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I've added restorations of _Scutellosaurus lawleri_ and a rather unusual lambeosaur (You've been warned!) at my website.
from Brad,
age 14,
May 15, 2001
I suppose so, but again I point
out the fact the mammals would not have had the chance to
ascend had the dinosaurs survived. Had they survived, I
believe that the dinosaurs would have adapted accordingly
throughout the millenia; such as the ability to ingest
grass, survive the ice ages, possible sentience,
from Sauron,
age ?,
May 15, 2001
yeash you Sean S I think you
don't have good spelling
from Natalie S,
age 10,
Prince George,
May 15, 2001
Lets stop this silly battle
between the T-Rex and Deinonychus I want to vote whithout
making 10 votes for Deinonychus just in case it falls
behind again we all should be able to d that and to top it
all of they were basicly the same they bothe eat meat they
were both dinosaurs they both were created by God and if
this battle dosn't stop T-rex is just as good as
from Natalie S,
age 10,
Prince George,
May 15, 2001
from COLLIN S,
age 7,
May 15, 2001
listen Andrea and Collin, I
stand a better chance on the T-rex team but I am going to
set these guys right , tell them that the only reason they
have soo many votes is because the T -Rex is
from Natalie S,
age 10,
Prince George,
May 15, 2001
If you like raptors even the
littlest bit, send 10 votes for
from A Deinonychus fan,
age ?,
May 15, 2001
what is your best
from kevin hn,
age 9,
May 15, 2001
Wow, Leisie, your post on Tyrannosaurus is piercing. Here, I'd add a little in to help you: Conclusive studies from the single Tyrannosaurus Rex footprint and tibulae studies in T.Rex fossils has revealed it T.Rex had a walking speed of 11 - 17 kph. Which is extremely fast for an animal it's size. Elephants clock 8 - 10 kph in a walk and humans amble along at a porky 4 - 5 kph. Tyrannosaurus most probally would have managed to reach speeds of 50 kph for short bursts, which is about the same speed or even faster than the adverage medium sized raptor which most probally read a max speed of 45 - 50 kph.
To the contary of what most people believe, the raptors were built more for agility then speed. Raptors lack the running equipment that you'll find in fast running animals and their leg bone ratios suggest they are more built for nimbleness then speed. The adverage duckbill woudl have easily outpaced any raptor if it didn't have the element of surprise. Besides, I hardly think Tyrannosaurus (or the raptors as some suggest) could have been big time scavengers at all, biologically speaking, there is no 100-percent flightless large land or the simple reason that full-time scavenging is simply not as efficent as a generalist hunter-scavenger design. Of course, any dinosaur would have been pretty silly to pass up a dead carcass, and I suspect the raptors, being smaller and more fragile then bigger predators, might have prefered scavenging then taking on a large duckbill mano-a-mano. I'm sorry, but the idea of raptors swarming an animal about 50 times their weight is biologically da! ngerous. If anything, we have mroe reason to suspect the raptors did more scavenging then other predators of it's time.
Thank you and have a nice week.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
May 15, 2001
Hey everyone!
I have studied dinosaurs for about as long as I've been
alive, and the discoveries that have been made
concerning Tyrannosaurus have been amazing. When I was
young, the view of the Tyrant was that he was fairly
slow, bulky, and still decidedly a carnivore, although
scavenging wasn't out of the question. HOWEVER, these
days, the view, and I tend to share it, was that T-Rex
was an efficient hunter and definitely a fast mover.
If you were to study its bone structure, you could decipher that based upon its bone mass, density, etc.. that it ws built for speed. Just look at its jaws, too. Those jaws are the thickest and strongest of the jaws of ANY carnivorous dinosaur, not to mention the second longest, next to Giganatosaurus, a bigger-than-T Rex dinosaur related to Allosaurus. Even the Gorgosaurus and Daspletosaurus, two earlier and slightly smaller cousins of Tyrannosaurus have those heavy, thick jaws.
With its running speed and those jaws and 6-inch (15 cm) teeth, all T-rex would have had to do to a large herbivore was ambush it, take one huge bite or two, and back off, waiting for the prey to succumb to blood loss and shock. Even the Triceratops would have stood little chance in such an attack.
Few predators today even will attack a healthy, full-grown bull animal, so it seems unlikely that T-Rex would have done the same, except with a few possible species exceptions, like the smaller herbivores like the Anatotitan and the local raptors (if he could catch one)...T-rex was build for speed and power, but he may not have had super endurance, or was unwilling to exhaust himself to kill something. Thus, he would be weakened for another Tyrannosaur to take his food...
Anyways, this is what I believe, in response to a few
earlier messages left here. Tyrannosaurus Rex was and
still is, the "King of the Tyrant
from Leslie N.,
age 27,
North Vancouver,
May 15, 2001
I agree with Natalie the
t-rex was bulky slow and a scavanger. its hip bones show
us all these things. Deinonychus on the other hand was
slim fast and a terrific hunter PLEEEEEEEESE vote
from Andrea S,
age 16,
Prince George,
May 14, 2001
beleive it or not the T Rex
is not what people are saying it is the tryant
lizard(T-Rex) is bulky slow eats dead dinosaurs and you
could walk faster than it!
from Natalie S,
age 10,
Prince George,
May 14, 2001
I happen to disagree
Saurian. I do not think Dinosaurs are superior to modern
day mammals. Dinosaurs you might remember, are adapted
to an ecosystem that vanished a long time ago, while
mammals are adapted to a modern ecosystem. But I suspect
that if the mammals squared off in competition with
dinosaurs in regard to food (say, a big tuna sandwich),
the dinosaurs will be at an extreme disadvantage from
the quick thinking mammals. Brain almost always beat
brawn! The mammals don't have to go mano-a-mano with the
dinosaurs, but they can always fight the war on
different fronts. Sure...a T.Rex can beat any land based
predator today, but I think T.Rex is going to have a
hard time trying to put the chops down faster than the
lion in getting a meal.
from Billy Macdraw,
age 19,
May 13, 2001
I agree with Brad, can we
get off of the cloning dinosaurs topic? It's getting
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 13, 2001
I'm not taking sides, Sean
S. I think you both have good points.
from firebird,
age ?,
May 13, 2001
Well, I do think that
dinosaurs would destroy ecological stability by preying
on mammals and disrupting the natural balance. But it's
nothing worse than what humans are doing
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 13, 2001
I disagree with what some of
you have been saying. Dinosaurs have proven to be
superior to mammals in every respect save overall brain
power. Case in point: 220 some-odd million years ago,
dinosaurs and mammals (or the closest facsimile) were on
an equal level, both were in a position to vye for
ecological dominance. We all know how that turned out.
For the next 160 million years dinosaurs diversified,
multiplied, grew to the largest land animals ever seen,
and ruled the planet unchallenged. Mammals in the
meantime, became constrained to largely nocturnal
activities and skulked in the underbrush and in their
burrows. Basically, they (mammals) spent 160 million
years developing different teeth and getting no larger
than a beaver. The only reason mammals became what the
are today is because dinosaurs were wiped out. "The meak
shall inherit the Earth."
from Sauron,
age ?,
May 13, 2001
Sean, if you are really serious about recreating dinosaurs, it would be better if you start researching about reptilians and studying the methods used in bringing about artificial mutations (changes in the pattern of the chromosomes). In this method you are very likely to create something which looks more like the desired dinosaur than any other animal. With a little more hard-work, you might get to create a dinosaur identical to the one which lived in the mesozoic era.
