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I think you guys are getting way
too wrapped up in this Gigantosaurus v Tyrannosaurus thing.
If you want my opinion, I think a Tyrannosaurus would win
bigtime. But I need to know the answer to a question about a
possible relative of Gigantosaurus. Do you think Allosaurus
was the dominant predator of it's day?
from russell p,
age ?,
January 31, 2001
What's going on? What bad
from Leonard,
age 13,
January 31, 2001
It's not your fault Bill, it just
so happened that Andrea has to fall sick now. Well, it's
kinda sad, for their concert was my highlight of the year.
But I do hope Andrea gets better.
Anyway, I hope you do have a fun time at your In Blue
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 31, 2001
from Al.b,
age 11,
santa monica,
United States;
January 31, 2001
More JP3 info...its almost
confirmed that there will be a Tyrannosaur-Spinosaur
battle...the raptors will have feathers...possible aviary
scenes with pteranodons...Spinosaur is WAY too big, its arms
alone are "raptor sized" says a website, and we all know how
big JP raptors are...I found it disturbing how many people
are bashing T-Rex in the JP3 forums and praising a new
falsified Spinosaur...hmmmmmm....>:-(
from Sauron,
age ?,
January 31, 2001
Here's a bigger picture of the
new species:
And here's a different article, with information about how it
is related to other theropods (its an abelisauroid):
>From Thomas R. Holtz Jr.-
from Brad,
age 14,
January 31, 2001
Just before any fighting breaks
out here, I'd like to say that I'm not trying to belittle you
or something like that Monstarr. I don't contest what you say
for the fun of it, or that it sheds a negative light on what
I prefer. And indeed, some of your ideas have been bang on
the money, but I'm afraid I have to disagree on your verdict
on Giganotosaurus vs. Tyrannosaurus.
from Josh,
age ?,
January 31, 2001
To Honkie,
Bad News
Anyway, I do hope above all this that Andrea gets better.
They might even put in a greater and better preformance for
you people to make up for this sad incident, so don't get too
down by this!
Best wishes,
Billy Macdraw
Honkie, I've heard what happened, and I'm so sorry. I know
this must be really bad news for you, and a great chance
missed. I know it would have stunk if I was in your place,
and I know how much all this means to you. But look on the
bright side, they might come back to Singapore later in the
year or prehaps next year. Look, I know that due to concert
responsibilities here in the US, they have cancelled the Asia
tour, so I feel kinda guilty about all this.
from Billy Macdraw,
age 18,
January 31, 2001
Hey! I'm not extremist! I can't
help it if your points are easy to "kill".
You do seem pretty sure that Rigby's rex is not a
Tyrannosaurus Rex do you? Well, Jack Horner (who thinks that
Rigby's rex is also a T.Rex) is currently working on five new
confirmed T.Rexes found near Rigby's rex that are similar in
size to Rigby's more famous find. These specimens are a good
lot more intact and complete than Rigby's specimen.
Now, having established that Horner's finds are confirmed
T.Rexes, and that they are similar in size to Rigby's, I
think it points pretty strongly towards Rigby's rex being a
Tyrannosaurus Rex Osborn. Abbet, a very big one.
Now, before I get accused of being a extremist (note
sarcasm), I must make it claer that I myself though that
Rigby's rex was of a different/ and new species of
Tyrannosaurus. Well, I actually defended the case for Rigby's
rex NOT being a Tyrannosaurus Rex once, but now I'm convinced
I was wrong. Well, in case you might mention that Rigby's rex
has larger forearms, I'm afraid these rumours were dismissed
not too long ago. So be paleontologically responsible (note
sarcasm) and stop spreading the misconception that there is
anything solid to confirm that Rigby's rex is anything but a
Tyrannosaurus Rex. Besides, the idea of Rigby's rex being
something new was accidently cooked up by the media. When
they herd Rigby called his find "Tyrannosaurus Imperator",
they mistook it for the name of a new species. I'm afraid
Tyrannosaurus Imperator is about as real as brontosaurus.
While this may seem contradictory and confusing (note sarcasm
again) to you, my bigger sister, who is a biology student,
tells me that the occurances of super-XL T.Rexes in that
certain area might be due to external enviromental conditions
in that time, that allowed the local Tyrannosaurus to get to
their size. This is consistent with the occurances of
undersized T.Rexes in another area, and "normal" sized
T.Rexes in another area. This run parallel to what we know in
modern nature, where the Lions living in a certain crater
place in Africa (I forgot the name) are significantly larger
than the adverage of their speices due to some external
reason we have yet to understand. It's extremely likely this
is what happened to the Tyrannosaurus Rex Osborns Rigby and
Horner found.
About the Giganotosaurus vs. T.Rex fight, though I would like
to carry it on, I find it ather silly, not to mention it has
been the cause of many ugly incidents here (note sacrasm).
Well, firstly, these two never met and it would be humanistic
to pit them together. In short, making them fight is not
realisitc. But given his better senses, speed, agility,
damage pontential and survibability, I suppose T.Rex greatly
exceed Giganotosaurus in hunting effectivness. If push came
to shove, I think it's highly likely that T.Rex would win
with little effort. While this may seem biased and onesided,
I'm just lookinga t it logically. Hey, the Tyrannosaurids did
put the carnosaurs in the north otta a job, didn't
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 31, 2001
Tyrannosaurus vs. Giganotosaurus
Before we go any further, we must look at what are the
differences between the dinosaurs that will play a part in
this battle:
Giganotosaurus is no longer enjoys a size advantage over
T.Rex as far as current figures go. Giganotosaurus had long,
slender, almost sissorlike jaws lined with many, delta-shaped
teeth. This animal probally hunted on sauropods many times
their size by hounding it and biting it until it finally
falls (at least that's what most people say). But given the
slender nature of his skull, Giganotosaurus is not a
in-your-face, head on attacker. Giganotosaurus relyed on
multiple bites to bleed out and kill its prey, an age old
carnosaur tradition.
T.Rex possesed a shorter, and stouter skull that weighted
about the same as Giganotosaurus. It enjoys certain
advantages over the Giganotosaurus skull by being
structurally stronger. The base of the skull is also
laterally widened as a space for mucsle to fill, giving it a
very powerful bite indeed. It's immediately apparent that a
Tyrannosaurus uses the "one bite, one kill" method on its
prey. As opposed to Giganotosaurus, T.Rex had less teeth, but
these teeth were bigger and stronger and could wistand the
stresses of breaking bone in an attack. Unlike
Giganotosaurus, T.Rex relyed on using one, massive bite to
disable its prey and hopefully kill it. This different method
of killing will play a big part later. Let's start now.
Erm, no offense Monstarr, but don't you find your points a
little shallow? I don't really think your point about T.Rex
having to get closer to bite is a good one. I mean how much
advantage can one and a half feet of extra snout give
Giganotosaurus?? And once T.Rex gives Giganotosaurus one of
his massive bites, the game is over, open terran or forest.
Head on, one to one, T.Rex is certainly far meaner and
tougher than Giganotosaurus. In fact, I think he can
literally overpower the rival Giganotosaurus.
Given Giganotosaurus weaker bite, he would have to work
harder to wound T.Rex fatally, which is hard, given our
knowledge about how much "Caudron-Bornish" pounding T.Rex can
take. On the other hand, given T.Rex can bite up to three
times harder and remove more material at the same time,
coupled with his superior super-durable teeth, I can picture
him snapping Giganotosaurus' neck like a twig in a single
bite. In fact, the only dinosaur I can think of which can
resist a bite to the neck by a Tyrannosaurus is an
Ankylosaurus and another Tyrannosaurus, nothing else. So what
if Giganotosaurus had a slightly longer snout? I would gladly
trade a long skull in for the incredible damage potential of
a compact and powerful "nutcracker" skull in a fight like
that. Besides, if Giganotosaurus tried to use his marginal
advantage in skull length to bite T.Rex first, wouldn't T.Rex
try to bite his head? Given how much weaker a Giganotosaurus
skull is, and how powerful a Tyrannosaurus bite is!
, that could be fatal or at least, a debilitating injury.
In the same way, I can't picture Giganotosaurus doing the
same back to him. Even if Giganotosaurus got off a few bites
at the tougher rex, they were not likely to be debilitating
injuries, unless an eye was gouged or a major artery hit.
T.Rex has protected eyes and artery, though. Conversely, it's
easy to see T.Rex hitting a mojor artery with a single of his
smash-mouth bites.
Also, I'm not sure facing a bigger foe will cause T.Rex to
lose his nerve for two reasons. Firstly, Giganotosaurus did
not enjoy a good size advantage and may have been smaller (if
we're talking the Horner-rexes here), secondly, given T.Rex
is an aggressive and intelligent predator capable taking down
prey that outmasses him, (ie, Triceratops)I'm just not sure
if your ideas hold a lot of water at all.
And that's why I say that the T.Rex would win. T.Rex was
designed, like I said before, to take out big animals QUICKLY
with its mouth. And that's what it would do to the
Giganotosaurus. Ability and weapons matter here, not size,
and the T. rex has the advantage in both areas
So that's my verdict, T. rex with the win!
from Lillian T.,
age 14,
January 31, 2001
Winged dinosaurs? Seagoing
dinosaurs? ABC news really dosen't know its dinosaurs! Tsk
Tsk Tsk. Isn't it's supposed to be a world-class news
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 31, 2001
Hey, keep off the personal
letdowns will ya? Look at it logically, a Tyrannosaur has too
many obvious and strategic advantages over a Giganotosaurus
to even have a fair fight. Yes, I'm no extremist, but I
certainly do think Giggy is going to get his butt seriously
and painfully kicked in any situtation. While Giggy was
simply a very simple (and oversized) version of Allosaurus,
Tyrannosaurus was an animal built to kill rapidly and by
sheer brute force, serious stuff.
Besides, peppering your speech with thinly veiled personal
attacks to the Tyrannosaur fans hardly makes your case any
stonger, sorry. I've known these people for quite long, and
they are anything but extremists. I'll call them
"apologitics", they defend T.Rex with logic and science, and
they do it well. In fact, I have become a bigger fan of T.Rex
ever since I met them. I'm seriously convinced that
Tyrannosaurus was possibly the deadliest land carnivore ever.
