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ZoomDinosaurs.com Dino/Wrestling Talk: A Pseudu-Dinosaur Forum
Actually, this will be my last post. I
have provided not links, but names and dates, etc. With people who
were there, not a bumch of phonies who sound like sour grapes "Chris
L.". The fact that is YOU have lost the debate, utterly, completely,
embarrassingly so.Case in point...I can provide you with a link to
Norse mythology website that shows people still worshiping those
pagan gods. Does that mean theres a large red-bearded man controling
the thunder??? Of course not...Don't believe everything you read in a
link....More often than not, people have an agenda. You said he took
"dirty money" for training celebs...Then the instructor(laughs) who
trained you on "Safta" is guilty of the same thing, right? I will
finish this off by saying this whole arguement is foolish. What have
you done? "Kurt Angle won the amateur wrestling championships, Kurt
Angle won the amateur wrestling championships, Kurt Angle won the
amateur wrestling championships, Kurt Angl!
e won the amateur wrestling championships"...Damn, can't you
formulate anything else to prove your point? Your sound like a broken
record..And a dull one at that...Sad...Sad sad sad....lol, its funny,
actually...Got such a laugh out of you when I read your posts....Sad
...Heres a hint of truth from someones whose actually been around a
while and seen something out of life...There was life before the
internet. All of lifes answers won't have a jumplink LOL....Geez,
provide a link hahaha.....Oh brother
from R,
age ?,
September 30, 2001
I would have gone for Kurt and the
wrestlers before the Sept 11 attacks, but now I see that it dosen't
take brute force to take down a much larger and stronger opponent.
All it took was a bunch of ragtag guys to bring our mighty country
down to its knees. Kurt is hardly invincidle against Bruce or Chan,
in fact, due to the intelligence advantage Bruce and Chan has over
Kurt (Kurt is just a musclehead with very low intelligence), it will
be a quick fight, Bruce or Chan will quickly find some weak point
(not unlike two very tall towers in our country) in Kurt and finish
him off. The more intelligent foe wins, not the biggest or strongest.
From what I heard about HHH wanting to take on T.rex, apparently the
wrestlers are not only dumb, but half-retarded as well (who the heck
would take on T.rex unarmed?). Sorry, Kurt has the muscles but he
ain't got the brains. Bruce will tire him out but making Kurt angry
with chinese insults and forcing him to attack
, sadly, Bruce is much, much faster and more agile than Kurt, and
Kurt will run out of steam soon, and Bruce will finish him off
without much fuss. The end.
from ?,
age ?,
September 29, 2001
Only a wrestling fan will think that
Angle would win (well, they didn't have too much brains to start out
with) Bruce and CHan will chop sueys the floor with Kurt and have
make dim sum out of him.
from Jill,
age ?,
?, ?; September 28, 2001
Only a fool would think that Lee was a
real fighter. Chan is to a certian degree, but a Olympic gold
medalist like Angle would wipe the floor with him. I mean seriously,
come on!
from Jack,
age ?,
?, ?; September 28, 2001
Shut the &*() up you knobs!(okay, so I go
to DKvine.com.) Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan could kill Kurt Angle or
HHH. Bruce could make a fist-sized hole in either HHH's or Kurt
Angle's stomach. Forget about their muscles, you could pop them with
a pin! Jackie could mangle Angle with a pair of windshield wipers! So
don't be a knob, forget about "professional"
from Razorclaw,
age ?,
(Used to live in Utah),
September 27, 2001
T.Rex was a scavenger. Buzzards are
scavengers. I don't like buzzards or T.Rex. I like
from Harold,
age ?,
September 26, 2001
Bruce Lee once said this:
"Give me a .45 anytime."
Apparently HHH will be dead from multiple gunshot wounds before he
even gets close to Bruce, so much for wreslting...
from ?,
age ?,
?, ?;
September 26, 2001
I study karate and I also wrestle for my
high school. Karate is more graceful but wrestling is better in a
real fight. You can't compare the two. It's apples and
from Walter,
age 15,
September 23, 2001
I do conceed that Bruce Lee would beat HHH or Kurt Angle anytime. I didn't know anything much about Bruce Lee until I read this debate and I have to say that HHH or Kurt will stand literally no chance. I mean, they may be big, tall and strong, but Bruce Lee's strikes are going to be like .... Sorry, a real wrestling fan here has to admit Bruce will win this one.
Martial arts always beats wrestling.
from Kram Eid Ylerus Lliw Truk, the wrestling
age 22,
September 19, 2001
I think that Jet Lee is the best fighter
alive hence that Bruce Lee is dead.
from Chris.W,
age 15,
September 18, 2001
I have enjoyed reading this debate. I do
concede that the HHH side won, however. I do know a litte about Bruce
Lee (not so much about HHH or Ken Shamrock until now) and he was very
famous for not beliveing in fighting. That is pretty well known. I do
know HHH was a national champ, so that's sorta cool as Lee never had
any sort of creditals except for "training" celebrities like Steve
McQueen and that basketball player. But Kurt Angle is a multi-time
WORLD and olympic gold medalist. That's a fact. So he is cool too. I
think Jackie Chan would beat Lee. Lee was a good entertainer and
choregraper, but Chan is the better actual martial artist. He was a
Shaloin 3 winner I believe, back in the 70's. In general though,
wrestling does always beat martial arts.
from Mark,
age ?,
September 18, 2001
I believe it would be in bruce lee's favor becuase he was trained to fight and was fast, waay faster than any wrestler and wrestlers are so busy taking steroids,looking good for the camera and play fighting to ever become good fighters.
p.s. Bruce Lee got in fights with the cast all the
from Chris.W,
age 14 1/2,
September 15, 2001
It seems rather clear and
anti-climaxial to me, for Bruce Lee will win this with
from Dr. Becksper,
age ?,
September 15, 2001
Seems clear to me.... HHH would
win this battle with somewhat ease.
from Dr. Sperbeck,
age ?,
September 14, 2001
Chris L, would you kindly *&#$ )(*? The internet didn't even exist when Bruce Lee DIED!
P.S.To anyone who still thinks ANY wrestler can beat Jackie Chan or Bruce
Lee, cran your keyboard up your arse.
from Super Mario,
age ?,
Mushroom Kingdom,
September 10, 2001
"Where was he discovered for the Green Hornet??? At a Martial Arts Tournament"
Could you please name this "tourney" or provide a link? Of course not, b/c he never EVER competed. You're the one lieing, not me.
I have provided links for everything. Theres so much stuff on HHH, Kurt Angle and Ken Shamrock anyone could find a TON of info on any statement I've made. Yet I've been unable to find one thing about Lee actually being in a real fight. NOT ONE. Please give us one.... oh, that's right, you can't b/c he never did have a real fight. What I DO find however is a ton of stuff saying HE NEVER HAD A REAL FIGHT. You need to go read that whole Tank Abott interview. He too would pound that little Bruce Lee into the ground in about 2 seconds.
I'm glad you're giving up now, you've been losing this debate ever since you started.
ps - of course you know about Ken Shamrock and you "like him" , he was the
UFC's poster boy for years and all the magazines and TV shows had him
featured etc. But being but a casual observer you know nothing of HHH or
Kurt Angle's creditentials.
from Chris L.,
age ?,
September 10, 2001
Your statements speak for themselves, thats
why. Think about the lunacy of your statements. And your contradicting
yourself. First, hes a coward, second your attacking him for appearing on
the Green Hornet. Where was he discovered for the Green Hornet??? At a
Martial Arts Tournament, thats where. Case closed, your a fool, end of
story. For logic holds, if one lies in one matter, you'll lie in ALL
matters. And to be specific, I never said he won tournaments. And by the
way, I lived in Sunset Park, and East side in Brooklyn. Funny, the guys I
knew who studied martial arts didn't do much better than the ones who
didn't when it came to throwing down, so your belief that I'm buying into
the bull is way off. What I do know is, your wayyyyyyy off base with your
accusations of Lee. Case in point? Instead of responding like a mature
adult, you hurl insults and call me a liar. Real mature . And who considers
him a joke, just curious? No one has said so on the!
record. And still, you have not backed up your claims with names, or
facts. Still, even though this is the, what, second, or third response??
Hmmmm....Beginning to see a pattern here...Tell you what..This is my last
post, because I have proven my point...Completely, and totally...While you,
you go around in circles, with no evidence, or facts to back up your
belief. Sorry, your case wouldn't hold up in any court...One thing I will
grant you, Ken Shamrock is a great fighter, and it distresses me actually
to have anyone think otherwise. But unlike you, I can have admiration for
someone without bad mouthing someone else. Gee, I guess its part of being
an adult...Should try it sometime, you know
from R.,
age ?,
September 9, 2001
Tank speaks. Funny stuff... and very true. Listen up Lee fan-boys.
from Tank,
age ?,
September 9, 2001
Looks like Tank Abott (WCW wrestler and UFC fighter) has some things to say about Mr. Bruce Lee. Here's an exerpt and here's the link if you want to read the rest. Ha Ha.
Sherdog.com: There are always guys on the internet saying that Bruce Lee would kill everybody.
Tank Abbott: That has to be the biggest joke I have heard in my life. You know what, how can you say someone would kill everybody who wouldn't even fight in competitions? I liken it to when martial artists sit around and say, "I could kill you. I could rip your heart out." Have you heard these stories?
Sherdog.com: Yeah.
Tank Abbott: But they say that they can't do it because it is an oath, some bull--t thing. I like to say, "I can fly, but I can't do it because it is a sacred thing that was taught to me. I only use it when I am in great peril. But trust me, I can fly."
Then you get these idiots that trained the same thing. You know what I
mean, "If you hold your breath and twirl in a circle, sooner or later, the
longer you do it, you will reach a point where you will leave the ground.
You will be able to fly." You have these idiots that are training Jeet Kun
Do who say, "Oh, the guy who could kill anybody was Bruce Lee because he
was in the movies but wouldn't fight anyone. I try to train just like him,
therefore, since he is the toughest man in the world and I am training just
like him, I gotta be pretty tough." So if you hold your breath and spin in
circles, someday you will be able to fly.
from Tank,
age ?,
September 9, 2001
Ha Ha. What a laughable post. Uyehara? The same Uyehara that "co-wrote" the crappy Lee book about self-defense that makes money off of Lee's fame? And the other guy? The same guy from Black Belt Magazine who too makes money off of the memory and "legend" of Lee? Ha Ha.