Good luck!
from Vikrem S,
age 17,
May 13, 2001
Who's fighting with Sean?
He's just hurling insults at everybody. Apparently
"contradict" critics in his books means insulting them
with all the childish stuff his mind can come up with.
And no, I do not think we could keep the dinosaurs under
control if we recreated them. The whole idea will be out
of control.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
May 13, 2001
I don't think Dinosaurs are
in any way superior or inferior to modern day animals,
less adapted you might say. But I suspect you cannot
contain dinosaurs on an island for long. No matter how
isloated it might be. Biocontainment measures, no matter
how strict, almost always fail because we don't know
enough about nature yet. Dinosaurs don't have to take
over the world, they can affect us in many different
ways, and some of them will be for the very worse. I am
quite certain bringing back dinosaurs into our modern
world will be disasterous. Note that they don't have to
physically escape to affect us at all!
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
May 13, 2001
Okay firebird i'm pretty
sure that the abor day foundation will help us land
scape simulated jurassic forest. And if want to be a
skeptic...go ahead and join that Jeff Goldblum wanna
be!(Often Wrong or should i say Honkie Tong...whatever
you want to call him) Any way why don't the both of put
a plug in it if you don't have anything good to say!!? I
honestly cant believe you listen to his ridiculous
statements! You know together we could make these
dullusions of mine become reality! So...where do you
stand fire bird? With us...or Often Wrong. Or perhapps
you'r like Chandler in between..and maybe you just don't
care. Take you'r side!
from Sean.S,
age 13,
May 13, 2001
Really cooooooool
from Lyndsay "C",
age 8,
May 12, 2001
How about discussing them istead of fighting with
from Brad,
age 14,
May 12, 2001
What if dinosaurs did
escape? They are not superior to modern animals, we
just like them more. And anyway, Sean wants his
dinosaurs to live on an island. An island ruled by
dinosaurs is not a worldwide disaster.
from Brad,
age 14,
May 12, 2001
The only dino servivors are
from Margaret D,
age 8,
May 12, 2001
I think the oldest dinosaur
is Staurikosaurus. Eoraptor is more primitive, but it
lived at the same time as Hererrasaurus. There are also
those 'Middle Triassic' prosauropods that still haven't
been named yet, but that site could only be dated by the
types of animals present. I'm not sure it is Middle
Triassic. And those animals need names!
from Brad,
age 14,
May 12, 2001
1.we were planing on
locating the dinosaurs to an island. 2.We were going to
buy an island by having investers, funds,etc. 3. Arbor
day foundation will supply us with conifers.
from Sean.S, age 13, ?, MO., U.S.A; May 12, 2001
How do you know all this will happen, Sean S. Arbor Day foundation? What makes you so sure Arbor Day Foundation will help you?!
from firebird,
age ?,
May 12, 2001
Well, you don't know
anything about genetics though.
Become a geneticist and then "exploit" the
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 12, 2001
Is Herrerrasaurus the 1st
dinosaur that ever lived?
from Mike,
age 11,
May 12, 2001
Did we know anything about
dogs when we trained them. We saw them in the wild and
decided to train them. We knew some facts so we just
took what we knew and tried our luck so dinosaurs may be
bigger and stronger but inside it's just a big baby. It
only fights when it needs to eat or to defend itself we
live them alone they leave us alone. And about not being
able to keep them under containment, we have zoos right?
The lions, and tiger and bears are the T-rex's of today.
We contain them also snakes, gators, birds, elephants,
and fish. We can control them so why not dinosaurs. And
if you clone them with promblems you just try again. You
ever heard the saying learn from your mistakes. Well,
then learn from them. Try something a little bit
different from last time. Dinosaurs are over grown
reptiles/birds. Just cause they're bigger and stronger
than us doesn't mean we can't control them. Jurassic
Park was a movie of Fiction. Fiction is not real. So
maybe we can keep them under control. Mainly we would bring
them back just to see them not to study them. We would
make one at a time and see what happens in our
envirement. Learn from our mistakes to make things
better. And who knows. That 13 year old may be clonning
dinosaurs right know and we don't know it. Or he could
be talking to scientists and/or getting government
fundings. Who knows?
from Joshua,
age 13,
May 12, 2001
Well at least the
crocodiles,alligators,monitor lizard,the tortoises and
turtles and perhaps birds are here today so the
decendnts of dinosaurs still ruled the
from DONOVAN R.,
age 10,
May 12, 2001
Hey Often Wrong..yeah i'm
talking to you! I don't think you understood me.(Of
course a 13 year old could'int recreate the
dinosaurs!)(DUH!?) 1.we were planing on locating the
dinosaurs to an island. 2.We were going to buy an island
by having investers, funds,etc. 3. Arbor day foundation
will supply us with conifers. This is'int first grade
math class! You seem to think that critacising people is
an art! Well i have some tips if you would like to make
a habit of it. Why don't you just take you'r mickey
mouse opinion and start a rust farm! What horrible
prefessionleism! No offense but if everybody was as
skeptical as you...we would'int be able to invent the
internet that you'r on right now!
from Sean.S,
age 13,
May 12, 2001
Okay "Honking Tongue!" i'll
just put that in my gaurage whith all the other junk i
don't use!
from Sean.S,
age 13,
May 12, 2001
No, the danger does not
persits from dinosaurs eating us. But I say that the
danger will come in the form of disasterous ecological
impact such animals can have. I am also convinced (and
this is not taken from Jurassic Park) that it is
impossible to keep dinosaurs captive in a large
enclosure. They will escape. Bringing back dinosaurs
will put a lot of factors into a dynamic, nonlinear
system we call our world and I'm afraid simple
extrapolation shows that the system can easily digress
to our doom. Anyway Chandeler, you are right, a rude
13-year old doesn't stand a whilt of a chance of
bringing a dinosuar back, no matter how fanatic he might
be. I've resolve to keep cool during this event...no
need for another BBD is there?
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
May 12, 2001
Any self respecting dino
would not be brought down by hand guns. Large elephant
type guns would do the trick. Problem is that there
would be too many for one person to shoot unless they
had a M-2 50 cal Browning MG at least. The Rapters
would sround you guickly. Result....dino food. Then
there would be night time. A whole different group of
critters would be trying to make a meal out of you.
Just be glad we didn't live when they did. Would I be
willing to go back to that time with a heavy hunting
rifle. YOU BET YA !!!!! :-)
from beetown,
age 56,
May 11, 2001
Well Chandler. I didint say
that i was going to recreate the dinosaurs my self. I
said i was going to expliot it.(Which i
from Sean.S,
age 13,
May 11, 2001
A dinosaur created in a lab
wouldn't even be a true dinosaur. It would need parents
to teach it how to act, and a cloned animal has no
parents. Also, cloning could result in abnormalities in
skin color, texture, or behavior, so how would we know
if we had the real thing?
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 11, 2001
People know things about
dogs. We know nothing about dinosaurs. How could we
possibly know what to expect?