Besides, I don't get it, how does having a slightly longer
skull help to keep T.Rex at bay??? I will understand big and
strong arms or something, but toothy longer snouts? That's
pretty weak. I could argue a Jackal can win over a
similar-sized Rotwellier as it has a longer ans toothier
snout, but I know this is not true. Having a superior bite,
faster reflexes, higher agility and damage tolerance are the
real factors here, all of which Tyrannosaurus is superior to
against Giganotosaurus.
from Leonard,
age 12,
January 31, 2001
What do you mean by "not getting
close"? "Giggy's" skull was about a foot longer than
Tyrannosaurus. Unless he had a super long neck or something,
I don't see him having any significant long-range advantage
over T.Rex. I'm also not convinced Giganotosaurus would have
deterred Tyrannosaurus a lot, given he only has a slight
weight advantage over big Tee. Once again, noting that T.Rex
is faster and tougher than Giganotosaurus, and factoring his
superior bite force, I figure he'll win. Though it will be a
bad thing if Giggy bites Tyrannosaurus(but hardly fatal), I
figure there would be more serious consequences if T.Rex bit
Giganotosaurus, and that's my main reason he would
from Josh,
age ?,
January 31, 2001
Un un, Holtz has warned us
against spereading the rumour that Rigby's rex is a totally
new species. As of yet, there is nothing suggesting that it
is anything else than a very big Tyrannosaurus Rex. What
would the enviroment have to do with the fight anyway?? T.Rex
lived in a dense forest enviroment too.
from Josh,
age ?,
January 31, 2001
You're right Brad, but
Triceratops must have been most likely heavier and less agile
than Tyrannosaurus. I don't suppose Triceratops stood too
much of a chance on its own though, unless it had some form
of social behaviour to allow mutal protection. While it's
very easy for T.Rex to attack a single Triceratops while
avoiding its horns, I would see it much harder for it to do
so when there are a few more Triceratops around, all facing
him with their weaponary. Triceratops was probally a
team-player. But I do find fault in the statement that
Triceratops could hold itself against T.Rex as well an
Ankylosaur, it just dosen't make sense.
So did Triceratops actually deter T.Rex from attacking? Well,
I guess so we find twice the number of bite marks on
defenceless "duckbills" than we do on the more "dangerous"
Triceratops, and none at all on the mostly-invincible
Ankylosaur. (Though some Ankylosaurs have been found tipped
over onto their backs...predation?) Given the stats, I
suppose T.Rex did classify Trieratops under the hard-to-kill
section and would have gone for easier prey, if there was any
around. But then again, even 1 meter horns can't hope to
deter a Tyrannosaurus if a Triceratops is the only target in
the area, and the predator is hungry....
from Josh,
age ?,
January 31, 2001
Hmm, looks like a fishing
dinosaur... probally good at snaring small, skittish prey
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 31, 2001
Now, that's an odd animal, they
made a joke about it in the Singaporean newspapers...
Oh yes, Bill, #Dinosaurs is down, meet you in the alternate
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 31, 2001
Seeing that everybody is a
extremists and will accept anything to put T.rex higher on
the throne kinda makes me edgy. Anyway, it does depend on the
environment of who would win. In a thick, forest like
environment, Giganotosaurus would win, in a open wide
habitat, T.rex would. All it is, they both had the same
niche, and a very similar build, save a few adaptations to
better equip them for their habitat. Look at it logically, in
a fight, T.rex would have to get close, while Giganoto
wouldnt. GIga had the longer snout, more toothy jaws making
it easier to get a quick nasty bite and proportionally, a
lighter head. Besides, being just animals, the T.rex would
lose his nerve. Now these big boys like Rigby's got are
something else, not the familiar T.rex.
from Monstarr,
age ?,
January 31, 2001
Story and Illustration of the New
Dinosaur, Masiakasaurus:
Dinosaur Reamins Found in Denmark:
from Brad,
age 14,
January 30, 2001
New dinosaur! New dinosaur!
It's a weird one too.
from Brad,
age 14,
January 30, 2001
Weight estimates for Triceratops
ae among the most variable among dinsaurs, and I don't trust
any. "6 to 12 tons" doesn't really mean much.
from Brad,
age 14,
January 30, 2001
Spinosaurus had a speical
suer-claw? How come I didn't know that? I wasn't aware of any
superclaw on Spinosaurus. I've heard the restoration of the
hands were complete and not missing, or were
from Josh,
age ?,
January 30, 2001
Of course, I figure on a one on
one, Triceratops is going to have a lot of trouble defending
himself from T.Rex, given he weights about 3 tons more and is
therefore much slower and less agile. But I don't think we
should at Triceratops that way, as T.Rex was specialized to
hunt animals such as Triceratops and was very good at doing
so indeed, not that Triceratops is a lousy dinosaur or
from Josh,
age ?,
January 30, 2001
"Ahem" Given Spinosaurus is a
fishing dino, we'd think he'll have some kind of super claw
or something, but as of yet, we don't have any evidence yet,
but my verdict is, "not likely".
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 30, 2001
I think Triceratops is the
coolest dinosaur in the world.
from SLS,
age ?,
January 30, 2001
Spinosaurus didn't have a
baryonychid-like super-claw? I didn't know that before. Of
course, baryonychids were unknown when the first Spinosaurus
skeleton was mounted, so the hands may have been incorrectly
restored. Remember, it was a partial skeleton they found,
and some parts would have been based on other large
meat-eaters (most likely Megalosaurus, Allosaurus, or perhaps
Did Spinosaurus have three fingers or four? I've always
wanted to know that.
Your point about Triceratops horns is also very interesting.
They would only encourage attackes to the side or hip, and
without forward facing eyes, Triceratops wouldn't have been
able to run and plunge them into the belly of a tyrannosaur
with great accuracy. I still think Triceratops had a better
chance against Tyrannosaurus than Spinosaurus
from Brad,
age 14,
January 30, 2001
Velociraptors Are the best
from DemonBoy,
age ?,
January 30, 2001
Well, most of what Veloci says is
pretty much incorrect, save for the later part of his
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 30, 2001
HAHAHHA, Velociraptors rock, thay
are better than T-Rex, but I'm quite sure T-Rex is better
than any ol' spino. That's all, raptors rock,
from Veloci,
age ?,
January 30, 2001
One more thing (I better stop
saying that!), I not sure what you mean, but I don't think
Tyrannosaurus looks "compressed". Spinosaurus is an extreme
case of lateral "compression", not Tyrannosaurus. In fact, I
think Tyrannosaurus is strongly built and is anything but
"compressed"! Just look at the stout legs, wide skull, thick
neck, and barrel chest! Prehaps Monstarr must know something
about the deeper meaning of "compressed" that I don't.
I must say once again, I am NOT a Tyrannosaur fan, but I will
jump in if I think somebody is putting up inaccucrate
from Joseph,
age ?,
January 30, 2001
Besides, I don't see how
Giganotosaururs could have been equal to T.rex in killing
ability, given both dinosaurs relyed on biting to kill (both
had puny arms), but T.rex bit much harder, about
10,000-12,000 newtons, as compaired to a Giganotosaurus bite,
which is estimated at 3,000-5,000 newtons. That means for
every one bite T.rex gives, Giganotosaururs has to bite twice
to be break even. Unless I see any special adaptions for
Giganotosaurus biting faster, I don't see how it could be
equal in killing ability. Not to mention, T.Rex could see
better, hear better and smell better, making it fqar more
effective a hunter than Giganotosaurus. I may not like T.Rex,
but I respect him as a extremely deadly dinosaur. Monstarr,
on the other hand, seems to harbour some form of resentment
against T.rex, but just because he's popular? It's not a good
reaosn to bash a dino. T.rex certainly deserved it's fame,
and I respect him for that, though I prefer the raptor!
s. I find no fault with the Tyrannosaur, it's one of the best
dinosaur designs around.
*Bite estimates came from the expert in my
from Jospeh,
age ?,
January 30, 2001
Besides, I don't see how
Giganotosaururs could have been equal to T.rex in killing
ability, given both dinosaurs relyed on biting to kill (both
had puny arms), but T.rex bit much harder, about
10,000-12,000 newtons, as compaired to a Giganotosaurus bite,
which is estimated at 3,000-5,000 newtons. That means for
every one bite T.rex gives, Giganotosaururs has to bite twice
to be break even. Unless I see any special adaptions for
Giganotosaurus biting faster, I don't see how it could be
equal in killing ability. Not to mention, T.Rex could see
better, hear better and smell better, making it fqar more
effective a hunter than Giganotosaurus. I may not like T.Rex,
but I respect him as a extremely deadly dinosaur. Monstarr,
on the other hand, seems to harbour some form of resentment
against T.rex, but just because he's popular? It's not a good
reaosn to bash a dino. T.rex certainly deserved it's fame,
and I respect him for that, though I prefer the raptors. I find no fault with the Tyrannosaur, it's one of the best
dinosaur designs around.
*Bite estimates came from the expert in my
from Jospeh,
age ?,
January 30, 2001
Hi guys, I backkkkkkkkk!
I've been following this JP3 thing and must admit one thing:
though I like Spinosaurus better than T.rex, I must admit
Spinosaururs is a pretty weak candidate for the new dinosaur
star of the movie. Too many things just don't follow through
to give Spinosaurus its reputation in the upcoming movie.
Giganotosaurus and Carcharodontosaurus would have filled
Spinosaurus' role better and with greater realism. But
speaking candidly, I still think T.Rex would have wupped
their arses.
Now, T.rex is not my favourite dinosaur, but I am still
forced to hand of kudos to his design, it's unquestionabily
one of the best there is around.
To understand why I support T.rex even though I don't like
him the best, you must understand the bite: The bite is the
most effective way of dealing damage to a target in the
natural world. In fact, it has been so sucessful that
virtually all predators (except man) employ the bite as their
pirmary form of offense. Biting produces far more damage than
any form of kicking and slashing can hope to offer. To be the
meanest, baddest carnivore around, you don't have to be the
largest, you jsut have to bite the hardest.