Dude, you need to stop reading magazines and learn some actual facts about what you claim to have an interest in. I have studied a martial art (SAFTA) for the past 5 years. I am not a person who is basing all of my "knowledge" on some corporate magazine like you. Bruce Lee is a bit of a joke in the MMA world (not that he was a bad martial artist, but that he was soooo overrated).
Please post a link that actualy backs up ANY point you're trying to make here. Oh, that's right, you can't as it's a bunch of b.s.
People, want to know about Kurt Angle and his 1996 Gold Medal in freestyle or his many other **actual acomplishments**? Or HHH and his multiple time MMA tourney wins? Or Ken Shamrock and his mutiple MMA victories and UFC and Pride championships? Or Shamrocks dismantling of the Gracie jiu-jitsu clan? Or how in 1995 at UFC V how Todd Medina (the "great Jeet Kune Do master"... Jeet Kune Do of course being Bruce Lee's martial art, that he "invented") was destroyed by a lowly, local, unheard of kick-boxer by the name of Larry Cureton?
Go to your favorite search engine and type in:
kurt angle, 1996, gold medal
ken shamrock, UFC , champion
HHH, UFC, amatuer wrestling
Todd Medina , Jeet Kune Do , UFC
bruce lee , chuck norris, enter the dragon
etc. etc.
It's all there. Not hard to find. There's literaly a TON of info on ALL of the claims that I and other HHH fans have made. What about you???
The thing about Lee having "many fights" and "winning a tournament" is the most laughable. Lee himself publicly stated the opposite of all you say. Any fan of Lee will tell you he didn't like to nor want to fight. That's why I think he was such a hypocrite, making money from films where he fought and killed people etc.
As has been stated, Chuck Norris was a decent fighter back in the day. Not a all-time great by any means, yet Lee aknowledged that Norris would win a real match (Norris was an American champion at the time) and he was but giving Norris a break into hollywood. What more proof do you need? I mean CHUCK NORRIS! Any decent UFC or WWF fighter would defeat Norris.
Bruce Lee beating Kurt Angle, HHH, Ken Shamrock or any profecient wrestler? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Get your nose out of the magazines and learn something.
Oh yeah, not only was he the Green Hornet's "sidekick" in a crappy TV
sitcom , Bruce Lee "fought" the basket player Kareem-Abdul Jabbar (sp??) in
one of his last films (Lee also made dirty money "training" celebrities
like Jabbar). Oh yeah, he was a serious fighter. A real threat to HHH! HA
from Chris L.,
age ?,
September 9, 2001
Your a fool and ignorant...Dangerous
combination, to be sure. Nishioka, great judo expert and champion from
Japan, pubicly admitted what a great fighter Bruce Lee was. M.Uyehara, who
was a editor of Black Belt magazine, was not only a friend, but a student
of Mr. Lee's, he himself attested that Lee had MANY REAL FIGHTS. to say he
didn't was a lie. An unbelieveable one, at that, considerating he injured
his back in a fight with another fighter. And, he not only challenged that
individual again, he beat him, at a tournament you claim he never
frequented. Opps, sorry, again proving you wrong, sooooo sorry. To quote
Uyehara himself,"There were many who claimed to be better than Bruce Lee,
but none said so to his face, because Bruce would answer that quickly with
a challenge to fight". Jhoon Rhee, martial arts champion from korea,
attested to the man's skill and ability, having sparred with Bruce
frequently over the years. He even went as far as to say B!
ruce Lee was the greatest fighter he had even seen. Chuck Norris, Bob Wall,
Mike Stone, Joe Lewis all trained under him. Not speculation, but fact,
proveable fact. Bruce Lee used to even coach Lewis at tournaments from
ringside. Unlike you, I know my facts, and I don't mention things that are
false, or untrue. Thats just ignorant. All my statements have been backed
up with real names, real people, not the idle speculation of someone who
doesn't know what hes talking about. But, after all, I am to blame. I can't
believe I actually responded to someone dumb enough to think WWf is a
measure of true fighting ability. Rent the UFC Tapes? What he doesn't
mention to tell you is that A), they do in fact have rules(no hitting the
groin, no maiming, etc.) and B) they proved many of the points the Bruce
Lee adovcates have been trying to. Your skill as a fighter counts...The
largest and heaviest of those fighters in those competetions don't get very
far, do they???? Didn't think soooo...O!
h well...Keep thinking that way, if it makes you happy...you obviously
don't know what your talking about, and you won't admit that you were
wrong, so it makes little sense to try and have a discussion with you. I
hope your more reasonable in real life, or you'll have a hard go of it. I
don't lie, and to be honest, you don't know anything about me to make that
claim. Your a sad little miserable person to make such a statement. While I
should be offended, your simply not worth my scorn, so I will leave this
discussion as is, with my point being proven with names and facts, unlike
YOU. Intelligent readers can judge for themselves.
from R.,
age ?,
September 9, 2001
WWF legend and martial artist killer Ken Shamrock. He humiliated the legendary Gracie clan. Wrestling rules.
from Hunter H. H.,
age ?,
September 9, 2001
The lies are amusing. Lee NEVER was in a real fight. He was challenged many times by legitimate martial artists who tired of his undeserved fame. He, of course, refused. Coward is a strong word, but it aplies to Lee.
Secondly, only a moron doesn't know that the WWF is scripted. What the HHH fan is talking about for those of you that can read is "real" wrestling.... e.g. freestyle or greco etc. like they have in the olympics and the Ultimate Fighting Championship etc.
Many wrestlers in the WWF such as Kurt Angle (heavyweight 1996 olympic heavyweight champ) , HHH (multiple time A.Am. champ) and Ken Shamrock (multiple time UFC champ) are the "real deal". In fact, most in the WWF are. Very few have no amatuer wrestling experience.
Go rent a UFC tape and just watch how the wrestlers mop up the martial artists WITH EASE. Ken Shamrock probably could not beat Kurt Angle or HHH , yet he beat Royce Gracie, the worlds greatest martial artist (jui-jitsu) to win the UFC championship. This is all documented people, look it up.
All the crap about Lee beating up Dean Martin's body gaurd (???) is just laughable. Ha Ha. Lee was too small to pose a threat to anyone with any skill at all. He was a well known coward, er I mean he didn't like to fight (even though he spent his whole life making money from movies where he fought and killed people, hmmmmm, what a great hero, not).
Chuck Norris is a good, but not great, martial artist. Yet when Lee asked him to be in his movie Return of the Dragon (and let him win) he ADMITED at the time that in reality Norris would be the victor.
This is so clear cut. Lee was a good dancer and made entertaining movies, but he was not the real deal. HHH and Kurt Angle are the real deals. They have fought in ~actual~ tournaments and won. What did Lee do? He was the Green Hornets sidekick on some crappy TV show saying "Yesam Yesam Master". What a great role model, huh?
Of course the WWF is scripted and the moves are perfomed in such a manner as to not seriously injur their opponent (e.g. Kurt Angles ankle lock is not given much pressure... but if really applied would break your ankle instantly). Why is is news? And stupidly, you try to use this to cover up the facts.
Facts: Kurt Angle is a multiple time natioanal amamturer champ and 1996 HEAVYWEIGHT OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST IN FREESTYLE WRESTLING. Can you people not understand that accomplishment? Wrestling is the acknowleged supreme art in hand to hand combat. This should also be known by anyone that knows anything at all about the fighting arts. Kurt Angle is one of the most respected wrestlers of all time. Wrestling dfeats all other fighting arts.
This question has been answered for many years now with the formation of the ultimate fighting championship (UFC) where people of ALL disiplines compete against one another in -anything goes- combat. What style has shown dominance? WRESTLING. Someone please explain this away. The "great" Gracie brothers (world jiu jitsu masters) had their careers ended in the UFC by WWF wrestlers like Ken Shamrock.
That is a fact. How do you movie-boy proponents explain this? Is the UFC rigged? Were they tired? Did they cry? Ha ha ha. And the UFC is NO RULES... suposseldy a martial artists can kill instantly... ha ha ha. What a a joke. They were tapping out in seconds to submission holds, locks and a barrage of body and head punches.
HHH didn't accomplish on the amuater level as much as Kurt Angle (no olympic gold, but he did have several other national amuater titles) but he is just as well versed, is bigger, stronger (700 pound bench press) and has the pedigree, which he invented, when really applied is DEADLY.
Bruce Lee was tiny, realivly weak, and most importantly NEVER HAD A REAL FIGHT!!! When speaking of his famous "movie fight" (return of the dragon) with Chuck Norris, Lee --admited-- that Norris would've easily defeated him and Chuck was gracious in doing the scene. This is a fact. How can this be disputed?
Lee was a cool guy in many ways, but real fighting was not one of them. To say he could beat a guy like Angle or HHH is simply laughable and makes whoever says that look really stupid.
There is no doubt that Bruce Lee was more than an actor, in fact he was a good gymnast and a decent martial artist. Now, With that being said, tell me this... "what world title did he hold?"
The answer is none.
A better small fighter that did compete against heavyweights and win in those days of real full contact Karate was the incomprible Byong Yu (5ft 6in 150 pounds) but he in the end found that despite his amazing ability he got knocked out by Joe Lewis and Monster Man 'Eddie Erverette' and never took the world title.
An even better small fighter was Benny The Jet Urquidez who did take the world heavyweight full contact title at a height of about 5ft6 or 7 and a weight of 165 pounds.The jet was amazing but even he states the **axiom of fighting**.... "if all things are equal a good big man will beat a good little one"
Chuck Norris would have mopped up the ring with bruce lee as well.
Think that Bruce lee could have ever beaten Bill 'Super foot' Wallace? Or Brad Hefton? Not a chance.
Bruce lee never fought any of those guys because he would have ended up as a little fighter beaten by better little fighters and would have taken the full count in a horrizontal position down and out for good. The Korean Master and full contact fighter Buong yu challenged Bruce Lee many times and Lee refused.
Bruce Lee perhaps could have been a great lightweight KO Karate fighter that MIGHT have been able to rumble with some middelweights and (possibly) a few light heavies in the ring but to say that he was one of the greatest fighters of the 20th century is a load of garbage.
Mr Lee was a great teacher, thinker, artist, actor, chacha dancer and coreographer but he was never a professional fighter and never took a full contact title.