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 11, 2001
Honkie Tong is very right
with his "Karate master" analogy, which is from
"Jurassic Park." Sean, I am split on the issue. I'm
not as radically against it as Honkie is, but I'm not
exactly for it either. It's not like a 13-year-old can
actually clone a dinosaur anyways, so what's the big
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 11, 2001
Eotyrannus is very new, and
it is real. Mike Keesey probably hasn't gotten to
updating his list yet, that's all.
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 11, 2001
Ok about that Dino powder
thing. I don't think I was too clear on that. What I
meant was like DNA is what makes us up and also our bone
structure. So I don't know how but take a full Dino
skeleton and somehow find the DNA code for it. I know
it's possible. Then like get it on a computer screen or
something and sart to structure it. Then find the
animal, reptile, whatever most closely related to it and
carefully fill in the loose strands of DNA. The reptile
DNA should fill in the skin, organs ect. and if you need
extra well they'll figure it out. Then I guess just use
Bio-enginerring or something. Or maybe De-evovle a
reptile or something. If any of that makes sense. I
really didn't mean to add Dino DNA to pot some blood
just add water and mix well and pre-bake to 360 degrees
and in a 1 your dinosaur will be ready.
from Joshua,
age 13,
May 11, 2001
is t-rex stonger then
deeinychus? what is your favortie dino???
from the deinonychus president,
age 29,
North Haven,
May 11, 2001
Thats right Joshua throw the
book at them! Thanks Josh i owe you one! I dont realy
want to kill the dinosaurs i'm just trying talk some
sense into all these skeptics. You always seem to know
what to say what a pair you and i make!
from Sean.S,
age 13,
May 11, 2001
How would it be dangerous to our own species to clone dinosaurs? Just from them eating us? Danger would arise for individuals, but I think our species as a whole is safe. Dangerous meat-eating animals already exist, without causing much of a problem. And dinosaurs would not instantly take over established ecosystems and rule the earth. Don't underestimate modern animals, they would have the advantage.
I don't think there is anything wrong with cloning a dinosaur, but I don think its pointless. We wouldn't learn anything about natural dinosaurs by studying one manufactured in a lab. It wouldn't be real.
I agree that using ground up fossils wouldn't be helpful- if I were ground up into a powder, I doubt that I could be cloned- especially not if the DNA of other mammals was mixed in!
I've never heard of Eotyrannus. It isn't on the
Dinosauricon. I'm extremely surprised that any
tyrannosaurs lived in Britain, especially the first
from Brad,
age 14,
Fenelon Falls,
May 11, 2001
Hey Honkie Chandler, I
didn't say to clone birds or anything. I said take a
look at them. They are so much like dinosaurs why can't
we use them with reptile blood. You know a couple of DNA
transferring until we get it right and CHAOS? If we can
create dinosaurs don't you think we can kill them. DUH?
C'mon people it would take advance technology to create
them and then we would probaly have the weapons to kill
them. And why can't we tame them when they're growing
up. We trained dogs from the wild so why not dinosaurs.
And if that doesn't work just make the pigmy. I mean,
would it really hurt to try. I like dinosaurs and I
don't know all the facts about clonning, or DNA, or
ancestors but I do know COMMON SENSE. we could make one
dinosaur at a time, start small and work our way up.
Like I said before we should be working together not
putting each down with,'birds may be related but you
can't clone the''it won't work''you need support'' GEEZ!
I may not make ends meat with all this DNA stuff but I do know one
thing. Anything's possible if you set your mind to it
and atleast try. Peace.
from Joshua,
age 13,
May 11, 2001
Okay Honkie Tong you win..
you were right all along....you'r a ridiculus
person!!(laughter)And about that stuff you said about
the evils of cloning... well i for one think you'v been
watching to many bad soap oprahs!Okay you dont have to
agree with me but you dont have to be such a jerk about
it though! Now Often Wrong im going to tell you the same
thing you told me..give it up alreay! because i dont
like you and you dont like me obviousley. Its much
better if we just go our separate ways.
from Sean.S,
age 13,
May 11, 2001
Hello Vikerem.s. It was my
idea to modify birds into dinosaurs. I didint mention
grounding up bones and adding reptile D.N.A . Thank you
for you'r support!
from Sean.S,
age 13,
May 11, 2001
By the way Often
Wrong(Honkie Tong) the plan was not to release dinosaurs
into the wild. we were going to put them in large
enclosures. And for the love of god shut up...for
from Sean.S,
age 13,
May 11, 2001
Destroyed Honkie Tong? You
wish!!! To me it looks like you'r the evil one!!
For...you must be..president of the extinction fan
club!! Dinosaurs would be nothing that the U.S army
could'int handle. You'r just using this as an excuse!
Sure this would indeed make our lives more difficult but
as powerful as we are we could still handle it though.
The romens killed the horses pulling the celts cheriots.
Im going to kill the horses coming out of you'r mouth!
Whith our weapons and technology i'ts not like we
could'int fight back.(not to mention that we could make
them extinct again!)The good news is that dinosaurs
would'int be able to conquer us. The bad news is that
i'm gonna conquer you!(Spare me the embaressment that i
did'int ounce mention the word "nuclear") Now Often
Wrong lets get down to internal affairs.Geeze Honkie
Tong when i first met you i thought you were a decent
person. But now i think you deserve to be ground up and
spit on! What kind of
no good sick punk are you!!? Any excuse to start
trouble! And how dare you accuse me of being
irresponsable!And how dare you call raptors over
glorified turkeys! what kind of country fried idiot do
you think i am!? Now its personale... were enemies now!
you'r just trying to find something wrong whith my
believes so you can criticice me are'nt you!? As of the
momment it look's it's going to be another edition of
msnbc's hardball.
from Sean.S,
age 13,
May 11, 2001
Russell, your question is a
good one. Rabies is a viral disease which first affects
mammals. Considering the fact that viruses (along with
the other micro-organisms) were the most primitive
living organisms, there is a reasonble chance that some
dinosaurs could have been affected by
from Vikrem S,
age 17,
May 10, 2001
Hello Sean! Wonderful idea
of yours to recreate dinosaurs (Though Michael Chrichton
gets the credit) I would like to see a live dinosaur (at
a safe distance). For that matter who wouldn't? So, keep
thinking. You never know, you might stumble upon what
might actually lead you to this miraculous
resuscitation.(But for heavens sake, do not come up with
bizzare ideas like adding reptile D.N.A to crushed dino
bones- it may seem a good idea but all you would get is
a mess)
from Vikrem S,
age 17,
May 10, 2001
Wow! I always argued that
raptors like Deinonychus were nothing more than
overglorified chickens and it looks liek I was wrong...
now they are overglorified turkeys! Anyway, I don't see
birds carrying rabies so I don't think dinosaurs had
them too. But they probally had a host of other nasty
diseases that are probally long gone by now. Also, given
the syombic relationship between dinosaurs and the
baterial of their time, any recreated dinosaur will lack
this important feature and die minutes minutes of birth.