And that's why Tyrannosaururs gets my pick for the deadilest
dinosaur. If you look at Tyrannosaururs, you'll realize that
size is secondary to the dinosaur. In fact, the reason it got
so big was mainly to get the size required to house the
muscles to get the strongest bite. It wasn't the size causing
the bite, it was the bite causing the size. Tyrannosaurus
kept getting bigger and bigger because they kept investing in
getting a deadiler and deadiler bite.
In contrast, bigger carnosaurs like Giganotosaurus and
Carcharodontosaurus may have longer skulls, but lack all the
biting abilities of Tyrannosaurus rex. Their slender skulls
lack the space for muscle attachments and their relatively
small teeth (compaired to T.rexes) defy a strong bite. In
fact, the super-carnosaurs lack the shock absorbing adaptions
built into the skull of Tyrannosaurus to tackle the recoil of
biting down with extreme force. Long story short,
Tyrannosaururs could bite harder than any known land animal
to man. The only animal that can expect to exceed a
Tyrannosaur in bite force is a bigger Tyrannosaur.
Don't get me wrong, I do think the other big carnivores are
cool, but Tyrannosaururs is the undisputed champion among
them. And this is why I do not think Giganotosaururs is not
as effective as Tyrannosaururs when it comes to killing,
besides, Giganotosaururs and Carcharodontosaurus were simply
the basic old allosaur design taken to the extreme, hardly a
match for Tyrannosaurus.
Monstarr, I'm sorry, but I choose to digress from your view.
I know it's annoying to see T.rex so popular, and I find it
that way too. But popular or not, T.rex is the unmatched king
of lizard-killers, by a wide margin.
from Joseph,
age ?,
January 30, 2001
Still going by the
"Giganotosaururs is equal or better" thing? Come on, that
argument wore thin a long time ago (about mid last year, to
be exact). T-rex is still at the top of the carnivorous
dinosaur hierarchy. He is the best nature has to offer. If
there is an overrated dinosaur, Giganotosaurus would be it,
Spinosaurus is teethering close to that edge too you
from Grace T.,
age 14,
January 30, 2001
Well, it's my personal opinion
that T.Rex would have the major advantage against anything
the carnosaur and spinosaur family could throw at him. Yes,
some of them were bigger, but they were simply a very big
play on the simplistic grapple and bite methods and a poor
tatic with dealing with a foe like Tyrannosaururs.
A Tyrannosaurid on the other hand, besides being faster,
smarter and stronger pound for pound, it was also tougher.
Not to mention that ultimate bite. Given all that, I recon
Tyrannosaurus has more than an ample edge to beat just about
any other carnivorous dinosaur in the world.
Prehaps I would do a Spinosaurus vs. T.Rex scene in Old Blood
or the sequel to it, but the verdict is pretty obvious and
clear, no matter how big Spinosaurus possibley could get:
T.Rex would win.
from Billy Macdraw,
age 18,
January 30, 2001
Really? Monstarr? I thought it's
the majority opinion of the (non-south american)
paleontologists that Tyrannosaururs Rex could win a fight
with Giganotosaurus 5 times out of 7 (if they fought). If
they were of equal weight, Tyrannosaururs will win every
from Lillian T.,
age ?,
January 30, 2001
I'm not convinced Giganotosaurus
was really as nasty as he was cracked out to be. A slighter
skull than Tyrannosaurus, smaller and weaker teeth, no
facilities for septic bites, low intelligence, lack of
curcurial adaptations(slower), lower power to weight ratio,
slenderer bones(more fragile). I hardly see this as a good
replacement for T.Rex. I guess the secret of T.Rex sucess is
mainly due to its ability to consistently outdo it's
opponents. Many dinosaurs have tried to get the better of
Tyrannosaururs, but have failed. I guess that's why he was
one of the last dinos to fall, he was one of the best, the
great survivor, the meanest of the meanest.
from Josh,
age ?,
January 30, 2001
I see no pratical reason for
T.Rex and Spinosaururs to fight, but for the sake of an
argument, I figure the odds are about 1:10. Besides, I prefer
to look beyond the ares of size and weight and go into
ability instead. T.Rex was certainly far more able to take on
large animals than Spinosaururs. I son't know waht you mean
by T.Rex being compressed, but he looks pretty solid to me.
Spinosaurs looks almost painfully thin from the front view. I
suppose Spinosaurus would be pretty nasty when cornered
(which carnivore wouldn't?), but certainly non-deserving of
the superkiller status JP3 is about to give him, yes, I do
think he has a padded resume.
from Josh,
age ?,
January 30, 2001
"The spinosaurus in jurassic park
is wrong, but couldve happened. You see young bears who arent
really fat at all."
Heck, if this logic was used, I guess we could have 50+ feet,
9 ton Tyrannosaurus....wait, they do exist.............So
considering all that, I don't see why the Jurassic Park 3
crew didn't make Rigby-sized Tyrannosaururs Rexes, if they
could make oversized Spinosauruses.
In short, this mid-summer, Spinosaurus is going to get a
burst of undeserved fame. But what the heck, the reason so
many kids like Velociraptor today is because they still think
it's the size of a man.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 30, 2001
I beg to differ (and that's not
because T.Rex is my favourite!), but I think T.Rex probally
exceed any other land-based carnivore in terms of unit per
unit killing ability. I've seen quite a few T.Rex and other
terepod skeletons myself, and my impression is that, T.Rex
was more heavily built than any other terepod except for it's
I'm not too sure about the hump monstarr, it's an alternative
theory, but the probalem arises in the ball-socket joints of
the spines, which tends to contradict it being a scaffoding
for a hump. The spines would have been flexible and been able
to fold like a fan when the dinosaur arched it's back. A hump
would have prevented this anatomical feature from playing
Besides, wouldn't a hump be deadweight in a fight? I mean,
while T.Rex spends most of his strength into movement,
Spinosaurus (if it had a hump) would have to allocate some
energy into dragging the hump around. Wouldn't having a hump
also rise it's center of gravity? Making it wasier to topple?
I mean, a Spinosaur with a fin seems a far lot deadiler.
I'm not sure what you mean by T.Rex being "compressed", but
save for his slight tail, he seems pretty stoutly built
compaired to Spinosaurus. He certainly would be stronger by a
far lot. Spinosaurus seems pretty fragile when put against
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 30, 2001
Naa, it just that I think JP3 is
going to have a negative impact on paleontology as a whole,
that's sad. I mean, after spending so much money on making
these dinosaurs, couldn't they at least built them to what we
currently know about about them? Why blow up a dinosaur by 50
percent?? Instead of Spinosaurus, why not GIganotosaurus? At
least that would ahve been believable. Not a Spinosaurus with
a 8 foot skull (bah!)
from Josh,
age ?,
January 30, 2001
Naa, it just that I think
from Josh,
age ?,
January 30, 2001
The spinosaurus in jurassic park
is wrong, but couldve happened. You see young bears who arent
really fat at all.
from ?,
age ?,
January 29, 2001
Josh, you seem to be very hostile
and angry, something wrong there buddy?
from Monstarr,
age ?,
January 29, 2001
You know, the way Spinosaurus'
"sail" was built just like a mammals fat storage spines,
makes alot of scientist awry about the sail. Dimetrodon had a
sail, spinosaur's spines are too flattened. I know he couldnt
beat a T.rex, but cornered, Spinosaurus would be very very
nasty, and he wasnt as light as Josh says. He didnt have no
raptor claws, but they could be defensive weapons if the need
were to arise, besides, T.rex is not the best, and as far as
movies go hes played out. If they wanted a big nasty they
shouldve chose, Giganotosaurus. Even though he was equal in
killing ability to T.rex, comparing the two would be like
comparing jaguar to a puma. Scientist say they were equal,
and if they did go head to head, it would depend on the area
who would win. Not to mention, T.rex was very compressed
from monstarr,
age ?,
January 29, 2001
Phew, I finally got that chapter
out, really, if you took Old Blood, and put it into a book
the size of our common novel, it'll take up about 321
from Billy Macdraw,
age 18,
January 29, 2001
What does length have to do with
how well Spinosaurus could hold itself in a
from Flamebird,
age ?,
January 29, 2001
I have seen Spinosaurus hands,
but they don't look pretty impressive to me. They're long,
granted, but they didn't have super-claws at the end of those
things, only the "standard" issue weapons found on most
dinosaurs. Heck, if anything, given this dinosaur ran on two
legs, these arms would have actually made it more unwieldy
than served its purpose in offense. (and I'm not saying this
because T.Rex is my favourite!)
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 29, 2001
Actually Monstarr, Sue was 42
feet long. Rigby's rex measured up to 52 feet(estimated)
while Horner's rexes measured up to 47 feet (estimated) And
not to mention these T.Rexes don't "cheat" they don't have an
unusually long tail to make them longer. Spinosaurus was 50
feet (actually 45 feet would be more realistic) more because
of it's tail, not it's actual size. Standing side by side,
Spinosaurus reached up to T.Rexes shoulder. Heck if we went
by your argument, we could say Brachiosaurus was way lighter
than other sauropods as it wasn't as long. Proportions matter
from Josh,
age ?,
January 29, 2001
Monstarr, size has little to do
with lenght. Spinosaurus was "laterally" compressed, making
it kinda "thin". The JP3 Spinosaurus appears to have been
"beefed" up. I've also noticed them reducing the size of the
sail to make it look less fragile and "meaner". In real life,
a Spinosaururs should have weighted about 4-5 tons, lighter
than T.Rex. I'm not sure if its hand was really that deadly.
Like the horns of Triceratops, they were placed in the wrong
area to do damage. It would be good for fishing though. Yep,
there is something certainly wrong with the JP
from Josh,
age ?,
January 29, 2001
I'm not sure, prehaps you could
order that Giganotosaurus book too?
