off the
from Gloman,
age ?,
December 8, 2001
We're not going off the Internet because we've gotten some donors (and we'll at least stay online for them). If the donations do not cover the bandwidth of the entire site, we'll have to go a to a membership-only model (with the donors as members). We don't know what's going to happen yet. JC
Hellooo peoples! =D Anywho, I heard
that someone said that pacycephalosaurus *is that how you spell
it?* doesn't actually head-butt with other dinosaurs, cuz it'll
damage it's brain...is that true?
from Neko,
age 11,
December 8, 2001
Hi, I am Dan and i am the dino master.
Do not dis agree with me
from DanW,
age ?,
December 8, 2001
Enough with gremlin crap. Let's talk
from DanW,
age ?,
December 8, 2001
I thought that Gremlin was a fake
name.Why should anyone be mad? It was only what I thought,not an
attack or insult(even though I was in a bad mood).No one should be
from Gloman,
age ?,
Proud to be an albino!!!;
December 8, 2001
As for the dino fiction forum...it
looks like I'll have to start from scratch...isn't that right
from Gloman,
age ?,
December 8, 2001
I've put them back up. JC
"I apoligize about my post.I was in a
really bad mood that day,getting a 70 something on my SS test and
my cat dieing and all."
Sorry about your cat, Gloman.
from Chandler,
age ?,
December 8, 2001
"2) What pterosaur is it whose
ecological niche flamingoes fill today?"
Several pterosaurs may have been filter-feeders like flamingos,
but _Pterodaustro_ is probably the one you're thinking of, since
it's the most famous.
from Chandler,
age ?,
December 8, 2001
"Of course, this number, copied from
the Dinosauricon, includes pterosaurs and lagosuchians. And it
doesn't include dinosaurs that are neornithean. How many DINOSAURS
are there? I still have yet to see an answer to this question."
What about George Olshevsky's list? I think that his list was a
major contributor to Keesey's list, although he added some
non-dinosaurs. Or does Olshevsky have pterosaurs on his list? I
didn't think so, but I haven't been to his site in quite a
from Chandler,
age ?,
December 8, 2001
Boys aren't
from Diloph,
age ?,
December 8, 2001
I remember reading that you were
taking care of your cat gloman....and he died?? Sorry.
I would like to be an Allosaurus.....that's just a computer
from Diloph,
age ?,
December 8, 2001
Ultimately, isn't Jeniffer working
against herself? Because if her argument on supposed girl power
was true, one also must remember that there is sexual dismorphism
in the homo sapiens sapiens.
from John,
age ?,
December 8, 2001
"I have seen that a lot of people like
T-rex. But why? All your doing is cheering on the weak. A
male(boy) T-rex was weaker than the female(girl) T-rex. So ha!!!
to all you boys who think boy power is better than girl power.
Also T-rex is not the best choice for boys. Only for girls!!!.
Like the Parasaurodophs and the Brontoesaurus. Their better than
the T-rex. But for you boys you should choose the weakosaurus!!!
Wow...one thing's for sure. The girl who wrote this post is the
true weakling. And pretty immature too. If her logic follows, boys
but only keep male cats and dogs and girls female pets. Lame rite?
Well, this kind of logic comes from a weak mind, not unlike Da
from Sodabeck,
age ?,
December 8, 2001
Actually, now since a bigger large rex
was found, they don't know which t-rex is bigger, males or
females. It was thought that females were bigger though because of
Sue but they can't tell for sure.
from T-master,
age ?,
December 8, 2001
Lookin' through the board you can see
how talkative I am.
Anyways, I'm too lazy to even write 1 episode of dino WCW, so I
can't see how I can write it regularly, so it's scrapped. Anyway,
thinking up names for them is even harder, with my imagination
lacking the creativity. So I'm not motivated any more. But I'm
doing the next episode for the othys and torvosaur thing some
people have read.
Please I want to know all the dinosaurs that lived in the same
place at the same time as torvosaurs, othneilia, coelurosaurs, and
whatever else was in my story. I want more dinosaurs in it!
from da masta,
age ?,
December 8, 2001
"I like Dinos!"
Cool, so do I.
And here's some non - dinosaur trivia:
1) How many digits did ventastega have on it's manus?
2) What pterosaur is it whose ecological niche flamingoes fill
3) What was eomanis and where have it's best preserved fossils
been found?
Hope you enjoyed that!