About that one inch punch... well, I gotta tell ya pal, Bruce couldnt have knocked the wind out of Chuck Norris with it. Or HHH, or whoever. If anyone really believes all the Bruce Lee hype, I have a suggestion for them, read lots of comic books and be sure to order the 'Dim Mak' Death Touch via a vibrating palm book that is often sold in the back pages of those fine perodicals along with stink bombs, x ray glasses,and plans for an antigravity engine.
My final point: To apply pure fantasy to Bruce lee is to demean the true greatness of his character and skills he was a great martial artist, Teacher, and thinker but he NEVER proved that he was even a good fighter in the KO karate ring. His speed and and coordination were fantastic and in a street fight he could and was very adept at pummeling larger slower less well trained opponents. But his powress in the ring is unknown hence the title of worlds greatest fighter is a joke.
Want to read about a fighter that just might fill the bill as the greatest
martial artist ~pound for pound~ of the 20th century
check out Benny "The Jet" Urquidez.
But even he would tell you- an accomplished grappler, such as Kurt Angle or
HHH, will beat a martial artist ~every time~, esp. a much smaller one such
as Bruce Lee.
Hmmm, Bruce Lee vs the worlds greatest freestyle wrestler and gold medalist Kurt Angle.... Lee wouldn't have a chance. He'd be screaming in pain from an ankle-lock in 2 seconds. Even if he could somehow get a punch or kick in, Kurt wouldn't even feel it. Bruce Lee was just a movie-boy. Kurt actually went out and did something. Won a gold medal, amatuer championships and the WWF title.
I've never seen a martial artist beat a wrestler in a mixed martial arts competition. Ever. Period. Enough said.
And HHH could probaly beat Angle. He's not as quick but he's far stronger (he has a bench press of 700 pounds.... the world record is 800 and something) and has a whole arsenal of moves. He is a multiple time amatuer wrestling champ, the pinical of "real" wrestling, in additon to multiple time WWF champ. He's know for being able to take ungodly amounts of punishment. he once tore his quad (the big muscle in your leg) and still finished the match... including giving wrestler Chris Jericho a pedigree. the tear was later discovered to be 12 inches long! the doctor said 99.9% of the population would pass out from such pain. HHH is the game. straight up.
http://www.triplehgalleries.com/gallery17-3.jpg (the devasting pedigree)
Ha Ha. Ross rules. He showed you people that have been monopolizing the board with all the T.Rex garbage. For all of you that don't know, the UFC is "real" fighting were boxers take on sumo who take on martial artists who take on wrestlers etc. etc. You can rent them in any Blockbuster. And yes, wrestlers always win while the "martial artists" do rather poorly. While the outcome of WWF matches are indeed "fake" the skills those wrestlers have are very, very real. Kurt Angle won the Olympic Gold Medal in freestyle wrestling while HHH is a national champ. Either would wipe the floor with the tiny Bruce Lee who was about 5 feet tall and 150 pounds and jumped around and kicked for movie cameras. Ha Ha Ha.
The perpetuation of the lie that HHH was in some bar fight shows how desperate T.Rex fans are. That is total fabrication. I would like for a T.Rex fan to post ONE news link that confirms this. But it won't happen as it is a lie. Or maybe T.Rex fans are so dim-witted as to confuse "HBK" with "HHH" ? They're dimwitted enough to like a big buzzard. Just like all the "facts" to "show" how T.Rex would beat Spino etc. are all made up, it's laughbale. T.Rex fans are a joke in the dino community. All they do is lie to help support the big scavenger.
Bruce Lee = a overrated, tiny, movie boy who could kick his little legs for the camera really fast. he could jump too. wow.
Jackie Chan = same as above
Kurt Angle = an Olymipc gold medalist who beat the worlds best
HHH = National amatuer champ, undefeated in the NCCA's
Ken Shamrock = the "worlds most dangerous man", UFC champion
summary.... WFF rules while tiny little martial artists get blown away by size, strength and speed grpplers like Kurt Angle and HHH. Ha Ha Ha.
Honkie Tong, you are the worst T.Rex homer here. All of you guys should start up your own "T.Rex Only" site. And what in the devil are you talking about? Oooooo.... that sounds sooooo bad. Ha Ha. Actually it was sorta funny. Like I said, go rent any mixed martial arts competition video or PPV and see how the wrestlers fare.... they DOMINATE. "Small and graceful", huh? Um, ok. That'll be useful when you're tapping out to a ankle-lock or a arm-bar. Size does matter dude, sorry. That's just life. Only good strikers (e.g. boxers) have done well against wrestlers... when getting a lucky shot in. But an experienced wrestler will take an opponet to the ground immeditly where it will be all over in a matter of seconds.
I suggest people stop talking about things they have no clue about. Want to see what happens when equally high skilled fighters of all disciplines get it on? Rent any UFC or other mixed competition. It's not that hard. Seeing for yourselves should hopefully mean alot more than listening to some people babble on a message board.
Honkie, I enjoyed the "small and graceful" thing... very amusing. It made me think of Royce Gracie... the world-reknown jiu-jitsu master and king of the "small and graceful" camp. He was UFC champ for a while, until he met his first real grappler by the name of Ken Shamrock (now in the WWF and still a MMA competitor) who wiped the floor with him. Gracie has since lost to several other grapplers he's faced. The UFC soon became domianted by grapplers. Ken Shamrock, by the way, has been beat several times by HHH in MMA compitetions.
And I laugh when uneducated non-sport, non-MMA fans dis the WWF... Ken Shamrock has beat every major martial artist there is to beat, yet in the WWF he's only about #5. Kurt Angle being probably the baddest legit fighter in the WWF, then HHH, Al Snow, Rob Van Dam, then Ken Shamrock.
The aquired highley developed skills of Shamrock and HHH are so much more impresssive than the smelling ability and armlessness of the overgrown buzzard T.Rex. I guess it's just sour grapes, huh.
I guess T.Rex fans will continue to make up lies to support their giant scavenger, while people actually looking for truth will seek it out. Not much changes.
ps - Just a even profecient wrestler will beat a top-level martial artist everytime. People that say otherwise.... please explain why in the UFC (where anything but eye-gouging goes i.e. you can break bones etc.) why the wrestlers ALWAYS WIN??? Ken Shamrock, a mid-level WWF guy, whooped up on martial artists multiple times. Including the Gracie brothers, the most respected jiu-jitsu clan in the world. I'm tired of people making stuff up, **video tape doesn't lie**
This debate is over. HHH (OR Kurt Angle OR Ken Shamrock) would destroy
Bruce Lee. Case closed.
from Al S.,
age ?,
September 9, 2001
After being curious, I read the comment
from HHH regarding Bruce Lee, and I was surprised at his ignorance.
For those of you who do not know, what set Bruce Lee apart from other
martial artists of the day was that he was known for fighting in real
life. Even in Hollywood circles, there is the story of how Bruce Lee
flattened a bodyguard of Dean Martin in a Vegas Hotel after a racial
comment. He use to compete actively in martial arts tournaments, and
often accepted challenges( rare those were, no one was foolish enough
to issue them). He was the comsument fighting machine. To quote Bruce
Lee himself, "Ya, someone might have the advantage if they got me on
the floor. But no one would ever get the chance". Given the fact that
he could stop a moving 500 lbs. punching bag with one blow, thats
hardly in dispute. I can't even begin to list all of his exploits, all
of which were real fights. At a house party, he demonstrated his power
one time by punching a man holding a brace, designed to absorb the force of a blow back, the unfortunate individual not having stopped rolling back on the lawn for almost 20 feet. All of this well known, and recounted by friends
and even detractors of this legendary and mighty martial artist. He
challenged the greatest martial artists of the day, and he rocked them
all. No one will ever be able to hold a candle to him. Don't believe
me? Read some of the books about him, and do the research yourself.
Theres a reason why they say, "There will never be another Bruce
from Richard,
age 26,
September 8, 2001
Sorry HHH fan, wrestlers are the cute little movieboys we're talking about here. They are not true warriors. True warriors don't run around in swimwear in weird makeup and pretend to bash each other up.
On the other hand, it can be convincingly argued that martial arts do
now have entertainment as their main aim.
from ?,
age ?,
September 7, 2001
Actually, I've noticed the HHH fan has
lost his original debate: That HHH could beat T-Rex. He has stopped
mentioning it entirely.
from ?,
age ?,
September 7, 2001
I think Bruce will win this one, and that's not because of the overwhelming response for him.
Why? Because HHH actually achieved nothing in his entire life. He quit the WCW because he was not winning and decided to join the WWF, a quitter, if he was so good, he should not be jumping ship. And all his WWF and wrestling titles don't mean dirt at all, they're all pre-scriped and fake. The factor deciding who will win is not the skill of the wrestler, but the managers, who decides who is the most popular at the moment. The most popular wrestler wins, not the most skilled. And as far as I recall, winning sports titles were not supposed to be democratic. Face it, these titles are fake and don't mean squat.
And the stuff about all their moves being deadiler when more force is applied is all nuts anyway, firstly, any person trained in self-defense no matter what form can tell you that these moves would be impossible to carry out for real. Why? Firstly, these ankle-locks, powerdrives and virtually all their moves require the victim to COOPERATE. I don't see them struggling when they are being put into all these weird positions to do the moves when they could have caused serious damage. Instead, they seem to be HELPING their opponent preform the moves on them. In real life, a wrestling ankle-lock would be impossible to do for you have to knock your victim to the ground and he has to stay still in order for you to do the move on him. Any sane person would not be staying still and presenting an easly target. In fact, an ankle lock is rather stupid as your victim can still easily do damage to you as you do the lock to him. Ha, if you can actually get to the point where you can do an an! kle-lock easily on anybody, that guy is not worth fighting anyway and you will soon be arrested for bullying people. The other wrestling moves are also about as impossible to do in real life. How the heck do you get a non-co-operative person into a powerdrive? It's impossible and its not worth the trouble. Face it, all the wrestling moves are faked and even if they wanted to do it for real, it would be impratical or stupid to do with effetiveness.
And HHH's favourite move, the pedigree is entirely fake and impossible to do. Firstly, you have to get your victim's head between your legs, which is a very bad thing if your victim has no intention of following your plan. He could easily hit your groin with his hands or headbutt it, bad news. And a real pedigree won't actually hurt the victim at all! The vertical movement is so little, from waist to hip that it's just like dunking a person's head. And to sucessfully get your victim into that position to do that stunt, he must be so dazed and incapable of putting up a fight that he is not worth the energy at all. Worse, the pedigree, if done on normal, non-shock absorbing surfaces, will bust your knees! It is the most harmless, fake wrestling move! And I heard a certian HHH fan call it awesome and deadly, sorry, but you are convincing no one, the pedigree is so obviously fake and lame.