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 29, 2001
what^ people! I just found my new
best friend! Megaraptor, foot claw 15 inchs long! so kewl!
raptors are my thing (99%) and I plan to rule the fossl
world! got to run, bye!
from Jennifer R,
age 12,
January 29, 2001
I've never seen Preadtory
Dinosaurs of the world, but I'm considering ordering a copy
for $100 (about $70 USD). Is it worth it? From what i hear,
it should be. Other than geography, what suggestes that
Giganotosaurus is an abelisaur?
from Brad,
age 14,
January 29, 2001
Cmon you guys, Spinosaurus was 50
ft long, and themost recent biggest T.rex now is like 41 ft,
its not sue,. If they did face off, a spinosaurus could hold
his own. You ever seen a spinosaur's hand claws, wow! T.Rex
is tougher, but a spinosaur is nobody you wanna pick on or
get cornered, for real.
from monstarr,
age 14,
January 29, 2001
Old Blood, it's
from Billy Macdraw,
age 18,
January 29, 2001
Well, I'm not sure if this helps,
but accucrate drawings of Spinosaur skeletons are quite
abundant. Most of them were based on the destroyed skeleton
and should be pretty accucrate. Go get em!
Have you checked "Predatory dinosaurs of the
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 29, 2001
Thanks, I didn't know that. But
my main gripe is still about the proposed battled between a
overblown Spinosaurus and a T.Rex...I'd hate to see the
misconceptions rising out from that movie.
from Josh,
age ?,
January 29, 2001
I think teh case for
Giganotosaurus being an Abelisaur got stronger, but I know
too little about this to be sure. It seems that some people
want to classify the super allosaurs into a special class of
their own.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 29, 2001
My scanner is a roller scanner,
and the picture is somewhere in a book! sorry, I can't. But
try lookign for it on the net, I saw it once.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 29, 2001
what is the biggest
from joe,
age 12,
January 29, 2001
Is there any chance you could
find the spinosaur photo again, scan it, and share it with
from Brad,
age 14,
January 29, 2001
Actually, its Spinosaurus who is
most likely not a carnosaur. More likely a basal tetanuran,
with the megalosaurus (Spinosauridae + Megalosauridae =
Spinosauroidea?). The next node on the cladogram is
Avetheropoda, and Carnosauria and Coelurosauria branch off
from there. Carnosauria is defined as all avetheropods
sharing a more recent common ancestor with _Allosaurus_ than
with Aves. That alternative theory that Giganotosaurus is an
Abelisaur, is that still around?
from Brad,
age 14,
January 29, 2001
Well Josh, you do make a
convincing case. I think all of us better prepair for the
fallout from JP3 before it arrives in the form of disgrunted
and misguided kids.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 29, 2001
from Billy Macdraw,
age 18,
January 28, 2001
Well, the time looks ripe for
another versus bout, Tyrannosaurus vs Spinosaurus!
Now, we'll acess this from a scientific pouint of view and
look at the advantages of the animals:
Well, not too much is known about this dinosaur, the only
fragmentory skeleton we have was as Honkie said, blown to
bits. (stupid Nazis!:-) Anyway, what we know about
Spinosaururs today is based mainly on teeth and by
compairative anatomy to its close relatives.
Our current picture of Spinosaururs make a possibily one of
the biggest carnosaurs known. (excluding Giganotosaururs as
they might not be carnosaurs) This animal probally hunted
fish with its extra-long skull lined with many 5 centimeter
conical teeth. Another notable feature about Spinosaururs is
its unusually long arms, so long that some theories have it
going around on all fours. These could prove useful in a
fight with Tyrannosaururs. (though they never met, nor do
animals like to fight)
Tyrannosaururs, on the other hand, had laughable arms,
(though you might not tell it to his face) which served
little purpose in defense of attack. Most of Tyrannosaururs
ability to kill would be focoused in its mouth. No land
animal known to man, living or extinct, exceeds
Tyrannosaururs in biting ability. Tyrannosaururs was the
champion of bite by a wide margin. We are told by
paleontologists (and movies) repeatedely that Tyrannosaururs
could make short work of any meal it came across, save for
Ankylosaururs. Indeed, I've heard that Tyrannosaururs could
"ravish" a battle tank if it wanted too. That's alot of bite.
Now, to the battle, the most obvious difference will be that
Tyrannosaururs is greately stonger than Spinosaururs.
Tyrannosaururs had powerful jaws, neck and just about its
whole body while Spinosaururs had a long, low skull on a
longer, slender, neck, and not reinforced for strength,
granted this would be good for fishing, but not for fighting
Tyrannosaururs!! It's obvious that Tyrannosaururs is a far
stronger dinosaur than Spinosaurus.
Another thing, Spinosaururs had a long skull, which left it
very little space for muscle attachments. Tyrannosaururs had
a skull about two feet shorter, but about twice as wide.
Tyrannosaurus certainly had more robust skull and powerful
bite, given the grater number of muscle attachments. While
its easy to imagine Tyrannosaururs biting off the head of
Spinosaururs into a messy pulp, it's hard to see Spinosaururs
doing the same. Spinosaururs is certainly in dange rif it
wants to engage in a biting contest with Tyrannosaururs.
So it's a call for arms, Spinosaururs' best chance will be to
attempt to grapple Tyrannosaururs with its monster-arms. But
once again, given Tyrannosaururs is way stronger, I figure he
could overpower Spinosaururs should such a thing happen and
deliever swift extinction to the South African dinosaur. I
guess Spinosaururs could try to wound T.Rex with its arm
claws, but I can't see how much damage it could do, given how
much Tyannosaururs could give back in return. Not to mention,
Spinosaururs' arms were severly restricted in movement due to
their posititon on the animals' body, reducing it's
effectiveness. Besides, rearing up and using your arms to
fight in the case of Spinosaururs presents a larger and
easier target for Tyrannosaururs to attack and topple, not
too good for the owner of those arms.
I also see Tyannosaururs as a far tougher customer, we have
seen how Tyrannosaurs sustain and survive a life of terrible
injuries that would have finished off just about any other
predator long ago. Clearly, not only could Tyrannosaurus take
more damage, it could also give more damage. While I can
imagine Spinosaururs having trouble with killing T.Rex with a
bite to the neck, I can picture T.Rex severing Spinosaururs'
long and fragile neck in a single bite (and that's not
because Tyrannosaururs is my favourite). Tyrannosaururs is
clearly a tougher dinosaur.
Also, from what we do know about Spinosaururs' relatives, I
can figure that Spinosaururs was a relatively simple-minded
dinosaur compaired to Tyrannosaururs. Tyrannosaururs was
cerainly brainer than Spinosaururs, and probally a lot faster
on the uptake as well.
But my main reason that Tyrannosaururs will win is due to his
bite. A single bite by Tyrannosaururs will spell doom for
Spinosaururs, like Mr. Demetrios said, T. rex was designed,
like I said before, to take out big animals with its mouth.
And that's what it would do to the Spinosaururs. Spinosaururs
on the other hand, was not made for a brawl with large prey.
In the end, it's much like a fight between a heavyweight
boxer and a basketball player, a basketball player may be
taller, but he's good for shooting hoops, not boxing!
So T.Rex will win in any case. The only way I can see him
lose a fight with Spinosaururs is in a movie, aka JP3. But
even so, to make T.Rex lose, the film crew must potray him as
a much bigger crybaby than he was in the other two films. I
don't think too many kids will be pleased, but whoever told
them to take Jurassic Park seriously??
from Josh,
age 12,
January 28, 2001
Jurassic Park has a good history
of being incredibily realistic, but yet also having a lot of
big errors at the same time, I don't mind that as it's just a
movie, but I really hate to think of how many kids will be
misled by all this misconceptions. After the first JP, so
many kids refused to believe Velociraptor was the size of a
dog, or believe that standing still in front of T.Rex is a
really stupid thing to do, why? because "Jurassic Park said
so". It's really sad. Now many fustrated paleontologists are
going to spend months cleaning up the fallout about a
Spinosaurus that had been blown up by about 50 percent. I've
seen a rare photo of a Sphinosaurus skeleton, (before it got
blown to bits by a bomb in WW2) and it looked alot longer,
but smaller than T.Rex. Many other dinosaur books also appear
to support this view. Spinosaurus might have been 15 meters
long, but weighed only about 4 to 5 tons.
Well, even if he was 20 percent bigger than rex, I'd be hard
pressed to see how he could kill rexy, given that at that
size, rexy could still do far more damage(we've seen him rip
cars apart). Maybe nosaurus could give him a couple of
gashes, but I can't see how that'll kill him. Never mind, I
got too far, it's just a movie.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 28, 2001
Do you think Gryposaurus and
Kritosaurus are the same dinosaur? Personally I don't but it
is a very spread around theory and I want other people's
from russell p,
age ?,
January 28, 2001
Also goto:
Dan's jp3 page
from ?,
age ?,
January 28, 2001
Spinosaurus 20% bigger than
T-rex? What the heck! Sounds sort of like what they did
with the Velociraptors. Only certain sauropod dinosaurs
would have been even notably bigger than T-rex. In case you
didn't know, Jurassic Park 3 is supposed to be called
"Extinction' and is coming out in July (United States). I
have heard a rumor there is going to be a herd of giant
from russell p,
age ?,
January 28, 2001
JP3 will be in theatres this
from Brad,
age 14,
January 28, 2001
Ahem, you mean there is a FAIR
fight between a spindly dinosaur with overgrown arms that ate
mainly fish with its weak jaw and another superbiting
dinosaur designed to take down five ton animals in a single
from Billy Macdraw,
age 18,
January 28, 2001
Well, I might mention more about
the JP3 problems in the project I have been working on and
off for about a month now, it's a comic about a Sabertooth
and his best friend done Calvin and Hobbes style, I might
post it soon. Any suggestions for a title?