Just thought you might like some trivia about other prehiostoric
from da masta,
age ?,
December 8, 2001
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing
against girls who don't think boys are inferior.
from da masta,
age ?,
December 8, 2001
"I have seen that a lot of people like
T-rex. But why? All your doing is cheering on the weak. A
male(boy) T-rex was weaker than the female(girl) T-rex. So ha!!!
to all you boys who think boy power is better than girl power.
Also T-rex is not the best choice for boys. Only for girls!!!.
Like the Parasaurodophs and the Brontoesaurus. Their better than
the T-rex. But for you boys you should choose the weakosaurus!!!
Hey, that's sexism! Without boys to protect you and rule and tell
you what to do you would all not be here! Be gratefull to boys,
passers - on of genes!
Hey, sorry, that's not my opinion, I just felt my gender was being
attacked so I needed to retaliate.
Male tyrannosaurs where also a force to be reckoned with.
Parasaurolophus was an easy snack for T - Rex, and for males,
from Jennifer.S, age 10, London, Ontario, ?; December 7, 2001"
from da masta,
age ?,
December 8, 2001
"has anybody played the Allosaurus
game on discovery.com. i have and it's challenging. I made it to
sub-adult and starved to death, then as a hatchling I kept getting
eaten by my mother."
Yes, the really hard big Al game. I've played it, and now I really
don't want to be an allosaur!
You like look at the scoreboard at the end, and people with names
like Jim have had like 80 matings or something. But I keep getting
killed by scorpions of the kind that you step on by accident and
squash, or my own mother. Prey that you can actually eat is too
scarse in the beginning! I keep seeing things like:
You where killed by the centipede, probably because it was about
890,074,605,00 times feircer than you! Be more carefull next time!
It's just too hard. Accurately hard, though, I think. Survival of
the fittest, and people with names like "Benton" and "Bob" seem to
be the fittest. It's quite strange.
from da masta,
age ?,
December 8, 2001
"I know a lot about dinosaurs. I am
even doing my project on them. This web site is very helpful for
finding imformation. Dinosaurs Rule!!!!!!"
They sure do!
Also, I think maybe dycinodonts had little tails because they
needed more sacral vertebrae, so some tail vertebrae moved up,
making their tails smaller.
from da masta,
age ?,
December 8, 2001
"I apoligize about my post.I was in a
really bad mood that day,getting a 70 something on my SS test and
my cat dieing and all.Who may I ask is Gremlin and what did he do
that was so bad?
Well, many people are still angry, but I think I'll forget it now.
Internet gremlins are people who pretend to be other people.
Honkie Tong, for instance, was a victim. Someone put messages up
as Honkie Tong, even though he wasn't, so he didn't have the right
to do so. Also, the messages he put up as (not just Honkie, T -
Master and maybe a few more people where victims;) where strange,
or offensive. "Gremlin" is the word used to describe these
from Gloman, age ?, ?, ?, ?; December 7, 2001"
from da masta,
age ?,
December 8, 2001
"What are Saturns rings made out of
beside ice and rock?"
Dust. I love astronomy. It's my favorite hobby. I know more about
Atsronomy that I do about Paleontology. So IF you want to talk
about it that's fine with me!
from Tim M.,
age ?,
December 7, 2001
Thank you Tom G.,actually I spent a
lot of time to get the pictures.I've been here almost a year and
so far 3 pictures have been submmited only.
from Donovan c,
age 12,
December 7, 2001
I apoligize about my post.I was in a
really bad mood that day,getting a 70 something on my SS test and
my cat dieing and all.Who may I ask is Gremlin and what did he do
that was so bad?
from Gloman,
age ?,
December 7, 2001
I like Dinos!
from Adam,
age 8,
December 7, 2001
I have seen that a lot of people like
T-rex. But why? All your doing is cheering on the weak. A
male(boy) T-rex was weaker than the female(girl) T-rex. So ha!!!
to all you boys who think boy power is better than girl power.
Also T-rex is not the best choice for boys. Only for girls!!!.
Like the Parasaurodophs and the Brontoesaurus. Their better than
the T-rex. But for you boys you should choose the weakosaurus!!!
from Jennifer.S,
age 10,
December 7, 2001
has anybody played the Allosaurus game
on discovery.com. i have and it's challenging. I made it to
sub-adult and starved to death, then as a hatchling I kept getting
eaten by my mother.
from Diloph,
age ?,
December 7, 2001
I know a lot about dinosaurs. I am
even doing my project on them. This web site is very helpful for
finding imformation. Dinosaurs Rule!!!!!!
from Jennifer.S,
age 10,
December 7, 2001
Happy birthday T-Master!!