Given that, it'll be a cakewalk for Bruce. Don't bother to respond, it won't matter as you just repeat yourself and your points that have already been disproved anyway. I suggest to the others not to respond to whatever this moron is going to post either, just ignore him, he has already lost.
You have already lost, got it? Kurt Angle and HHH are defeated. Bye bye, nobody hears you from now on HHH fan.
PS: Why can't we just block him?
from ?,
age ?,
September 7, 2001
If you truly ignore people with unpleasant posts, they will probably stop posting. JC
You "people" obviously know little of what you speak about. Of course the WWF is scripted and the moves are perfomed in such a manner as to not seriously injur their opponent (e.g. Kurt Angles ankle lock is not given much pressure... but if really applied would break your ankle instantly). Why is is news? And stupidly, you try to use this to cover up the facts.
Facts: Kurt Angle is a multiple time natioanal amamturer champ and 1996 HEAVYWEIGHT OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST IN FREESTYLE WRESTLING. Can you people not understand that accomplishment? Wrestling is the acknowleged supreme art in hand to hand combat. This should also be known by anyone that knows anything at all about the fighting arts. Kurt Angle is one of the most respected wrestlers of all time. Wrestling dfeats all other fighting arts.
This question has been answered for many years now with the formation of the ultimate fighting championship (UFC) where people of ALL disiplines compete against one another in -anything goes- combat. What style has shown dominance? WRESTLING. Someone please explain this away. The "great" Gracie brothers (world jiu jitsu masters) had their careers ended in the UFC by WWF wrestlers like Ken Shamrock.
That is a fact. How do you movie-boy proponents explain this? Is the UFC rigged? Were they tired? Did they cry? Ha ha ha. And the UFC is NO RULES... suposseldy a martial artists can kill instantly... ha ha ha. What a a joke. They were tapping out in seconds to submission holds, locks and a barrage of body and head punches.
HHH didn't accomplish on the amuater level as much as Kurt Angle (no olympic gold, but he did have several other national amuater titles) but he is just as well versed, is bigger, stronger (700 pound bench press) and has the pedigree, which he invented, when really applied is DEADLY.
Bruce Lee was tiny, realivly weak, and most importantly NEVER HAD A REAL FIGHT!!! When speaking of his famous "movie fight" (return of the dragon) with Chuck Norris, Lee --admited-- that Norris would've easily defeated him and Chuck was gracious in doing the scene. This is a fact. How can this be disputed?
Lee was a cool guy in many ways, but real fighting was not one of them. To say he could beat a guy like Angle or HHH is simply laughable and makes whoever says that look really stupid.
There is no doubt that Bruce Lee was more than an actor, in fact he was a good gymnast and a decent martial artist. Now, With that being said, tell me this... "what world title did he hold?"
The answer is none.
A better small fighter that did compete against heavyweights and win in those days of real full contact Karate was the incomprible Byong Yu (5ft 6in 150 pounds) but he in the end found that despite his amazing ability he got knocked out by Joe Lewis and Monster Man 'Eddie Erverette' and never took the world title.
An even better small fighter was Benny The Jet Urquidez who did take the world heavyweight full contact title at a height of about 5ft6 or 7 and a weight of 165 pounds.The jet was amazing but even he states the **axiom of fighting**.... "if all things are equal a good big man will beat a good little one"
Chuck Norris would have mopped up the ring with bruce lee as well.
Think that Bruce lee could have ever beaten Bill 'Super foot' Wallace? Or Brad Hefton? Not a chance.
Bruce lee never fought any of those guys because he would have ended up as a little fighter beaten by better little fighters and would have taken the full count in a horrizontal position down and out for good. The Korean Master and full contact fighter Buong yu challenged Bruce Lee many times and Lee refused.
Bruce Lee perhaps could have been a great lightweight KO Karate fighter that MIGHT have been able to rumble with some middelweights and (possibly) a few light heavies in the ring but to say that he was one of the greatest fighters of the 20th century is a load of garbage.
Mr Lee was a great teacher, thinker, artist, actor, chacha dancer and coreographer but he was never a professional fighter and never took a full contact title.
About that one inch punch... well, I gotta tell ya pal, Bruce couldnt have knocked the wind out of Chuck Norris with it. Or HHH, or whoever. If anyone really believes all the Bruce Lee hype, I have a suggestion for them, read lots of comic books and be sure to order the 'Dim Mak' Death Touch via a vibrating palm book that is often sold in the back pages of those fine perodicals along with stink bombs, x ray glasses,and plans for an antigravity engine.
My final point: To apply pure fantasy to Bruce lee is to demean the true greatness of his character and skills he was a great martial artist, Teacher, and thinker but he NEVER proved that he was even a good fighter in the KO karate ring. His speed and and coordination were fantastic and in a street fight he could and was very adept at pummeling larger slower less well trained opponents. But his powress in the ring is unknown hence the title of worlds greatest fighter is a joke.
Want to read about a fighter that just might fill the bill as the
greatest martial artist ~pound for pound~ of the 20th century
check out Benny "The Jet" Urquidez.
But even he would tell you- an accomplished grappler, such as Kurt
Angle or HHH, will beat a martial artist ~every time~, esp. a much
smaller one such as Bruce Lee.
Hmmm, Bruce Lee vs the worlds greatest freestyle wrestler and gold medalist Kurt Angle.... Lee wouldn't have a chance. He'd be screaming in pain from an ankle-lock in 2 seconds. Even if he could somehow get a punch or kick in, Kurt wouldn't even feel it. Bruce Lee was just a movie-boy. Kurt actually went out and did something. Won a gold medal, amatuer championships and the WWF title.
I've never seen a martial artist beat a wrestler in a mixed martial arts competition. Ever. Period. Enough said.
And HHH could probaly beat Angle. He's not as quick but he's far stronger (he has a bench press of 700 pounds.... the world record is 800 and something) and has a whole arsenal of moves. He is a multiple time amatuer wrestling champ, the pinical of "real" wrestling, in additon to multiple time WWF champ. He's know for being able to take ungodly amounts of punishment. he once tore his quad (the big muscle in your leg) and still finished the match... including giving wrestler Chris Jericho a pedigree. the tear was later discovered to be 12 inches long! the doctor said 99.9% of the population would pass out from such pain. HHH is the game. straight up.
http://www.triplehgalleries.com/gallery17-3.jpg (the devasting
Ha Ha. Ross rules. He showed you people that have been monopolizing the board with all the T.Rex garbage. For all of you that don't know, the UFC is "real" fighting were boxers take on sumo who take on martial artists who take on wrestlers etc. etc. You can rent them in any Blockbuster. And yes, wrestlers always win while the "martial artists" do rather poorly. While the outcome of WWF matches are indeed "fake" the skills those wrestlers have are very, very real. Kurt Angle won the Olympic Gold Medal in freestyle wrestling while HHH is a national champ. Either would wipe the floor with the tiny Bruce Lee who was about 5 feet tall and 150 pounds and jumped around and kicked for movie cameras. Ha Ha Ha.
The perpetuation of the lie that HHH was in some bar fight shows how desperate T.Rex fans are. That is total fabrication. I would like for a T.Rex fan to post ONE news link that confirms this. But it won't happen as it is a lie. Or maybe T.Rex fans are so dim-witted as to confuse "HBK" with "HHH" ? They're dimwitted enough to like a big buzzard. Just like all the "facts" to "show" how T.Rex would beat Spino etc. are all made up, it's laughbale. T.Rex fans are a joke in the dino community. All they do is lie to help support the big scavenger.
Bruce Lee = a overrated, tiny, movie boy who could kick his little legs for the camera really fast. he could jump too. wow.
Jackie Chan = same as above
Kurt Angle = an Olymipc gold medalist who beat the worlds best
HHH = National amatuer champ, undefeated in the NCCA's
Ken Shamrock = the "worlds most dangerous man", UFC champion
summary.... WFF rules while tiny little martial artists get blown away by size, strength and speed grpplers like Kurt Angle and HHH. Ha Ha Ha.
Honkie Tong, you are the worst T.Rex homer here. All of you guys should start up your own "T.Rex Only" site. And what in the devil are you talking about? Oooooo.... that sounds sooooo bad. Ha Ha. Actually it was sorta funny. Like I said, go rent any mixed martial arts competition video or PPV and see how the wrestlers fare.... they DOMINATE. "Small and graceful", huh? Um, ok. That'll be useful when you're tapping out to a ankle-lock or a arm-bar. Size does matter dude, sorry. That's just life. Only good strikers (e.g. boxers) have done well against wrestlers... when getting a lucky shot in. But an experienced wrestler will take an opponet to the ground immeditly where it will be all over in a matter of seconds.
I suggest people stop talking about things they have no clue about. Want to see what happens when equally high skilled fighters of all disciplines get it on? Rent any UFC or other mixed competition. It's not that hard. Seeing for yourselves should hopefully mean alot more than listening to some people babble on a message board.
Honkie, I enjoyed the "small and graceful" thing... very amusing. It made me think of Royce Gracie... the world-reknown jiu-jitsu master and king of the "small and graceful" camp. He was UFC champ for a while, until he met his first real grappler by the name of Ken Shamrock (now in the WWF and still a MMA competitor) who wiped the floor with him. Gracie has since lost to several other grapplers he's faced. The UFC soon became domianted by grapplers. Ken Shamrock, by the way, has been beat several times by HHH in MMA compitetions.
And I laugh when uneducated non-sport, non-MMA fans dis the WWF... Ken Shamrock has beat every major martial artist there is to beat, yet in the WWF he's only about #5. Kurt Angle being probably the baddest legit fighter in the WWF, then HHH, Al Snow, Rob Van Dam, then Ken Shamrock.
The aquired highley developed skills of Shamrock and HHH are so much more impresssive than the smelling ability and armlessness of the overgrown buzzard T.Rex. I guess it's just sour grapes, huh.