Well, I know I'm not into "why Sean's idea cannot work"
but this is an intresting point.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
May 10, 2001
My goodness, how can
somebody promote his idea by thinking so shallowly? I'm
telling you, all our nuclear bomb and weapons whatsover
will not be able to save us from extinction if we have
recreated the dinosaurs. I suggest this idea be dropped
immediately and that the recreation of animals gone more
than 2 million years ago be banned. Heck, with all our
nuclear bombs and missiles, we couldn't even control the
jackrabbits and cain toads in australia, let alone an
ecological disaster caused by bringing bacy animals that
do not belong here anyway. Mabye now I'm starting to see
the evils of cloning. Power comes with responsibility, a
karate master does not beat up his wife or kill people
for the heck of it. As his training trains him in his
skills, it also gives him the displine to be resbonsible
for his power. But for scientific power, its immediately
avaiable to the person who has enough money to buy it.
Power can be purchased like a saturday night sp!
ecial. There is no hard work or disipline involved in
having this power and people misuse it. Standing on the
shoulder of giants like science people have made many
horrible mistakes. It's not the problem with science
alone, but by the people who have no responsiblity for
its power. This idea must die. This idea of bringing
back dinosuars made akin as dangerous to reheating a
frozen pizza is false, and should be destroyed. Oh well,
that's anothe rone of my Ian Malcom speeches
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
May 10, 2001
If you want to see a very...
strange picture of Deinoycus, go to
http://www.ndirect.co.uk/~luisrey/html/deino.htm it
looks like a combination of a mentally ill grandmother
and a turkey. scary stuff. there is a new genus
indentified, named eotyrannus lengi. you may have heard
about it. It was a basal tyrannosaur about 15 feet (5
meters) long. it was named for the fossil hunter gavin
leng, who found the first bone. It was found in
Britain, and about 40% of the skeleton was unearthed. I
have a question;
do you think that some dinosaurs could have carried
from Russell p.,
age ?,
May 10, 2001
Injustice Chandler? Since
when is justice simple as a book!!? Don't you want to
experience the glory of see'ing live dinosaurs? I'v been
very patient whith you.....AND TO BE BRUTALLY HONEST I
REALY DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY!! Don't you have anything
good to say about my philosphy!? I'f you want keep
playing susey home maker whith captiain cunumdrum" Thats
fine whith me!"(Honkie Tong)
from Sean.S,
age 13,
May 10, 2001
Ian? O'h yeah! Well i guess
i'm John Hammond!Why don't you shut up!!!?(Honkie
from Sean.S,
age 13,
May 10, 2001
Hello Joshua. Im sean and i
fully support you'r comment. I agree a 100 percent whith
you. But they won't coporate. But hang in there were in
this together!I'll always be there for you! I don't like
the situation any more than you do. But we'll keep
trying to recruit people thuough! I'ts just as you said
what would happen to the romens if they just gave up
when they were having trouble whith the
from Sean.S,
age 13,
May 10, 2001
Just because an Emu is
related (distantly) to a Velociraptor does not mean we
can clone a Velociraptor from it. Where on Earth did
you get that idea? These days, cloning is BARELY
possible and requires the exact species you want to
clone. So if you want to clone a Velociraptor, you need
an intact Velociraptor, or at least its DNA. Now, since
cloning is based on DNA, you need the whole DNA sequence
for cloning. That's the only way. Reverse-engineering
birds isn't possible--MAYBE if you understood the way
evolution works (which no one does) you could create a
"proto-bird" but you'd never get a Velociraptor since it
is an evolutionary offshoot.
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 10, 2001
Stegosaurus means "roof
lizard," probably in reference to its shingle-like
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 10, 2001
Why the ethics? Because no
matter how "cool" a living dinosaur would be, it would
be an injustice to both the created creature (people not
knowing anything about it, and it probably dying an
unjust and painful death) and to people that could be
hurt. It's just like "Frankenstein," no one could take
enough responsiblity for a living dinosaur and
destruction would be the result.
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 10, 2001
I guess I am the "Grant" on
this issue.
I would be amazed and excited to see a live dinosaur,
and I guess it would be cool. But as Honkie said it
would be a destruction of nature. It wouldn't provide
any real benefit to us, except to satiate our curiosity,
I guess. But it isn't very ethical.
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 10, 2001
Chao's? Ha! We'll just get
one of our guys in the white house! This was the plan
all along! He can supply us whith our weapons and
technology to keep the park under controll.Honkie Tong
you'r the only one who doesin't know!If we can talk our
idea's into the president of the united states why we
could do just about anything we want! I believe our
tax'es should go to nasa for research on an astriod
defense system, And of course research for recreating
the dinosaurs. "seriosly" do think that even the
dinosaurs whould be a match for us!?(because of all our
missles and bombs) but that's not the case
(fortunatey)So who do i choose?Both! Of course i know
what you'r going to say."I can't choose both sides.
(Humans and dinosaurs) You must realy be full of it! I
don't know how you found out about my made up person
(Jeff.h) (I used it to get on you'r nerves and take the
blame) In any case it doesin't matter any
from Sean.S,
age 13,
May 10, 2001
"The Velociraptor was mimicked after the emu bird"
Velociraptor lived before the emu, so how can that be
true? An emu is a true dinosaur anyway, so we don't
need to mimick dinosaurs from it (what does that
from Brad,
age 14,
May 10, 2001
Don't listen to Mike! Vote
Velociraptor! Listen to Sonny C!
from ??????,
age ???????,
May 10, 2001
What does Stegosaurus
from Brandon D,
age 7,
Mastic NY.,
May 10, 2001
Well Jeff (how I know is
actually Sean), in theory, your bird method doesn't even
work, and I won't even start on the pratical expects of
your "method". What I am stating in my eariler post is
not theory, but rather a application of a well
documented and extensively proven and reserched area of
science into this issue. And it tells you that your
method, even if it works, would be fatal for us. Ironic
huh? We bring back dinosaurs and cause our extinction...
But I wouldn't worry about it at all. No paleontologist
I have seen so far thinks we can OR SHOULD bring back
dinosuars at all. And there are alot of reasons for
that. But really, there really is no need to "create"
your own characters if you don't have enough
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
May 10, 2001
It never surprises me how people can ignore the implications of chaos in their life. I'm afraid the idea is simply unworkable not because it involves many steps, but because it's simply IMPOSSIBLE. If we recreate the dinosaurs, we spell our own doom. No, in that case, I rather select my species to survive then a bunch of lizards that have already died before anyway. Bringing back dinosaurs is not exciting, anybody with a fundemental grasp of chaos theory will know that it will be a nightmare...
Well, I am rapidly become the Ian Malcom of this issue.
But my stand is clear. Bringing back the dinosaurs will
mean the extinction of humans...
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
May 10, 2001
i have to do a project about
dinos and i find them to be really ok. I wanted to do
the report on the Ankylosaurs because he is so cute. you
should do a repor ton him if you ever get a chance, they
have interesing facts that make them stand
from hannah,
age 14,
May 10, 2001
Actually I would have to
take Seans' side. Hi I'm Josh I've been reading your
discussion(Sean,Brad,Chandler and Honkie Tong) but
really I think it is possible to bring back a dinosaur.