Your pictures are really good Donovan C.
from Tom G,
age ?,
December 7, 2001
I think it seems really that gloman
said this website is stupid. I thought he liked it but if he
thinks this is a website monster he should go away.
from Tom G,
age ?,
December 7, 2001
"how come dino have wird skin ."
Weird skin? No, it's not weird! They're just adapted to their
enviroments! Anyway, not very many skin impressions have been
found. Hadrosaurs and ankylosaurs mainly. Ankylosaurs had hard,
tough, bony hide with spikes and studs in it, for protection
against predators. Most others I guess had smooth, scaly skin, and
some had feathers.
And I read your story Diloph, It's entertaining! I like it and I'm
waiting for the next chapter.
from da masta,
age ?,
December 7, 2001
My Birthday is tommorrow, so I'll give
some B-day trivia!
1. What year was Muttaburrasaurus named?
2. What year was Cryolophosaurus found?
3. What year was Torvusaurus named?
4. What year was Jobaria Found?
from da masta,
age ?,
December 7, 2001
"Almost all correct on my trivia, Da
Almost? What went wrong? I like to be corrected when I'm wrong
(not criticised, you're not criticisng me of course, but a time
not so long ago some people...) because I learn from my
from da masta,
age ?,
December 7, 2001
"Here is a not so easy question for
the visitors of this place here.Why did dicynodonts have short
Is this trivia? But I'll guess without using a book whatever it
is. Is it because they didn't need long tails? Something to do
with stress on the pelvis or something? I dunno.
from da masta,
age ?,
December 7, 2001
"What are Saturn's rings made up of
besides ice and rock???"
I dunno, dust? Anyway, this is a dinosaur site!
from da masta,
age ?,
December 7, 2001
"Trespasser? That spastic arm
simulator '98?"
Yes. That arm can be very annoying, especially when it gets stuck
in crates and stretches 50 feet.
from da masta,
age ?,
December 7, 2001
how come dino have wird skin
from keely.c,
age 10,
December 7, 2001
"Acrocanthosaurus= Aptian to Albian."
Well, cenomanian is just after. I was close enough. Thanks.
And I'm just wondering here, JC, is it true that the more messages
are sent, the more you have to pay for this site?
from da masta,
age ?,
December 7, 2001
No, this page takes very little bandwidth (pictures are a major part of bandwidth costs). Our picture-heavy printouts are the biggest drain. JC
T - Master! Happy Birthday!
I'll answer the trivia in a sec.
And yeah, how old are you actually gonna be?
If I can. It's not easy.
from da masta,
age ?,
December 7, 2001
Trespasser? That spastic arm simulator
from Honkie Tong,
age 17,
December 7, 2001
"There's a subtotal of 1097
NON-NEORNITHEAN ORTHIDIRA. But there are only 784 valid genera."
Of course, this number, copied from the Dinosauricon, includes
pterosaurs and lagosuchians. And it doesn't include dinosaurs
that are neornithean. How many DINOSAURS are there? I still have
yet to see an answer to this question.
from Brad,
age 14,
Fenelon Falls,
December 7, 2001
Happy Birthday T-Master!
How old are you now?
from Diloph,
age ?,
December 6, 2001
Here is a not so easy question for the
visitors of this place here.Why did dicynodonts have short
from Donovan c,
age 12,
December 6, 2001
My Birthday is tommorrow, so I'll give
some B-day trivia!
1. What year was Muttaburrasaurus named?
2. What year was Cryolophosaurus found?
3. What year was Torvusaurus named?
4. What year was Jobaria Found?
from T-master,
age ?,
December 6, 2001
Almost all correct on my trivia, Da
from Tim M.,
age ?,
December 6, 2001
What are Saturn's rings made up of
besides ice and rock???
from GSW,
age ?,
December 6, 2001
There's a subtotal of 1097
But there are only 784 valid genera.
from Tim M.,
age ?,
December 6, 2001
In Robert Bakker's book "Raptor Red,"
acrocanthosaurs hunt _Astrodon_, large sauropods.
from Chandler,
age ?,
December 6, 2001
Acrocanthosaurus= Aptian to Albian.
from Tim M.,
age ?,
December 6, 2001
"Isn't Wyomingraptor just an
Allosaurus that Baker foundin wyoming?"
Yes, sort of, _Wyomingraptor_ is a _nomen nudum_ whose type
specimen used to be considered _Allosaurus_ material. Bakker has
yet to publish his description of it though.
from Chandler,
age ?,
December 6, 2001
"When Acrocanthosaurus Lived:
Acrocanthosaurus lived about 110 million years ago, during the
_Acrocanthosaurus_ has been dated from the Aptian to Albian; I
don't think any remains have been found that date to the
Cenomanian. The Cenomanian age is just after Albian, so you
weren't too far off, though, and the Aptian and Albian are in the
from Chandler,
age ?,
December 6, 2001
"I've seen it in the shops. I play
trespasser, but Keiran (remember the barney person?) is currently
borrowing it. Anyone else know trespasser?"