I guess T.Rex fans will continue to make up lies to support their giant scavenger, while people actually looking for truth will seek it out. Not much changes.
ps - Just a even profecient wrestler will beat a top-level martial artist everytime. People that say otherwise.... please explain why in the UFC (where anything but eye-gouging goes i.e. you can break bones etc.) why the wrestlers ALWAYS WIN??? Ken Shamrock, a mid-level WWF guy, whooped up on martial artists multiple times. Including the Gracie brothers, the most respected jiu-jitsu clan in the world. I'm tired of people making stuff up, **video tape doesn't lie**
Wrestlers rule in real fights. Leave the "pretty" martial arts moves
to the cute little "movie boys".
from HHH,
age HHH,
September 6, 2001
Well, HHH honco, I hope you pick up a book on world peace by Saddam Hussien. That should give me enough time (barely) to belittle your argument. Plus the book can double as a primitive anesthesia device in case you wish to put yourself out of your misery.
*Hack hack hack*
It dosen't even take T-Rex or Bruce Lee to defeat HHH, it's like using a sledgehammer on an eggshell. Let's look at a somewhat less skilled opponent...Jackie Chan. Sadly, even this lowering of standards can save HHH.
You see, Jackie Chan kicking the butts of a disproportionate number of Australians. Yes, he has been engaging in combat with the craziest white people in the entire world - a race that has produced wackos like Crocodile Dundee, Outback Jack (to be that lousy of a wrestler take guts), half the cast of Sci-Fi Channel hit Farscape and the utterly insane Steve Irwin AKA The Crocodile Hunter. Yes, Australia produced a man who wrestles gators with his bare hands and plays with the tails of deadly snakes and would take dare to take on T.Rex, though he would not be living for long and Jackie uses them for warm-ups. I'm sorry, but no man named "HHH" has a hope in hell.
Expect to see Jackie Chan propelled through the roof by a HHH powerthrow only to perform a death defying gymnastics display on live power lines, then narrowly catch hold of an out of control helicopter and finally crash land into the arena without getting a scratch. Afterwards, Jackie hams it up for the camera. HHH is just hamburger.
What did you expect from someone who's biggest starring role was to
play as a "professional wrestler"?
from Paul,
age ?,
September 6, 2001
Come on, guys. Please. This is absolutely no contest. Next time, how about something a little more evenly matched. Like, maybe Aliens vs. Teletubbies. Bambi vs. Godzilla? Wolverine vs. a Rottweiler's weight in Chihuahuas? Forget slow motion, yer gonna need frame-by- frame to see this fight. Let me break it down for you.
Lee: Earth's Deadilest Mortal. Can explode punching bags with a single kick. Can punch in renforced steel bars with with bare hands. Can launch other people into flight with a single punch that dosen't touch them. Can do badass deathtouch. Plus see Lifetime Achievements.
HHH: Can punch a guy who is pretending to be hurt.
Advantage: Lee by a mile
Lee: Incredibly fast reflexes, can cover 8 feet from a resting, sitting position in 3/4 second, can kick faster than camera frame-rates, incredibly agile, almost impossible to catch.
HHH: Abuses steriods constantly, is severely top-heavy, has malformed and overbuilt limbs
Advantage: Lee by TEN miles
Lee: Bruce Lee was a philosophy major in college.
HHH: He's a professional wrestler (not saying much), for goodness sakes, and he among one of the dumber ones (even not saying much more).
Advantage: Lee by ONE HUNDRED MILES
Lee: Regarded worldwide as the "best in a hundred years", created his own brand of matrtial art that is highly regarded around the world. Only one so far to carry of the badass one-inch punch, managed to break into the american market despite being chinese (A virtually impossible feat back then).
HHH: Abused steriods. Managed to do complex but harmless wrestling moves. Used to be a bulimic, flat-chested whiner. Set world records for stupidity and hard-headedness. Wears ridiculus swimming trunks in public.
Advantage: Hulk by a Parsec
Finally, and most importantly, THE RAGE(tm)!!!
Lee: Is usually a placid person who is very humble, unless you threaten his family or his life, he will not fight. As HHH cannot threaten his life, he can only threaten his family, including his wife. And you know as murphy rule #256 goes: Never mess with some guy's wife. Lee will be full of THE RAGE (tm), added with his cool ANIMAL SCREAMS (tm), he is virtually unstoppable. 0 percent of the human population can beat him.
HHH: Is the living embodiment of a disgusting steriod-deformed, brain damaged freak wearing too-small swimming wear. If he loses, he won't be able to comprehend what's going either, so he has nothing to fight for as he does not know what is going on in the first place.
Advantage: Lee by the diameter of the observable Universe.
RESULT: Bruce Lee in one second. Lee uppercuts HHH through roof. HHH
shoots into orbit, explosively decompresses, the end.
from The Fat Man,
age 18,
Melno Park,
September 6, 2001
Incoming radio traffic...
I'm sorry, but the US Military is pulling out association or support
for this trademarked character HHH (tm.). The reason is that we have
to protect our intrests and give the best to our fighting men. We do
not teach wrestling and grappeling as a hand-to-hand skill to our
recurits but rather basic martial arts as the skills that may save
their lifes one day as they will not be actors, but be true
cold-blooded fighting men. Please excuse me, I have a meeting at
0900hrs to discuss the mission to neutralize HHH's home by a presision
strike to sever the centerpoint for America's illegial steriod trade.
End Transmittion...
from John C., Op Center,
age ?,
September 6, 2001
The final word
HHH loses, lets hear no more about this from now on.
*Given the overwhelming anti-HHH response, I'll have no choice but to declare HHH the loser. These are some of the best responses noted below:
Best Response
----I think the whole hhh (note smaller case) vs bruce lee thing is
crap. i normally would'nt bother responding to crap but dang u guys
man ya'll don't even make valid arguements. hhh dont stand a peanut
against my grandma. he'd prolly die of exhaustion before he even got
outta the ring thanx to his natural insulation or should i say excess
baggage? i dont know much bout lee either but i know martial arts
myself and speed and agility sets lee apart from the rest. hhh's sheer
sheer size would have been good for sumo wrestling but then again lee
could have avoided any locomotive coming his way with a side step.it
takes talent to fight with that speed on and off screen but it just
takes a whole lotta dung to pretend to wrestle and threaten each other
in the ring when they prolly go out for a drink in the same bar after
that.hhh isn't even a name... what is he that ashamed to even mention
his real name?bruce has the guts to put his real name down coz he
knows he's good...hhh? i think NOT~! prolly too ashamed i'd reckon eh? just think battle of hhh
vs lee like an elephant vs a monkey.. monkey's are much more agile
while elephants? thump thump thump...wow...scary... wtf's a pedigree
anyway?...by the time the freaking hulk gets into position lee would
have knocked his blubber to the triassic period.lee's dead and a
legend when hhh is dead(which might be soon...heartburn tsk tsk) we'll
see if he's a legend or the lastest addition to sumo weekly.and if not
for lee, fighting with fists or bodies in the western countries would
be unknown so ya your welcome on the part of the chinese. it's been
proven that the wwf or what ever f is just a big act to entertain
couch potatoes with nothing better to do then watch fat guys dance and
shout at each other in a square box.(how fun) martial arts however
require discipline while training and discipline while fighting.it may
look fake to the critical but it in fact is very real.it makes the
person who studies that art a
human weapon.i really don't know if you're stoned or just stupid but
hhh vs t-rex>>>???? duh t-rex and as much as i would love to slap the
sense into you but dung splaters.----
----As a med. student, I think Bruce will beat Angle in a streetbrawl, why? Because Angle is trained in applying power over time, he trained mostly developing slow twitch muscles that give out more power over a longer period of time, good for doing benchpresses and overwhelming your opponent. Bruce on the other hand, trained almost entirely on fast-twitch muscles and could put out immense ammounts of power for a short period of time, as opposed to applying more power over a longer period of time. So what happens is that in the long run Angle is stronger, but in the short run Bruce is putting out much more force than he can. And that matters if you are going for powerful punches. I read that Bruce could cave in 2 inch steel rods with a punch, if I studied my biology well, human muscle and bone are about 230 times weaker structuarlly than carbonized ferrite. So unless Angle has to have a minimum of at least 460 inches of muscle and mass thickness to absord a punch that powerful, my guess is, Angle's arms or torso don't come anywhere near that thick, and he's going to end up with something broken everytime Bruce hits him with one of those punches. In fact, if Bruce punched him in the sternum at that force, the force of the hit will cause his heart to stop or worse, rupture his arota. I've only known of one case of somebody survivng such an injury. Let's see, Bruce could also break Angle's layrax and kill him rather quick. I'm not sure about the Chi punch, and I don't think it works, but the bottom line is, Bruce had more than what it takes to kill, and I mean kill, not knock out Angle. In a wrestlign ring I'm not so sure, Bruce will not be allowed to kill Angle or break any of his body parts, so my guess is, Angle would win. But from a neutral standpoitn of view, I do know enough about Bruce and all the others you mentioned to know that he's the best of them all. He wasn't simply a good streetbrawler, he was a master. On the death touch, medically, we define it was the over-stimulation of certian vital nerves in the neck and chest that could be potentially life-threatening by disturbing heart and respiratory functions. And I've heard on one or two cases when we have some guy who died after taking a single hit to such areas, not by martial artists, but in a simple fight between two people. Normally, the odds of hitting such nerves by pure chance are quite unlikely, but somebody who trained to hit these spots with the right pressure and force could, medically speaking, invoke such an adverse reaction from his victim. The death touch is medically possible. So don't go around hitting your friends in the neck just to "test" it out, it could be potentially dangerous. If this is the case, and if Bruce really wanted to kill Angle, he had the ways and means to do such a thing, and it would be a short fight indeed, not a fair one, but still a fight. Medically speaking, Angle's moves and that of wrestlers in general are not designed to kill, but rather to be extremely powerful as to give them the most advangtage in winning a match in the ring. The moves of Bruce however, are designed with the intention to harm. Angle may know how to hurt a human beign generally by hitting and punching him, but if it came to killing Bruce will have the advantage, and a big one at that. It's really like saying the art of sumo wrestling would stand up well against a katana-wielding ninja. In a ring where the ninja is not supposed to kill the sumo wreslter mabye, but in a do-or-die situtation? I'd say the ninja. Same here with Bruce and Angle.