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 28, 2001
Well, JP3 is a movie, not a
documentry. I suppose they could make a dino the size of
Godzilla (or bigger) and find a even-harder-to-believe reason
to make it rational, but the fact remains it's not real,
don't take it too seriously.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 28, 2001
OH NO....I just saw on a webpage
that Jurassic Park 3 will feature a spinosaur...I don't have
a problem with that, but I have a BIG problem with how their
going to portray it. They're saying it has an 8 foot skull
and that it takes a pack of tyrannosaurus to kill it!!!!What
the f*** is that??!?!?? They even go as far as saying its 20
percent bigger than Rex...not even Giganatosaurus is that
much larger than Rex! Even still, there are yet larger Rexes
than Giganatosaurus currently under excavation! I just hope
they don't do something stupid and show spinosaurus butcher a
Rex or a pack of Rexes...I shudder to think how many kids
will leave the theater thinking that spinosaurus is the
from Sauron,
age ?,
January 27, 2001
The JP3 logo is Spinosaurus.
Here's a great site about it! You can actually see the
spinosaur as it will appear in the movie, wow! Be sure to
read the articles, including one about a spin/rex fight!
from Brad,
age 14,
January 27, 2001
I said that Sauroposeidon was the
biggest new dinosaur, not the biggest dinosaur. I think
Argentinosaurus was described in 1993. What's the definition
of a 'new' dinosaur? _The Newest and Coolest Dinosaurs_ is
probably in need of a second volume.
from Brad,
age 14,
January 27, 2001
From the zoom dinosaurs
Arthurdactylus conan-doylensis (named for Sir Arthur Conan
Doyle, who wrote "The Lost World") was a pterosaur (not a
dinosaur). This Pterodactyloid had an estimated wingspan 15
feet (4.6 m); this pterodactyl has wings that were
longer than any other pterosaur. Fossils of this flying
reptile were
found in northeastern Brazil . This carnivore lived during
the early
Cretaceous period. Arthurdactylus was described in 1994 by E.
Frey and D. Martill."
Uh, isn't this animal misnamed? The suffix "ensis" is used
to indicate the place of discovery. (You could name it
Arthuradctylus brazilensis, and that would be fine.) Specific
names honouring a person typically end in "i", or "ae" if the
person is female. Perhaps they were trying to say "pterosaur
from Arthur Conan Doyle's place [the Lost World]" but its not
entirely clear. I also question the use of a hyphen in a
scientific name.
Can "Gallodactylus" be read as "chicken
from Brad,
age 14,
January 27, 2001
Jurassic Park 3? Are they
actually making one? This might sound stupid, but I've never
heard about it.
from JOE BOB B.,
age 10,
Menlo Park,
January 27, 2001
I found a good selection of
BATTAT dinosaur replicas at the Bay today. I got
_Ouranosaurus nigeriensis_, _Stegosaurus ungulatus_ and
Styracosaurus albertensis_ for $12.62, despite original
sticker prices of $9.99 each :)
Clearance sales rule.
from Brad,
age 14,
January 27, 2001
I certainly agree Honkie Tong,
Baryonyx is cool.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 26, 2001
Yeah, are there going to be
spinosaurs in JP3??? The logo for it is the same save its
metallic and it features a kink-snouted theropod strikingly
similar to suchiomimus rather than the traditional
T-Rex...what's this all 'bout?
from Sauron,
age ?,
January 26, 2001
I think Sauroposeidon was found
in Oklahoma.
from Travis,
age 12,
January 26, 2001
Baryonyx is cool.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 26, 2001
Sauroposeidon is from OK I think,
Brad (not sure). There weren't enough fossils of this guy to
determine if it was bigger than Argentinosaurus though. It
was a good candidate for the tallest, though, but not the
largest masswise.
from Chandler,
age ?,
January 26, 2001
and also the dilophosaurus in
jurassic park was suppose to be a young
from spidey,
age 200,
January 26, 2001
did any of you hear that there
will be a spinosaurus in jurassic park 3?
from spidey,
age 200,
January 26, 2001
The biggest new dinosaur is
Sauroposeidon. Its American, but I forget which
from Brad,
age 14,
Fenelon Falls,
January 26, 2001
Sorry, I wasn't clear. My point
is, it's hard to tell a lot just from two arms. In fact, you
can tell very little at all. Let along the shape of its hips,
skull and what have you not.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 25, 2001
There is a problem with spitting
though, Dilophosaurus did not have cheeks or a fully
articulated lip, and therefore would have been unable to use
atmospheric pressure to spit, like we and alot of other
mammals do. The only way for it to spit would be via some
kind of "king cobra" way, but we've yet to find evidence of
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 25, 2001
Yup, the JP Dilophosaurus lacks
the recurve in the snout, which irratingly forces me to buid
it up from miliput whenever I do a JP Dilophosaurus. The
crests are also way too big and missized. It's ironic the
person who made the Dilophosaurus models for JP also made the
T.Rex models, which are one one the finest
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 25, 2001
teternkfn got my words i love
from tylerm,
age 9,
January 25, 2001
I posted a theory a while ago
that the JP "Dilophosaurus" was actually a _Syntarsus
kayentakatae_ that was misidentified by the JP scientists.
S. kayentakatae was only formally described in 1989, the year
after the events in Jurassic Park. They could not have
called it by the correct name, so "Dilophosaurus" is more
acurate in that it agrees with the setting of the story :)
Of course, they were working with patches of DNA from all
over the place, and the animal we saw could have been a
combination of any various dinosaurs that were small, and/or
had crests, and/or had a smooth jaw.
Having all of the dinosaurs in JP be full-sized would be
terribly unrealistic. They were still in the process of
making dinosaurs, so of course there would be younger,
smaller dinosaurs. People especially enjoy looking at baby
animals in zoos, so I don't think they would hide all of the
juveniles in a barn unless they were still totally dependant
on care from the JP staff.
As for the neck frills, I've always had a big problem with
those things. JP picture books explain it as a 'warning'
that the dilophosaur is about to spit. But that is totally
wrong. Predators don't want to warn their prey, they want to
surprise it. Skunks have warnings before they spray, but
that is becuase their spray is purely defensive and they need
to conserve it. The frill could have been used to overwhem
and frighten a cornered animal, but dilophosaurus was a
capable predator with huge teeth.... it really doesn't add
As for spitting, its original and I like it. Come on, isn't
the idea of dinosaurs with poison glands cool? There were
probably behaviours in the Mesozoic that we haven't imagined
yet. And its a lot better than seeing Nedry being dragged
down and bitten to death by a little dinosaur. If the
dilophosaur was 8 feet tall, it could lose the venom. But I
like the scene the way it is.
They shouldn't have simplified those jaws.
from Brad,
age 14,
January 25, 2001
I have heard about these new
dinosaurs that have been discovered over the past year, there
was one real big one. What did they call it and where did it
from Tom,
age 13,
New Zealand;
January 25, 2001
Jurassic Park was wrong about the
Dilophosaurus. For one thing, real Dilophosaurus were much
larger than their Jurassic Park counterparts. And another
thing is that there is no evidence that Dilophosaurus had
neck frills or poison glands. They were not needed since it
was the largest predator at its time, so poison wouldn't
matter. Also, the Dilophosaur in the movie had simplified jaw
from Travis,
age 12,
January 25, 2001
What's special about ornithomimid
from Brad,
age 14,
January 25, 2001
I'm not sure about my favoourite
ornithopod. It could be Heterodontosaurus, but I'm not yet
conviced that is an ornithopod. Leaellynasaura is nice, but
I'm kind of losing interest in it. I think I'll go with
Ouranosaurus for that question. Yes, Ouranosaurus.
I don't think that Deinocheirus is an ornithomimid, but it
might be an ornithomimosaur. The diagnostic characteristics
of ornithomimosaurs (and the families in that group-
Harpymimids, Garudimimids,and Ornithomimids) are based on the
femur (see Glut 1997), a bone not known in Deinocheirus.
Maniraptora is based on hand characteristics, but in that
book includes Ornithomimosauria! So, I'll look up
Deinocheirus itself.
It's listed as Theropods incertae sedis.
Okay, that's not very helpful. But the entry does list these
characterstics (Glut's own summary and a reference to the
original paper are contradictory; I went with Osmolska and
Roniewicz's description because it more closely agreed with
the photo)-
scapula 25% longer than humerous
So, can anyone match those descriptions to a specific family?
The travelling dinosaur exhibition that a few of us attended
last summer had some eggs and embryos from a _big_
oviraptorid. I speculated that they may have been laid by a
Deinocheirus-- could I be right?
What's the title/author/illustrator of the book with the bad
allosaur picture? I've never noticed it, but I have read a
lot of dinosaur books.
But Shantungosaurus is impressive.......
scapulacoraicoid (shoulder) more typical theropod structure
than in Ornithomimus
humerous with robust and proximally located deltopectoral
radius slightly over half the length of humerous?
hand slightly longer than humerous
limb bones hollow and thick-walled
hand broader than in Ornithomimus
unlike Ornithomimus, first finger was unable to fold
three fingers, equally developed
manual ungals robust and strongly curved
manual ungals "raptorial" (meaning predatory, not
nescessarily dromaeosaurid!)
from Brad,
age 14,
January 25, 2001
I like jarassic park because the
people get eatting and thats a good family movie so how bout
it peoples? I also like lost world because I like raptors
there the best!
from Charlene H.,
age 12,
January 25, 2001
The next Old Blood should come
out anytime soon, so wait for it. Also coming soon is the
third run of Dino Warz, as I have read from the posts here, a
much awaited highlight.
Say JC, could you be so kind as to seperate the Dino Warz
into it's seasons? Season 1 and Season 2. I would prefer
Counterstrike to have it's own niche too.
(Season 1 ends after Dino Warz 4, you can lump Honkie's bio
into season 2. )
from Billy Macdraw,
age 16,
January 25, 2001
Okay - it's done. JC
Deinocheirus is a ornithomimid?
How can they tell the shape of its hips just by looking at
the arms? It's stupid, it's all guesswork. It could be an
ornithomimid, it could be not, but the person who passed the
theory that it MUST be an ornithomimd is stupid to do
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 25, 2001
If you had to chosse, what would
be your favorite ornithopod? Also, how accurate do you think
the theory is that Deinocheirus is a ornithomimid? Also, if
you want to hear about mistakes, I have a book that has a
picture of Allosaurus with it's ribcage sticking out about 6
feet/2 meters in front of it's chest! It is supposed to be
hunting dryosaurus, so the artist really screwed
from russell p.,
age ?,
January 24, 2001
Hey! Another guy from Singapore!