"But the process...so MANY steps....IMPOSSIBLE" Nothing
is impossible unless you try. I mean yah it would be
hard but when the Americans fought the British in the
Reveloution, Who won? The British out numbered them 100
to 1. But the Americans never said impossible. I mean I
could go on forever like this. Another thing, the birds.
NOT the flying ones but the ones on the ground. The Emu.
He would move just like a dinosaur. The Velociraptor was
mimicked after the emu bird so why can't we mimick the
dinosaurs from the emu bird? Now your going to say but
some dinosaurs didn't move... I know. Then just take the
way the reptiles move or some of the land mammals.
Clonning Dinosaurs would be hard but not impossible.
Crush a dinosaur's bone into fine powder, add the DNA of
the reptile it's most closely related to and maybe some of
the bird and VWALA. you may just get a dinosaur. Instead
of aruguring about it we should be working together to
make it come sooner.
from Joshua,
age 13,
May 10, 2001
Is Oviraptor still believed
to have stolen the eggs of other dinosaurs? A recent
discovery shows that the fossilised eggs near this
fossilised lizard did belong to this little
from Vikrem S,
age 17,
Tamil Nadu,
May 10, 2001
In theory you are correct.
(Honkie Tong)About Sean.S's bird's into dinosaurs
theory. In theory communism WORK'S!! That's right i'm
one of sean.s's FOLLOWERS! There's no such thing an
innocent person! You'r either part of problem or part of
the solution. I'm a dedicated advocate of my friend's
theoy. judging by how conservative you are you could'int
lead a horse to water!
from Jeff . H,
age 15,
May 10, 2001
Sean, I'm afraid raising
dinosuars and recreating them involves dealing with
dynamic, nonlinear systems... there will be problems,
the problems cannot be controlled, and they cannot be
beaten. Mabye you might be able to bring the dinosaurs
back, but bringing them back will involve the workings
of so many dynamic, nonlinear systems that I believe
controllign such an idea is no only impossible, but
it'll probally spell our own doom. There is no clear cut
problem to solve when you are working with recreating
dynamic, nonlinear systems, and you don't have a wisker
of hope to even control it. I'm sorry, but great ideas
also need to be based on good scientific bases, and the
idea of bringing back dinosaurs will probablly be more
of a bad thing then a good thing...we can't even control
our own GM foods already, talk about dinosaurs...Even if
it could be done, I don't think it should if humans were
to want to exist as a species. I think dinosaurs are
good where they remain...in the dust.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
May 10, 2001
I hope we all can agree to
disagree agreeably, but Sean looks like he's gonna join
the hall of fame filled by by people who believe they
can fly by simply flapping their arms, making machines
that run forever, and directly, physically travel faster
then the speed of light...
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
May 10, 2001
Hey Chandler if you would like to see
a live dinosaur why all the ethics?? Does it realy matter? I'f
you realy want to see live dinosaurs why dont you join the
clan?(support) you seem to aggree whith me. Go ahead and give in!
No court is going to convict you. Now Mike you seem to be
interested in this too"! If you are don't hide it. Great minds
think for them selves! Keep in mind that whether or not the
dinosaurs remain extinct depends soley on us
from Sean.S,
age 13,
May 9, 2001
This time i would like to
talk about something else. How did carnivores defeat an
ankylosaurus? One last comment. Sorry Honkie tong but
were getting the last word! No offense" (Brad) but that
stuff you said about i can't recreate the dinosaurs by
using my bird method that's.. BULL! Sure we don't have
the technology...YET. But i'm conviced that i't will
arrive...SOMEDAY.Now let's leave i't. But don't forget
this debate!! And if anyone think's im going to give up
my idea there sadley mistaking!! And if anybody has any
question's about either of them post it and i will be
more than happy to answer. i don't care how the
dinosaurs are recreated the important thing is that
there recreated. W'e may never live to s'ee it. but we'l
never recreate the dinosaurs whith skeptecism. leaving
the facts in our hands is the best way aquire true
knowlege. End of story!
from Sean.S,
age 13,
May 9, 2001
****************NEW GENUS********************
_Draconyx loureiroi_
"Dragon Claw"
Mateus and Antunes, 2001
Ornithischia: Ornithopoda: Iguanodontia:
Late Jurassic
Lourinha, Portugal
Holotype: Maxillary teeth, 3 caudal centra, chevron,
distal epiphyses of right humerus & femur, epiphyses of
tibia & fibula, manual phalanx, 3 manual unguals,
various pedal elements
from Brad,
age 14,
May 9, 2001
I love Dinosaurs and I like Zoom Dinosaurs! I Know alot about Dinosaurs
and I try to study them. I loved dinosaurs since I
was in PRE.K.
from Amanda R,
age 10,
North Richland Hills,
May 9, 2001
Actually, In JP the raptors
were as big as us so they were probably really
from Mike,
age 11,
May 9, 2001
Also, any synthetically made
dinosaurs would need to live in a "bio-chamber" since
during the Mesozoic the Earth had much more Oxygen in
the atmosphere. It bleeds off gradually, and the
difference from then to now is big enough to be a health
hazard to a Mesozoic animal. Remember the Stegosaurus
in "Jurassic Park" (the book)? It was dying because it
couldn't breathe in the "thin" modern
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 9, 2001
Of course I would like to
see a real dinosaur.
But seeing one would kinda take the fun out of it, at
least a part of it. And dinosaurs were not killed off
by people, so we don't owe it to them to bring them
back, even if we could, it would be a corruption of
nature. I'm not saying I wouldn't be excited to see it
happen, though...hehe.
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 9, 2001
Don't vote for velociraptor,
vote for Scutellosaurus!
from Mike,
age 11,
May 9, 2001
please vote for the
from sonny c.,
age ?,
May 9, 2001
Imagin a giant
from ?????????????????,
age ???????,
May 9, 2001
Sorry Loenard. In my last
message i made a mistake. I thought you were Chandler
until i saw the bottem of you'r message.(It's too late
now)forgive me chandler.
from Sean.S,
age 13,
May 9, 2001
I didin't say it was going
to be in my lifetime. I said it will happen! I'n any
case i'm not giving up my (birds into dinosaurs
theory)Alright Chandler you told me to name some risks.
here are some i'v taken into consideration 1. water of
today may be too acidic . 2. dinosaurs don't care who
they eat and armed guards must be present at all times.
3. most plants at that time went extinct. 4. D.N.A rots
over millions of years.Dinosaurs may not be able abapt.5
This may come at the expense of other animals.6. it
takes countles money.7. It will take decades of
research.8. Or in jurassic parks case a spy from another
company may infiltrate our facilities and shut off main
power allowing some dinosaurs to escape meanwhile he
trys give us the slip. Lots of things could go wrong
however most of these problems can be beaten though! I'm
going to pass on something my dad always told me( Dreams
will come true if you want them bad enough) Besides the
kind attitude you have about this isn't going to get you any where.
You have to have courage to make this achievement. You
have to let all you'r doubts go. I'm also fan of
conifers and ferns. In'fact i even have dawn redwood
just outside my house! And whoever mentioned geneticly
modifying birds in'to dinosaurs before identify you'r
self the instant you see this message!
from Sean.S,
age 13,
May 9, 2001
Well, Dinocloning can work,
but not easily. HEY! they said they would clone it
from a frog & it would not work. Of Course! Frogs are
amphibians, unlike dinos, which are reptiles! Why not
use a Crocodile instead of a frog?!?!
from Mike,
age 11,
May 9, 2001
I am not being 'ethical'. I didn't say that you shouldn't recreate dinosaurs by modifying birds, I said that you can't. Big difference.