I've played both Trespasser and Carnivores 2. Trespasser is very
glitchy, which you've probably realized already...bars are always
going through things, including raptors, which kills them and then
throws them thirty or so feet...
from Chandler,
age ?,
December 6, 2001
"What are Acrocanthosaurus's predators
and prey?
Here's some info I got off this site. If you want really sticky
anatomy, I'm talking wow how advanced, just ask.
(pronounced AK-roh-CAN-thuh-SAWR-us) Acrocanthosaurus (meaning
"high-spine lizard" because of the spikes growing out of its
spine) was a theropod (a bipedal, meat-eating dinosaur) that was
roughly 30-40 feet (9-12 m) long and weighed about 2300 kg. It had
a big head (4.5 foot (1.4 m) long skull) and 68 thin, sharp,
serrated teeth. It had 17 inch (43 cm) long spikes extending from
its vertebrae along the neck and tail that may have formed a
thick, fleshy sail on its back. It had powerful arms and each
hands had three fingers, each equipped with long, sickle-like
claws. It weighed roughly 2-4 tons (2-3.5 tonnes).
Acrocanthosaurus lived during the early Cretaceous period ,
roughly 115 million-105 million years ago in the tropics near sea
level (in what is now Oklahoma, Texas, and Utah, USA). It is known
from incomplete skeletons and teeth and was named by
paleontologists Stovall and Langston in 1950.
Acrocanthosaurus lived during the early Cretaceous period, roughly
115-105 million years ago, in the tropics near sea level.
When Acrocanthosaurus Lived: Acrocanthosaurus lived about 110
million years ago, during the mid-Cretaceous period*I THINK THIS
IS CENOMANIAN. TIM, OR BRAD, HELP ME OUT.*. Other dinosaurs that
lived in North America during that time were the meat-eating
Deinonychus, the armored plant-eaters Sauropelta and Nodosaurus,
and the fast, long tailed, quadrupedal hypsilophodontid
Tenontosaurus. It hunted all of these. But not Sauropseidon,
although the two lived in the same place at the same time,
sauropseidon was a massive brachiosaur.
This is text of zoomDinosaurs, altered by me in some places.
What are some specific eating habits of Acrocanthosaurus?
What was the anatomy of Acrocanthosaurus?
from Adrian H, age forgot, Atlanta, Atlanta, USA; December 5,
Hope that helps.
from da masta,
age ?,
you know,,
sometimes my computer drives me crazy;
December 6, 2001
"What kind of name is Wyomingraptor? A
nomen nudum! (Listens for da masta laughing) :D "
Oh I get it. My stupid "joke." I'm sorry about it. It was one
little joke, quite a while ago, please stop reminding me of it. I
spend too much time in the company of my classmates. Peer
influence. Forgive me for that. I didn't find it that funny
myself. Da masta is certainly not laughing at his
from da masta,
age ?,
December 6, 2001
I read the "click here for more
information" sheet on the "help save Enchanted Learning" box at
the top of the screen, and I certainly think this site is worth
supporting, whatever it costs. Gloman has his opinion, but I could
not disagree more. I don't want to "clamp down on him," I'll leave
myself out of it. I'm 14; you have to be 18 or older to donate. So
I'll talk to my parents about it. They
1) Are happy that I'm interested in dinosaurs and other animals,
and encourage me, etc. They are proud of my interest.
2) We aren't terrifically rich, and I don't know if I'll be able
to persuade them. But I'll do my best.
You bet I will.
from da masta,
age ?,
December 6, 2001
"Does anyone here play carnivores 2?"
I've seen it in the shops. I play trespasser, but Keiran (remember
the barney person?) is currently borrowing it. Anyone else know
from da masta,
age ?,
December 6, 2001
"What kind of name is Wyomingraptor? A
nomen nudum! (Listens for da masta laughing) :D
And the mystery Wyoming theropod is Ornitholestes, right?"
Why would I be laughing? I don't laugh at anyone, certainly not at
people who make mistakes. I don't quite get it. And I wasn't
paying attention properly. Proceratosaurus weighs more than 30
pounds! So it was ornitholestes. I'll post more when I get
from da masta,
age ?,
December 6, 2001
Does anyone here play carnivores
from William C,
age 18,
December 6, 2001
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