And doing moves at five hundreds of a second is extremely fast for humans, even the best martial artists of today best at ten to eleven, so Bruce is still twice as fast. The typical reaction time of wrestlers is much slower at twenty to fifty. At least, Bruce would be four times as fast and reactive as anything Angle could throw out. Meaning Bruce would react and free himself even before Angle can give the command to close his fingers and grab him. In fact, a reaction time of five hundreds of a second is amazing, it would be almost impossible to hit such an opponent. Even magicans who do their amazing faster-than-eye tricks are slower by 35 percent. (They adverage seven seconds). Angle would have quite a bit of trouble trying to hit or grab Bruce, and worse, defend himself from hits aimed at his vital areas. He won't even have the chance to defend his crotch. And I'm saying this fairly, from the point of view of somebody measuring up these two people. Heck, I didn't even know who Bruce Lee was until all this crapola came up and I decided to check up on this guy. I was already familar with HHH and Kurt Angle than, and now I'm convinced they're in for a trashing.
I'm going to invoke reactions, but I confirm the T.Rex fans' statements about HHH getting beaten up in a bar. If memory serves, I read it somewhere sometime back two years ago. Apparently that other guy hit HHH in the neck just the right way and spot and it knocked him out. I don't know that much about the entire incident (I think it was mentioned in the entertainment magazine "Avar"), but my guess is if it wasn't for that shot, HHH would have clearly won. Lucky guy I guess.
Now about the T.Rex vs. HHH thing. I'm sorry, but from my understanding and study of human anatomy and limits, I doubt there would be any way for HHH to take on T.Rex physically and win. HHH can be physically considered a "Throphy" specimen for the homo sapiens, but even our best in terms of physical ability are quite weak compaired to the animal kingdom. And T.Rex would win this wuite easily, and prehaps make a Trophy out of HHH?-----
-----Bruce in 15 seconds.
As an experienced Martial Artist (8 yrs of training, Black Belt in Kenpo, Kungfu and Jiu Jitsu, Green Belt in Tae Kwon Do), I can tell you that HHH's Supposedly Painful Moves are phonier than a three dollar bill.
Here's how it'll go:
HHH gets the first shot off, like you said. Bruce slowly wipes the blood off his lip and says "That's nice try, but let me show you how a REAL man fight." in his trademarked chinese acent.
HHH, powered by The Rage (TM) launches into one of his patented Charging-Grappeling-Pedigreeing-Slamming-Finishing moves. This seals HHH's Fate for two reasons:
1. Without the aid of camera trickery, and the standard WWF issue micophone-enhanced, shock absorbing wrestling ring to add the "Boom! Boom!" effects, the Pedigree will have no power, take forever, and look ridiculous to boot. Bruce will see the Pedigree coming, go get a cup of coffee, read through the morning paper, do some stretching to warm up, and then come back and stop the attack.
2. Bruce is a master of Jeet Kuan Do, a Martial Art that involves "soft" style. This means he can use an opponents strength and momentum against them. This means he can turn HHH's RAGE (TM) against him.
As HHH comes charging in like a truck in the terminal phase of his Pedigree, Seagal simultaneously parries HHH's head and strikes HHH's ludicrously exposed groin (Note: A move like the Pedigree exposes the groin to attack). HHH, his momentum drastically shifted, flies awkwardly into the wall and crumples into the wall.
Bruce straightens his tie, makes sure his hair is alright, and walks over to HHH, who is standing, though barely. HHH, seeing failure imminent, throws one final punch. Bruce blocks the punch, whips HHH around in a circle, and throws an elbow strike which snaps HHH's overbuilt arm like a twig.
As if thats' not enough, Bruce then uses the jagged piece of bone protruding from HHH's arm to stab The Professional Wrestler in the chest. Bruce then simply grabs HHH's shoulders and throws him through the large window in the back of the office.
Thinking it's over, Bruce walks to the edge and looks over. HHH's good arm whips up and grabs his ankle. Bruce looks calmly down at him, gets ready his Fist Of Fury (TM), says "Look what you done, you got blood on my favorite shoe, I will kill you until you die from it", and promptly punches HHH in the head, blasting a fist-sized hole in his skull and blowing his brains out.
So you see, it doesn't matter who's the bigger "movie boy" (neither could act if their life depended on it), since HHH won't survive the first test anyway.----
----I don't care much for dinosaurs and wrestling, but I'll go for who ever is associated with cooler things?
Let's see, HHH:
"H" is a great letter for bringing you loser concepts like Hopless, Har Har Har, Helpless, Hilda the Red Fox...
Let's see T-Rex.
"T" has great concepts! Terminator, Mr.T (helluva tough!), Tyrant King, Totally!
I think I pick T-Rex.
Today's eposide was brought to you by the letters, H, I, G, T, D, or HHH Is Going To Die. Thank you.----
----Okay, here's a few of the fights that Kurt Angle would definitely lose, at least if he was in a REAL fight, not in the ring.
Kurt Angle vs. Bruce Lee(in a sawmill):Kurt Angle tries a really stupid wrestling move, which dosen't even work. Bruce Lee does one of his chi punches, and knocks Kurt 20 feet into a wood cutting machine. Bruce Lee in 5 seconds.
Kurt Angle vs. Jackie Chan(in a "Home Depot"):Kurt Angle jumps at Jackie, but Jackie runs to a display of saw blades. Jackie grabs them and throws them at Kurt. Kurt does a wierd little dance as he tries to dodge the saw blades, and then Jackie Chan activates a chainsaw. Jackie drops it and it goes across the floor toward Kurt. He tries to run, stumbles, and falls on his face. Jackie, meanwhile, finds a bunch of hammers, and he throws them, one by one, at Kurt's head. Most of them hit, and Kurt is badly hurt. Jackie Chan.
Kurt Angle vs. Silverback Gorilla(in the jungle):Kurt gets close to the gorilla, punches it, and is ripped in half. Silverback.
Kurt Angle vs. Utahraptor(anywhere):Kurt Angle gets close to the utahraptor and tries to punch it, but the utahraptor dodges it. The utahraptor disembowels Kurt and eats him. Utahraptor.
Kurt Angle vs. T-rex:Kurt wets his pants and tries to run away, but T-rex easily catches up and bites him in half. T-rex.----
----I used to learn wrestling and also martial arts like Akido. And from my prespective on these two methods of fighting, I can tell you the matrial artist will edge out a true wrestler in any real, no-holds-barred fight. I am a big wrestling fan, and stop insulting WWF! But I will be honest, actually, when it comes to REAL fighting ability, your record in the ring don't mean a thing.
I don't know that much about Bruce, but I do know enough to know that he is the hero of the asian people. It was him that broke down racial prejudices against asians in america by his special way of communication, and he dedicated his life to helping people, not proving he was the best. He was humble, and most importantly of all, did not believe in having to hurt others in order to win. That's why you don't see the good or best martial artists fight in the ring at all, it's severly discouraged by their disipline. Even martial artists in the ring have to limit themselves from doing most of their moves, for if they actually went all out, the results would be fatal. The intention of martial arts was not strictly not for display, but it was actually a method of killing other humans as quickly and brutally as possible. It's hardly something that you can really display all out in a ring, not unless you want to go postal and kill your opponent. The ring is after all, simply an area of ritualized combat with rules to avoid serious injury to the people taking part. But in a backalley and when anything goes, the martial artist will be going all out to kill his opponent, and that is very bad if the opponent has no such training in non-ritualized combat. Wrestling is a form of ritualized combat and contest, designed to mimize damage to both sides, but martial arts were designed to apply in situtation where you have, as a last resort, to really hurt people.
To find out how this applies, lets put this to a fight between Bruce and Kurt Angle in a ring. Firstly, this fight is unlikely as Bruce is not the type to fight simply for a contest. But Kurt will almost certianly win as Bruce will not be allowed to hurt him, as this is just a game. He can't go all out to kill, and he is severly limited by that. So Kurt Angle could pin him down and win the fight, and Bruce cannot do anything for the move he would have used in that situtation will kill his opponent. Kurt Angle excelled at a sport, and he would beat Bruce at that, but when it comes to killing, Bruce will have a massive advantage.
But lets say the two are fighting to kill, that will be a very bad thing for Kurt. Bruce can kick faster than the eye can see and he can actually propel 300 pounds with a kick 8 feet back. This is not the slow way you move a weight by a bench press, but the rapid way you move a mass via a kick. Such a powerful and fast kick will actually propel 250 pound Kurt back without even him having a chance to block or catch the incoming foot, (Bruce kicks two times faster than the typical human reaction time of 20 milliseconds). If the kick landed on a limb, like an arm or a leg, it would be certainly broken. Worse, Bruce can not only kick, he can kick were he wants to. Which in this case would be aimed for the neck or some area that would kill instantly, going by the force of the kick. And that's just the kicking. He had other styles that would kill a human instantly and rapidly. That's the reason why he refuses to fight unless it was absolutely necessary, he can easily kill and he knows that. And sheer strenght and brute force can be a drawback if the person is untrained. Aikido, which is a soft martial art, actually focuses mainly on turning your opponent's strength and brute force against himself via a clever use of physics. The stronger the oppoenent is, the more he hurts himself. So thought Kurt Angle may be immenesly strong and powerful, it could be a disadvantage towards him when he faces of against a person eqquiped with Aikido. From what I know, Bruce's style also involved some Aikido, so this would negate Kurt Angle's advantages in strength or speed. Silat (Which Honkie mentioned) also uses this to an extent, it was a matrial art designed specifically for taking down opponents much larger and more powerful than you, but I believe Silat is more dirty as it was a pure, no-show martial skill that involved the use of weapons. Kurt Angle is out of his turf when it comes to killing, he could snap a neck or beat someone to death if he wanted with his brute force, but when he's up against people who are specifially trained to kill with their bodies, he's going to be in big trouble. How can he grapple after all? When both of his arms are broken by a vicious twist move than worked on thwe elbow joint? That's a move you can't do in a wrestling ring, but when it comes to a real fight, you could do it, and that's what matters. And I think Kurt Angle knows this. He is a warrior of the ring, an area of ritualized combat. Bruce was a warrior of low-down, bottom-line, no-holds-barred, hit-below-the-belt combat. If there are no rules involved, like in a real fight, Kurt Angle will lose, or worse, be killed.
On HHH vs. T.Rex. I like HHH, and I think he'll kick the Rocks' butt. But isn't a 14,000 pound T.Rex too much for HHH? It's rather stupid to say that HHH would have an advantage against T.Rex because he could benchpress 400 pounds and had stronger arms. Firstly this is not true as T.Rex arms are powerfully muscled and could lift more than 600 pounds, easily, and secondly, T.Rex didn't attack with his arms at all! And the idea that he was a scavenger and would not know how to handle agression is also pretty moot, for the idea that T.Rex is a scavenger is certianly wrong, and even so, he would be a wild animal and would be extremely dangerous when provoked! Even vultures will be extremely vicious and mean when you disturb them! (I saw a clip of them attacking and seriously wounding a jackal when it tried to steal their scavenge) T.Rex agression has also been proven by finding injuries caused by fierce fights between T.Rexes, whatever it was, T.Rex was a very dangerous animal! Heck, just about any big wild animal is dangerous.