I would rather have the _novel_ Jurassic Park set in 1989 than 2089. If something like Jurassic Park occurs in our own future, I wouldn't object to it.
I'm at the uninversity right now, so I have access to
some cool paleontology books as papers. I read some of
Seeley's _Dragons of the Air_ earlier today. What a
neat book! The terminology 100 years ago is very
different- pterosaurs were called 'ornithosaurs', and
Pteranodon was called 'Ornithostoma'. And I saw
'Archæopteryx'. I also read Russell's
stenonuchosaur/Dinosauroid article. Gotta go
from Brad,
age 14,
May 9, 2001
Are you sure you know all the risks? We know so little about dinosaurs and you are saying you know the risks of recreating them? Ok, can you list some of them?
Anyway, these are some problems with bringing back dinos as stated in Bill's story Old Blood (Start writing it already Billy Macdraw!)
Everybody's dying to see an authentic live dinosaur. Remember Jurassic Park? They took a dinosaur DNA sample from the gut of an amber-sealed Jurassic mosquito, filled in the gaps in the dinosaur DNA with frog DNA, and placed it in a viable host egg, then they've got big lizards for their tourist attraction. The procedures done in the film is almost the actual thing done in cloning life forms. However, back in reality, there are missing a part, which are vital for dinosaur cloning and makes it questionable or impossible to do such. Here are some of the things that make mass-production of dinosaurs a big question mark.
AMBER ENCRUSTED MOSQUITO - amber, a hard yellowish-brown fossilized tree resin, is a good preservative medium. There are lots of amber-sealed insects retrieved and scientists had already drawn DNA from these insects, but only insect DNA, not the DNA of it's last victim. The fossils were so tiny, and so as the information gathered. Even if the stone-age mosquito did have a big bite on a dinosaur, the process of digestion would easily damage the dinosaur DNA. Lastly, the fossilized insects are no more than 40 million years old, 20 million years after the disappearance of dinosaurs, and 95 million years after the end of the Jurassic period.
DNA or Deoxyribonucleic Acid - the very precious, but fragile cellular substance that is responsible for hereditary instructions and input in every complex organism. Dinosaur DNA will not be clear and intact for the 65 million years that have passed since the dinosaur has gone to extinction. This is because of the fact that while humans and animals are alive, the DNA gets damaged 10 times every second. However, this is not much of a problem since there are special biological processes that repair damaged DNA. When life ceases, the reparation processes stop, and the DNA breaks down. If a mosquito feasted on a dinosaur and immediately gets trapped in tree resin and is preserved, the deterioration will slow down, but it will not stop. After 65 million years, the dinosaur DNA will be messed up and would be very difficult to decode.
DINOSAUR BLUEPRINTS - All DNA structures, be it human or
animal or dinosaur, is made up of the same components,
but they differ in sequencing. To find a piece of bird
DNA, you would have to compare the sequences to an
authentic bird DNA. In relation to the dinosaurs, there
are no more existing dinosaurs, so whose DNA can be used
for the identification of dinosaur DNA? The
identification of dinosaur DNA would be quite an
impossible task.
CLONING MEDIUM - there are no eggs fit for raising a
dinosaur clone. A dinosaur egg is needed, of the same
species and DNA to enable the clone to develop, but we
don't have such.
The cloning of dinosaurs is within the point of
possibilities and impossibilities. Yes, we have the
technology of cloning animals, which was recently
concluded by Dolly the Sheep, the first successful
animal clone, but what we don't have are the biological
raw materials that will take us to the rebirth of
dinosaurs. As of now, the scene of having a Apatosaurus
as a pet is still beyond the mist.
from Leonard,
age 13,
May 9, 2001
Sorry, Sean, but I decline...the dinosaurs are indeed gone forever...in your lifetime that is.
Well, it's highly probabble that in the future, we might have advanced far enough to bring back the dinosaurs, but by then me, you, Sean, will be an old man... and probabbly be dead...okay, cut the fatalism...
Face it, the prehistoric dinosaurs are gone forever and no amount of technology (save for time travel) can bring them back. And besides, I harldy think it's a good idea to bring back a dinosaur...how can we make it survive? What about biocontainment? What about possible ecological effects the dinosaurs may have on the enviroment? Bringing back animals like the saber tooths is possible as they are not too long gone and we have a good portion of their genes... but the dinosaurs... too much has changed and too much lost in those 65 million years, we will never recover the enitire code (or even a small part of it) to make an animal. And we can't reverse engineer a bird to make a dinosuar (we have to know every single step) there are simply too many problems and complexities to bring back a dinosaur... here's my suggestion, it's far easier to see a dinosaur then bring back one, go to the zoo or to the park to see them in action...the birds.
I'm sorry, but this is where I throw down the final
word... Give It Up Already!
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
May 9, 2001
No offense. but that stuff
you(chandler) said about dinosaurs being gone forever is
all a bunch of hogwash!I know all the risks of
recreating the dinosaurs. But I think there worth it!
You don't spend 5 years learning about dinosaurs
whithout knowing a few things about the risks of
recreating the dinosaurs! sorry to sound so rude. (this
applies to you to Brad!)
from Sean.S,
age 13,
May 8, 2001
Thank you Honkie Tong. But
I'v thought about a time machine. In fact if i had 3
wishes i'd wish for a time machine, A few trillion
dollers, And finaly ownership of the north island of new
zealand. So Honkie Tong will you join my service? Why
and why not?Now as for you Chandler you seem to be
pretty smart too.I'm about to ask you the same question
I asked Honkie Tong will you join me? Now Brad i
personley think you'r mistaking that you don't want
jurassic park set in the future. you know that you want
to see live dinosaur. Why do you resist? And why must
you always be so...ethical?
from Sean.S,
age 13,
May 8, 2001
Well, there are a numnber of
ways to bring the dinosaurs back. But none of them
involve genetics. I propose that you get a bunch of
neuron stars, arrange them into a cylinder 2 kilometers
long and a kilometer wide, and spin it rapidly up to
about 50 revoultions a second and it should drag the
space time contiunium along with it. If you pop into one
end of the cylinder, you should pop back into the past.
By varying the length of the cylinder and the speed of
revolutions, you can adjust the effect and prehaps get
back 65 million years? Well, unfortunately this involves
very heavy duty engineering (moving neuron stars) so we
will not be able to do it for quite some time. About
your idea about modifying birds: I'm sure many genetists
have thought about your idea before (as a matter of
fact, if you look back here in the archives, somebody
else mentioned modyfing birds too to bring back the
dinosaur). I sorry, but I'm afraid your idea is hardly
new, nor i!
s it workable. Try something else...
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
May 8, 2001
This is my list of
objectives. 1. recruit as many people possible.