But I donno whay you're talking.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 24, 2001
I've sent in some new pictures:
LEGO building instructions!!! Start sorting your
from Brad,
age 14,
January 24, 2001
Lystrosaurus and Placerias were
Triassic, weren't they?
from Brad,
age 14,
January 24, 2001
from paloma A.,
age 16,
January 24, 2001
This site is the best if u r
doing dinosaur reports in Mrs.C's class!!!. Keep up the good
from Ryan U.,
age 12,
January 24, 2001
I like dinosaurs until I
discorvered permian creatures now I also like them.My
favorite dinosaur is ankylosaurus second is pachyrhinosaurus
third is stegosaurus.Permian creatures:1st lystrosaurus
second edaphosaurus third placerias.Dinosaurs are not around
now. My father says meat eaters ate other dinos up. I tell
him that some dinosaurs did not evolved weapons for nothing.
Dinosaurs vs proto mammls that are from the
age 9,
January 24, 2001
Hey, nice
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 23, 2001
Why do I have a bad feeling I'm
bound to offend your mother by my painting a raw, unsensored
view of the typical asian diet? I'm not sure if it's the case
for the American Asians, but you can ask them. Xie xie ni,
gong xi fa chai.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 23, 2001
Did I mention tiger meat too? And
there is bear too, but current conservation efforts have put
these dishes out of the menu. Whales are nice, but run into
the same problem. Rabbit meat is rather bland and weak, not
my favourite. Turtle meat tastes like croc meat, but a little
weaker. Deer and lamb meat is normal, we eat that too often.
As for primates, I heard but not seen of people eating
monkeys, and sucking their brains while the animal is still
alive (yuk) via a straw. I do know of some people who eat
dogs, they describe the meat as "heaty". Oddly enough, these
people are dog lovers. Don't get us wrong, we don't kill and
eat our own pets, there're farm-raised dogs to kill and eat
(at leat in korea). But all such activities stopped in
Singapore after the British imposed certain laws on
"traditional" diets that are still being kept after their
withdrawal. The only time I get to eat exotic dishes is
during a red-letter day, like Chinese New Year(wh!
ich is now). Soem people are taking rat.
What can I say? We have a varied diet?
(Word of advice, don't bring your pet along if you're
visiting China, Singapore is safe, but I've heard cases of
Be careful with your pets will ya? Oddly enough, I havent'
seen a lot of stray dogs in the cities of China during my
trips over there....)
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 23, 2001
Slow? Based on what? I think
Tyrannosaurus were very capable of high speed movement.
Besides, why would T.Rex chase ostrich dinosaurs when there
were a whole lot of other dinos easier to catch?
(Anatotitan...etc) Once again, your points hold no
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 23, 2001
We Singaporeans are pretty
unromatic about the food we eat, we usually don't care about
how "cute" or endangered it is, that's why so many of us
still eat sharks fin, snakes, dogs(yum), cats(rarely, but
yum). I havent tried the dog or cat yet, but snakes taste a
lot like fish, after they have been boiled for a long time.
Croc meat tastes "cold", but is much like chicken meat, and
so is frog meat. Jellyfish, tried them before? Taste like
frim jelly-o. Sharks fin is nice, but I'm currently eating
the geletin mock sharks fin for this new year due to the
current shortage (and hooha), but really, last new year, real
sharks of all sizable species were being chopped up and
butchered for their fins, and I was eating
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 23, 2001
Chandler,I don't under stand your
Q.!but I'll try to A.1.that is simpl just A. my Q.s.2.tell me
a person that you want to know about or a person that is
from J.S.,
age ?,
January 23, 2001
For some reason my computer is
acting very screwy on this message board, but I'll try to
answer J.S.'s question anyhow, but I'm not sure what you're
asking, J.S.
from Chandler,
age ?,
January 23, 2001
Okay, now I see your pictures,
Brad. Good work! I like the tyrannosaur v. hadrosaur one
the best!
from Chandler,
age ?,
January 23, 2001
OHH!Can you plese tell me a
preson that you would like to know about or a person that you
think is interesting.('cause I a'm doing a report, and need
some ides.)
from J.S.,
age ?,
January 23, 2001
Brad, you posted pictures? ARG,
I can't see them, my cache is messed up, it won't let me see
the updated fan art page...
from Chandler,
age ?,
January 23, 2001
I have a few more Q. to make my
other Q. a little more clear.(all about herbavors)What H. is
tallest?What H. weighs the most?And if you put both them
togeather?(the biggest)A. as many as posabol.
from J.S.,
age ?,
January 23, 2001
Your art is great! How about painting a
from Stacey,
age 14,
January 23, 2001
Great! Does anyone have any
from Brad,
age 14,
January 23, 2001
How long does it usually take for
new pictures to be posted?
from Brad,
age 14,
January 23, 2001
It depends on the format and size of the picture (huge ones in unusual formats take a while). They're online. JC
Honkie Tong, are you at all
exaggerating? In my family, there are only four tetrapods
considered edible- cows, pigs, chickens, and turkeys. My
sister and my mom are opposed to eating animals that have
(usually false) cute personalities attached to them- deer,
rabbits, lambs, etc. While there are some animals I would
never want to eat (cats, dogs, primates, whales...), I would
like to include more reptiles in my diet. What do alligators
taste like? I don't think I've even eaten a reptile or
amphibian in my life.
from Brad,
age 14,
January 23, 2001
Oh my goodness, another
from Josh,
age ?,
January 23, 2001
Ha Honkie, that's so typical of
you. Honkie, people around may think you are very good, but I
see through to your true colours. You don't know anything
about dinosaurs, you just gang up with Brad and such to make
Trex look good. You only care about Trex, not about
dinosaurs, because you know nothing about them. Trex is
certainly a scavenger, that's a fact, it's not disputable due
to it's slow running speed. Who cares if its got good
eyesight or hearing or smell? It couldnt catch its prey at
all. Ostrich dinos will easily outrun it, leaving it to
starve if it was a hunter. Ha Honkie, you lost and I won,
Velociraptors were certainly superdeadily hunters, and a pack
of 10 will be more than enough to kill Trex, but they don't
bother as Trex was only a lowly scavenger.
from Veloci,
age ?,
January 23, 2001
I don't want to start another
lame raptor vs.... something here, but I would really like to
ask this question: How really did the raptors attack big
Well, the current state-of-the-art is that they used their
sickle claws like mountainer boots to dig into the larger
animal while using their forelimbs to swipe and slash. Well,
that's nice, but given the're only anchored by their feet,
wouldn't they topple over backwards? Given the prey animal
will be moving with some energy?
An alternative theory haves them grapple the prey with their
forelimbs, all the while biting and kicking away at the prey
animal. But this also runs into the same problem. The
forelimbs of the animal much be able to hold onto the prey,
all the while resisting the entire weight of the raptor and
all the preyt animal's action. Moreever, in order to kick,
the raptor has to give itself considerable standoff distance
from the body of the prey animal, not too good a pratice,
it's about as likely to fall off as a rider in a rodeo.
The last theory have them hanging on with all fours and
biting away, but once again, given the severity of raptor
bites on prey about 300 times their size, I think it would be
a terribly inefficent way to kill an animal. And besides,
having to do this will contradict all statements about the
raptors being efficent predators...well, you can't have it
both ways, you can be a puny 85 kilos and expect to bring
down a 7000kilo animal efficently.
Given all this, don't you think that all our theories about
how the raptors hunted big prey may have put them in extreme
danger? Maybe that's the reason they went extinct, or prehaps
we are all barking up the wrong tree in regard to raptor
from ?,
age ?,
January 22, 2001
Well, I'm working on the next Old
from Billy Macdraw,
age 18,
January 22, 2001
Well, I suppose sharks and
crocs(yum!) without arms are all scavengers. Also, I choose
to differ on your opinion on "small" eyes. A single T.Rex
eyeball is bigger than your fist, and it certainly wasn't
small. The optical center of T.Rex's brain wasn't really big,
but it was certainly bigger than our's and compairable to
that of an eagle. If anything, we'd expect T.Rex to have very
good eyesight. Besides, eagles and falcons have small eyes,
but they have acute vision.
Besides sharks and dogs have a very good sense of smell, try
telling their prey they're mainly scavengers! Besides, if the
lack of arms and good smell make you a scavenger, I suppose
most of our birds of prey are scavengers.
Not that I want to oppose you, but your points don't hold up
to the scrunity.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 22, 2001
Hmm, we Singaporeans always kill
our food ourselves. For example, frogs! Buy a frog or catch
one (avoid catching cane toads, bullfrongs do fine) and take
it in your palm with its head between your fingers. Slam the
head real hard down on a hard edge of a table or a similar
surface to break the neck. You'll have to do this with guts
and strength, or the frog will suffer. For chickens, the twpo
best methods of killing are disloacting its neck or bleeding
it. I prefer the former, but you'll still have to drain the
blood, so the latter is more efficent.
Our motto: "If it moves and has more than two legs...eat it!
To heck with PETA!"
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 22, 2001
I'm not sure how many dinosaurs
we have found as a group, but I haven't found any yet :(
If you mean how many genera have been described, the
Dinosauricon ( www.dinosauricon.com ) gives the following
Dinosaur names can be put into categories based on how well
they are known, and how good the fisrt specimen was. Here
are the number of names in each category-
nomina valida
And when added together, you get the number of dinosaur names
there are-
But wait! Some dinosaur names can't be used by science
anymore: they belong to another animal, they describe a
dinosaur that already had a name, or other reasons. So, we
need to remove these names from our list.
so there's the final number: 747 dinosaurs. Unfortunately,
the Dinosauricon seems to be including pterosaurs and
primitive birds in the list- if you just want traditional
dinosaur names, go and count them! Species are harder to
count than genera, since its harder to agree upon which ones
are valid.