And I come to my next point, lets be realistic here, if he's engaging T.Rex unarmed, how the heck is he going to hurt the T.Rex? Could be punch it? Could he kick it? Sure, but how much is that actually going to hurt an 6-ton animal? Just go to the zoo and see if you can knock out an elehant with a punch. In fact, the T.Rex is just so big and massive that HHH or Kurt Angle or any human on his planet could strike away at him all day and not make an impression. Heck, the max HHH could bench press was what? 600 pounds? But how is that even going to bluge the 14,000 pound T.Rex an inch? Could be pedrigee the T.Rex? How can he choke-slam or do any of those cool moves on such an massive animal? On the other hand, I can easily imagine how T.Rex could hurt HHH badly. T.Rex could sideswipe him, ram him, kick him, step on him, or bite him, all of which HHH is not going to survive even one hit. Please, HHH is unbeatable facing humans, but not a T.Rex, the ultimate land carnivore. Could HHH lose a hand-to-hand fight to a small lab rat? No? Same way T.Rex is not going lose an unarmed combat fight with HHH. Plezzee, T.Rex was the HHH/Bruce Lee/Huang Fei Hong (whoever that is)/Mr Badass of the dinosaur world.
Ok, let's leave T.Rex out of the picture. Could HHH or Kurt Angle even win a unarmed fight against a Silverback Gorilla? Trained Silverbacks can easily lift 1,300 pounds, yes lift, not bench press slowly but lift it up easily. And these are just the medium sized ones. Can HHH or Kurt Angle even beat your typical Silverback, let alone the best? I think not. Let alone a 14,000 pound Tyrannosaurus rex. I'm a big fan of these wrestler cooldudes, but please don't make them look lame by pitting them against something way out of their league. And this happens to be Dinosaur talk, why don't you carry your statements to WWF----
----Vince, used to be known as HHH or Ross here, I'm afraid your points indicate a great flaw in the understanding of how reality works.
"Even if he could somehow get a punch or kick in, Kurt wouldn't even feel it."
This is extremely unlikely, Lee could actually put a L- shape bend into a metal bar 2 inches thick. Unless Kurt can wistand Ostriches kicking him, he's going to be in a world of hurt. Besides, martial arts don't concentrate on simply striking the opponent, they concentrate mainly on hiting him where he's the softest and weakest, the eyes, neck, limb joints, pressure points, groin...
"Bruce Lee was just a movie-boy."
This is very untrue, he was actually a dedicated matrtial arts exponent who happened to choose flim as a form of expressing his art. Off screen, he was formidible. He wasn't an actor who could fight, he was a fighter who could act. Of course, a simple movie boy would not be able to do chi-punches which could injure opponents without even touching them, kick 120 kilo punching bags thrown at him back three meters, put a bend in wrought iron bars, kick faster than camera shutter speeds, punch through 2-inch wood planes in a single blow, do dropkicks that can propel people back twenty feet, do immobiblise touches that could paralyze you by simply touching your acuipoints lightly, and the most dangerous death touch, in which simply by striking certain areas in the chest and neck rightly, would induce immediate unconsciousness, followed by certain death if remedial measures were not taken within two minutes, all this off camera and unplugged, and not in the movies. Gee, this sounds a lot like a movie boy. A ankle lock is a lot more dangerous.
Chances are, Kurt won't even know what hit him.
"Kurt actually went out and did something. Won a gold medal, amatuer championships and the WWF title."
You must remember that back then, there wasn't even the WWF, and being an asian, he was discriminated against back then and prevented by the government from doing anything too much that would impact too greatly on the wester worldview. Heck, there were no martial arts competitions back then! Lee was the one to introduce matrial arts itself to the states, and started the entire ball rolling. That is bigger than a gold medal and a WWF title. He wasn't even american just for your information.
" I've never seen a martial artist beat a wrestler in a mixed martial arts competition. Ever. Period. Enough said. "
If you do happen to see one martial artist beat a wrestle in a competition, chances are, the wrestler would be seriously wounded or dead. Martial arts are purely no-nonsense forms of combat that were designed to kill. I mean training dicates if some guy tries to grapple you with his arms, you usually have to do funny things to it and break or dislocate it, something which you can't do in a competition. The martial artists working in these competitions have to restrict themselves heavily to less-violent moves, which involve a few kicks and punches that are a not even a tenth of what they are capable off. If they brought out the entire art, and I mean all joint-strikes and acupi-point blows, eye gouge,finger breakers and so, your wrestler would be lying on the floor convulsing from overfiring nerve synapses and dislocated limbs. All a wrestler has to do is to pin the guy down, ohh, hard. If you are talking about the REAL world outside the wide world of sports, world of hurt for the wrestler.
"He's know for being able to take ungodly amounts of punishment. he once tore his quad (the big muscle in your leg) and still finished the match... including giving wrestler Chris Jericho a pedigree. the tear was later discovered to be 12 inches long! "
That reminds me, the injury was steroid abuse related. Gee, some hero you got there... and aren't you trying to argue that he could beat T-Rex? How just how can he survive getting half of his torso bitten off? A 12-inch tear is a nick by compairism.-----
-----Hey everyone, I've been gone for a while, but I've gotta tell you.. This board has become pretty hillarious in my absence. Now with that said, where to begin...
To the Triple H groupie, personally I never had much respect for the guy, (or any other wrestler for that matter) but he showed everyone that he at least has guts after finishing a match against Jericho with a tron calf muscle. Which is the only real accomplishment that wasn't obviously scripted out that I've seen ever take place in the WWF. But get serious.. Triple H beating a T-Rex? Come on now.. That's boardering on insanity. It would be like a demented T-Rex groupie saying T-Rex could beat a Battleship. (Even thought it has been proven in an earlier thread that T-Rex could destroy the Death Star. heh, j/k. Anyone catch the T-Rex Vs. Darth Vader scene from Indian in the Cupboard?)
What in the world could a wrestler even DO to a six ton plus animal? Stick it in the eye? Triple H is an entertainer, and possibly (I say possibly because I personally know of no proof) that he is a somewhat adept athelte. But literally, what could he DO to a T-Rex? And no, high knee, pedigree, or any other wrestling move isn't even really an option. The only result that could come from even a well built human knee slamming into a T-Rex with any kind of decent force is the knee breaking apart. (I give triple H credit, but his legs aren't the best in the buisness.. Look at how easily he was injured when he simply performed a move incorecctly.)
As for the Pedigree.. forget about it. If he could even jump some twenty plus feet in the air (if he could he would be a basketball player instead and make way more money) to reach T-Rex's head, do you honestly think he could force it towards the ground? If faced even with a four ton, crazed African elephant, the Game would do what any other SANE human being would do. And that's run for his life as fast as his legs will carry him.
Now, moving onto some things that aren't absolutely ludicrous to even discuss... I found the Spinosaurus story written by Bob earlier to be fairly laughable. I fail to see how people not only continue to insist on incorecct jaw strengths for Spinosaurus, but also fail to realize that a T-Rex bite will destroy a Spinosaurus. (And any other living thing that was unlucky enough to receive one of these on flesh) You would think that by now they would learn to stop letting T-Rex get in bites. First Velociraptor, then Spinosaurus, then Giganotosaurus.. And now even Triple H? Ugh.. Who will be next? Steve Irwin?-----
-----I suggest you do your research before dismissing Bruce Lee, (which is I notice, his refrence to small puny people is actually a veiled racist refrence to the asian people)as a overrated, tiny, movie boy who could kick his little legs for the camera really fast. Why? Well you are obviously very unfamilar with what he could really do.
If you want to get under the skin of a Chinese guy, you're not going to shout out, "Hey Mister HHH!" You're going to shout out, "Hey Bruce Lee!" Is it because Bruce Lee was slower than HHH? No. Is it because Bruce Lee wasn't as good a fighter as HHH? No. Is it because Bruce Lee lost the role of Caine in Kung Fu to a guy that isn't even Chinese? No.
If you want to get under the skin of a Chinese guy, you're going to shout out, "Hey Bruce Lee!" because Bruce Lee has no sense of humor. The guy with no sense of humor will make sillier noises as he kicks your ass. Match goes to Lee.
It's mean streets if you're a Chinese guy named Bruce with no sense of humor.
Guys, let us be honest here and look at the facts. Yes HHH is one of the most fighting entertainers in the world and can really make impressive predigree moves look painful when they are actually quite harmless like no one else in movies today. To learn this we just have to watch the behind-the-scenes look at his pratice rigs with his friends (Who happen to become his "hated" opponent in the rings). But is all truth, the match would go to Bruce Lee. To prove this, I will state facts.
Fact: Bruce could punch and kick faster than the shutter speed of a motion picture camera. The camera speed is 24 frames of film per second. Bruce could literaly strike an opponent 'between' frames of film. Directors were constently telling him to slow down. Even when the filmed his attacks in slow motion, his body was a blur of motion and power.
Fact: Bruce could strike an opponent with a power that acknowleged martial arts masters such as Grandmaster Pan Ching Fu and Sifu Shi Youn Ming. can not match (and Pan is known as the Iron fist). Jujitsu Grandmaster Wally Jay attested to watching Bruce, from a standing position,kick a 300 pound body bag into a celling 7 to 8 ft off the ground (Remember that Bruce was only 5ft 4in and weighed about 135 pounds. Secondly, Bruce's hit's were so powerful that the actualy sent shockwaves though the water found in the human body (humans bodies contain close to 75% water). Put simply, the body would collapse.
Fact: Bruce is also, to date, the only one to successfully pull off the most coolest, badass fighting move known in all time: The One-Inch Punch. By summoning up chi energy in his fist, Bruce was able to blast his opponent across the room by just hitting him from a distance of ONE INCH! Let me illustrate this:
Bruce Lee's Fist |--One Inch--| Target And Bruce blew him away!!! That guy on the recieving end was a a judo expert heavier than Bruce, flew backwards, hit a wall and fall down NOTE: This was NOT in a movie, this was in a fighting exposition.