2.exploit in the easiest manner. 3. contradict
skeptics.4. spread idea to other people.
from Sean.S,
age 13,
May 8, 2001
I read your latest post,
Sean, and I wondered that even if cloning dinosaurs were
possible, how smart it would be. Did we learn anything
about corrupting nature from "Jurassic Park"? Part of
the wonder about dinosaurs is that they aren't here
anymore--we'll never know exactly everything about
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 8, 2001
Despite our efforts to
re-create them, dinosaurs are lost forever. Cloning
will never be accurate enough to completely restore a
true dinosaur, and unless time-travel is developed no
one will ever see a living one. And of course,
time-travel would certainly mess up the "time space
continuum" so that is out of the question even if it
were possible.
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 8, 2001
I would like to hear
dino sounds for a class project?
from kyle k,
age 12,
To honkie tong: I
respect you'r anylictical skills. however if you'r
so sure what isn't going to work tell me what will!
I look forward to hearing more from you. Don't
forget to tell you'r buddies about my
from Sean.S,
age 13,
May 8, 2001
YOU jest!! Brad you
have good point. But you see I have a profound
respect for dinosaurs and I absolutely hate
extinction!! the truth is i don't plan on
participating in this even't. I'm trying to spread
my suggestion around. and if you don't respect the
dinosaurs why are you here!? I'm not going to
assume this is a wonderful thing. Dinosaurs would
not want to eat you or me more than anything else.
I'm not going force you to join. I'm happy to see
that i'm getting everybodie's attention. And yes I
agree carnataurus should be in jurassic
from Sean.S,
age 13,
May 7, 2001
Well, I have been staying in the shadows for this modifying birds into dinosaur debate, but now i shall speak up. Well Sean, your idea wiould be unworkable for 1 reason: Chaos Theory.
To recreate a dinosaur by modifying a bird, you will first have to know how the entire DNA strain of the dinosaur species you wanted to recreate look like in the first place. Actually, you could modify any animal, not just a bird, into a dinosaur by Sean's method, but any modern genenist will tell you his idea is unworkable. Why? Chaos Theory.
Lets say we want to make Velociraptor by modifying
say... a chicken. Even if we managed to modify most
of the chicken genome to resemble a Velociraptor
genome, a error of 0.003 percent (and that's very
little) would cause you to come up with something
very different. Due to Chaos Theory, small errors
will be reflected largely. And there's no way in a
long time we can retrieve an entire Velociraptor
genome, and if we could, we wouldn't need to modify
a bird to make a dinosaur by then; we would just
need to whip up the dinosaur from scratch. Either
way, Sean's idea to recreate (and the word here is
recreate) the dinosaurs by the bird method will not
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
May 7, 2001
If you found a way to
"reverse" evolution through experimentation then
again, in theory, you could make a "dinosaur." But
it would be impossible to then simulate evolution
in the laboratory and create evolutionary
offshoots. You would only get the core of the
family tree leading from birds, then through early
theropoda and into the "Protodinosauria." No
Ornithischians or Sauropods.
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 7, 2001
The idea of genetically
altering birds into dinosaurs is not very new, but
it has its problems. You could hypothetically
create a dinosaur-like thing, but it would not be a
true dinosaur. It would be a new "species" that
had never lived before.
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 7, 2001
No, she wasn't cloned
by a company, but it doesn't matter. Companies can
get ahold of the latest technology no matter if
they started the research or not.
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 7, 2001
You might have heard my
critical comment, but I don't think you undestood
it. The birds would already be dinosaurs before you
modified them! I don't think there is anything
wrong with what you are doing, though. Dinosaurs
didn't mindlessly attack (but a planned,
intelligent attack is worse!), but you will need to
feed them. Tell me if you hav any progess with
your genetic experiements!
from Brad,
age 14,
May 7, 2001
Hello brad. i heard
you'r ever so critical comment! look if we can't
clone a dinosaur we might as well geneticly modifie
bird's into dinosaur's. and i don't care whether or
not you have a problem whith a real jurassc park.
and even if dinosaurs where already reacreated do
you think they'ed just mindlesly attack you from
behind? I personlely think that what i'm doing is
right. I have cousin whith the same name as you.
this is whear you'r world of si-fi get's it right
dinosaurs werent mindless killing
from Sean.S,
age 13,
May 7, 2001
i like
from erik,
age 8,
great falls,
May 7, 2001
Hey if stegosaurus had
its brain in its tail, wouldn't it just be walking
backwards all the time?
from Thomas P,
age 13,
May 6, 2001
Since the birds already are
dinosaurs, genetically modifying them would make them less of a
pure dinosaur.
from Brad,
age 14,
May 6, 2001
But Dolly wasn't cloned by a company, was she?
I wouldn't want Jurassic Park to be set in the future
from Brad,
age 14,
May 6, 2001
I'm in 9th grade and in my science
class were doing a 20 page report
on the history on earth and all the era's ane periods and i
just want to say that this page really helped me out and if you
want to see other cool earth history stuff go to
from Chad,
age 15,
May 6, 2001
i have an earth shattering idea
that i would like to share whith all you dino fans. i would
like to exploit the amazing method of recreating the dinosaurs
by geneticly modifieing birds into dinosaurs. i hope to
spread this theory throughout the world.maybe in the headline
news.and i realy hope somebody see's this message and tell's
his/her friend's.i'm devoted to infleunzing people to make
acontributian's to the recreatian of the
from Sean.S,
age 13,
May 6, 2001
It took scientists months to clone
Dolly, a sheep. And that was in the 90s. I doubt a company
could successfully clone ANY animal during the 80s, let alone a
dinosaur. But it's just science-fiction:) Jurassic Park would
be messed up if it was set in the future.
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 5, 2001
How come everyone is talking about
web sites all of a sudden? Well, I downloaded a lot of
pictures from http/www.search4dinosaurs.com
from Mike,
age 11,
May 5, 2001
The only problem is, Jurassic Park movies have to work with the dinosaurs cloned by Ingen. And I don't accept that Ingen, working for about five yars in the late 1980s, could sucessfully identify and clone the DNA of over 70 dinosaur genera! Stick with the 15 or so dinosaurs originally in Jurassic Park, and don't add any more.
It probably isn't wise to have Jurassic Park expose the public to a life resortation of the highly dubious _Altipinax_.
Suchomimus and Baryonyx? Most people wouldn't be able to tell them apart.
I do agree that Carnotaurus should e in Jurassic Park
from Brad,
age 14,
May 5, 2001
I think that if there was a new JP
movie commin in that they should put COOL dinos in it like
altispanix and baryonx,suchomimus,sytarsus, carnotaurus
pentaceritops and amargusaurus
from Brendan F.,
age 11,
May 4, 2001
Why do ever1 like T-Rex??????
ITS almoust the 3rd largest Carnivore. A Gigantosaurus
could give it a nasty WOOPIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! So could a
carcharadontosaurs. So could a tarbosaurus
from Brendan F.,
age 11,
May 4, 2001
age 8,
May 4, 2001
Don't be rude Joe BOB B.If you
want respect for example if you are an elder of someone
else that someone whose younger will not respect you. But
respect is all what me,Honkie tong and firebird plus you
deserve Joe BoB B if you don't insult.
from DONOVAN R.,
age 10,
May 4, 2001
Well I still think of
placodus's tail was main defense.luckily Hendus another
placodont evovled with a shell.I have to work on by
dinosaur encyclopedia.
from DONOVAN R.,
age 10,
May 4, 2001
i will not go to earth to
learn about dinos
from tom g.,
age why,
somewhere on mars,
May 3, 2001
Hi, I'm a eight grader from
McCormick Jr. high. In my science class we are doing stuff
on dinos. i just wanted to tell you about the cool stuff
we are learning. Our teacher Mr.Sewell is a great teacher
and knows a lot about Science. We have done things on
fossils and their habitat. We have done speeches on them
and I think we are learning a lot about them. Thanks Mr.