If you want to know how many individuals have been found,
I've never seen an estimate of that. It would be nice to
know, though.
nomina conservanda
nomina dubia?
nomina dubia
nomina oblita
nomina nuda
status unknown
partly synonymous, partly misassigned
from Brad,
age 14,
January 22, 2001
Hmm, asking the smallest of a
given group of dinosaurs is a tricky business, as either
length or weight could factor into an animal's "small-ness."
But I'm assuming that J.S. means the weight one, so that's
the one I'll answer. Still, it's hard to tell, but the
answer would probably be Microcephale,
Micropachycephalosaurus, or some undiscovered
from Chandler,
age ?,
January 22, 2001
The smallest herbivore could be
Micropachycephalosaurus (50 cm). Echinodon was also pretty
small (60 cm). Chandler's DinoDex site has the unpublished
'Microcephale' as being the smallest pachycephaosaur (a group
of dinosaurs that ate plants), at only 30 cm long. I'm not
sure if its a juvenile, though. He could tell you more than I
can about dinosaur records. This page from DinoDex will
answer a lot of questions-
from Brad,
age 14,
January 22, 2001
Does anybody know the smallest
from J.S.,
age ?,
January 22, 2001
I want to know about how many
dinos we have found?(thanks Brad and Josh!)
from J.S.,
age ?,
January 22, 2001
I can't open the page that
contains my new fanfic. Every time I clicked the link, I came
up with a page that said there is no such URL. JC, can you
help me?
from Reuben B.,
age 7,
January 22, 2001
I fixed the link. JC
Why does everyone hate
scavengers? Why is Tyrannosaurus or Velociraptor not
deserving of our votes because if it didn't hunt? Here's a
poll I'd like everyone to answer-
1. Did you eat meat recently?
2. Did you kill the animal that you ate, or did someone else
do it?
I'm not sure why we're so anti-scavenger in our paleontology
discussions when most of us are one.
from Brad,
age 14,
January 22, 2001
"Whadda ya mean? Velociraptor is
much better than Trex. Trex was nothing but a scavenger. I
know you are going to oppose me, Honkie, as you are a Trex
fan, but explain this: If Trex was not a scavenger, thatn why
did he have such a good sense of smell and poor eyesight due
to his small eyes? Also, if he was a hunter, why did he have
such small arms? To play basketball? Ha! Trex was nothing but
a scavenger, Velociraptor was better, it was a hunter!"
You don't have to wait for Honkie Tong to oppose you. A good
sense of smell is always a good thing to have, whether you
are a predator or a scavenger. Wolves and sharks have a good
sense of smell, but they can hunt. Small eyes is not the
same as poor eyesight. Tyrannosaurus had small arms to
balance better: by reducing the arms, it could add more
weight to its head. Remember, this thing had to balance on
two legs. Tyrannosaurus could have evolved longer arms that
touched the ground to support the front end (as large
ornithopods did), but that would not help it hunt better
either. Extremely short arms sholdn't be an advantage in
- Veloci
from Brad,
age 14,
January 22, 2001
I suppose so if you only like
mean, deadly animals. But dogs aren't uglier than tigers,
tigers aren't uglier than dogs, and dogs are much friendlier
than tigers (although that is probably the result of
artificial selection). There's nothing wrong with smaller
from Brad,
age 14,
January 22, 2001
JC, did you get Dino-show-us
from Reuben B.,
age 7,
January 22, 2001
I got one yesterday without an author listed (so I didn't put it online. I'll put it up now. JC
But aren't terriers automatically
inferior to tigers in terms of meaness and
from Josh,
age ?,
January 22, 2001
Whadda ya mean? Velociraptor is
much better than Trex. Trex was nothing but a scavenger. I
know you are going to oppose me, Honkie, as you are a Trex
fan, but explain this: If Trex was not a scavenger, thatn why
did he have such a good sense of smell and poor eyesight due
to his small eyes? Also, if he was a hunter, why did he have
such small arms? To play basketball? Ha! Trex was nothing but
a scavenger, Velociraptor was better, it was a
from Veloci,
age 14,
January 22, 2001
Well J.S, what do you want to
from Josh,
age ?,
January 22, 2001
Besides, what's up with this
Velociraptor voters running around trying to catapult their
dinosaur to instant stardom at T.Rexes' expense? That's not
very good.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 22, 2001
Frankly, being a Tyrannosaur fan,
I do not have a big problem with Velociraptor at all, it's
just the blatant and ridiculed overestimation of the
Velociraptor that really bugs me. I do feel it's incredibily
inaccurate to even make a statement about. Velociraptor
should be put down for it's size, there's only so much a
dog-sized animal can do. The way some raptor fans put
Velociraptor forward is way above what it could have done in
real life. Heck, if I wanted to overestimate T.Rex to the
same extent Velociraptor is, I would probally suggest the
idea of them taking on Ultrasauros (thought they never met)
and dispaching them with incredible efficency, that's pretty
lame, but I don't why the Velociraptor voters can't see that
for Velociraptor.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 22, 2001
Hmm, I suppose they frequented
food rich areas at the desert fringes, but I don't think
there would be a lot of swamps or deep bodies of water around
to support that guy's theory. Besides, if the sauropods were
mainly water bound, they would not have been so much a part
of the fauna for the jurassic as the fossil record suggests,
as the jurassic enviroment was not mainly bayou. Besides,
that person also failed to explain dinoturbulation caused by
sauropods on trees growing on dry land.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 22, 2001
Velociraptor gets put down on the
voting page for its size. What's wrong with liking dog-sized
animals? Are terriers automatically inferior to tigers?
Velociraptor is actually kind of cool. Not for strength or
power or anything, its just a good little theropod. Dann
Pigdon calls it "one of the most attractive theropods"-
here's his Velociraptor page-
This link had moved!
I'm not saying that Velociraptor should be better than T.
rex, I'm just saying that it's not worse.
from Brad,
age 14,
January 21, 2001
Well, does anyone feel like
answering J.S.'s question? Other than calling out "ME!", its
a tough one to find a serious answer for. Some people are
specialists in knowing about individual dinosaurs or families
of dinosaurs, some are experts on dinosaur extinction, or
evolution, or footprints, or the history of paleontology.
There is almost no limit to choosing what aspect of dinosaurs
you want to study. I don't think that someone can know the
most about dinosaurs. We all have different sets of
knowledge, and when we share what we know at a place like
Dino Talk, it makes it far more interesting.
from Brad,
age 14,
January 21, 2001
Oops, I'm 14 now, but it's a real
habit to type 13 when I post here.
from Brad,
age 14,
January 21, 2001
Even if sauropods didn't live in
swamp and rely on water to support their tails, desert
species are still a problem. How did they get food?
Also, why did sauropods eat plants? Don't meat-eaters eat
proportionately less than plant-eaters? It should have been
far easier for sauropods to survive on meat than the
low-quality plants that we actually believe they ate. The
old theory of sauropods eating clams is very interesting but
I think it has been disproved by detailed studies of tooth
wear, correct me if I'm wrong. I suppose if the meat-eaters
were the biggest animals in the environment, the herbivores
wouldn't have a chance so they payed the price and spent all
day eating plants.
from Brad,
age 13,
January 21, 2001
I'd heard of Magyarosaurus, but I
didn't know it was that small. It must have been an island
from Brad,
age 13,
January 21, 2001
Honkie, I wasn't aware of that
theory reemerging either. It's probably wrong, as Brad said,
and also, thier tails had enough support that they didn't
need to drag them.
from Chandler,
age ?,
January 21, 2001
Brad, to my knowledge,
Isanosaurus is about 23 feet (7 meters) in
from Chandler,
age ?,
January 21, 2001
Who knows the most about
dinos?(plese ansere!)
from J.S.,
age ?,
January 21, 2001
Hey eavybody!I'm new here but I'm
willing to lern.
from J.S.,
age ?,
January 21, 2001
When will people stay up to date
with the fanfic page? The next Dino-show-us will take longer
then usual to write so if people do not start staying up to
date with the page, then newly returning kids who first left
after January 13, 2001 will think that the voting booth,
mesage board, and science forum are not up to date as well
and the returners will abandon this wonderfull site (wich
might be bad if the returner did somthing like win a war or
suggest a page). Bill, you should be finished with Old Blood
once you get up to date with the page. The fanpic section
"realy" needs to get up to date. Honkie Tong, you should post
your progect and stay up to date with your
from Reuben B.,
age 7,
January 21, 2001
To Josh, about this T.Rex vs
Giganotosaurus stuff:
There were other very big dinosaur predators too -- and they
A lot of us people who love T. rex have gotten upset because
some (ahem) South American paleontologists are going around
trying to make a cheap dollar off of animals that were, at
most, a little larger. Don't worry, though -- T. rex is
still the top predator of its habitat and one of the top
predators of all time!
Yes, I do think Giganotosaurus may have a padded
have been just slightly less impressive at what they did as
T. rex was. Some paleontologists think that these animals
preyed upon their food sources in different ways -- that T.
rex crushed its prey in its
powerful jaws, while, say, Carcharodontosaurus or
used their thin, razor sharp teeth to slash their prey. (Not
as deadily)
from Norman,
age ?,
January 21, 2001
Well, I know I haven't been
adding to my story for some time, but I'll resume
from Billy Macdraw,
age ?,
January 21, 2001
That's what I think too, but
there's this guy who keeps insisting that the sauropods were
tail draggers and swamp dwellers. When confronted with
sauropod trackways which showed no tail marks, he responded
the tracks were made in water, which at the time, the tail
was floated, that's why there were no marks. He even went as
far as to say that the relative shallowness and spread of
prints seem to indicate they were made underwater, of course,
he never started to explain how the desert-dwelling sauropods
in asia lived, but's that's people.