Fact: Unless his life or that of his family was threated, Bruce would rarely fight. Rather he would talk or joke his way out of a fight. He would often stop an opponent that was trying to attack him by pointing out any mistakes he made in their attack and would show them how to do it properly. How does this help? Unlike certain people who get into bar fights and then get beaten, this shows our character here takes life seriously and is not too humble to keep his powers under restraint. True masters have powerful disipline.
Was Bruce Lee unbeatable? Bruce himself would have told that he was far from the perfect fighter and that he could be beaten. But in this case, and I am positive that HHH would agree, the match would go to the Dragon.
As for Jacky Chan, he wasn't all that a great martial artist, he was after all, just a stunt man, abbet, a very clever one, be able to use anything, and I mean anything found in the urban enviroment as a weapon. If this match had taken place in a hardware store or a backalley cluttered with junk I'd have gone with Jackie Chan. Only MacGyver is more dangerous in a hardware store than him and that's because he could be a nuclear arsenal in there. In that case, HHH will find him arms constantly trapped within the rugs of a cleverly thrown and placed ladder or some tangley piece of furniture, himself slipping on marbles on the floor, dodging flying paincans launched by hardcover books, find himself constantly fustrated behind a chair that is kept being kicked in front of him, wondering why the heck he is juggling glass bottles of thinner, finding it extremely hard to grapple Chan due to expert hand work with a flimsly stool, finding himself constantly bonked on the head when he is tricked into chasing Chan into something hard and unrelenting, stepping on nails, dodging improvised chainsaws (which are actually hacksaw blades running on the motor of the convient lathe), trying to get expertly trust newspapers out of his eyes, tripping on a broomstick that was somehow wedged between his limbs and so on and so forth. He won't even have the time to grapple.
And if you are still stubbornly believing that HHH can even have a wisper of hope in prevailing, I give you three words to destroy your case: Huang Fei Hong.
Don't know him? No wonder you like HHH.-----
----HHH once tore a calf muscle in order to win the match. Using similar logic, he tries to batter Lee's fists with his own face. Not only does this result in HHH losing the fight, it also knocks all his teeth out, making his speach even harder to understand than Lee's.----
----Unbeknownst to the HHH and Kurt Angle who are bragging on how much their fan boys blow them way out of their size, the little chinese window washer waiting outside is just listening to them.
"I like to let people talk and see how full of *@$# they are." (Rush Hour) ---
He breaks in using an African bracelet, pulls out his bucket and aluminum ladder(tm, c, r) and makes HHH into a waffle. Then, he, through his skills in martial arts and stunts, gets Kurt Angle to charge him and run out the window. "You know he's dead" (Chris Tucker, Rush Hour)-----
----I had to vote for T-Rex. Even though he's getting kind of frighteningly large and always walks around showing that set of fearsome teeth with a "Don't mess with me!" kind of look on his face, I can't get over the fact that H Hopless H is seriously trying to take T-Rex on. As if a few slabs of steriod-cured muscle of his chiseled musculature are going to protect him from THE WRATH OF TYRANNOSAURUS(tm). What a retard.----
----After a short series of brutal fights against B.L, I see HUNTED HERSTED-Helmsley on a busy street corner holding a sign which says "Will kick )(*& for food."
Never bet on the big guy.----
----Guys guys guys, you're forgetting that there are a lot of other people who could wipe the floor with HHH's and Kurt's guts than simply Bruce Lee (who could have propelled them into orbit with a kick). You're forgetting one of the greatest Martial Artists of all time too, in such a situtation, this man should not have been left out, no man is an island, except him...
HHH and Kurt Angle are locked in a grudge match after the latter accidently suggested Bruce Lee might be able to beat them. Disagreeing violently, Kurt decides to show some moves on HHH to prove to him that there is no chance of Bruce have a chance against them, and the fight starts. Unknown to both contestants there is a third person in the room. It's Lo Wang, almost invisible in all his ninja sneak skills, is looking for something worth killing. He looks at the two contestants. In an attempt to make the fight a fair one, he sneaks into the closet and starts taking off weapons. He puts down the BFG [tm], the katana, the claw thing, the tatical nuke, the uzi, the railgun, the throwing stars...etc. He leaves during the first piledriver move.
By the time it returns with a spoon from the employee cafeteria the fight has gotten quite messy, but as wrestling moves are a spectale but generally harmless, both HHH and Kurt are in barely injured.
"So, is it true that stuntmen are scared to work with you ?" mutters the Kurt, delivering an atomic wedgie that would be the envy of the whole fifth grade.
"Well, is it true that you bought your last rank?" gasps the HHH, breaking free with a brutal Purple Nerple. The two washed-up thugs back off and head for the corners.
"Steroids make you stupid, you know that?" Kurt the Burt hisses.
"Well, I know pasta makes you fat, which you don't seem to have figured out."
At this point the Lo Wang turns visible, tapping the spoon on his wristguard. Both opponents turn to face this new threat.
The WWF wrestler is first to the quip.
"I am the GAME, I'll kick your arse!" HHH rushes up and attempts to Pedrigree the shadow warrior, but the move causes as much real damage as it does on a wrestling run, which is none. What HHH has managed to do sucessfully is however, left his groin unprotected and open for Lo Wang . A punishing gouge to the nether regions leaves HHH curled up in a little ball gasping, "Script doctor!"
The larger and more ponderous Kurt makes his move. "You are going to be sorry that your mother ever gave b. . .ever. . . raised you." He grasps the Lo Wang's non-weapon arm and does some complex wrestling move that by wrestling rules would make the reciever of it cry like a baby. Unfortunately, the Lo Wang is 100% not wrestler and he does not follow the rule that you should make-relatively-painless-wrestling-moves-seem-more-painful-than-they-really-are and the arm bends comfortably. Lo Wang then whacks Seagal on the forehead hard enough to bend the spoon at a right angle, dropping him to his knees.
Final scores:
HHH, 2 out of 10 for wisecracks, 2 out of 10 for combat, total 4 /20.
Kurt Angle: 3 out of 10 for wisecracks, 2 out of 10 for combat. Total 5/20
Lo Wang: 0 out of 10 for wisecracks, 9 out of 10 for combat. Total 9/20.
"You are tiny grasshopper, HHH and Kurt!"
I voted for Seagal. . .but I didn't like it.----
----HHH vs. T.Rex?
Let's see now:
A demented wrestler whose main skills are surviving close encounters with large, stupid people while commenting on the aesthetics of their intelligence while igonring the fact that he has to be pretty low on intelligence to be fighting them too, vs... a bunch of a large carnivorous dinosaur with sharp teeth.
I would like to have said Mr. H "Hunter" Triple H has this in the bag, no? But these are no crocodiles, mister. These are swift-moving, flesh-rending, bus-sized movie monsters of the subclass Archosauria, and they're not about to let some idiot with a goofy "I am the Game" catchphrase examine their teeth without having to buy a one way ticket down the gullet (unless he's a licensed dentist, which I doubt).
"Danger! Danger!" indeed. This match is over before you can say "What big teeth you have, Grandma!"
Watch for HHH's next apperance in "The Monster Turd"----
The Simplest and most elegant response:
"This match would be so one-sided Lee will end up spanking Kurt like a
Vandal in Singapore."
from The Final Word,
age ?,
September 6, 2001
"I'm the Game, I'm that d)(*&... AAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUGGGGGHGHHHHH!!!" *crunch, splinter, crush, other wet squishy sounds*
Bruce Lee:"Foo Foo Fool, you are now fu fu peking duck." *pours duck
sauce over HHH's horribly mutilated body, and passes him to Hannibal
along with some chinese duck pasta...
from Zog, the Secret Voice of the Monkey
age ?,
September 6, 2001
Bruce may be briefly taken off guard by the sudden appearance of an overdosed steriod-abusing wrestler in the ring, but he will quickly mop the floor with The Hulk.
The first obvious reason is, of course, speed. Except when he is running away when he's getting his sissy butt kicked, the HHH always moves in slow motion. Bruce, on the other hand, moves with effortless and frightening speed. He could take the HHH and form him into a ball, bounce him a few times, and then punch him into a nearby water barrel before the HHH even knew what was going on, all the while mumbling to himself various undoubtedly witty chinese proverbs of which meaning we have no understanding of under his breath.
Another reason is intelligence. Sure, Bruce actually went to get a good education, compared to the HHH, he is a virtual genius. Let's look at HHH: This so-called "Wrestler", who is supposedly smart enough to understand steriod effects on human biochemistry, is too stupid even to avoiding overdosing on it to lead to tearing muscles easily as a side-effect. And then, when he is in the ring, he has even less intelligence and common sense. Case in point: Wrestlers don't have the intelligence of a slow-thinking Stegosaurus. HHH won't comprehend what's going on (as usual), and will become easy prey for Bruce.
All I gotta say is that this particular HHH better go back to
play-bashing other dimwits of his kind and avoid the REAL
from Jericho,
age ?,
September 6, 2001
"HA HA. HHH vs tiny Bruce Lee, that'd be like the USA military vs. some tiny or backwards country's like japan or china or one of the others. AnIlaTiOn. HA HA HA We rule the world like HHH rules the ring! HHH is like a f-15, a F-14, a F-22, the battleship Missouri, all our carriers, the B-1 and B-2 vs a single 60's technology Mig 17 (like those countries are still flying HA HA HA)"
Let's see, a penny pinching country with low, WW2 technology managed to hold off and defeat us when we were using supersonic bombers and fighters, chemical weapons, advanced munitions, yadda...yadda...yadda... Anybody remember Vietman?
By the way, HHH happens to be talentless besides boasting. A fight
between him and Bruce Lee would be like the Gulf War, where a force
numerically inferior 5 to 1 to another supposedly, formidible by
reputation force, trashed and blasted its way through without any
problems. Read this carefully, HHH is like the Iraqi army, large in
strength, big in talk, good in bullying but relatively useless
otherwise. Bruce Lee is like the allied forces in the Gulf War, going
by tatics, presision strikes instead of sheer brute anyhow hit force.
HHH is going down....
from Jericho,
age ?,
September 6, 2001
Let's see:
Fact one: Steriod abusers are whimps
Fact two: HHH abuses steriods in quantity.
Fact three: Chinese eat dogs.
Fact four: You must be helluva tough and brave to eat dogs.
Fact four: Burce Lee was Chinese.
Conclusion: The helluva tough and brave guy vs a whimp...
Isn't it obvious? Bruce Lee will EASILY win! Just look at the size
difference between him and HHH!
from Ibanez,
age ?,
September 6, 2001
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