Sewell for everything you have showed us about these
wonderful animals. Thanks, Nicole or Amanda
from Amanda A. or Nicole A.,
age 15,
May 2, 2001
All large dinosaurs that were bare-skinned would be
secondarily featherless...assuming that their small lagosuchian ancestors were
already feathered. Perhaps feathers flashed in and out of the evolutionary line
several times througout all of the dinosaurian lineages (in correlation with large
and small size mostly).
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 2, 2001
I'd say it is competition from
mammals. Until dinosaurs went almost extinct at KT,
mammals were in the birds' place. After KT, they switched
places, and now mammals are dominant and birds aren't.
The ecosystem can only handle so many animals in similar
niches, and right now most of the "big" ones are already
taken up by mammals. Birds were too specialized (i.e.
flight) to take the dinosauria back to its former glory
right away. Now they are just starting to diversify again
(flightless forms, etc) and if mammals ever have a
large-scale extinction dinosaurs could take over
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 2, 2001
I like dinos
from chadd m.,
age 10,
Las Vegas,
May 2, 2001
T. rex probably had feathers
as a baby, since the babies were smaller and in need of
insulation. As Honkie said, perhaps they retained small
amounts of "feathers" for display or something, but they
probably had totally bare skin otherwise as
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 2, 2001
Of course T. rex did not have
feathers. Most likely the impressions of the theropods JC
named are adult animals, and therefore at least as large
as an elephant. Elephants don't have much fur (although
they do have some unnecessary remnants). If there was a
baby T. rex skin impression, it probably would have
"feathers." The fact that an adult T. rex did not have
integument reflects nothing about its
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 2, 2001
There aren't any modern
animals that are secondarily featherless- (well, maybe
crocodiles- www.dinosauria.com/jdp/archie/scutes.htm )-
and it seems like a strange idea. But we don't have any
six-ton dinosaurs today. According to the printout on this
site, ostriches weigh up to 345 pounds. And that's as big
as dinosaurs get these days. Why? Is it competition from
large mammals that prevents large dinosaurs, or something
from Brad,
age 14,
May 2, 2001
Intresting Brad. Well, I think being a ground based animal weighting 6 tons and possessing quite alot of latent heat capacity, T.Rex would have regarded a coat of insulation a bad idea, and so would just about any other large animal (example Elephants, Rhinos, Hippos). Besides the fossilized skin imprint, there really are other good reasons to believe that T.Rex may have been without feathers.
Of course, looking at the skin imprint, we also know that
T.Rex probally had rough, pebbly skin (if not all over its
body), hardly good material for feathers to grow out of.
But I do suspect that T.Rex, having decended from the
smaller prehaps feather-spotting dinosaurs, may have
retained small amounts of feathers for social purposes (I
do think that this is highly unlikely though), but a full
body coat is surely out of the question. However, like
most questions about dinosaurs, this "matter of feathers"
with not be concluded for a while.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
May 2, 2001
A lot of fossilized T. rex
skin? Is there a picture of it?
from Brad,
age 14,
May 2, 2001
I don't have any photos, but it is reported to be featherless (one recent find was at the Lance Formation in Wyoming in 1992 - found by Dianne Carnell, Craig Sundell et al. - together with an almost complete T. rex). Featherless Albertosaurus skin has also been found. Carnotaurus skin has also been found that is reported to be scaly (or bumpy, depending on who analyzes it). As soon as they find feathered T. rex skin, I'll add it to Zoom Dinosaurs. As an aside, it seems like a huge waste of calories to produce insulating feathers on a gigantotherm - heat dispersal was probably much more of a problem than needing insulation during the relatively warm Cretaceous. JC
Aiyah! Joe Bob B! You insult
your elders again! Respect your elders! Mabye you need to
be enlisted in the United States Marine Corps to learn
some manners! You know, the US Marines? Join the Marines!
Get Gulf-War Syndrome! Lose a leg! Die in a helicopter
crash! Woops...I didn't paint a flattering picture of your
Marines did I?
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
May 1, 2001
I was browsing the Q&A page,
and saw this-
Q: Does the T-REX have feathers?
from ?, ?, ?, ?; April 30, 2001
A: No. For information on T. rex, click here.
The current position of the Tyrannosauridae on the
coelurosaur cladogram (see "Classification and Evolution
of Dinosaur Groups" Holtz in "The scientific American
Book of Dinosaurs" Paul 2000) implies that they did
descend from animals with feathers. Who can forget the
"Feathers for T. rex?" story in National Geocgraphic?
Even without direct fossil evidence of feathers on a
tyrannosaurid, "absence of proof is not proof of absence"
(anyone want to try to identify that quote?). It's unknown
if T. rex had feathers, but not unlikely that it
from Brad,
age 14,
May 1, 2001
Good point, but a lot of fossilized T. rex skin has been found and it shows no evidence of feathers (this is not a conclusive argument, but I do prefer evidence) - so I take the recent speculation as just that until a fossil showing feathers is found. JC
No, I didn't move. I just go
to school in a different town.
from Brad,
age 14,
Woodville (I'm at home now!),
May 1, 2001
I tried using my digital
camera, but the pictures look really bad. Did you move,
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 1, 2001
Jordan, why did you even come
here? You should be out playing a sport or
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 1, 2001
No, there were primitive
mammals during Eoraptor's time, I think. I remember
seeing the painting by John Gurche of a Herrerasaurus
lurking over a pair of a couple mammals, and Eoraptor was
contemporary with Herrerasaurus...I don't know, I always
thought there were primitive mammals. They emerged just
after the pre-dinosaurs did, in the very early
from Chandler,
age ?,
May 1, 2001
Respect your elders, Joe Bob
from firebird,
age ?,
May 1, 2001
Before you get the standard
recycled answer form anyone else, Adrianne, yes. Not only
were there people that lived with dinosaurs, there are
people that live with dinosaurs. We are now almost
certain that birds are true dinosaurs, and many species of
dinosaurs are not extinct.
from Brad,
age 14,
May 1, 2001
Shut up,
from JOE BOB B.,
age 10,
Menlo Park,
May 1, 2001
I am impressed with your
knowledge, but I think you all need to play a sport or
from jordan,
age 25,
los angelas,
May 1, 2001
Were there any people living
with the dinosaurs.
from Adrianne,
age 12,
West Chester,
May 1, 2001
Were there any mammals in
Eoraptor's environment? I thought it was a bit too early
for that.
from Brad,
age 14,
Fenelon Falls,
May 1, 2001
My scenner is 'broken' too- it
always has been, since I tried to install it myself
without the instructions. I just used my camera for those
from Brad,
age 14,
Fenelon Falls,
May 1, 2001
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