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 21, 2001
Actually, the smallest (known)
sauropod is Magyarosaurus (Mag-yar-oh-saurus), a smallish
(about 18 to 24 feet, or 6-8 meters) sauropod. It lived
about 70 million years ago in Romania, Europe. i believe it
was a Titanosaur, but it might have been a
from russell p,
age ?,
January 20, 2001
Sauropods could not be
swamp-dwellers. Their relatively tiny compact feet would
sink into the mud and they would die.
from Brad,
age 14,
January 20, 2001
I wasn't aware that that theory
had reemerged. The tail was a defensive feature as well, at
least in one sauropod (Shunosaurus). Does anyone know how
big Isanosaurus the Triassic sauropod was?
from Brad,
age 14,
January 20, 2001
hey anyone out there who loves
dromaeosaurids aand tyrannosaurs?
from RascoDeS.,
age 14,
January 20, 2001
Prehaps, but I'm not sure brad.
Sauropods rely on their size for defense, if they got too
small, they'll be easy meat for any attacker. Say Brad,
what's this about the remergence theory about the sauropods
being tail draggers and swamp dwellers?
from Honkie Tong,
age ?,
January 19, 2001
50236 feet? Even Calvinosaurus
Wattersoni was not that big. It was only about 340 meters
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 19, 2001
Is Amargasaurus (33 feet long)
the smallest sauropod?
from Brad,
age 14,
January 19, 2001
No dinosaur is 50236 feet long or
tall, or even 85 feet tall. The tallest dinosaurs were only
about 50 feet tall, and included animals like Brachiosaurus.
Acanthopolis was an ankylosaur, a low-built dinosaur that
wouldn't have even been ten feet tall. There are a list of
factors that prevented dinosaurs from being thosands of feet
long: legs must support weight but still be able to move,
high food requirements, problems with disposing of heat, and
difficulty of having a large enough population to keep the
species going (since they each needed so much food, there
couldn't be as many). I strongly doubt that any dinosaur was
over 200 feet long.
from Brad,
age 14,
January 19, 2001
Karin and Frances:
Dinosaur necks could be very long. The neck of
Mamenchisaurus was over 30 feet long and made up half of the
animal's length. Sauropods in general ranged in length from
under 40 to over 120 feet.
Tyrannosaurus had about 50 to 60 teeth.
Assuming this long neck had a mouth on one end and a stomach
on the other... actually, I don't think that one sauropod
would strip all of the leaves off a tree. Diplodocus-like
sauropods ate the lower leaves, and Brachiosaurus-like
sauropods ate the higher leaves. This allowed several
sauropods to live in the same environment.
Stegosaurus had 17 plates on its back and 4 spikes (the
Thagomizer) on its tail.
from Brad,
age 14,
January 19, 2001
How long is a long neck? How many
teeth does a tyannosaurus rex have? How much time will it
take a long neck to eat all the leaves of one whole tree?
Are any dinosaurs bigger than 85 feet tall? How many spikes
does a stegosaurus have?
from Karina L & Frances S,
age 8 & 7,
United States Of America;
January 19, 2001
Are some dinosaurs 50236
feet?if some are what kind of
dinosaur is it?it can be a acanthoplis can it
from MARIA,
age 16,
United states of Am;
January 19, 2001
Sorry guys, but I'm having a bad
day, there just has been a terrible accident in my apartment
block: a lift technican was cleaning the lift shaft in my
block yesterday when the lift car came down on him. It took
emergency services about ten minutes to extract him (or
what's left or him). Needless to say, he did not survive.
Looks like I'll have to take the stairs for a
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 19, 2001
I kinda agree, there will be no
point of contention here, it's hardly a fair
from Honkie Tong,
age 16,
January 19, 2001
This's an easy one to call, I
don't think Giganotosaurus will put up too much of a fight at
all. One one thing, the only advantage Giganotosaurus appears
to have is size, and that's about it. T.Rex seems to outdo
him in areas of speed, reflexes and agility, just like the
Rancor bout.
Not to mention T.Rex was also better armed, having a jaw
lined with railroad spikes designed to maul both flesh and
bone, as when compaired to Giganotosaurus longer, but weaker
jaw armed with small, allosaur-type teeth. Given T.Rex's
superior bite force and it's incredible oral armanent, I
suppose it could put up a lot more damage in a single bite.
Not to mention what we know of T.Rex appears to put it as an
incredibily hard to kill animal, surviving bouts with other
T.Rexes despite taking damage that would kill him. T.Rex was
a nasty, head-on fighter. Unlike Giganotosaurus, given his
weaker skull.
Not to mention T.Rex was also smarter than Giganotosaurus but
as leas twofold, given it's complex and large brain which is
typical of all coelurosaurs, as when compaired to
Giganotosaurus' small, simple bananna sized(and shaped)
brain. T.Rex benifited from having a larger neuron to muscle
mass and would have been smarter and more nimble.
Given its deadily combination of advantages over
Giganotosaurus, T.Rex would have made short work of the South
American dinosaur.
So once again, the South Americans find that they are not at
the top of the deadilest-supercarnivore hierarchy, and are
not the first to weep at failing to get the better of the
Tyrannosaur. Boo Hoo.
I have no idea why people put the super-allosaurs as "meaner'
than T.Rex, I certainly don't see so, factoring all this in.
This is an easy one to call, I'll give it to T.Rex.
from Josh,
age ?,
January 18, 2001
Results, T.Rex blasts Rancor! 1
out of 1 times!
Next versus bout: T.Rex vs a much hyped (and slightly bigger)
South American Carnivore, Giganotosaurus!
from Josh,
age ?,
January 18, 2001
I like this Versus bout a lot...
very original (whichever Crossover reader suggested it).
Initially, I was inclined to give it to the Rancor all the
way. The T-Rex is super reliant upon its massive jaw, wheras
the Rancor monster has the jaw AND the awesome clawed hands.
In a wrestling match, it would be all over. But wait! This
argument is as weak as BBD's "raptor have hands so they're
better" argument.
But speed is a real asset, and the disparity between these
behemoths makes all the difference. I find Josh's argument
very convincing... the Rancor just isn't very quick on its
toes, and we've see the T-Rex make short work of some tough
situations. With a speed of around 35 MPH (as we were told in
Jurassic Park), the T-Rex can not only attack faster, but
dodge better and flee if it has too.
Even if the Rancor gets a hold of the T-Rex,I don't think
the dinosaur faces swift extinction. I think its biting
prowess would easily maim the Rancor more than the Rancor can
do to the Tyrant lizard in the process. That Rancor is
spoiled anyway, used to small humanoid prey who aren't big
enough or fierce enough to fight back (with a certain Jedi
excepted, of course). Chances are, the Rancor's toast. This's
a rare event as it's not everyday a real animal defeats a
movie monster.
Weep on, fat bald man, weep on!
from Joseph,
age ?,
January 17, 2001
What is the best dinosaur that
hunts and eats meat but doesn't like meat at
from Dorbell S.,
age 15,
January 17, 2001
How do they know glyptodon was a
seperate species than doedicurus? Could it just be the tail
was broken off glyptodon?
from Carchardontosaur,
age ?,
January 17, 2001
Hey, another Star Wars fan! T.
rex may be able to beat the Rancor, but that big sea monster
in Episode I could eat a pliosaur in one bite!
from Brad,
age 14,
January 17, 2001
Rancor vs. T-Rex
"Did anyone else hear that? That was an impact tremor. I...
I'm rather alarmed here".
We've gotten a lot of great suggestions for T.Rex versus
(fill in the space) bouts from many of our readers. And this
was one that struck me as very interesting. What if Jabba the
Hutt's favorite pet, the Rancor, went toe to claw with a
Tyrannosaurus Rex like the kind we saw in either Lost World
or Jurassic Park?
Let's start with the advantages each have against one
another. Both have sharp teeth and powerful jaws. Both are
also extremely large, powerful, vicious predators. The Rancor
however seems to be slightly bigger than the T-Rex. His
superior manual dexterity, with those huge claws on the end
of each hand would also give him the upper hand (so to
speak.) On the other hand, (all right... enough with the hand
allusions already!) although we didn't see the Rancor in
action too much in Return of the Jedi, what little we did see
seemed to indicate that he was very slow and lumbering...
almost sloth-like in his movements. The T-Rex appears to be
clearly superior in the general area of speed, reflexes, and
And besides, we saw in both the Jurassic Park films the T-Rex
make short work of some pretty tough substances and machinery
(especially vehicles.) This would indicate the T-Rex to be
very strong and tough. Could you imagine, for instance, the
T-Rex reeling back in pain if someone took a rock and started
hitting him in the foot with it, the way Luke did to the
Rancor's hand? The Rancor is clearly a much bigger cry-baby.
And if a T-Rex's jaws can bite through metal, a bone jammed
in between them probably wouldn't even slow the beast down
the way it did the Rancor when he took so long to break it
after Luke stuck a bone his mouth. In fact, our knowledge of
the T-Rex has clearly shown that the animal would have to
have had the ability to bite through bones quite easily
because of him being a carnivorous predator going after and
eating such large, powerful prey.
So even given the Rancor's (probably) superior size and
manual dexterity, the T-Rex seems much more powerful, quick,
tough and therefore more likely to win. I do admit though
that that manual dexterity thing is a big plus on the side of
the Rancor. I can just see him holding the T-Rex at bay by
grabbing him around the throat, or holding his mouth closed,
or something like that, and then taking him out accordingly.
But the much slower Rancor would have to catch the T-Rex
first and hope it doesn't get in a bite or two in before it
can grab him.
Overall, this is a hard one to call. But in the end, I give
it to the T-Rex. As I said, it's strength and speed versus
dexterity and size. They pretty much even out, but the Rancor
just seemed so wimpy in Return of the Jedi. He also seemed
not only slow in movement, but slow on the uptake as well.
That part where Luke runs between his legs towards the exit
while the Rancor stupidly turns around and chases him a few
seconds later is something I can't imagine the T-Rex letting
slip by so easily. So reflexes and perceptiveness seem to be
other major factors in favor of the T-Rex.
So the Rancor's keeper weeps once again at the sight of his
pet being devoured by the T-Rex. Boo-Hoo.
from Josh,
age ?,
January 17, 2001
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